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The law of civil procedure and the civil code in force have consecrated the right of possession and protected parties dispossessed, but the procedure to obtain said protection is deficient, expensive, and lengthy.

The abuse to which I refer has been and is still a source of dishonest practices. Persons holding trustworthy documents to prove their ownership and quietly and peacefully in possession of their property are compelled to enter into a protracted and expensive suit to prove that the property, erroneously or maliciously seized as belonging to the debtor and embargoed, belongs exclusively to them. Persons owning an estate by legal title are disturbed in its possession or deprived thereof, and often justice is only done to them after a protracted suit, during which the products of the estate pass into the hands of a third party known as judicial administrator appointed by the disturber or despoiler. When the time for reparation comes it is already too late; the products of the estate have either disappeared with the administrator or are used to pay the expenses of the suit, or those of the judicial administration.

This great abuse, I repeat, is a source of dishonest practices giving rise to many judicial questions which are the despair and ruin of families.

The necessity of remedying this evil is the greater from the fact that very often in the island of Cuba owners of rural property hold possession in good faith and by legal title, and, notwithstanding this, they see themselves disturbed in the possession of the property or deprived thereof without being able to claim it because of failure to record same in the registry of property. Another cause of spoliation or disturbance is the fact that a great many rural properties are without marked boundaries because they form part of extensive landed estates known in this country by the generic name of "Haciendas Comuneras."

The undersigned secretary believes that he will bring about an efficient legal reformation and eradicate a deep and long-lasting evil by recommending to you the following draft of an order, which will furnish a real guarantee to owners and possessors of landed estates, providing them with a remedy against illegal disturbance and seizures, so detrimental to public order.

Yours respectfully,

MIGUEL GENER, Secretary.

No. 362.

Havana, September 17, 1900.

The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the
Secretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order:
I. Whenever the court of tribunals of justice, civil or criminal,

criminales, se disponga algún embargo ú ocupación de bienes de cualquiera clase, se determinarán éstos con precisión, así como el nombre de la persona contro quien se decreta el embargo ú ocupación, ó á quien se atribuye la propiedad de dichos bienes.

II. El funcionario encargado de practicar dicho embargo ú ocupación, limitará la diligencia á los bienes expresamente determinados; y si aún respecto de esto resultare que están poseídos á título de dueño por persona distinto de la designada y se le exhibiere documento público que compruebe que esa distinta persona era dueño ó poseedor antes de la fecha de la resolución en que se dispuso la ocupación ó em bargo, se abstendrá de practicar la diligencia en cuanto á los bienes que se encuentren en ese caso.

III. Todo aquel que, por disposición judicial ó á consecuencia de ella, dictada en actuaciones civiles ó criminales, en que no figure como parte ni se le haya oído, fuere despojado ó perturbado en el dominio ó posesión de bienes de cualquiera clase que, por sí ó por medio de otras personas, posea en concepto de dueño ó de causahabiente del dueño, con anterioridad á la fecha de aquella disposición, deberá ser inmediatamente amparado en la posesión por el juez ó tribunal de quien proceda aquella disposición ó que esté conociendo de los autos por cualquier motivo, aunque sea por el de apelación y aun cuando por cualquiera causa haya quedado el juicio ó las actuaciones en suspenso.

IV. Para obtener el amparo á que se refiere el artículo anterior, será suficiente que el perturbado ó despojado lo solicite por escrito, siempre que los fundamentos que justifiquen su solicitud, ya se refieran al dominio ó ya á la posesión, consten en los mismos autos ó en otros que sean principales ó incidentes de los mismos; ó en caso contrario, se presenten documentos fehacientes que comprueben dichos fundamentos.

En cualquiera de estos dos casos, el juez ó tribunal, sin audiencia de nadie, decretará en el acto el amparo imponiendo las costas al perturbador ó despojante, y disponiendo que en el mismo día se practiquen las diligencias ó se libren y entreguen al reclamante las comunicaciones que sean necesarias para hacer efectivo dicho amparo; y que al efecto se hagan las prevenciones pertinentes al perturbador ó, en su caso, se restituya en la posesión al despojado. La condena de costas no se hará efectiva mientras no se notifique al condenado á su pago y quede firme dicha resolución.

V. Si se declarase sin lugar el amparo, se impondrán las costas al reclamante. Éste podrá pedir, dentro de tres días, reposición de dicha resolución; cuyo recurso, también sin audiencia de nadie, se resolverá dentro del día siguiente al de su interposición. Y si se declarase sin

direct the embargo or occupation of property of any kind, the latter shall be specified with all exactness, as well as the name of the person against whom the embargo or occupation is ordered or who is considered to be the owner of said property.

II. The functionary charged with the execution of said embargo or occupation shall limit his action to the property expressly described; and even if it should appear that the latter is held in possession under a title of ownership by a different person from the one specified, and he should be shown a public document which proves that the said different person was owner or possessor prior to the date of the decree providing for the occupation or embargo, he shall abstain from any action in regard to properties in this condition.

III. All persons who by some judicial decree, or in consequence thereof, issued in civil or criminal suits, in which they are not parties nor have been heard, may have been dispossessed or disturbed in the control or possession of properties of any kind which they may possess themselves or through other persons as owners or as heirs and assigns of owners prior to the date of the aforesaid decree, shall be immediately protected in the possession of the same by the judge or court from which said decree was issued, or which may have cognizance of the proceedings for any reasons whatsoever, even should it be through appeal taken, and even when for any reason the suit or proceedings should have been suspended.

