Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Jainism, 287.

Jamaica, missions to, 231, 304, 317.

James, epistle, commentaries, 29, 72–74,

76, 79, 80, 96-101, 114.

introduction to, 73, 114.

James, J. A., biography of, 27.
James the Just, 34.

Jansenists, 211, 212, 224, 374.

Japan, history of, 309, 310.

missions in, 298, 300, 306, 309, 310

Jasher, book of, 132.

Jaulân, the, 125.

Jay, life of, 27.

Jeremiah, prophecies of, commentaries
on, 26, 72-74, 76, 78, 80-82,
93. 94.

introduction to, 72, 73.

text of, 180, ISI.

the prophet, life of, 74, 402.

Jerusalem, 128, 129, 153.

antiquities of, 129.

Church of, 392.

explored, 129.

map of, 129.

panorama of, 125.

prophecies concerning, 19, 172.
recovery of, 129.

siege of, 129.

temple of, 129.
topography of, 129.

underground, 129.

Jesuit missions, 245, 246, 300.
Jesuitism, 211, 212, 245, 246, 392.
Jesuits in England, 245, 246.

in Ireland, 245.

in Russia, 266.

Jesus and controversies of Christendom,

Jesus and modern life, 148.
and Nicodemus, 33.

and the resurrection, 105.
as Messiah, 165.

ascension of, 450, 495.

books which influenced, 133.
character of, 19, 20, 33, 278, 397.
398, 446, 447.
vindicated, 460.

childhood of, 617.
conversations of, 469.

date of birth of, 396.

death, physical cause of, 399.
deity of, 189, 448.

discourses of, 21, 33, 99.

divinity of, 22, 33, 189, 367. 446–

in early Church, 448.

enemies of, words of, 33, 400.

example of, 397, 591.

footprints of, 126, 446.

friends of, 401, 405.
genealogies of, 398.

glory of, 447, 449, 450.
Godhead of, 448.

growth of, in wisdom, 33.
home life of, 395.
humiliation of, 449.

in the Talmud, 175, 394.
incarnation of, 23, 438, 448, 449.
influence of, 446, 562.
introduction to life of, 394.
kingdom of, 447, 454.

life and teachings of, 148, 393-398.
life and times of, 33, 393-398.

life and works of, 97, 394, 397, 398.
life of, in words of Gospels, 393,

[blocks in formation]

names of, 171, 172, 398, 399.

nature of, 447, 450.

of the evangelists, 460.

offices of, 19, 21, 447, 450, 451.
parables of, 22, 24, 33, 168, 169.
parting prayer of, 568.

passion and death of, 393, 399, 400,
447, 450, 461, 576.

person of, 182, 188, 189, 394, 446,
447, 449, 450, 452.
portraits, 401.
pre-existence of, 447.
prophecies of, 19, 172.

Jesus, public ministry of, 548.
resurrection of, 105, 392, 399, 400,

proofs of, 32, 400.
sayings of, 148, 394.

second coming of, 453, 454, 507.
self-revelation of, 451.
sepulcher of, 178.

seven words against, 33.
sinlessness, 23, 450.

sufferings of, 93, 393, 399, 400, 447,

450, 461, 576, 577.

supernatural works of, 446.

teaching of, 148. 183, 446, 450, 577.
temptation of, 399.

tenderness of, 450.

the Creator, 448.

theology of, 183, 184, 448.

titles, 398.

transfiguration of, 449.

trial of, 399.

who was he? 393, 396-398, 447.

women friends of, 405.

words of, arranged, 9, 100, 104.
work of, 393, 394, 446, 447, 450.

Jew, wandering, 479.

Jewish Alexandrian philosophy, 372.
altar, 185.

interpretations of Isaiah, 93.
Messiah, 165.

