Imágenes de páginas



ALLEN, GRANT. The Evolution of the Idea of God. ix + 447 pp.
Richards, 1897.

London, Grant

BACHOFEN, J. J. Das Mutterrecht. Stuttgart, Kraiss u. Hoffmann, 1861.
BAGEHOT, WALTER. Physics and Politics. 224 pp. London, King, 1872.
BASTIAN, ADOLF. Der Mensch in der Geschichte. 3 vols. Leipzig, Wigand, 1860.
BEUCHAT, H., et HOLLEBECQUE, Les Religions. Paris, 1910.

M. L. Les Grottes de Grimaldi. 3 vols. Imprimerie de Monaco, 1908-10.
BROCA, PIERRE PAUL. Instructions craniologiques et craniométriques de la Société
d'Anthropologie de Paris. vii + 203 pp. Paris, Masson, 1875.

BROCA, PIERRE PAUL. Mémoires d'Anthropologie. 5 vols. Paris, Reinwald, 1871-88.
BÜCHER, KARL. Die Entstehung der Volkswirthschaft. 6th edition. ix + 464. pp.
Tübingen, Laupp, 1908.

3rd edition. (Préface par

BUSCHAN, Dr. GEO. Illustrierte Völkerkunde. Stuttgart, Strecker u. Schröder, 1910.
Canestrini, GIOVANNI. Antropologia. vi + 239 pp. Milano, Hoepli, 1898.
CARTAILHAC, EMILE. Les âges préhistoriques de l'Espagne et du Portugal.
M. A. de Quatrefages.) xxxv+ 347 pp. Paris, Reinwald, 1886.
CARTAILHAC, EMILE. La France préhistorique d'après les Sépultures et les Monuments.
iv +336 pp. Paris, Alcan, 1889.

CARTAILHAC, EMILE, et BREUIL, HENRI. Les Peintures et Gravures murales des
Cavernes Pyrénéennes Altamira et Marronlas. 16 pp. Paris, Masson, 1905.

CELS, ALPHONSE. Science de l'Homme et Méthode anthropologique. Bruxelles, Lebègue, 1904.

CLODD, EDWARD. The Story of Primitive Man. 206 pp. London, Newnes, 1895. CLODD, EDWARD. Tom Tit Tot: an Essay on Savage Philosophy in Folk-Lore. x + 249 pp. London, Duckworth, 1898.

COLINI, GIUSEPPE ANGELO. Il Sepolcreto di Rimedello sotto nel Bresciano e il Periodo encolitico in Italia. 456 pp. Parma, Battei, 1899-1903.


London, Murray, 1871.

The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex.

DARWIN, CHARLES ROBERT. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. vi + 374 pp. London, Murray, 1872.

DÉCHELETTE, J. Manuel d'Archéologie préhistorique, celtique et gallo-romaine. xix + 747 pp. Paris, Picard, 1908.

Deniker, JosePH. Les Races et les Peuples de la Terre: Eléments d'Anthropologie et d Ethnographie. vii +692 pp. Paris, Schleicher, 1900.

DENIKER, JOSEPH. The Races of Man: an Outline of Anthropology and Ethnography. xxiii+611 pp. London, Scott, 1900.

DENNETT, R. E. At the Back of the Black Man's Mind; or, Notes on the Kingly Office in West Africa. xv + 288 pp. London, Macmillan, 1906.

Dictionnaire des Sciences anthropologiques. 2 vols. Paris, Doin, 1883-89.

Dieserud, JuuL. The Scope and Content of the Science of Anthropology. (With annotated Bibliography.) 200 pp. Chicago, Open Court Publishing Company, 1908. DUCKWORTH, WYNFRID LAURENCE HENRY. Morphology and Anthropology: a Handbook for Students. xxvii + 564 pp. Cambridge, University Press, 1893.

DURKHEIM, EMILE. De la Division du Travail social: Etudes sur l'Organisation des Sociétés supérieures. ix + 471 pp. Paris, Alcan, 1893.

DURKHEIM, EMILE. Les Règles de la Méthode sociologique. viii + 186 pp. Paris, Alcan, 1895.

Ehrenreich, PAUL. Die allgemeine Mythologie und ihre ethnologische Grundlagen. viii + 288 pp. Leipzig, Heinrich's Verlag, 1910.

FLOWER, Sir WILLIAM HENRY, K.C.B. Classification of the Varieties of the Human Species. (In Journal of the Anthropological Inst., vol. xiv., pp. 378-95.) London, Trübner, 1895.

