Imágenes de páginas

Desmarestia aculeata Lamour.

Common, washed ashore in

abundance from deep water after storms.

Alaria esculenta Grev. Plentiful about low-water mark on exposed rocks to the east of Arbroath.

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Laminaria digitata Lamour. (L. hyperborea Foslie). Abundant everywhere from below low-water mark.-L. digitata var. stenophylla Harv. L. digitata Edm. L. saccharina Lamour. Common in pools near low water. L. Phyllitis Lamour (L. saccharina var. phyllitis Le Jolis.). In pools below half-tide level, abundant to west of Harbour. -- L. Fascia Ag. (Phyllitis Fascia Le Jolis). In halftide pool below Seaforth House. - Var. delilis (Phyllitis cæspitosa Le Jolis). Common. L. flexicaulis Le Jolis. Common at low water about the Harbour Bar.

- C.

Chorda Filum Lamour. Large plants washed ashore occasionally; young are found growing in deep pools all round the cliffs, where the force of the sea is broken by outlying rocks. lomentaria Lyngb. (Scytosiphon lomentarius J. Ag.). Not uncommon in pools between tide-marks; plentiful below. Plentiful on beach inside of salmon-nets at Cannon Common.

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Dictyosiphon Chordaria Areschoug. The first record of this species in Britain. Detected by Mr. Holmes amongst some Algæ collected by me at Whiting Ness, Arbroath, on 29th August, 1889, and exhibited at the Linnean Society on November 7th. D. faniculaceus Grev. Abundant above half-tide, generally submerged, and growing on other Algæ.-D. hippuroides Aresch. Plentiful, growing on Chordaria flagelliformis at the Ness, in pools about halftide level.

Punctaria plantaginea Grev. Dr. Crichton.

Asperococcus echinatus Grev. water mark.

At the Mason's Cove, according to

Abundant in all pools near high

Litosiphon Laminaria Harv. Common on Alaria esculenta. Chordaria flagelliformis Ag. Common about half-tide level. At the point of the Ness all the plants are more or less covered with Dictyosiphon hippuroides.

Mesogloia virescens Carm. (Eudesme virescens J. G. Ag.). Found in one or two pools beyond Steeple Rock, and at Mason's Cove, above half-tide level.

Leathesia tuberiformis S. F. Gray. Very common on rocks about low-water mark.

Elachista fucicola Fries. Common on most Fuci about half-tide. -- E. velutina Duby. (Streblonema velutina Thur.). Common on Himanthalia.

Myrionema strangulans Grev. Rare. Found on Enteromorpha near high water, in a pool at Stalactite Cave.

Cladostephus spongiosus Ag. Abundant at low-water mark below Seaforth House and East Links. -- C. verticillatus Ag. Found in 1883 by Mr. Bell, at Dark Cove, floating?

Chatopteris plumosa Ktz. (Cladostephus plumosus Holmes). Very rare. Two specimens got in a pool at the Corriens.

Sphacelaria scoparia Lyngb. Abundant in a deep pool beyond

Gaylet pot, at high-water mark.-S. cirrhosa Ag. Common, generally on other Algæ. At the Mason's Cove, Delesseria sanguinea is always more or less infested.--S. radicans Harvey. At the Mason's Cove, common; and Corriens, not uncommon. On the sides of Fuci-covered sand-rock, and in shallow pools about low water.-Var. olivacea Batters. In caves, forming matted tufts.

Ectocarpus siliculosus Lyngb. (E. confercoides Le Jolis). Abundant on Fuci between tide-marks.--E. fasciculatus Harvey. On the edges of the fronds of Laminaria at the Ness and Floors Bay.--E. tomentosus Lyngb. Very abundant at different parts of the cliffs, old thongs of Himanthalia lorea being clothed with a dense ropy mass, giving a bottle-brush appearance to it; also found on the Fuci.-E. littoralis Lyngb. (P'ylaiella littoralis Kjellm.). Common in all tide-pools on Fuci. Inside of breakwater, on muddy rocks, found with unilocular sporangia.--E. granulosus Ag. Found once below Signal Tower, in a half-tide pool. --E. sphærophorus Carm. (Isthmoplea sphærophora Kjellm.). In a deep gully at the Steeple Rock, on Ptilota sericea; and at Auchmithie, on Polysiphonia nigresens. Rare.

Ascocyclus balticus Reinke. On Laminaria at Mason's Cove. Myriotrichia clavaformis Harv. On Polysiphonia nigrescens, in a pool beyond the Ness, at high-water mark. M. filiformis Harvey. Growing in the same pool as the preceding, and epiphytic on the same plant.

Odonthalia dentata Lyngb. Plentiful at the Cliffs; large specimens more than a foot long washed ashore from deep water.

Rhodomela lycopodioides Ag. In pools to west and east of Harbour, at extreme low water; epiphytic. Rare. R. subfusca Ag. Common at low-water mark in pools below Arbroath.

