Imágenes de páginas

§1. At this time, Bôdhisatwa Mahâsatwa, from being a faithful a obedient follower of Kâsyapa Buddha, at the time of his dea was straightway born in the Tusita Heaven, at which time all Devas of that heaven gave him the name of Prabhâpâla,1 and this account he is so named. Then all the Devas announced t title by which he was known to the worlds above Tusita, and t sound thereof reached even to the Akanishta 2 Heaven. The

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the Devas also sang together, and said, Prabhâpâla Bôdhi

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atwa has come to be born in this Tusita Heaven." The sound this strain was heard in the Trâyastriñshas 3 Heaven, and in th Heaven of the four kings, and it reached even to the abodes of th Asuras; so that each one of them addressed the other in thes words, Prabhâpâla Bôdhisatwa has gone up to be born in the Tusita Heaven." So, from the lowest abode of these Asuras, to the highest Heavens of the Akanishta, there flocked (innumerable beings) to the Tusita Heaven, to the abode of Prabhâpâla Bodhisatwa, to hear the law from his mouth.

Now the years of the life of the Tusita Devas is 4000 years, These years having past, then the five indications of change appear, that is to say, the chaplet on the head begins to fade; the armpits exude perspiration; the garments become less beautiful; the body loses its splendour; there is a restlessness on the chair or throne. And so it came to pass, when the Tusita Devas observed these signs affecting Prabhâpâla, they uttered a loud cry, and said, “alas! alack-a-day!" and speaking between themselves, they said, "Oh ! misery! misery! Prabhâpâla will not be with us much longer! he

1 Hou-ming, vide Jul. ii, 358. But there is some confusion in Julien's translation. According to the "Lalita Vistara," Bodhisatwa's name was Swetaketu.

2 The highest of the Rupa (i. e., material) heavens.

3 That is, the Heaven of Sâkra, on the top of Sumeru.

That is, the four kings who keep watch over the earth. Their

abodes were placed half way up Mount Sumeru.

5 The demons, or Titans, who live below the earth.

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from the Tusita Heaven;" and the news r Asura râja's palace; and the cries of lam every place, "Alas! alas! he will soon des

At this time, the Devas of the Superior F to Tusita, whilst the Devas of the Inferio assembled together in one place; so also t Gandharvas, Asuras, Kinnaras, Garudas, M and so on, came flocking upwards to the Tu assembled in one place; and then they a another, "We now see for ourselves that t to descend to Earth." [The five indications years before the departure of the Deva, Ch. Suddhâvâsa1 Devas said amongst themselv viously the expected Buddha descend from be born in the world." Then all this inn Devas, beholding, by the infallible signs, tha to descend to be born in Jambudwîpa, tog calling to the people who inhabit the eart your earth! for Bôdhisatwa, the great Mab shall descend from Tusita to be born am and prepare! Buddha is about to descenda Now, at this time, there were dwellin hundred Pratyeka2 Buddhas, in the midst their religious exercises; these five hund having heard this cry, immediately rose u together to Benares; having arrived the hibit their supernatural powers: causing into space, and emit all sorts of brilliant

1 The period of the life of these Devas b seen previous Bôdhisatwas descend to be i 2 The Pratyeka Buddhas correspond ver the old rishis or genii. They cannot teach of others, but they can exhibit miraculous (principally by flying through the air).

Respectable ones! I v have you know, each one of you, that I plainly see by these cations of my person, that I shall shortly descend from Tusita, be born amongst men." Then Brahma, Sâkra, and so on, ans ing, said, "Venerable Prabhâpâla! as you see these indication is necessary that you should shortly descend and be born in world; but, doubtless, you remember your former words and pray (that this might really be your destiny)!" Then all those count Devas, having heard these words, the very hairs of their bodies came erect, and their hearts were filled with great fear and rev ence; so they clasped their hands, and fell down before Prâbhap and adored him. Then Prâbhapâla replied, " Doubtless it is even the destiny which was certainly foretold, is now about to be accom lished! ye, therefore, should reflect on the character of imperm nency! you should consider the character of the sad destiny th may await some of you in the future! Consider well the impu character of all bodily forms; that by the lusts of the flesh, an the desires of the natural heart, there is no escape from the bond of continual birth and death. Now, as ye stand here with you fingers clasped in adoration, behold this body of mine, which I hav not yet been able to cast off; and now I am about to quit it fo ever! weep not then, nor lament for me!" Then all these Deva replied, "Venerable Prabhâpâla! oh! would that in your infinite love you would not depart hence to be born."

