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The translator of the Code of Criminal Procedure in force in Cuba and Porto Rico begs to call attention to the fact that a large number of decisions of the Supreme Court of Madrid have been inserted as footnotes, which serve to elucidate the language of the text. These decisions are authoritative interpretations and in the Spanish courts have practically the force of law.

The references, also inserted as footnotes, calling attention to other laws in force, to royal decrees and military orders which modify the procedure prescribed by the code, it is thought will also aid in making the work of practical use, both for those who desire to inform themselves as to the methods of Spanish procedure and those called upon to practice before the courts in the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico.

At the suggestion of a number of attorneys, the Spanish text, taken from official editions of the law, has also been inserted for purposes of convenience.

The Cuban civil orders contained in the first appendix have been inserted as published by the respective authorities, and in many cases the English equivalents of the Spanish terms will be found to differ from those used by the translator in the text of the law.

An effort has been made to secure as correct a translation as possible, and in some cases the translator may be accused of sacrificing what may be called good English for fidelity to the original text. He has been constantly on his guard against making an interpretation of law instead of a translation.


I certify that the following is a copy of the translation of the Law of Criminal Procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico on file in the Insular Division of the War Department, made under its direction.


Chief of Division.


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II. De la competencia de los jueces y tribunales en lo criminal..........
Capítulo I. De las reglas por donde se determina la compe-

II. De las cuestiones de competencia entre los jueces
y Tribunales ordinarios....

III. De las competencias negativas y de las que se pro-
mueven con jueces ó tribunales especiales, y de
los recursos de queja contra las autoridades ad-

III. De las recusaciones y excusas de los magistrados, jueces, asesores y
auxiliares de los juzgados y tribunales, y de la abstención del
ministerio fiscal...

Capítulo I. Disposiciones generales.

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II. De la sustanciación de las recusaciones de los jueces
de instrucción y de los magistrados....


III. De la sustanciación de las recusaciones de los jueces
municipales ...


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IV. De las personas á quienes corresponde el ejercicio de las acciones
que nacen de los delitos y faltas


V.-Del derecho de defensa y del beneficio de pobreza en los juicios
criminales ...

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VI. De la forma de dictar providencias, autos y sentencias, y del modo
de dirimir las discordias.....


Capítulo I. De la forma de dictar providencias, autos y sen-


II. Del modo de dirimir las discordias

VII. De las notificaciones, citaciones y emplazamientos
VIII. De los suplicatorios, exhortos y mandamientos

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