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No. 520.


Havana, December 21, 1900. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of justice, directs the publication of the following order: I. Order No. 438, current series, these headquarters, is hereby amended in the manner expressed in the following articles.

II. The required preparation of abstracts established by the Law of Civil Procedure is hereby suppressed in all cases in which they should be prepared in accordance with said law or any other rulings in force at the present time.

III. The suppression referred to in the preceding article does not deprive litigants of any right or appeal granted to them by the laws in force; and therefore the period specified in article 704 of the Law of Civil Procedure shall continue in force, but solely for the purposes provided for in articles 705 and 706 of the same law.

IV. In all appeals for annulment of decisions, for infraction of the law or of doctrine, or for infringement of form in civil matters or interadministrative ones, after said appeals have been admitted there shall always be handed up to the Supreme Court, by the sentencing judge or tribunal, the court or governmental records, as the case may be, in connection with which the appeals may have been filed.

V. When the appeals to which the preceding article refers are filed for infraction of the law or of doctrine, the certificate as to points existing in the records or as to their nonexistence, as the case may be, which is referred to in Article VIII of Order No. 92, series of 1899, Headquarters Division of Cuba, shall not be issued.

The said certificate or certificates, as the case may be, shall only be issued and delivered to the appellant in appeals for infraction of the law or of doctrine in criminal matters, that he may present them on appearing before the Supreme Court.

VI. In the appeals mentioned in the preceding article the period to elapse prior to appearance shall begin to count, in accordance with provisions of Article IX of the said Order No. 92 for those which are filed for defect in form.

VII. In the said appeals, if the identity of the individual presenting himself in person before the Supreme Court should be duly proven in the judicial or governmental records, as the case may be, that have to be handed up in original form to the Supreme Court, in accordance with provisions of Article IV of this order, it will not be necessary to present the power to which clause 1 of Article. XXVI of the said order 92 of 1899 refers.

VIII. Article XXIX of said Order No. 92 is hereby declared to be

declara inaplicable á los recursos de casación en materia civil ó contencioso-administrativa, el artículo XLI de la misma orden.

IX. Quedan derogadas también todas las demás disposiciones anteriores, que se opongan á las contenidas en la presente orden.

X. Esta orden empezará á regir desde su publicación en la Gaceta de la Habana; y se aplicará á los pleitos pendientes de resolución en la actualidad.

El Teniente Coronel de Estado Mayor,


null and void, and Article XLI of the same order is declared inapplicable to appeals for annulment of decisions in civil or interadministrative matters.

IX. All former rulings are also hereby declared to be null and void that may be antagonistic to the provisions of this order.

X. This order shall have due legal effect from the date of its publication in the Gazette of Havana; and shall be applied to suits pending settlement at the present time.





ART. 17. La exención de responsabilidad criminal declarada en los números 1.o, 2.o, 3.o, 8.°, y 11.° del artículo 8.o, no comprende la de la responsabilidad civil, la cual se hará efectiva con sujeción á las reglas siguientes:

Primera. En los casos 1.o, 2.o, y 3.o son responsables civilmente por los hechos que ejecutaren el loco ó imbécil y el menor de nueve años, ó el mayor de esta edad y menor de quince que no haya obrado con discernimiento, los que los tengan bajo su potestad, guarda legal ó dominio, á no hacer constar que no hubo por su parte culpa ni negligencia.

No habiendo persona que los tenga bajo su potestad, guarda legal ó dominio, ó siendo aquélla insolvente, responderán con sus bienes los mismos locos, imbéciles ó menores, salvo el beneficio de competencia en la forma que establezca la ley civil.

Segunda. En el caso del núm. 8.° son responsables civilmente las personas en cuyo favor se haya precavido el malá proporción del beneficio que hubieren reportado.

Los tribunales señalarán, según su prudente arbitrio, la cuota proporcional de que cada interesado deba responder.

Cuando no sean equitativamente asignables, ni aun por aproximación, las cuotas respectivas, ó cuando la responsabilidad se extienda al estado ó á la mayor parte de una población, y en todo caso, siempre que el daño se hubiere causado con el asentimiento de la autoridad ó de sus agentes, se hará la indemnización en la forma que establezcan las leyes ó reglamentos especiales.

Tercera. En el caso del núm. 11 responderán principalmente los que hubieren causado el miedo, y subsidiariamente, y en defecto de ellos, los que hubieren ejecutado el hecho, salvo, respecto á éstos últimos, el beneficio de competencia.

ART. 18. Son también responsables civilmente, en defecto de los que lo sean criminalmente, los posaderos, taberneros y cualesquiera personas ó empresas por los delitos que se cometieren en los establecimientos



ART. 17. The exemption from criminal liability declared in Nos. 1, 2, 3, 8, and 11 of article 8 does not include exemption from civil liability, which shall be enforced subject to the following rules:

(1) In cases 1, 2, and 3, the persons who are civilly liable for acts committed by a lunatic or imbecile, or a person under 9 years of age, or over this age and under 15, who has not acted with the exercise of judgment, are those who have them under their authority, legal guardianship, or power, unless they prove that there was no blame or negligence on their part.

Should there be no person having them under his authority, legal guardianship, or power, or if such person be insolvent, the said lunatics, imbeciles, or minors shall answer with their own property, excepting that part which is exempted for their support in accordance with the civil law.

(2) In the case of No. 8, those persons are civilly liable from whom the injury was warded off in proportion to the benefit they may have derived.

The court shall fix, according to its judgment, the proportional amount for which each interested party shall be liable.

When the respective amounts can not be equitably apportioned, even approximately, or when the liability extends to the State or the greater part of a town, and in any case, if the damage were caused with the assent of the authorities or their agents, indemnity shall be made in the manner prescribed by special laws and regulations.

(3) In the case of No. 11, those who caused the fear shall be principally liable, and subsidiarily, in the absence of the former, those who committed the act, reserving with regard to the latter the benefit of competency.

ART. 18. Innkeepers, tavern keepers, and any other persons or enterprises shall be civilly liable, in the absence of persons criminally so, for crimes committed within their establishments, whenever any

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