[Kiouen V contains 6978 words, and cost 3.489 taels.]


On the ascent and sojourn of Bôdhisatwa in Tusita.

§2. At this time, in the midst of the Devas of the Tusita Heaven, there was one called Gold Mass 1 who for many years had, over and

1 Kin-t'hwân. This Deva is not mentioned by name in the "Lalita Vistara."

plainly see by these indidescend from Tusita, and Sâkra, and so on, answer

u see these indications, it scend and be born in the former words and prayers, Then all those countless hairs of their bodies beith great fear and reverdown before Prâbhapâla "Doubtless it is even so; now about to be accompe character of impermaof the sad destiny that nsider well the impure lusts of the flesh, and escape from the bonds stand here with your of mine, which I have n about to quit it for Then all these Devas that in your infinite

st 3.489 taels.]

atwa in Tusita. che Tusita Heaven, ears had, over and

1 by name in the

be born."

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The Devaputra answered, and if you permit me, I will recount t replied, "Well! do so!" Then he Chiliocosm has one sacred place called t ated in a country called 'Magadha,' in all time, the kings have arrived at pe hapâla! in the midst of this district, is on the southern bank of that river, is an old Rishi; the name of the place is dava-Vaihara (Vipoura) kudaka-parvat solitary-peak2-mount' called 'Pandava This peak is surrounded by mountains, it in, as a string of pearls. In the middl village called Mountain-abundance ;3 an is a large city called Râjagriha.' In this a certain royal Rishi called 'Udapali.' ruption, descended from the Kshatriya had a son called 'Bahuka'; and from tha have reigned in that city have all desc regular succession. If Prabhâpâla is to it would become him to be born as the city."

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Prâbhapâla answered the Deva, and sa yet the pedigree is not a pure one; ar one, and the country hilly, and broken stony and covered with weeds, etc.; whe other place where a Kshatriya family res

1 The Bôdhimanda is the area around which the Bodhisatwas arrive at supreme 2 Is this the same as 66 the small rocky (Fa-hien, cap. xxviii).

3 Those Chinese compounds which I a merely translate.


Then the Deva observed again, “Prabhâpâla! in Kôsala, the city of Savatti, there is a king called 'Griya '(?); the peo numerous, and the king powerful; will it please you to be bo there ?"

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"No!" said Prâbhapâla, for the kings of Kôsala have d scended from Matangas, both on the mother's and father's sid of impure birth; and in former days they were of small reput without any personal courage or nobleness of heart; the countr comparatively poor, although there are the seven precious sub stances there; yet they are in no abundance. Therefore, I canno be born there!"

Then he said again, "In the Vadsa country, the city Kau sambi, there is a king called thousand excellences' (tsien shing); his son, called 'pih-shing' (hundred excellences). That king has elephants, horses, the seven gems, and armies (the four sorts of military force) in abundance; will it please you to be born there?" To which Prabhâpâla replied, "Although what you say may be true; yet the mother of the king of Vadsa was born of a strange parent, and therefore the son is not of pure descent; you must look elsewhere."

Golden-mass said again, "This Vâjora country has a city called Vâisali, rich in every kind of produce; the people in peace and contentment; the country enriched and beautiful as a heavenly mansion; the king called 'Druma râja '5; his son without the least stain on his scutcheon; the king's treasuries full of gems, and gold and silver; perhaps you will be born there."

1 This of course is Benares.

2 Virtuous-lustre.

3 Matangas, i. e., pariahs. Compare these and subsequent passages with the "Lalita Vistara" (Foucaux's translation, p. 24). An old town on the Gandak River, a little to the north of Patna.

5 Tree-king.

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