Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Social influence of Christianity, 611.
Social life and the pulpit, 547-

of Assyria and Babylonia,

progress, 610.

reform, 610, 611.

Socialism, 339, 457, 608-611.

Societies, Bible, 332.

for promoting Christian knowledge,

missionary, 294-299, 307, 309, 319.
Society, Christianity and, 610-612.
early development of, 475.

for Promoting Christian Knowl-
edge, 259.

of Jesus, history of, 211, 212, 245,

Socinianism, 329, 468.

Sociology, 161, 610-612.

Socrates, 278, 373, 408, 483.

companions of, 513.

Sodom, destruction of, 136.

Solomon, life of, 403, 406.
Psalms of, 133.

Song of. See Song.
Temple of, 178.
wisdom of, 132.

Somerset religious houses, 363.
Song, gems of, 556-558.

Song of Solomon, commentaries, 72, 75,
76, 78, 80, 81, 90-92.
introduction, 68, 69, 72, 92.
translations of, 87, 92.

Song of Songs, Paul's, 108.
Song victories, 358.
Sophisms, scientific, 493.
Sorrow, ministry of, 581, 582.
Soteriology, 108, 183, 464.
of New Testament, 183.
Soudan, the, 121.

Soul, 535.

baptism of, 184.

biblical idea of, 174, 519, 535.
destiny of the, 495.

doctrine of the, 174, 519, 535-
here and hereafter, 474, 535.
immortality of, 487, 488, 535.
life of, 526.

Sources of consolation, 581.

South Africa, missions in, 232, 301, 302,


America, Inquisition in, 245.
missions in, 304.

Carolina, churches in, 237, 239.
Seas, missions in, 311-313.

Sovereignty of God, 498, 541, 542,

Spain, Arabs in, 384.

architecture in, 329.

Bible in, 270.

Christian recovery of, 270.

Christians and Moors in, 270.

Church in, 270.

daybreak in, 270.
Inquisition in, 245.
intolerance in, 210.
Jews of, 225, 245.

martyrs of, 208, 210, 361.
missions in, 306.

Reformation in, 208, 210.
Sparrow, William, 433.

Speaker's Commentary. See Bible Com-

Species, origin of, 491.

Spencer, life of, 27.

Spencer, Herbert, and agnosticism,

[blocks in formation]

Spirit, Holy, 20, 254, 367, 368, 438,451- Stow, Baron, 427.

[blocks in formation]

Strauss and Christ, 460, 461.
and Renan, 225.

and Christ, 460.

Structural Christianity, 471.
Student life in Germany, 263.
Studies in biblical biography, 404.
in biography, 392, 404.

in character, 403.
in creative week, 82.
in exegesis, 178, 179.
in Gospels, 177.
in history, 392.
in model prayer, 163.
in Peter's life, 401.
in philosophy, 392.

and theology, 516.

in poetry, 392.

in theology, 544.

on Sermon on the Mount, 177.
Study of Bible, 602, 603.

of Church history, value of, 187.
of origins, 514.

of theology, I, 2.

Sturge, life of, 408.

Subjects of baptism, 466-468.
Substitution, 465.

Succession, apostolic, 462.

of sacred literature, 3.

Suffering, mystery of, 573, 581.
Sufristic theology, 365.

Sumatra mission, 320.

Summary of prophecy and history, 2.
Sunday. See Sabbath.

Sunday book of poetry, 595.
library, 39.

school, history of, 386, 387, 420,

[blocks in formation]

536, 575.

Superstition, 21, 199, 387, 390, 391.

origin of, 276, 387.

Supremacy of Holy Scripture, 21.
of pope, 248.

Surrey Chapel, history of, 566.
Survey of Palestine, 125, 153:
Susiana, 124, 125.

Sweden, Reformation in, 210.

religion and life, 277.
Swedenborg, E., 410.
Swedenborgianism, 252, 253.
Swift, Jonathan, 417.

Switzerland, pulpit orators of, 376, 566.

Reformation in, 204, 208, 210, 211.

Symbolical language, 24.

Symbolics, comparative, 536, 537.
Symbolism, Christian and pagan, 291,

326, 343, 387, 536, 537.

Synagogue the model of the Church,

Synod of Elvira, 341.

of Ephesus, 341.
Synods, English, 258.

Synonymns of New Testament, 24, 62.
of Old Testament, 60, 62,
Synoptic Gospels, Christic teaching of,

common tradition of, 51.
origin of, 155.
problem, 155.

Syntax, Hebrew and Greek. See Gram-

[blocks in formation]

Tauler, John, 203.

Taylor, Jeremy, 39, 411, 421.
Taylor, N. W., 392.
Taylor, W., 317.

Teaching of Jesus, 181-184.
of Paul, 182-184.

of Peter, 184.

of the Apocalypse, 116.
of the Church, 21.

of the twelve apostles (Didache).
196, 276, 379, 380.

Teignmouth, John, Lord, 353.
Tel-el-Amarna tablets, 122, 135, 137.
Tel-el-Hesy excavated, 137.
Temper and time, use of, 603.
Temperance, 387, 388, 571, 580, 613,

Temple, the, 129, 178.

and the Church, 113.

of Diana, 122.

Temples of India, 286.

Temporal power of pope, 246, 247, 266,

Temptation of Christ, 399.

Ten commandments, 149, 164, 392,
564, 578.

Tennyson, theology of, 539.

Tenth century, Church history of, 199.
Tercentenary. See Edinburgh.

monument, 478.