IV. To obtain the protection referred to in the preceding article, it will be sufficient that the party disturbed or dispossessed request it in writing, on condition that the grounds that justify him in making his request, whether they refer to the control or to the possession of the property, appear in the proceedings of the suit or in others that may be principal or incidental thereto; or in a contrary case, provided that authenticated documents be presented proving said grounds.

In either of these two cases the judge or court, without hearing anyone, shall forthwith order that protection be given, condemning the disturber or dispossessor to the payment of costs, and directing that on the same day action be taken, or that there be issued and delivered to the claimant the communications that may be necessary to make effective said protection; and that for said purpose the proper warnings be given to the disturber or, as the case may be, that the party dispossessed have his property restored to him. The collection of costs shall not be made effective until the party condemned to their payment is notified and the said decision becomes final.

V. Should protection be denied, the payment of costs shall be imposed upon the claimant. The latter may request within three days the reversal of said decison; which recourses, also without hearing any other parties, shall be decided before the close of the day following that

lugar el recurso se impondrán también las costas al recurrente. Éste podra apelar dentro de tercero día.

VI. Si se declarase con lugar el amparo, una vez practicado lo necesario para hacerlo efectivo, se notificará la resolución á los que sean partes en el juicio ó actuaciones, quienes podrán pedir reposición dentro de tres días; cuyo recurso se sustanciará en la forma que para los de esa clase previene la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil. Si se resolviere declarándolo sin lugar, se impondrán al recurrente las costas; y en caso contrario, se impondrán al que solicitó el amparo. La resolución será apelable dentro de tercero día.

VII. Si dispuesto un embargo, ocupación ó remate de bienes determinados, se comprendiesen, al llevar á efecto la diligencia ó acto dispuesto, otros bienes, el juzgado ó tribunal deberá subsansar de oficio esa informalidad ó extralimitación tan pronto como se entere de ella, disponiendo, sin demora y sin previa audiencia de nadie, que se excluyan de la diligencia ó acto los bienes indebidamente comprendidos; practicándose para esto cuanto sea necesario, incluso el libramiento de órdenes, mandamientos y exhortos que en cada caso se requieran. Contra esta resolución, después de cumplida, se podrán interponer los recursos de reposición y apelación en la forma y dentro de los términos establecidos en el artículo anterior.

No obstante la obligación de proceder de oficio, los jueces y tribunales, en los casos á que este artículo se refiere, podrán los perjudicados con aquella extralimitación pedir que se subsane, utilizando para ello el recurso de amparo que en esta orden se establece.

VIII. Si los fundamentos que justifiquen el recurso de amparo no constan en los autos en que se deduzca ó en sus principales ó incidentes, ni se presentaren documentos públicos de cualquier clase que los comprueben, el juez ó tribunal señalará día y hora dentro de los seis días siguientes, para que comparezcan los interesados con las pruebas que tuvieren y oyendo en ese acto á dichos interesados ó á sus abogados y apreciando las pruebas que en el acto presentaren, las cuales podrán ser de cualquier clase si se refieren al hecho de la posesión, ó sólo de documentos públicos si se refieren á la propiedad, dictará su resolución en el propio acto ó á más tardar dentro del día siguiente; la cual se cumplirá inmediatamente sin necesidad de notificación previa si en ella se declarase con lugar el recurso.

La resolución que se dicte por cualquier juez, será en todo caso apelable dentro de tercero día.

IX. Todas las apelaciones podrán establecerse por diligencias en los

on which the recourse was instituted. And if the reversal should be denied, the cost shall also be imposed upon the claimant. The latter may appeal within three days.

VI. Sould protection be allowed, as soon as the necessary action has been taken to make it effective notice of the decision shall be given to the parties in the suit or proceedings, who may ask for a reversal within three days. This recourse shall be substantiated in the manner prescribed for such recourses by the Law of Civil Procedure. If the appeal should be declared groundless, the appellant shall be condemned to the payment of costs, and if otherwise, they shall be imposed upon the party asking for protection. The decision may be appealed against within the third day.

VII. Should an embargo, occupation, or auction sale of certain properties be ordered and other properties be included at the time of the execution of said order, the court or tribunal must of its own accord correct the said informality or excess of authority as soon as it may be informed thereof by ordering, without delay and without hearing anyone, that properties thus unduly included be excluded from the action, taking all measures that may be necessary for the purpose, including the issuance of orders, warrants, and requisitorial letters which may be required in every case. Against such a decision, after it has been carried into effect, recourses of reversal and appeal may be had in the form and within the terms established in the preceding article.

Notwithstanding the fact that judges and courts must proceed of their own accord in the cases to which this article refers, the parties injured by the said excess of authority may request that it be corrected, using for that purpose the appeal for protection that is established by this order.

VIII. If the grounds that justify the appeal for protection do not appear in the proceedings of the case itself, or in others principal or incidental thereto, nor public documents of any kind are presented proving the same, the judge or court shall appoint a day and hour within the following six days for the appearance of the interested parties with the proofs that they may have, and he shall give said interested parties or their attorneys a hearing and weigh the proofs which they bring. These may be of any kind whatsoever if they refer to the fact of possession, or may consist only of public documents if they refer to the ownership, and decision shall be rendered forthwith, or at latest before the ending of the following day, which decision shall be immediately enforced, without any necessity of prior notification, if it declares that the protection is allowed.

A decision rendered by any judge is appealable in every case within three days.

IX. All appeals may be instituted by endorsement on the records

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