Imágenes de páginas


tament. 80. tion, 1871].


Cooper (Samuel, m. d.) A dictionary of Copland (Robert). Jyl of Breyntford's tespractical surgery: revised, corrected, and [London, for private circulaenlarged with numerous notes and additions, embracing all the principal improvements. and greater operations introduced and performed by american surgeons. By David Meredith Reese, m. d. 3 v. in 1. 8°. New York, Harper & brothers, 1842.

The first lines of the theory and practice of surgery; including the principal operations. With notes and additions, by Willard Parker, m. d. 4th american, from the 7th London ed. 2 v. 540 pp; 531 pp. 8°. New York, S. S. & W. Wood, 1844. Cooper (Thomas, m. d.) The scripture doc" trine of materialism. 1823. A view of the metaphysical and physiological arguments in favor of materialism. First published in 1781. Outline of the association of ideas. 8°. Philadelphia, A. Small, 1823.

[In BROUSSAIS (F. J. V.) On irritation and insanity. 1831. pp. 293-408].

Cooper (Thomas, the chartist). Wise saws and modern instances. 2 v. x, 258 pp; 234 pp. 89. London, J. How, 1845. Coote (Charles, ll. d.) The life of Caius Julius Caesar; drawn from the most authentic sources of information. iv, 278 pp. 31. 1 portrait. 120. London, author, 1796. Cope (Edward Drinkard). On the hypothesis of evolution: physical and metaphysical. 71 pp. 12°. New Haven, (Conn.) C. C. Chatfield & co. 1871.

[HALF hours with modern scientists, pp. 145-215]. Copello (Juan). Memoria sobre la profilaxis de la tisis pulmonar tuberculosa.

267 pp.

12°. Lima, J. Enrique del Campo, 1867. Copenhagen. Det kongelige danske videnskabernes selskab. Regesta diplomatica historiæ danicæ. Index chronologicus diplomatum et literarum, historiam danicam inde ab antiquissimis temporibus usque ad annum 1660. [Or] Chronologisk fortegnelse over hidtil trykte diplomer og andre brevskaber til oplys. ning af den danske historie fra de ældste tider indtil aar 1660, met kort angivelse af indholdet. 2 v. in 3. xxxv, 887 pp; xxxiii, pp. 1-834; 2 p. 1. pp. 835-1639. 4°. Kjöbenhavn, J. D. Quist & comp. 1847-70. Copland (Alexander). Mortal life; and the state of the soul after death; conformable to divine revelation, as interpreted by the ablest commentators, and consistent with the discoveries of science. By a protestant layman. [anon.] 3p.1.572 pp. 8°. London, Smith, Elder & co. 1833.


[In FURNIVALL (F. J. editor). Jyl of Breyntford's testament [etc.] 1871. pp. 1–19 ̊. Coquereau (J. B. L.) Mémoires de l'abbé Terrai, controlleur-général des finances; avec une relation de l'émeute arrivée à Paris en 1775, & suivis de quatorze lettres d'un actionnaire de la compagnie des Indes. [anon.] 2 p. 1. 398 pp. 16°. Londres, 1776. Coquerel (Athanase Laurent Charles). Le christianisme expérimental. xx, 529 pp. 12o. Paris, J. Cherbuliez, 1847.

Histoire sainte et analyse de la bible, avec un critique sacrée élémentaire et un ordre de lecture des livres saints. xx, 484 pp. 16°. Paris, Cherbuliez et cie, 1839.