Jews after the exile, 161.

and the Church, 91.

antiquities of the, 7, 118, 119.
apocalyptic literature of, 134.
artisan life of, 161.
Church of, 224-226.
coins of, 143.

criminal code of, 162, 163.

customs of, 176.

history of, 33, 138-140, 161, 224-

[blocks in formation]

liturgies of, 592.

marriage among, 347.

Messiah of, 165.

mission of, 225.

missions to, 210, 319.

nation of, history, 226.

of Abyssinia, 310. See Falashas.

of Spain and Portugal, 225, 245.

[blocks in formation]


biographies of, 401–407.

epistles of, commentaries, 24; 26,
29, 30, 37, 38, 72-74, 76,

79, 80, 96-99, 101, 115.

disputed text of, 179.

introductions, 69, 73, 115.

relation to Gospel and Apoca-
lypse, 183.

theology of, 183.

Gospel of, analysis, 105.

apologetical lectures on, 105.
commentaries, 24, 26, 29, 30,
37, 38, 72-74, 76, 78, 80,
96-99, 101, 104, 105.

genius of, 105.

introduction, 69, 73, 78; 104-
106, 162.
life of, 403.
pupils of, 39.

John Griffith, 321.

[blocks in formation]

history of doctrine of, 189, 504.
refuted, 503.

Jonah, commentaries on, 72, 73, 78, 82, Justin Martyr, 24, 369.

[blocks in formation]

testimony of, to Christianity, 327.
Juvenile delinquency, 377.

Kabbalah, the, 174, 175.
Kabbalists, 365.
Kadesh-barnea, 121.
Kansas pulpit, 559.

Kant, critiques of, 513, 514.
ethics of, 484, 485.
Karaite Jews, 226.
Karen, mission to, 303.
Keble, John, 389, 416.
Keith-Falconer, I., 322.
Kempis, Thomas, 385.
Ken, Thomas, Bishop, 366, 428.
Kent, Christianity in, 347.

nonconformity in, 347.
Protestant martyrs in, 347.
Kentigern, St., 419.
Kentucky, Catholics in, 243.
Methodism in, 230.
Presbyterianism in, 236.
Key to chronology, 142.

to Church history, 186.

to doctrine and practice, 566.
Keystones of faith, 438.
Kingdom of Christ, 447, 454, 507.

of God, 165, 166, 181, 183, 504.
of heaven, 23.

of Satan, 479, 480.

King's Daughters, 335.

Kings, books of, commentaries on, 72–
77, 80, 81, 85, 86.
introductions to, 73.
verified, 146.

of Israel, lives of, 173, 405, 406.
of Judah, lives of, 406.

Kingsley, Charles, 409, 419, 424.
Kirk, John, 424.

Kitto, John, 418.

Klatsassan, 303.

Knights of Malta, 344.

Knowledge of God, 443, 567.
physical and religious, 525.
problem of, 514.

Knox, John, 202, 203, 205, 210, 239,

Ko Thah Byn, 325.

Korah, rebellion of, 121.
Koran, 280, 288, 289.
Korea, 305, 306, 319.
Krishna Pal, 325.
Kufale, 133.

Kurdestan, 121, 125.

[blocks in formation]

of asylum among Jews, 162.

of creation, 475.

of creeds in Scotland, 338.

of Jews, 161-163.

of miracles, 166, 167.

of ritualism, 610.

physical and moral, 482.

reign of, 381, 504.

Lesson system of Sunday schools, 386.
Lessons from nature, 510.

of faith and life, 562.

Letter, the, and the spirit, 22.

Levant, the, monasteries of, 363.

Levitical priests, 170.

Leviticus, commentaries on, 26, 72, 74,

75-77, 80-82, 84.

Gospel in, 177.

introduction to, 75.

Lexicography, biblical, 7-10.

general theological, 10-13.

illustrative and incidental, 13, 14.
Lexicons, Arabic, 62, 289.

Assyrian, 62.

Chaldee, 60.

Greek, 61, 64.

