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in all a clear belief in the power of Reason and in the reality and authority of Revelation. There is a hearty acceptance of Science, and yet a clear insistence upon its necessary limitations. On p. 147 will be found the author's own statement of the chief problem of the day: "The great metaphysical problem of the day is personality, implying self-consciousness and freedom;" and I believe that this volume will prove a real contribution in defence of those two points, Personality-the Personality of God and of man-and Freedom. of the strongest statements of Personality will be found in the Sermon on Theology and Law; the most fearless claim for the Reason in the sermon on "The Pride of Intellect." This will be an adequate excuse for including sermons in such a volume as this. These sermons were, moreover, preached on special occasions, and are philosophical rather than hortatory in tone and treatment.


My warmest thanks are due to the Editor of the Guardian for permission to republish the reviews which have appeared in his paper; to the President of the Aristotelian Society for leave to print No. IX.; and to many friends who have helped me in the choice of papers and the revision of proofs, especially to the Rev. J. R. Illingworth, Rev. W. J. H. Campion, and the Rev. T. B. Strong. My task has been made easy and pleasant by the kind help of the Rev. D. Moore,

of Holy Trinity, Paddington, and of her who has tended the memory of Aubrey Moore with the same assiduous affection with which she tended him in his lifetime.


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