The same. 2e éd. revue et corrigée. xx, 484 pp. 160. Paris, Cherbuliez et cie. 1842. La mort seconde et les peines éternelles. Deux sermons sur l'apocalypse, ii, 11. 2 p. 1. 72 pp. 120. Paris, J. Cherbuliez, 1850. Sermons. jer et iie recueils, et sermons détachés. Nouvelle édition. xv, 564 pp. 8°. Paris, Marc-Aurel, frères, 1842. Corancez (Louis Alexandre Olivier de). Histoire des Wahabis, depuis leur origine jusqu'à la fin de 1809; par L. A. [anon.] 2 p. l. viii, 222 pp. 1 1. 8°. Paris, Crapart, 1810. Coras (Jean de). Arrest mémorable dv parlement de Tholose. Contenant vne histoire prodigieuse d'vn svpposé mary, aduenüe de nostre temps: enrichié de cent et onze belles et doctes annotations. 1560. 8 p. 1. 160 pp. 1.160 16°. Paris, Galliot du Pré, 1572. Corbaux (François). Dictionnaire des arbitrages simples, considérés par rapport à la France, dans les changes entre les villes commerçantes, tant de l'Europe que des autres parties du monde, et qui ont une correspondance mutuelle. 2 v. 2 v. viii, 210 pp. 1 1. 159 pp; xiv, 744 pp. 40. Paris, l'auteur, 1802. Corbin (P. and F.) Corbin's illustrated catalogue and price list of builders', cabinet, and miscellaneous hardware, including locks, latches, and ornamental bronze goods. 398 pp. 40. Hartford, Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 1871. Cordemoy (Louis Géraud de). A philosophicall discourse concerning speech, conformable to the cartesian principles. Englished out of french. 11 p. 1. 125 pp. 180. [London], J. Martin, 1668.



Cordemoy (Louis Géraud de)—continued.
Traité des saintes reliques. 8°. Paris,
Guien et comp. 1822.

[COLLIN DE PLANCY (J. A. S.) Dictionnaire des
reliques, etc. v. 3, pp. 331-361].

[blocks in formation]

See Paterson

Corneille (Pierre). The first act of the tragedy of Pompey, translated from the french of m. Corneille. [By Edmund Waller]. 4°. [London, I. Tonson, 1729].

[In WALLER (Edmund). Works. London, 1729. pp. 377-396].

Cornelius (Mrs. Mary H.) The young housekeeper's friend. Revised and enlarged. 254 pp. 12°. Boston, Taggard & Thompson,


The same. Revised and enlarged. 312 pp. 120. Boston, Thompson, Bigelow

& Brown, 1871. Cornell (J. H.) The congregational tune

book. A selection of hymn-tunes, old and new. iv, 148 pp. go. New York, Pott, Young & co. 1872.

Cornhill (The) magazine. [Monthly]. Jan. to Dec. 1871. v. 23-24. 8°. London, Smith, Elder & co. 1871.

Cornutus (Lucius Annæus). Phurnuti de natura deorum commentarius. [Græce et latine]. 8°. [Amstelodami, apud H. Wetstenium, 1688].

[In GALE (Thomas). Opuscula mythologica, pp. 137 -236].

Cornwallis (Kinahan). Adrift with a vengeance a tale of love and adventure.

pp. 120.


New York, Carleton, 1870.
Pilgrims of fashion. A novel.


[blocks in formation]

and geographical account of the Morea, Negropont, and the maritime places, as far as Thessalonica. Written in italian. Englished by R. W. 4 p. 1. 230 pp. 41 maps. 16°. London, M. Gillyflower & W. Canning, 1687. Correspondent (The), a selection of letters, from the best authors; together with some originals, adapted to all the periods and occasions of life. [anon.] 2 v. xi, 343 pp. 6 1; 1 p. 1. 348 1. 348 pp. 3 1. 12°. London, T. Cadell, jun. & W. Davies, 1796. Corson (Hiram). Hand-book of anglo-saxon and early english. xv, 572 pp. 8°. New York, Holt & Williams, 1871.

[blocks in formation]

40. Amsterdam, I van Hilten, 1629.
Cort verhael vande ordre die sijne conincklicke
majesteyt van Spagnien aen sijn generalissi-
mo den graef [Fernando Mascarenhas] de
la Torre inde Bay de todos los Sanctos gege
ven heeft, om int werck te stellen al t'ghene
hy tot recuparatie van Brasil noodigh achten
soude. Mitsgaders 't remarcabelste dat op de
custe van deselve capitania, soo int ghevecht
vande spaensche vlote stercke 87 zeylen [etc.
anon.] b.l. 61. sm. 4°. Amsterdam, I.
van Hilten, [1640].