Hebrew, 60, 64.
Sanskrit, 62.
Syriac, 62.

to Koran, 289.
Liberalism, 212, 253.
Liberty and slavery, 534.

civil, 186, 214, 272, 380.
of conscience, 593.
religious, dangers to, 186.
Libraries, Ante-Nicene, 17.
catalogues of, 3.

Libraries, hermeneutical, 23.

Nicene and Post-Nicene, 37.
of Anglo-Catholic theology, 16.
of biblical literature, 34.
pastors', 1, 5-7.

Sunday, 39.

Lichfield cathedral, 333.

Life, Christian, 557, 559, 560, 562, 564,
565, 570, 572, 589–591.
everlasting, 474, 495-497, 567.
in Bible lands, 119, 123, 130.
in Christ risen, 562.

in early church, 176, 187, 193,
195, 197.

of Jesus, modern representations of,

Light of nature, 510.

Lightfoot, Bishop, 433.
Limitations of life, 576.
Lincoln Cathedral, 333.

Litany, 392.

Literary attractions of Bible, 163.
characteristics of Bible, 163.
history of Bible, 163.

history of early Christianity, 368.

[blocks in formation]

and theology, 539.

Ante-Nicene, value of, 368.

Christian, 188, 211, 488.
in Dark Ages, 199.

in France, 211, 373.
of Syriac Christians, 235.

Lithuanian grammar, 59.

Liturgies, apostolic, 359, 592.

Ethiopic, 592.

general, 359, 360, 591-593.
Jewish, 592.

of Anglican Church, 359, 360, 591-
593, 608.

of Anglo-Irish Church, 359, 592.
of Anglo-Saxon Church, 591.

of Armenian Church, 256.

of Basil, 359, 592.

of Catholic Church, 359, 360.

of Celtic Church, 265, 359, 593-

of Chrysostom, 359, 592.
of Church of Malabar, 592.

of Clement, 592.

of Coptic Church, 221, 592.

of early Church, 18, 359, 360.
of Eastern Church, 592.

of Edward VI, 36, 360, 591.

of Elizabeth, 36, 360.

of English Church, 577.

of Greek Church, 223, 343, 360, 592.

Liturgies, of Gregory, 221, 256.

of Holy Eastern Church, 223, 343.
of John Knox, 591.
of Nestorians, 592.
of St. James, 592.
of St. Mark, 592.
Presbyterian, 359, 591, 592.
Protestant Episcopal, 592.
St. James', 360, 592.
Scotch, 360.

Syriac, 235, 592.
Liturgiology, 359, 360.
Liturgy and the Bible, 591
in worship, 543.

Livesey, Joseph, 424.

Living divines, dictionary of, 12.
Livingston, John H., 420.

Livingstone, David, 301, 315, 316,


Llandaff cathedral, 333.

Locke, John of, life of, 27, 414.

Logic, 513.

and life, 566.

of the Christian faith, 538.

Logos, the, 448.

Lollards, 206, 227, 392.

London charities, 335, 594.

Missionary Society, 296, 297.
nonconformity, 347.

pauperism, 594.
preachers, 409.

Lonsdale, James, 418.

Lord's Day. See Sabbath.

Prayer, 164, 392, 563, 607.
illustrations of, 164.

servants. See Ministry.

Supper, 20, 24, 28, 392, 504-5c6,

Lot, 406.

as sacrifice, 504, 505.
forms for, 550, 551.
history of doctrine of, 189.
in English Church, 218.

terms of admission to, 504.

Louise de France, Mme., 424.

Love, Christian, 580, 605.
enthroned, 512.

of God, 444, 445.

Low Church party in England, 259.
Lowder, Charles, 432.

Lowrie, W. M., 320.

Loyola and the Jesuits, 211, 212, 245,

246, 392.

Luke, Gospel of, Anglo-Saxon, 55.
authenticity of, 136.

commentaries on, 26, 29, 72-74,
76, 78, 80, 96-99, 103.
displaced sections of, 147.
introduction to, 70, 73, 103.

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