FOLKMAR, DANIEL. Leçons d'Anthropologie philosophique: ses Applications à la Morale positive. Paris, Schleicher, 1900.

GEIGER, Lazarus. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Menschheit: Vorträge. vii +150 pp. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1871.

GENNEP, A. VAN. Les Rites de Passage: Etude systématique des Rites. ii+294 pp. Paris, Nourry, 1909.


The Principles of Sociology. xvi + 476 pp. New York

and London, Macmillan, 1896.


Kegan Paul, 1892.

Ethnology in Folklore. vii + 200 pp. London,

GOMME, Sir GEORGE LAURENCE. Folklore as an Historical Science. xvi +371 pp. London, Methuen.

GROSSE, ERNST. Die Anfänge der Kunst. vii + 301 pp. Freiburg i/B., Mohr,


GUMMERE, FRANCIS BARTON. Germanic Origins: a Study in Primitive Culture. viii +490 pp. New York, Scribner, 1892.

GÜNTHER, SIEGMUND. Ziele, Richtpunkte und Methoden der modernen Völkerkunde. iii+52 pp. Stuttgart, Enke, 1904.

HADDON, ALFRED CORT. Evolution in Art: as illustrated by the Life-Histories of
Designs. xviii+ 364 pp. London, Scott, 1895.


HADDON, Alfred Cort.

Milner, 1909.
pology. x+158 pages.

Magic and Fetishism. viii+99 pp. London, Constable,

The Study of Man. xxxii + 512 pp. London, Bliss, 1898.
The Races of Man and their Distribution. 136 pp. London,

[blocks in formation]

HAECKEL, ERNST. Anthropogenie, oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen, xxviii+992 pp. Leipzig, Engelmann, 1903. 5th edition.


The Legend of Perseus: a Study of Tradition, in Story, Custom, and Belief. 3 vols. London, Nutt, 1894. HARTLAND, EDWIN SIDNEY. Primitive Paternity. 2 vols. HOBHOUSE, LEONARD TRELAWNEY.

Macmillan, 1901.

London, Nutt, 1909.
Mind in Evolution. xiv + 415 pp.


HOBHOUSE, LEONARD TRelawney. Morals in Evolution: a Study in Comparative Ethics. 2 vols. London, Chapman & Hall, 1906.

HOERNES, MORITZ. Natur- und Urgeschichte des Menschen. 2 vols. Wien, Hartleben, und Leipzig, 1909.

HOFFMANN-KRAYER, EDUard. Die Volkskunde als Wissenschaft. 34 pp. Zürich, Amberger, 1902.

HOVELACQUE, ABEL, et HERVÉ, GEORGES. Précis d'Anthropologie. viii+654 PP. Paris, Delahaye et Lecrosnier, 1887.

HOWARD, GEORGE ELLIOTT. and the United States. London, Unwin, 1904.

A History of Matrimonial Institutions, chiefly in England 3 vols. Chicago, University of Chicago Press; and

HUXLEY, THOMAS HENRY. Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature. 159 pp. London, Williams & Norgate, 1863.

HUXLEY, THOMAS HENRY. On the Methods and Results of Ethnology. (In his Scientific Memoirs, vol. iii., pp. 121-24.) London, Macmillan, 1901.

ISSEL, ARTURO. Liguria Preistorica. (In Atti della Società Figure di Storia Patria.) 765 pp. Genova, 1908.

JEVONS, FRANK BYRON. An Introduction to the History of Religion. vii + 443 pp. London, Methuen, 1896.

University Press, 1899.

Man: Past and Present. xii + 584 pp. Cambridge,

KEANE, AUGUSTUS HENRY. Ethnology. xxx + 442 pp. Cambridge, University Press, 1896. 2nd edition.

LANG, ANDREW. Custom and Myth. 312 pp.

London, Longmans, 1884.

LANG, ANDREW. Magic and Religion. 316 pp. London, Longmans, 1901.
LANG, ANDREW. Myth, Ritual, and Religion. 2 vols. London, Longmans, 1887.
Lefèvre, AndRÉ. Les Races et les Langues. Paris, Alcan, 1893.

LETOURNEAU, CHARLES JEAN MARIE. La Sociologie d'après l'Ethnographie. xvi +581 pp.
Paris, Reinwald, 1892. 3rd edition. (Eng. trans. by H. M. Trollope, 1881.)
LETOURNEAU, CHARLES JEAN MARIE. L'Evolution de la Morale. xx + 478 pp. Paris,

LETOURNEAU, CHARLES JEAN MARIE. L'Evolution du Mariage et de la Famille. xxii +467 pp. Paris, Delahaye et Lecrosnier, 1888.