Cort verhael van den staet en gelegentheyt
vande saecken, tusschen d'engelsche en ne-
derlantsche oost-indische compagnie, altans
controvers zijnde. [anon.] 16 pp. sm. 4°.
Amsterdam, P. Guldemont, 1664.
Corte (Gottlieb). See Kortte (Gottlieb).
Corte (J. B. de). Leçons de littérature an-
glaise, ou morceaux en prose et en vers tirés
des meilleurs auteurs anglais. . Vers. 1o éd.
275 pp. 120. Roulers, D. Vanhee, 1841.
Cortese (Isabella). Varietà di secreti, ne'
quali si contengono cose minerali, medicina-
li, profumi, belletti, artifitij, & alchimia; con
altre belle curiosità aggiunte Di nvovo ris-
tampati. 8 p. 1. 206 pp. 16°. Venetia, L.
Spineda, 1614.

Cospi (Ferdinando). Mvseo cospiano annesso
à quello del famoso Vlisse Aldrovandi e do-
nato alla sua patria dal signor Ferdinando
Cospi march. di Petriolo. Descrizione di
Lorenzo Legati. 12 p. 1. 532 pp. 1 pl. fol.
Bologna, G. Monti, 1677.

Cossigny (Joseph François Charpentier de).
Voyage à Canton, capitale de la province de
ce nom, à la Chine; par Gorée, le cap de
Bonne-Espérance, et les Isles de France et
de la Réunion; suivi d'observations sur le
voyage à la Chine, de lord Macartney et du
citoyen Van-Braam, et d'une esquisse des
arts des Indiens et des Chinois. viii, 607 pp.
8°. Paris, André, [1799].
Costa (Giovanni). Poema Alexandri Pope
de homine, Jacobi Thomson & Thomæ Gray
selecta carmina, ex britanna in latinam lin-
guam translata a Joanne Costa. Cum non-
nullis ejusdem poeticis scriptionibus. 4 p. 1.
128 pp. 40. Patavii, typis seminarii, 1775.


Costa (Margherita). Istoria del viaggio d'Ale- | Cotton (Rev. John)--continued.
magna del serenissimo gran duca di Tosca-
na Ferdinando secondo. 392 pp. 21. 40.
Venezia, [1630]?

Costanzo (Giuseppe Giustino, abate di). Di
un antico testo a penna della divina com-
media di Dante, con alcune annotazioni
su le varianti lezioni e sulle postille del me-
desimo. Lettera di Eustazio Dicearcheo
ad Angelio Sidicino. [pseudon.] 112 pp.
4°. Roma, Fulgoni, 1801.
Coster (Charles de). Légendes flamandes
[etc.] Précédées d'une préface par Émile
Deschanel. 2 p. 1. iv, 251 pp. 11. 12 pl. 8°.
Paris, M. Lévy frères, 1858.
Coster (Jacques). Manual of surgical opera-

tions; containing the new methods of ope-
rating devised by Lisfranc. The translation
and notes by John D. Godman, m. d. 265
pp. 2 tab.
12°. Philadelphia, Carey &
Lea, 1825.
Cota (Rodrigo de). La Celestina. 1822.
See Rojas (Fernando de) and Cota.
Coton (Pierre). Institvtio catholica in qua
exponitur fidei veritas et comprobatur adver-
sus hæreses et svperstitiones huius ævi, in
quatuor divisa libros qui totidem J. Caluini
voluminibus et institutioni opponi queant.
E gallico vertit L. C. R. 24 p. 1. 872 pp.
22 1. 4°. Moguntiae, sumptibus P. Hen-
ningii, 1618.

Cotta (Giovanni). Carmina. 16°. Venetiis, ex officina Vincentii Valgrisii, 1548.

[In CARMINA qvinqve illvstrivm poetarvm, pp. 87-95].

Cottom (Peter). The american star. Being a choice collection of the most approved patriotic and other songs. Together with many original ones, never before published. 2d ed. 1 p. 1. 215 pp. 1 pl. 18°. Richmond, P. Cottom, 1817.


Cotton (Charles). Burlesque upon burlesque:
or, the scoffer scoft. Being some of Lucian's
dialogues, newly put into english fustian.
2d ed. 3 p. 1. 200 pp. 1 1. 1 portrait.
London, C. Brome, 1687.
Cotton (Rev. John, of Boston). The contro-
versie concerning liberty of conscience in
matters of religion truly stated, by way of
answer to some arguments to the contrary
sent unto him. 1 p. 1. 14 pp. sm. 4°. Lon-
don, T. Banks, 1646.

