Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Roman Catholic corruptions, 248.

Covenanters, 267.
disruption, 267.
doctrines, 243, 244.
errors, 248, 250.

faith, 243, 251.

fathers, 243.

feasts, 244.

hierarchy, 609.

in England, 242.

image worship, 343, 358.

literary policy, 241.

liturgy, 359, 360.

missions, 243, 300, 303, 305.

Roman empire, 354, 431.

conversion of, 25.

government and Christianity, 196.
question, 248.

Romance of missions, 307.

Romances, medieval, 365.

Romanism and English Church and

State, 258.

[blocks in formation]

Rome, ancient, influence of, on Chris-
tianity, 31, 381.

Rome and the council, 340.

and the papacy, 266.
catacombs of, 196, 327.

Christian and papal, 249, 332.

colosseum of, 327.

Egyptian obelisks in, 327.

fortifications, 327.

forum, 327.

Jews in, 225.
modern, 248.

pagan, 266, 332.

Paul in, 402, 403, 405.
political, 265.

religion of, 250, 279, 281, 288.
ruins of, 265.
tombs of, 327.

was Peter in? 249.
Rosicrucians, 291.
Rousseau, life of, 427.

Route of exodus, 120, 121, 123.
Rowlands, D., 410.

Ruling eldership, 471, 588, 600.
ideas in early ages, 151.

Rural deans, 217.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

and atonement, 464.

and worship, 176, 177.

Bible doctrine of, 176, 177.

Sacrilege, 345.

Safeguards against Rome, 248.
Saft-el-Heineh, 123.
Sage, John, 38.

Sailors, revival among, 382.
Saint Alban's Cathedral, 333-

Anselm, life of, 39, 384, 385.
Asaph Cathedral, 333.
Asaph diocese, 217.
Augustine, 412, 415, 430.
Austin, 34, 368.

Bartholomew, massacre of, 208.

Bernard, 385, 408.

Calixtus, cemetery of, 332.
Catherine of Siena, 363.

Chrysostom, 427, 428, 430, 431.
David's Cathedral, Wales, 333.
Francis of Assisi, 39.

James, liturgy of, 360, 592.

John Baptist, 28, 34, 395, 401,

[blocks in formation]

Saint Paul, life of, 24, 392, 401–407.
travels of, 107, 402.

Peter, centenary of, 242.
chair of, 242, 247.

name and office, 243, 403-


life of, 194, 401.

was he in Rome? 249.

Saints, 361, 362, 384.

Salem witchcraft, 390, 391.
Salisbury Cathedral, 333.
diocese, 217.

Salt, Titus, 408, 409.

Salvation, 108, 377, 503, 506, 523, 524,

540, 552, 560, 562, 565, 568,

after death, 518.

infant, 499, 500.

plan of, 516.

Salzburgers, 227.

Samaria, 126, 130.

Samaritan Chronicle, 133.

history, 130.

literature, 130.

Pentateuch, 46, 170.

Samaritans, ancient and modern, 130.
Samson, life of, 404.

Samuel, books of, commentaries on, 72–
77, 79-82, 85.
introduction, 73.

text of, 179.

life of, 402, 406.

[blocks in formation]

Schisms, 20.

Anglican, 20, 218, 219.

Græco-Roman, 223.

Methodist, 229.

Presbyterian, 236.

Schleiermacher, F. E., 430.

Schneider, E. M., 322.
Schneider, J. H., 322.
Schofield, R. H. A., 322.
Scholasticism, 21, 385.
Schoolmen, 21, 384, 385.
Schools, Methodist, 228.

public, Bible in, 579.
Schwartz, C. F., 321.

Science and Bible, 136, 137, 145, 154,
381, 461, 475, 525, 531, 532.

and Christianity, 23, 470, 478,531,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

in Russia, 223

in the United States, 212, 213, 271,

272, 274, 275, 281.
Mohammedan, 289, 290.

Secular life and Christianity, 611.
gospel of, 566.

Secularism, 245, 386, 463, 567.
Sedgewick, Adam, 416.

See of Rome, 39, 409.

Seekers after God, 39, 409.
Seir, Mount, 126.

Selden, John, 411.

Selection, natural, 491, 543.

Selections from authors. See Anthology.
Self-culture, I.

Self-revelation of God, 444.

of Jesus, 451.

Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, 352.
Selsey-Chichester diocese, 217.

Selwyn, Bishop, 410.

Selwyn, G. A., 322.

Seminaries, theological, 241, 348, 349,

[blocks in formation]

Septuagint, account of, 48, 146.
concordance to, 63, 64.

English version of, 48, 84.
influence on Greek Testament, 163.
texts of, 180.

Sepulcher, 568.

site of, 178.

Serampore mission, 315.

Sermon on the Mount, 24, 177.

Sermons, 559-579.

outlines of, 556, 557.

preparation of, 552-555.
textual index of, 556, 557.

Serpent in Eden, 180, 291.
symbol, 291.

worship, 291, 292.

Servetus and Calvin, 211.
Service of song, 608.

Seven bishops imprisoned in 1688, 410.
Churches of Asia, 116-118, 122.

of United States, 212.

deadly sins, 564.

great hymns, 598.

sacred number, 135.

words against Jesus, 33.

Seventeenth century missions, 295.

rational theology in, 260.
religion in, 200.

Seventh Day Baptists, 214, 215.

Sewel, William, 222.

Sex-worship, 291.

Shaftesbury Baptist Association, 216.
Earl of, 410.

Shairp, Principal, 424.
Shakers, 252.

Sharp, Archbishop, 431.
Sharpe, Granville, 386.
Sharpe, Samuel, 416.
Sheol. See Hell.
Shepard, George, 574.
Shepard, Thomas, 38.

Shepherd of Hermas, 367, 370.
Sherlock, Thomas, 38.
Sherman, James, 412.

Sherwood, Mrs., 319.

Shintoism, 279.

Ships of the ancients, 406.

Shipton series, 604.

Short, Augustus, 323.

Shorter Catechism, 477, 478.

Shoshee, Zenana teacher, 325.
Shut in, 582.

Siam, Buddhism in, 283.

missions to, 313.

Sibbes, Richard, 38.

Sibylline Oracles, 130, 133.

Sick chamber, 580.

Sick, visitation of the, 550-552, 580.
Signa Christi, 487.

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