LIPPERT, JULIUS. Die Geschichte der Familie. vii +260 pp. Stuttgart, Enke, 1884.
LUBBOCK, Sir JOHN (Lord Avebury). The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive
Condition of Man: Mental and Social Condition of Savages. 380 pp. London,
Longmans, 1870.

LYELL, Sir CHARLES. The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man. xii +506 pp.
London, Murray, 1863.
Methuen, 1908.

An Introduction to Social Psychology. xv+355 pp. London,

MACLENNAN, JOHN FERGUSON. Primitive Marriage: an
Form of Capture in Marriage Ceremonies. ix +326 pp.

Inquiry into the Origin of the
Edinburgh, Black, 1865.

MACLENNAN, JOHN FERGUSON. The Patriarchal Theory. xvi +355 pp. London, Macmillan, 1885.


London, Murray, 1883.

Dissertations on Early Law and Custom. 402 pp.

MAINE, Sir HENRY JAMES Sumner. Lectures on the Early History of Institutions. viii+ 412 pp. London, Murray, 1875.


L'Ethnologie et l'Ethnographie dans l'Anthropologie.

161 PP.

Paris, 1884. MANOUVRIER, L. Recherches d'Anatomie comparative et d'Anatomie philosophique sur les Caractères du Crâne et du Cerveau. Deux Mémoires, publiés dans le Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France, 1882, et dans les Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, 1888.

Manuel de Recherches préhistoriques publié par la Société préhistorique de France. ix +327 pp. Paris, Schleicher, 1906.

MARCH, HENRY COLLEY. The Meaning of Ornament. 1889.


Methuen, 1909.

The Threshold of Religion. xix + 173 pp. London,

MASON, OTIS TUFTON. The Origins of Invention. 419 pp. London, Scott, 1895. MASON, OTIS TUFTON. Woman's Share in Primitive Culture. xiii +295 pp. London and New York, Appleton, 1894.

MAZZARELLA, GIUSEPPE. Les Types sociaux et le Droit. Paris, 1908.

MAZZARELLA, GIUSEPPE. Studi di Etnologia giuridica. 2 vols. Catania, Coco,


Meinhof, KarL. Die Sprache der Herero in Deutsch Südwest Afrika. Deutsche Kolonialsprachen. Vol. i. viii+114 pp. Berlin, Reimer, 1909.

MEINHOF, KARL. Grundzüge einer vergleichenden Grammatik der Bantusprachen. xiii+160 pp. Berlin, Reimer, 1906.

MEINHOF, KARL. Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. I.-XIII. Mitteilungen des Seminars für Oriental Sprachen. Berlin, 1904-7.

METCHNIKOFF, ELIE. Etudes sur la nature humaine. ii +405 pp. Paris, Masson, 1903. MORSELLI, ENRICO. Antropologia generale: Lezioni su l'Uomo secondo la Dottrina dell Evoluzione. 1200 pp. Torino, 1911.

MÜLLER, FRIEDRICH MAX. Biographies of Words, and The Home of the Aryas. xxvii + 278 pp. London, Longmans, 1888.

MÜLLER, FRIEDRICH MAX. Lectures on the Science of Language. 2 vols. London, Longmans, 1861-64.

MUNRO, ROBERT. Prehistoric Problems. xix +371 pp. Edinburgh and London, Blackwood, 1897.

NICEFORO, ALFREDO. Antropologia delle Classi povere. Milano, Vallardi, 1910.

NICEFORO, ALFREDO. Les Langues spéciales, les Argots et les Argots magiques. Bibliothèque Revue des Idées. Paris, 1911.

NICEFORO, ALFREDO. Ricerche sui Contadini: Contributo allo Studio antropologico delle Classi povere. Sandron, 1908.

PITT-RIVERS, AUGUSTUS HENRY LANE-FOX. The Evolution of Culture, and other Essays. xx + 232 pp. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1906.

QUATREFAGES, J. L. ARMAND de. Histoire générale des Races humaines. 2 vols.

Paris, 1887-89.


L'Espèce humaine. Paris, Baillière, 1877. 3rd edition.
The Human Species. 498 pp. London, Kegan Paul,

QUATREFAGES, J. L. ARMAND DE, et HAMY, ERNEST T. Crania ethnica: Les Crânes des Races humaines. Paris, Baillière, 1882.