Polysiphonia urceolata Grev. Abundant on Laminaria digitata, and on rocks at low water. At the Red Head it grows very abundantly on a rock connecting the Old Red Sandstone and Basaltic, the plants forming tufts ten inches long. P. fibrata Harv. At Whiting Ness, on exposed rocks. -- P. elongata Grev. Below East Links, and washed ashore at West Sands from deep water. Rare. -P. Brodiai Grev. Common on rocks and pools from below halftide.--P. nigrescens Grev. Plentiful everywhere.--P. atrorubescens Grev. In a sandy pool on the Harbour Bar, and Mason's Cove.P. fastigiata Grev. Plentiful on Fucus nodosus.--P. parasitica Grev. On Laminaria digitata from Bell Rock, and in rock-pools at the Mason's Cove. P. byssoides Grev. Cast ashore in abundance at

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the West Sands.

Laurencia pinnatifida Lamour. Common at low-water mark.-L. caspitosa Lamour. (L. hybrida Lenorm.). Common in rock-pools near high-water mark.

Chrysymenia clavellosa J. Ag. (Chylocladia clavellosa Grev.). Washed ashore in abundance; found growing at Deil's Head at extreme low water.

Chylocladia articulata Grev. (Lomentaria articulata Lyngb.). Abundant in gullies and shaded sides of rocks.

Peyssonnelia Dubyi. On Laminaria stems, with tetraspores, in November.

Hapalidium hildenbrandtioides, Crn. On stems of Furcellaria.
Corallina officinalis L. Very common in tide-pools.

Melobesia polymorpha L., sp. (Lithothamnion polymorphum J. Ag.). Common in pools and on rocks. Limpet-shells at the Red Head found with very irregular lobes. M. Lenormandi Aresch. (Lithophyllum Lenormandi Rosanoff). On stones and boulders between tide-marks at East Links. — M. Laminaria Cr. On stems of M. farinosa Lamour. On Phyllophora rubens at M. pustulata Lamour. Abundant on Laminaria

Laminaria. Mason's Cove. stems and roots.

Hildenbrandtia rubra Menegh. (H. prototypus Nardo, var. B. rosea Hauck.). On stones and boulders everywhere, and in pools between tide-marks.

Delesseria sanguinea Lamour. (Hydrolapathum sanguineum Stackh.) Common in pools at extreme low-water mark all round the cliffs; washed ashore at West Sands in abundance. D. sinuosa Lamour. Common on Laminaria-stems which are washed ashore from deep water. - D. alata Lamour. Common on Laminaria-stems, and in rock-pools at extreme low water.-D. Hypoglossum Ag. Found by Dr. Crichton. Rare.

Nitophyllum punctatum Grev. Found six plants growing at extreme low-water mark on a boulder, in fruit, August, 1888. Very rare.-N. laceratum Grev. Cast ashore on West Sands, Dr. Crichton. Plocamium coccineum Lyngb. Common at low water (springtides), and washed ashore in great abundance. A broad and a narrow-leaved variety are found.

Rhodymenia laciniata Grev. (Callophyllis laciniata Ktz.). One specimen washed ashore at sands. - R. palmata Grev. Grows in great profusion all round the coast from half-tide downwards. At the Bell Rock, stems of Laminaria are covered with specimens twenty inches long.

Hypnea purpurascens Harv. (Cystoclonium purpurascens Ktz.). Common in pools about low water.

Gigartina mammillosa J. Ag. Growing abundantly on outside of Protection Wall and Breakwater, but common everywhere.

Chondrus crispus Stackh.

Common about low-water mark;

both narrow and broad-leaved varieties occur.

Phyllophora rubens Grev. Common in pools at extreme low water at Mason's Cove; washed ashore abundantly after autumn storms. P. membranifolia J. Ag. Plentiful at low-water mark; some very large plants washed ashore at the Harbour in October, 1888.

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Gymnogongrus plicatus Kg. (Ahnfeltia plicata J. Ag.). Occasionally in sand-pools about low-water mark from Ness to the Common. Polyides rotundus Grev. Not uncommon in pools at low water, in same situations as Furcellaria fastigiata.

Furcellaria fastigiata Grev. (Fastigiaria furcellata Stackh.). In pools about low-water mark. At West Sands, washed ashore in abundance.

Dumontia filiformis Grev. Very plentiful from the Ness to the Common in all pools about half-tide level.

Iridea edulis Bory (Schizymenia edulis J. Ag.). On rocks at low water, and in deep pools. Some very large specimens washed ashore from deep water at West Sands.

Catenella opuntia Grev. At the Dark Cave and Breakwater near high-water mark.

Cruoria pellita Harv. (Petrocelis cruenta J. Ag.). On rocks. "Your plant has a basal layer like P. Middendorffii Ruprecht, but is not in fruit," E. M. H.

Gloiosiphonia capillaris Carm. Growing at Auchmithie, Dr.


Ptilota plumosa Ag. In abundance on stems of old Laminaria washed ashore, occasionally growing at low-water mark; with tetrasporic fruit at Red Head. -- P. sericea Gmel. Common on the shaded sides of gullies and rocks at Steeple Rock, Mason's Cove, Red Head, &c.