[Note. The "arguments" replied to fill pp. 1-6, and are said to have been written long since by a witness of Jesus Christ, close prisoner in Newgate]. Cotton (Rev. John, of Newton). A holy fear of God, and his judgments, exhorted to: in


a sermon preach'd at Newton, Nov. 3, 1727. On a day of fasting and prayer, occasion'd by the terrible earthquake, on the Lords-day night before. With an appendix containing an account of the impressions made on the inhabitants of Haverhill [by rev. John Brown]. 2 p.l. xvi, 24, 7 pp. 16°. Boston, S. Gerrish, 1727.

Two sermons preach'd at Dorchester, April 9, 1727. With a preface by the rev. mr. Danforth, of Dorchester. 1 p. l. vi, 464 pp. 18°. Boston, S. Gerrish, 1727. Counting-house (The) monitor. A weekly

business journal, containing notices of dividends, interest, coupons, etc. when due and where payable; meetings, and closing of transfer books, of stock co's : etc. Jan. 1, 1869, to Jan. 2, 1870. v. 1. 8°. New York, E. W. Bullinger, 1869.


Country (The) gentleman's magazine.
[Monthly]. July, 1870, to Dec. 1871.
5-7. 8°. London, Simpkin, Marshall & co.

Couper (Robert, m. d.)
the scottish language.
285 pp: 310 pp.
Young, 1804.


Poetry, chiefly in
[2d ed.]?
2 v.
Inverness, by J.

Speculations on the mode and appearance of impregnation in the human female; with an account of the principal ancient, and an examination of the modern, theories of generation. 2d ed. xiii, 194 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, P. Hill, 1797.

Cournault (Edouard). Exposition des principes actuels de la philosophie, ou examen historique et discussion critique des principes subjectif, spiritualiste, et éclectique, sur lesquels repose de nos jours la philosophie. 3 p. 1. 320 pp. 8°. Paris, Ladrange, 1843. Court (Charles Caton de). Relation de la bataille donnée auprès de Fleurus par l'armée du roy, le 1. iuillet. 1690. sous les ordres do m. le maréchal duc de Luxembourg. Avec un plan qui marque tous les mouvemens que ce général a faits pour la gagner. [anon.] 10 p.l. 274, 76 pp. 1 map. 18°. Paris, M Guerout, 1690.

Court (The) journal and fashionable gazette. [London weekly]. Jan. to Dec. 1871. fol [London, W. Rayner, 1871].

Court (The) magazine, [and la belle assem

blée]. From June, 1832, to December, 1836.
v. 1-8. 8°. London, E. Bull, [1832–36].
[Incomplete: v. 3 and 9 wanting].


Court (The) magazine-continued.

The same. The court magazine, and monthly critic. From January to December, 1837. v. 10-11. 8°. London, E. Churton, 1837.

The same. The court magazine, and monthly critic, and lady's magazine, and museum of the belles lettres, etc. United series. From January, 1838, [to] June, 1846. v. 12-28. 8°. London, Dobbs & co. [1838-46].

[ocr errors]

[Note. This periodical was begun in the year 1756, under the title of "The lady's magazine "]. Courte de la Blanchardière (L'abbé). A voyage to Peru; performed by the [ship] Conde of St. Malo, in the years 1745 [to] 1749. Written by the chaplain [anon.] To which is added, An appendix, containing the present state of the spanish affairs in America, in respect to mines, trade, and discoveries. [By the english editor. anon.] xv, 173 pp. 16°. London, R. Griffiths, 1753. Courtilz de Sandras (Gatien de). La guerre d'Espagne, de Bavière, et de Flandre, ou mémoires du marquis D * * * . Contenant ce qui s'est passé de plus sécret & de plus particulier depuis le commencement de cette guerre, jusqu'à la fin de la campagne de 1706. 264 pp. 7 maps, 3 pl. 160. Cologne, [La Haye], P. Marteau, 1707.

