Imágenes de páginas

No. 228.


Havana, June 3, 1900.

The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order:

I. Any judge of primera instancia, on presentation of satisfactory proof that the testimony of any person is competent and will be necessary on the trial of any criminal proceeding; may compel such person to give bond with or without sureties, at his discretion, to appear and to testify in such criminal proceeding; and for that purpose any judge may issue a warrant against such person under his hand and official seal, directed to any officer authorized to execute process in behalf of the Government, to arrest and bring before him such person.

II. If the person so arrested should neglect or refuse to give bond in the manner required, he will remain under the surveillance of the authorities and be compelled to present himself every five days to the court or tribunal until he has been declared at liberty by either of them. The person who under such circumstances should avoid or try to avoid the surveillance of the authorities will be arrested and remain in custody during the whole period of the trial, at the discretion of the judge.


Assistant Adjutant-General.

No. 269.


Havana, July 3, 1900.

The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of State and Government, directs the publication of the following order:

I. Requisitorial letters addressed to foreign countries must be forwarded to the Department of State and Government through the department to which the official issuing the document belongs.

II. They shall be addressed, in form of petition, to the authority whose action is solicited; they must contain an offer of reciprocal action and have all the requirements which make them valid and authentic in accordance with the laws in force.


Assistant Adjutant-General.


No. 311.


Habana, 8 de Agosto de 1900. El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido á bien disponer la publicación de la siguente orden:

Quedan, por la presente, modificados los artículos IV, XLVII y XLVIII de la Orden No. 213, cuartel general de la División de Cuba, serie de 1900, debiendo leerse como siguen:

IV. La denuncia podrá hacerse ante cualquier juez correccional, haciendo constar que un individuo ha amenazado cometer un acto punible contra la persona ó propiedad de otro. Recibida la denuncia, el juez examinará al denunciante, bajo juramento, y á los testigos que presentare, consignando por escrito las declaraciones, que hará firmar por los declarantes. Si de las mismas aparecen motivos fundados para creer que el denunciado ha amenazado cometer el acto punible de que se trata, el juez librará la correspondiente orden de arresto, la cual será dirigida á cualquier funcionario de policía, expresando en la misma lo sustancial de la denuncia, ordenando á dicho funcionario que proceda á la detención del acusado y lo conduzca á presencia del juez. Si después de haberse prestado las declaraciones de todos los interesados no apareciesen motivos fundados para creer que el acusado ha amenazado cometer el acto punible denunciando, el juez ordenará que se le ponga en libertad, pero si de dicha audiencia resultaren motivos fundados para creer que el denunciado ha amenazado cometer tal acto punible, se le podrá exigir la prestación de una fianza, que no excederá de quinientos pesos, y que presente uno ó más fiadores, á discreción del juez, obligándose á no perturbar el orden social y especialmente á no molestar al denunciante. Esta fianza será eficaz durante el término de seis meses, y en el caso de nueva denuncia se le podrá exigir una nueva fianza.

XLVII. Siempre que se tratare de faltas, el juez podrá imponer condenas que no excedan de treinta días de arresto, con ó sin trabajos, á discreción del juez, ó multas que no sean superiores á treinta pesos.

XLVIII. Tratándose de delitos de la competencia del juzgado, el juez podrá imponer condenas que no excedan de seis meses de encarcelamiento, con ó sin trabajos, á discreción del juez, ó multas que no pasen de quinientos pesos, pero en el caso de no pagarse la multa impondrá la pena de prisión á razón de un día por cada peso no pagado, como queda dispuesto en el artículo XLIV (Orden No. 213 de 1900). El Comandante de Estado Mayor,


No. 311.

HEADQUARTERS DIVISION OF CUBA, Havana, August 8, 1900. The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order:

Articles IV, XLVII, and XLVIII of Order No. 213, Headquarters Division of Cuba, series 1900, are hereby modified to read as follows:

IV. A complaint may be made before any judge of a correctional court that a person has threatened to commit an offense against the person or property of another. On receipt of such complaint the judge shall examine the complainant, on oath, together with any witnesses he may produce, and he shall take the declarations in writing. and cause them to be subscribed to by the parties making them. If it appears from the declarations that there is just reason to believe that the person so complained of has threatened to commit the offense the judge shall issue a warrant directed to any officer of police, stating the substance of the complaint, and commanding the officer to arrest the person complained of and bring him before the court. If, upon hearing the testimony of all parties, it appears that there is no just reason to believe that the threat of committing the offense was made, the judge must discharge the person complained of. If, after such hearing, there is just reason to believe that the threat of committing the offense was made, the person complained of may be required to give bond in such sum, not exceeding five hundred dollars, with one or more sureties, as the judge may direct, to keep the peace toward the people and particularly toward the complainant. This bond shall be valid and binding for a period of six months, and upon the renewal of the complaint a new bond may be required.