Terrett, S. M. (Mrs.), 387.
Tertullian, 196.

Testament, Greek, 48, ff.

of Abraham, 133.
of twelve patriarchs, 18.

Testaments, Old and New, compared,

[blocks in formation]

Theodicy, 539.

Theodoric the Goth, 354.

Theogonies, ancient, 488.
Theogony of Hindoos, 285.

Theologia Germanica, mystic, 512.
Theologians, collected works of, 16-41.
Theological cyclopædias and diction-
aries, 8, 10, II.

education, 228, 241, 348, 349, 391.
index, 5.

propedeutic, 1, 2.

seminaries, 241, 348, 349, 375.
tracts, 542.

Theologischer Jahresbericht, 7.
Theology, Alexandrian, 34.

analysis of, 463.

and life, 573.

and literature, 539.

and materialism, 506.

and morality, 483-542.

and philosophy, 516, 525, 543.
and psychology, 28.

and scholasticism, 21.

and science, 531.

Anglican, 216.

Anglo Catholic, 259.
apostolic, 189.

biblical, 180-183, 442, 481,482,517.
Calvinistic, 20, 212, 462, 463.
Carthaginian, 34.
comparative, 275-292.
compend of, 439.

current discussions in, 28.
cyclopædia of, 1, 2.

dangers of modern, 461.
dictionaries of, 8-13.
discussions in, 544.

[blocks in formation]

Theology of India, 285-287.
of Peter, 184.

of prayer, 518.

of Scotland, 267–270.
of the Bible, 180-184.
of the future, 511.
of the Lord's Supper, 505.
of the Persians, 365.
of the Reformation, 203.
of Tractarians, 388-390.
of Waldenses, 213.
outlines of, 438, 439.
pastoral, 546-559.
Pauline, 183.

polemic, 439.

popular, 442, 572.

practical, 443, 546-618.

primitive, 183.

Protestant, 187, 188

revealed, 439.

rudiments of, 438.

safeguards of modern, 461.
scientific, 443.

study of, 1, 2, 438, 439.
Sufristic, 365.

systematic, 438-545.
vexed questions in, 542.

Theophanies of New Testament, 450.
of Old Testament, 182.

Theophany, 447.

Theories of preaching, 552-555.

of the atonement, 444.
Theosophy, 281, 365, 535, 536.
Thesaurus. See Lexicons.

Thessalonians, epistles to, commenta.
ries on, 26, 29, 38, 72-74, 76,
79, 80, 96-101, 112.

introduction, 73, 100, 112.

Thirteenth century in Scotland, 269.
Thirty-nine Articles, 2, 342, 438, 441,

Thirty Years' War, 211, 432.
Thomas à Kempis, 385.

Thomas Aquinas, 385.

Thomas, John, 320.

Thomson, Edward, 432.

Thornton, John, 353.

Thornton, Spencer, 419.

Thornwell, James Henry, 428.

Thought, progress of, 22.

Three devils, Milton's, Luther's, Goethe's,


witnesses, 179, 180.

Threshold of manhood, 616.

Thugs, 354.

Tibet, 283, 305, 306.

Tillotson, John, 39, 413.

Time and temper, use of, 603.

improvement of, 1.

[blocks in formation]

Toledoth, Jeschu, 131.

Toleration, 390, 615.

Tomb of Christ, 178, 568.

Topography of Bible lands, 126-129,

Jerusalem, 129.

Torture, 199.
Tory clergy, 217.

Total abstinence, 613, 614.

Totemism, 277, 291.
Tower of Babel, 135.

Towneley mysteries, 362.

Toynbee, Arnold, 409.

Tractarianism, 198, 388-390.

and Christianity, 198.

Tracts for priest and people, 545.

for the times, 389, 390.

Trades of Bible, 165.

Traditions of oriental peoples, 139.
Traffic in girls, 610.

Training of children, 586, 587,616–618.

of the apostles, 134.

Transcendentalism, 254, 272, 457, 535.
Transcriber's errors, 180.
Transfiguration of Christ, 449.

of life, 560.

Transformation of Christianity, 195.

of teaching of Jesus, 183.

Transmigration, 282, 519.

[blocks in formation]

what is it? 517, 576.
Truths, fundamental, 438.

old, in modern light, 25.
Tshi-speaking Africans, 282, 294.
Tuam, archbishops of, 300.
Tübingen school, 354, 390.
Tucker, J. T., 321.

Tudor dynasty, historical portraits of,


Tulloch, John, 428.
Turkey, 120, 256.

Turkish empire, 288.

missions in, 308, 310, 313, 314, 316,

318, 319, 321, 323.

races of, 293, 314.

Turkomans, 289.

Turks, 289.

and Arabs, 288, 327.

conquest of Constantinople by, 199.
Turner, Asa, 220.

Twelve patriarchs, Testaments of, 18.
Tyconius, rules of, 367.

Tyndale, William, 418, 419.
Tyndale's Pentateuch, 53.
Tyndall's Belfast address, 510.

Transmission of ancient books, 136, 180. Tyng, S. H., 432.

Transubstantiation, 505, 522.
Travels in Bible lands, 118, ff.

Treasures of Talmud, 174.

Treasury of David, 90.

Types of ethical theory, 485.
Typical character of O. T., 184.

forms in creation, 498.
Typology, 184, 185, 556.

of Scripture knowledge. See Cy. Tyrrell, William, 316.

[blocks in formation]
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