Mémoires de Gaspard comte de Chavagnac. [1624-95. anon.] 3 p. 1. 504 pp. 16°. Amsterdam, J. Malherbe, 1700. Courtoy (Henry). Guide to Holyroodhouse. See Macmillan (James). Cousin (Victor). Essays on the destiny of modern philosophy, and an exposition of eclecticism. 136 pp. 160. Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, [about 1850].

Madame de Longueville. Nouvelles études sur les femmes illustres, et la société du xviie siècle. 20 éd. xii, 484 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Paris, Didier, 1853.

Madame de Sablé. Études sur les femmes illustres et la societé du xviie siècle. xii, 464 pp. 8°. Paris, Didier, 1854. Cousin Alice: a memoir of Alice B. Haven. [anon.] 392 pp. 1 portrait. 129. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1865.

Cousin Alice. [pseudon.] See Haven (Mrs.
Alice Bradley).

Cousins (The). See McIntosh (Maria J.)
Couteau (James Baptiste, pseudon.)
Jephson (Robert).




Covarrubias (Juan de Horoźco y).
Horozco y Covarrubias.
Covarrubias Horoźco (Sebastian de). Te-
soro de la lengva castellana, o española. 2 v.
in 1.
6 p. 1. 274 1. numb. 11; 213 1. numb. 2
1. fol. Madrid, M. Sanchez, 1673-74.
[With ALDERETE (Bernardo José). Del origen y
principio de la lengva castellana].

Cove (Rev. Morgan). An essay on the reve
nues of the church of England. 2d ed. 390
pp. 80. London, T. Cadell, jun. & W. Davies,


Covent (The) garden journal. 2 v. 1 p. 1.
816 pp. 4 pl. 8°. London, J. J. Stockdale,

Coverdale (Myles, bishop of Exeter). Biblia.
1535. Reprint, 1838. See Bible. (English).
Coward (William, m.d.) Second thoughts
concerning human soul. Demonstrating the
notion of human soul, as believ'd to be a
spiritual and immaterial substance, united to
human body, to be an invention of the hea-
thens, and not consonant to the principles of
philosophy, reason, or religion. 2d ed. cor-
rected and enlarg'd. 10 p. 1. 344 [435] pp.
80. London, A. Baldwin, 1704.
Cowles (Edward B.) Berrien county direct-
Cowles (Henry, d. d.) The revelation of John.
ory and history, 1871. See Berrien county.
See Bible. (English).

[Note. Only two volumes published].

Cowper (J. Meadows, editor). See Furni-
vall (Frederick J.) and Meadows.
Cowper (William, m. d.) Myotomia refor-
mata or an anatomical treatise on the mus-
cles of the human body. Illustrated with
figures after the life. To which is prefixed an
introduction concerning muscular motion.
[Edited by Richard Mead]. 6 p. 1. lxxvii,
21.194 pp. 67 pl. fol. London, R. Knap-
lock, 1724.
Cowtan (Robert). Memories of the british
museum. vii, 428 pp. 1 pl. 8°. London, R.
Bentley & son, 1872.

Cox (Edward W.) The arts of writing, read-
ing, and speaking. 264 pp. sq. 160. New
York, G. W. Carleton & co. 1872.
[HAND-BOOKS of society, v. 3].
Cox (Rev. Melville Beveridge). Remains of
Melville B. Cox, late missionary to Liberia.
With a memoir, by the rev. Gershom F. Cox.
250 pp.1 portrait. 180. New York, T. Ma-
son & G. Lane, 1839.

Cox (Rev. Robert). The life of the rev. John
William Fletcher, vicar of Madeley. 1st
am. ed. with introduction, and a selection


Cox (Rev. Robert)- continued.

from the correspondence of mr. Fletcher, by
rev. George A. Smith. xxvii, 240 pp. 120
Philadelphia, George & Byington, 1837.
Cox (Mrs. W. N.) Richard Peters: or, could
he forgive him. By Percy Curtiss. [pseu-
don.] 356 pp. 3 pl. 16°. Boston, Graves
& Ellis, 1872.

Coxe (Arthur Cleveland, bishop of western
New York). Advent, a mystery.
132 pp.
120. New York, J. S. Taylor, 1837.