Ceramium rubrum Ag. Common all round the coast, between tide-marks. C. botryocarpum Griff. (C. rubrum Ag., var.). In summer of 1884, Dr. Crichton ?- C. Deslongchampsii Chauv. Epiphytic on other Algæ, Dr. Crichton.--C. diaphanum Roth. Common on Fuci and other Alge near high water in pools.--C. acanthonotum Carm. Common from below half-tide on all parts of the rocks, but seems, however, to prefer the protected sides.

Griffithsia setacea Ag. In shaded pools at Mason's Cove and Deil's Head.


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Callithamnion plumula Lyngb. (Antithamnion plumula Thur.). At the Ness and Mason's Cove in 1884, Bell. C. Turneri Ag. (Spermothamnion Turneri Aresch.). From below half-tide to low water; usually epiphytic on Ptilota sericea at the Mason's Cove and Auchmithie.--C. arbuscula Lyngb. Common on mussels and rocks about low-water mark. Very fine specimens at Dickmont's Den.-C. Brodiai Harv. Common on rocks all round the low-water mark opposite Arbroath.-C. Hookeri Ag. Generally on Cladostephus spongiosus and on rocks at low water, Steeple Rock, and below West Ropeworks. C. polyspermum Ag. Common at half-tide level on protected sides of rocks. In Outer Harbour, opposite Signal Tower, very abundant. -- C. spongiosum Harv. (C. granulatum Ag.). Rare. At the Red Head low-water mark. Epiphytic on smaller Algæ.-C. floridulum Ag. (Rhodochorton floridulum Näg.). Common in sandy pools at the Corriens. Occasionally at the cliffs on soft sandy rocks.-- C. Rothii Lyngb. (Rhodochorton Rothi Näg.). Common on rocks near high-water mark. A small cove immediately to the west of Mason's Cove is entirely lined with this plant. virgatulum Harv. (Chantransia virgatula Thur.). On Polysiphonia urceolata at the Red Head, on rocks below low-water mark.


Bryopsis plumosa Ag. Rare. In pools at the Mason's Cove and Auchmithie, growing on the sides in the shade.

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Cladophora rupestris Kg. Common between tide-marks, generally on exposed rocks. C. lætevirens Harv. In pools above half-tide level. Not uncommon. C. albida Kutz. In a pool near highwater mark at Red Head. Very rare. C. arcta Kütz. Common on rocks and in pools about low water.

Conferva tortuosa Dillw. (Chatomorpha tortuosa J. Ag.). Abundant on Algae in high-water mark pools.-C. Melagonium Web. et Mohr. (Chaetomorpha Melagonium Kütz.). Intermittent in its habit of growth. Not uncommon at Mason's Cove, Steeple Rock, and Breakwater. C. Youngana Dillw. (Ulothrix isogona Thur.). On Fucus vesiculosus and rocks near high-water mark. The outside of Breakwater is fringed with this plant.

Enteromorpha intestinalis Link (Ulva Enteromorpha Le Jolis, var.). Abundant in most pools near high-water mark. A large supply of water finds its way to the sea all round Arbroath, appearing as springs dotted everywhere; this will account for the large growths of this plant as found at the Ness and Common. E. compressa Grev. (Ulva Enteromorpha Le Jolis, var.). Common on rocks and stones everywhere. At the West Sands the Algae about low-water mark are always more or less covered. E. clathrata J. Ag. On Ceramium rubrum at Red Head. Not uncommon.


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Ulca latissima L. (Ulva lactuca L.). Common in tide-pools, and Vlea on rocks and stones.-U. Linza L. (Ulva Enteromorpha Le Jolis, var.). Common in most half-tide pools.

Porphyra laciniata Ag. Common between tide-marks on rocks, and epiphytic on Algæ. The form umbilicalis also occurs.-P. vulgaris Ag. Common on rocks, and in almost all pools above and below half-tide level. P. leucosticta Thuret. Growing on Algæ near low-water mark.


Rivularia atra Roth. Common on Algæ in pools near highwater mark. At Auchmithie, Red Head, Mason's Cove, &c.

Calothrix confervicola Ag. Epiphytic on Algae. Not uncommon. Lyngbya Carmichaelii Harv. (Ulothrix flacca Thur.). Abundant on Fucus vesiculosus above half-tide level from Ness to the Common. Dermocarpa incrustans Holmes MSS. (Sphænosiphon incrustans Reinsch). Parasitical on Polysiphonia. Mr. Holmes thinks it may possibly be only a variety of D. prasina; but the fronds are narrower and more cylindrical than in that species, and correspond exactly with Reinsch's figure. He has not met with fronds intermediate in character.

In conclusion, I take this opportunity of expressing my thanks to Mr. Holmes for the assistance rendered me in the identification of species, and the synonymy at present in general use.


THERE are few orders of which a general monograph is more needed than Malvacea. The last complete enumeration was that of DeCandolle in the first volume of the Prodromus' in 1824, and during the sixty-five years that have elapsed a very large number of additional species have been described. In the present paper I propose to attempt to bring together those belonging to the first

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