notice that in default of your so doing, We shall proceed thereon to judgment and execution. at Westminster, Witness (Indorsement.) At the suit of Her Majesty's Attorney General (or, as the case may be). By information This writ is issued against you by A. B., the solicitor of (as the case may be) (if for Penalties) for the forfeiture by you of £ for penalties under the statutes relating to the Revenue of Customs [Excise, Stamps, Taxes, &c. or as the case may be]. (or, if for Duties or a Debt), for the recovery of £ FORM NO. 2. Form of Subpæna for Intrusion for the Removal of Persons intruding. and to all persons entitled to defend the possession of the property, day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and (Indorsement.) At the suit of Her Majesty's Attorney General (or, as the case may be.) By information This writ is issued against you by A. B., the solicitor of (as the case 1860. REGULE GENERALES. 1860. REGULE GENERALES. may be) for the recovery of certain lands, messuages, and premises (describing the property with reasonable certainty.) FORM No. 3. Form of Subpoena for Intrusion for Profits or for Damages. greeting. We command and strictly enjoin you, that within fourteen at Westminster, the (Indorsement.) day of At the suit of Her Majesty's Attorney General (or as the case may be). By information This writ is issued against you by A. B., the solicitor of (as the case may be) [if for the recovery of profits] for the recovery from you of the profits of certain lands, messuages, and premises, situate in the parish of in the county of 1 (describing the property with reasonable certainty). [or, if for damages] for certain entries, intrusions, and trespasses com- (describing the property as before) [or, as the case may be]. Take notice, that in default of your entering an appearance in Our Court of Exchequer, according to the exigency of this writ, an information may be filed and judgment signed thereon. FORM 4. Form of Capias. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith: To the Sheriff of the county of greeting. We command you, That you do not omit by reason of any liberty of your bailiwick, but enter the same, and take C. D. by his body, wherever you find him in your bailiwick, and that you keep him safely and securely until he shall have given you bail,* or until the said C. D. shall by other lawful means be discharged from your custody. And We do further command you that, on execution hereof, you do deliver a copy of this writ to the said C. D. And We do hereby require the said C. D. to take notice, that within fourteen days after execution hereof on him, inclusive of the day of such execution, he shall cause an appearance to be entered for him in Our Court of Exchequer at Westminster, to answer Us touching certain articles to be exhibited against him before Our said Barons by Our Attorney General, and shall within the same time cause special bail to be put in for him to the said suit; and that, in default of so doing, such proceedings may be had and taken as are mentioned in the warning written or endorsed hereon. And We do further command you that, immediately after the execution hereof, you do return this writ to Our said Court of Exchequer, together with the manner in which you have executed the same, and the day of execution thereof, or, if the same shall remain unexecuted, then that you do so return the same at the expiration of six calendar months from the date hereof, or sooner, if you shall be thereto required by order of the said Court, or by any Judge thereof. at Westminster, the day of Witness in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and (Indorsement.) This writ is issued against the said C. D. by A. B., the solicitor of (as the case may be). (if for Penalties) for the forfeiture by the said C. D. of £ for penalties under the statutes relating to the Revenue of Customs (Excise, Stamps, Taxes, &c., or as the case may be). (or if for Duties or a Debt) for the recovery of £ A Warning to the Defendant. If a defendant, having given bail on the arrest, shall omit to enter an appearance, and put in special bail, as within required, the Crown may proceed against the sheriff, or on the bail bond, and may file an information against you and sign judgment thereon, and issue execution on such judgment, together with costs, at the expiration of fourteen days from the day of signing such judgment. Bail for £ Capias Detainer. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith: To the of greeting. We command you, That you keep and 1860. REGULE GENERALES. 1860. detain the body of REGULE GENERALES. EXCHEQUER REPORTS. now a prisoner in Our prison, under your custody, safely and securely, until he shall have given you bail [as in preceding form from the asterisk *.] FORM 5. Form of Scire Facias on Bond to the Queen. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith: To A. B. of in the county of greeting. Whereas you the said A. B., by bond or writing obligatory, sealed with your seal, made at Westminster, in the county of Middlesex, dated the day in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred became bound to Us in the sum of of and at Westminster, the Take notice, that if you appear in due time according to the exigency of this writ, you are required to plead thereto in fourteen days from the date of such appearance, including the day of such appearance, and in default judgment may be signed and execution issued forthwith. The plea must be delivered to the solicitor of the department issuing out this writ. FORM 6. Form of Scire Facias on Bail Bond. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith: To A. B. of in the county of greeting. Whereas you the said A. B., by bond or writing obligatory, sealed with your seal, made at Westminster, in the county of Middlesex, dated the day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and of in the sum of sheriff of the said county of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid to the said sheriff at a day past. And whereas, by a certain assignment of the said bond, the said sheriff, at Our request, costs, and charges, hath assigned unto Us for Our use the said bond or writing obligatory; and which said sum of REGULE GENERALES, 24 VICT. still remains due and unpaid to Us. And We, being desirous to be satisfied the same with all the speed We can (as is just), do command you, that within fourteen days from the service of this writ, including the day of service, you cause an appearance to be entered for you in Our Court of Exchequer at Westminster; and take notice, that in default of your so doing judgment will be signed against you forthwith, and execution issued at the expiration of fourteen days from the day of signing such judgment for the said sum of with costs. Witness together in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and FORM 7. Form of Scire Facias on Special Bail or Recognizance. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith: To A. B. of in the county of greeting. Whereas you the said A. B. came in your proper person before [here state before whom the acknowledgment took place] on the day of in , and the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and together with day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and 1860. REGULE GENERALES. |