Athanasion. Second edition, with notes and corrections. Also, miscellaneous poems. By the author of "Christian ballads." [anon.] 2 p. 1. 187 pp. 12°. New-York, Wiley & Putnam, 1842.

Christian ballads. [anon.] 138 pp. 12°. New York, Wiley & Putnam, 1840.

The same. Illustrated by John A. Hows. Revised edition. 235 pp. 14 pl. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1865.


Cracroft (Bernard)-continued.

sources. 2 v. xvi, 322 pp; xvi, 320 pp. 12°.
London, Trübner & co. 1868.

Craig (Rev. Robert). A refutation of certain
primary doctrines of popery, in which it is
demonstrated, that the italian or roman
church has long since ceased to be orthodox;
also, a demonstrative argument, that St.
Peter never was bishop of Rome. 2 v.
2 v. 1 p. 1.
xxiv, 93, iv, 86, 114 pp; 1 p. 1. xxiv, 93, iv, 86,
114 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Porter, 1823.

Craig (W. Marshall). Essay on painting.
40. London, 1817.

[In LAIRESSE (Gérard de). Treatise on painting, v. 2, pp. 273-294].

Craik (Dinah Maria Mulock). Fair France. Impressions of a traveller. By the author of "John Halifax, gentleman," [etc. anon.] 238 pp. 120. New York, Harper & brothers, 1871.

Hannah. By the author of "John Ha[etc. anon.] 310 pp. lifax, gentleman," [etc. anon.] 2 pl. 120. New York, Harper & bros. 1872. Craik (James, d. d.) Old and new. 1 p. 1. 284 pp. 12°. New York, D. Dana, jr.

1860. Crakanthorp (Richard, s. t. d.) Defensio ec clesiæ anglicanæ, [contra M. Antonii de Dominis, d. archiepiscopi spalatensis iniurias. Iohanne Barkham, s. t. d. in lucem editum]. xxiv, 603 pp. 8°. Oxonii, apud J. H. Parker, 1847.

The signs of the times as connected with the Vatican council: a series of lectures, delivered in Rochester, and other places. With a letter on christian unity by the late bishop of western New York. 56 pp. 8°. Rochester, (N. Y.) D. M. Dewey, 1870. Coxe (John Redman, m. d.) The american dispensatory, containing the natural, chemical, pharmaceutical and medical history of the different substances employed in medicine; together with the operations of pharmacy; illustrated and explained, according to the principles of modern chemistry. 6th Cranmer (Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury). ed. iv, 766 pp. 80. Philadelphia, H. C. Cranmer's bible. 1541. See Bible. (English).

Carey & Lea, 1825. Coxe (Margaret). american females. iv, 244 pp. 12°.

Claims of the country on
[anon.] iv, 15-243 pp;
Columbus, I. N. Whiting,

[Imperfect: wanting "introduction," pp. 1–12].

Floral emblems; or, moral sketches from flowers. 144 pp. 4 pl. 160. Cincinnati, H. W. Derby & co. 1845.

The life of John Wycliffe, d. d. 216 pp. 160. Columbus, I. N. Whiting, 1840. The young lady's companion: in a series of letters. 1 p. 1. viii, 342 pp. 120. Columbus, I. N. Whiting, 1839.

The same. The young lady's companion, and token of affection; in a series of letters. x, 348 pp. 85. Columbus, 1. N. Whiting, 1846. Cracroft (Bernard).

Essays, political and miscellaneous. Reprinted from various

[LIBRARY of anglo-catholic theology].

Cranz (David). Alte und neue brüder-histo-
rie oder kurz gefasste geschichte der evange-
lischen brüder-unität in den ältern zeiten und
insonderheit in dem gegenwärtigen jahrhun-
dert. 8 p. 1. 868 pp. 28 1. 12o. Barby, H.
D. Ebers, 1771.
Crashaw (Richard). Carmen Deo nostro, te
decet hymnvs. Sacred poems, collected,
corrected, avgmented [etc.] 131 pp. 160.
Paris, P. Targa, 1652.
Craven (Mrs. Augustus). Anna Severin.
Erzählung. Deutsch von J. B. Kälin.
Autorisirte uebersetzung.
352 pp.


[blocks in formation]
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