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fen, by the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London for the Time being, Eight Perfons of the most wife, difcreet, and best Sort of Watermen; and Three Perfons out of Twelve Perfons to be yearly nominated by the Lightermen, of the most wife, difcreet, and beft Sort of Lightermen, being Householders, having Two Lighters or Flat Boats upon the faid River, between Gravefend and Windfor; which Election shall be at the firft Court of Aldermen, to be holden within the faid City, next after the first Day of June; which faid Eleven Persons fo elected, fhall be named and called the Overfeers and Rulers of all the Wherrymen, Watermen, and Lightermen that fhall ufe, occupy, or exercise any Rowing upon the faid River, between Gravefend and Windfor; who fhall keep good Orders and Obedience amongst the faid Watermen and Lightermen. AND to IV.Claufe. that End and Purpose the Rulers and Asfiftants of the faid Company for the Time being, fhall, on the First Court-day after the First Day of June, yearly appoint the Watermen of the principal Towns, Stairs and Places of Plying, or the major Part of them refpectively, between Gravesend and Windfor, to choose one Free Waterman,

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terman, being an Householder, to be of their Affiftants, fo as they exceed not Sixty, nor be less than Forty Watermen ; and the Lightermen which fhall meet at the Hall of the faid Company on the First of June, between the Hours of Eight and Twelve in the Morning yearly, or the major Part of them then prefent, fhall choose Nine Lightermen, who, together with the faid Watermen, shall be the Affiftants of the faid Company, to advise and affift them for preferving good Government amongst the faid Company; which Rulers and Affiftants, or the major Part of them, fhall, on the first of July, yearly, present to the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen, for their Approbation, Five able and fit Watermen, and Two able and fit Lightermen; which Seven Perfons, or the major Part of them, fhall audit the Accounts of the Rulers and others of the faid Company, and fhall enter fuch Accounts in a Book kept for that Purpose, and fign the fame; which Book shall be kept in fome public Place in the Company's Hall, for View and Infpection by any Perfon concerned. V. Claufe. AND that if any Ruler, Affiftant, or Auditor, fo elected as aforefaid, fhall ob ftinately refufe fuch Place, or fhall neg


ligently exercife the fame, every fuch Offender fhall forfeit and pay Five Pounds. AND that the faid Rulers, VI. Claufe. Auditors, and Affiftants, or the major Part of them prefent, being all duly fummoned, by Summons in Writing, left at the Place of their ufual Abode, may make Rules and Orders, with reafonable Penalties, for the good Government of their Society, to be laid before the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen, to be by them examined, altered, or approved; and after confirmed or altered by the Lord Chief Justice of either Bench; and then to be binding, and put in Execution. AND that the Lord VII. Claufe. Mayor and Aldermen of London, and the Juftices ofthe Peace within the Shires next adjoining to the Thames, between Gravefend and Windfor, and every of them, within their feveral Jurifdictions, upon Complaint of the Overfeers and Rulers, or any Two of them, shall upon Oath hear and determine all Offences committed contrary to the faid Act, or to fuch Rules or Orders of the faid Company, and levy the Penalties thereof by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offender's Goods. AND that all Perfons owning or working VIII.Claufe any Lighter or Flat Boat for unlading A 3 Goods

Goods and Merchandize from Ships and other Veffels, and registering themselves and Servants and Places of Abode, in the faid Company's Books, by the 29th Day of September 1700, are thereby declared Lightermen; and that they, and none but fuch registered Perfons (befides Free Watermen there after registered as Lightermen, and fuch as fhall have ferved their Time to Lightermen) fhall keep and work any Lighters or other great Craft, under the Penalty of Five Pounds IX. Claufe. per Week for every fuch Offence; AND that none (except Trinity-men) fhall row or ply on the faid River, between Gravefend and Windfor, in any Boat, Wherry, or Barge, for carrying Paf fengers for Profit, except fuch as have ferved his Apprenticeship, or is a SerX. Claufe. vant or Apprentice to aWaterman. AND that all the Penalties and Forfeitures appointed by the faid Act, or the Rules or Orders made pursuant thereunto, fhall be levied in fuch Manner as by the said Act is directed and appointed, and paid to the faid Rulers and Overfeers of the faid Company, for the Ufe of the poor and decayed Perfons of the faid Society. XI. Claufe. AND that it fhall and may be lawful for the Rulers, Auditors and Affiftants


for the Time being, or the major Part of them, on any Court-day, to appoint any Number of Watermen, not exceeding Forty, to ply and work on the Lord's Day, between Vauxhall, above LondonBridge, and Limehoufe, below the fame Bridge, at fuch Common Stairs, or Places of Plying, as to them, or the major Part of them, shall seem most convenient for carrying Paffengers cross the said River, between the Limits aforefaid, at One Penny for fo carrying each Perfon; which Waterman fo appointed, fhall, on every Monday Morning, pay unto the Order of the faid Overfeers, Rulers, Auditors and Affiftants, all fuch Money as fhall be fo received, who fhall pay out of the fame to fuch Perfons fo working as they fhall agree for daily, and the Overplus to be applied to the Ufe of the poor Members of the faid Company, and their Widows; and every fuch Perfon fo working, who fhall neglect to pay fuch Money fo earned, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Shillings for every fuchNeglect.-PROVIDED XIIClaufe nevertheless, the Occupiers of any Key between Hermitage-Bridge and LondonBridge, may ufe what lawful Liberty they had before; And Woodmongers having

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