Nun the abushes THIRTEEN Complimen SATIRES OF JUVENAL. - WITH ENGLISH NOTES BY THE REV. A. J. MACLEANE, Μ.Α., TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. ABRIDGED, WITH ADDITIONS, BY THE REV. SAMUEL HART, M.A., PROFESSOR IN TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD. BOSTON: JOHN ALLYN, PUBLISHER, LATE SEVER, FRANCIS, & Co. 1873. HARVARD COLLEGE FEB 5 1887 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, by JOHN ALLYN, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. CAMBRIDGE: PRESS OF JOHN WILSON AND SON. PREFACE TO AMERICAN EDITION. MY purpose in preparing this edition of the Satires of Juvenal has been to make Mr. MACLEANE'S notes accessible to American undergraduates. The text is that of Mr. LONG's revision of Mr. Macleane's work, without alteration, except that three Satires are omitted. The greater part of the notes consists of an abridgment of those which are contained in the same work, the matter omitted being chiefly quotations from other classical authors and discussions as to readings and interpretations. In making this abridgment, the arrangement of sentences has been sometimes altered; and material has been freely incorporated into the notes from the new edition of Mr. MAYOR'S commentary (extending now to the end of the seventh Satire), from that of HEINRICH, and from other sources. Notes on construction have also been inserted; and, wherever they seemed necessary or desirable, references have been given to several of the Grammars in most com |