XLVII. In all cases of faltas the judge may impose sentence of not more than thirty days' imprisonment, with or without labor, at the discretion of the judge, or not more than thirty dollars' fine.

XLVIII. In all cases of delito within the jurisdiction of the court the judge may impose sentence of not more than six months' imprisonment, with or without labor, at the discretion of the judge, nor more than five hundred dollars' fine, but in case of nonpayment of fine, imprisonment shall be imposed at the rate of one day for each dollar not paid, as provided for in Article XLIV. (Order No. 213, of 1900.) J. B. HICKEY,

Assistant Adjutant-General.


Habana, 17 de Septiembre de 1900. El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido á bien disponer la publi

cación de lo siguiente:


Al Gobernador Militar de Cuba.

Habana, 6 de Septiembre de 1900.

SEÑOR: Esta secretaría ha examinado en la parte necesaria los autos de la testamentaría de Don Francisco y Don Joaquín Dejado de Villate, con inclusión del cuaderno de audiencia, así como los informes emitidos por el juez de 1." instancia y la sala de lo civil de la audiencia de la Habana que han intervenido en ese asunto, objeto de las quejas en esta secretaría presentadas á nombre de varios interesados. Ese examen me permite exponer á ese cuartel general lo siguiente:

Dicha testamentaría se promovió en 1872, practicándose la cuenta de partición de los bienes entre los herederos en 1881.

Aunque el heredero Don Carlos Villate, impugnó dicha cuenta, fué aprobada por sentencia firme.

Paralizados los autos durante algún tiempo, falleció el citado heredero Don Carlos Villate bajo disposición testamentaria en que instituyó heredera universal á su esposa D.a María del Rosario Piedrahita, nombrando albacea, tenedora y administradora de bienes en primer lugar á la misma señora, y en segundo lugar al Ledo. D. Federico Martínez de Quintana.

Dicha señora se personó en los autos que volvieron á quedar paralizados en 1895.

En 1899 se personó Don Francisco Vianello, que reunió el poder de todos los herederos y pidió que se le pusiera en posesión de los bienes del juicio, disponiéndolo así el juzgado.

Pero al cumplir esa disposición judicial, se dió posesión á Vianello de fincas que no pertencían á la testamentaría ni á los herederos.

Los diversos propietarios y poseedores de dichas fincas, despojados de ellas por Vianello, acudieron sucesivamente al juzgado, solicitando ser amparados por éste en su posesión.

El juzgado en distintas resoluciones amparó á todos.

El apoderado de los herederos, Vianello, contra varias de esas resoluciones interpuso el recurso de apelación para ante la audiencia.

El juzgado oyó esas apelaciones en un solo efecto; lo que permitía que el amparo se hiciese efectivo desde luego, á reserva de lo que por virtud de las apelaciones resolviese la audiencia. Pero en un caso, contraviniendo su criterio ya sentado, incurriendo en evidente inconsecuencia, oyó á Vianello la apelación en ambos efectos; con lo cual


Havana, September 17, 1900. The military governor of Cuba directs the publication of the


Havana, September 6, 1900.

To the Military Governor of Cuba.

SIR: This department has examined to the necessary extent the records of the estate of Dn. Francisco and Dn. Joaquín Dejado de Villate, including the record of the audiencia, as well as the reports of the judge of primera instancia and of the sala de lo civil of the audiencia of Havana which have taken part in this matter, the subject of complaints addressed to this department in the name of various interested parties. This examination enables me to report the following to your headquarters:

The probate of this estate began in 1872, a partition of the property amongst the heirs being made in 1881.

Although the heir Dn. Carlos Villate objected to the account, it was approved by a final decision.

The proceedings were suspended for some time and the said heir Dn. Carlos Villate died, leaving a will in which he constituted as his universal heir his wife, Da. María del Rosario Piedrahita, naming in the first place said wife as executrix, holder and administratrix of the property, and appointing Ldo. Dn. Federico Martínez de Quintana in the second place.

The aforesaid lady became a party to the proceedings, which were again suspended in 1895.

In 1899, Dn. Francisco Vianello appeared in the proceedings with a power of attorney of all the heirs and asked that he be given possession of the property involved. This was granted by the judge.

But in carrying out this judicial order possession was given to Vianello of estates which did not belong either to the estate or to the heirs.

The various owners and holders of said estates dispossessed by Vianello appealed to the judge, asking that they be protected in the possession thereof.

The judge rendered various decisions in favor of all.

Vianello, as representative of the heirs, appealed to the audiencia from several of these decisions.

The judge granted these appeals without stay, which allowed that possession be had immediately, pending the judgment of the audiencia on the appeal, but in one case, in contravention to his opinion already given, and with evident inconsistency, he granted Vianello the appeal together with a stay, by means of which the possession which had been

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