RANKE, JOHANNES. Der Mensch. 2 vols. Leipzig, Bibliograph. Institut, 1886–87. RATZEL, FRIEDRICH. Die Erde und das Leben. 2 vols. Leipzig, Bibliograph. Institut, 1901.


Völkerkunde. 3 vols. Leipzig, Bibliograph. Institut, 1885-88. RECLUS, ELISÉE. L'Homme et la Terre. 6 vols. Paris, Librairie Universelle, 1905-8. REINACH, SALOMON. Cultes, Mythes et Religions. 3 vols. Paris, Leroux, 1905-8. REINACH, Salomon. Orpheus: Histoire générale des Religions. xxi+625 pp. Paris,

Picard, 1909.

ROMANES, GEORGE JOHN. Mental Evolution in Man: Origin of Human Faculty. viii+452 pp. London, Kegan Paul, 1888.

SAYCE, ARCHIBALD HENRY. Introduction to the Science of Language. 2 vols. London, Kegan Paul, 1880.

SCHMIDT, EMIL. Anthropologische Methoden. iv +336 pp. Leipzig, Veit, 1888.
SCHURTZ, Heinrich. Völkerkunde. (Part xvi. of Die Erdkunde, herausgegeben von Max
Klar.) Leipzig, 1903.

SCHÜTZ, Dr. LUDWIG H. Die Hauptsprachen unserer Zeit. Frankfurt a/M., Goar, 1910.
SÉBILLOT, PAUL. Le Folk-lore de France. 4 vols. Paris. Guilmoto, 1904.
SEEBOHM, Frederic. The English Village Community examined in its Relations to the
Manorial and Tribal Systems. xxi +464 pp. London, Longmans, 1883.
SERGI, GIUSEPPE. Arii in Europa e in Asia: Studio etnografico. 272 pp. Torino,
Bocca, 1904.

Arii e Italici attorno all' Italia preistorica. 228 pp. Torino, Bocca,

1898. SERGI, GIUSeppe. Hominide: Sistema naturale de Classificazione, ovvero: l'Uomo secondo le origini, l'antichità, le variazioni, la distribuzione geografica. Torino, 1911. Sergi, GiuseppE. L'Evoluzione umana, individuale e sociale. Torino, 1904. SIMCOX, EDITH J. Primitive Civilisations; or, Outlines of the History of Ownership is Archaic Communities. 2 vols. London, Swan Sonnenschein, 1894.

SMITH, WILLIAM ROBERTSON. Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia. xiv +322 pp. Cambridge, University Press, 1885.

TOPINARD, PAUL. Eléments d'Anthropologie générale. Paris, Delahaye et Lecrosnier, 1884. 4th edition. (Eng. trans. by J. M. Robertson. London, Chapman & Hall, 1890.) TOPINARD, PAUL. Science et Foi: L'Anthropologie et la Science sociale. x+578 pp. Paris, Masson, 1899. TYLER, JOHN MASON. Man in the Light of Evolution. xiv +231 pp. New York, Appleton, 1908.

TYLOR, EDWARD BURNETT. Researches into the Early History of Mankind and the Development of Civilisation. vi + 378 pp. London, Murray, 1865.

TYLOR, EDWARD BURNETT. Anthropology: an Introduction to the Study of Man and Civilisation. xv+448 pp. London, Macmillan, 1881.

TYLOR, EDWARD BURnett. Primitive Culture: Researches into the Development o Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Art, and Custom. 2 vols. London, Murray, 1903. 4th edition.

WAITZ, THEODOR. Anthropologie der Naturvölker. 6 vols. xxii+830 pp. Leipzig, 1871. WESTERMANN, DIEDRICH. Handbuch der Ful-Sprache: Wörterbuch, Grammatik, Uebungen und Texte. vii + 274 pp. Berlin, Reimer, 1909. WESTERMANN, DIEDRICH.


Wörterbuch der Ewesprache. 2 vols. Berlin, Reimer,

WESTERMARCK, EDWARD ALEXANDER. The History of Human Marriage. xix + 644 pp.

London, Macmillan, 1891.


2 vols. London, Macmillan, 1906.

The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas..

WEULE, CARL, Völkerkunde und Urgeschichte im 20ten Jahrhundert. iv+43 pp. Eisenach, 1902.

WIEDERSHEIM, ROBERT. Der Bau des Menschen als Zeugniss für seine Vergangenheit. 114 pp. Freiburg i/B., Mohr, 1887.

WUNDT, WILHELM. Völkerpsychologie: Eine Untersuchung der Entwickelungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte. 2 vols. Vol. i. Die Sprache. Vol. ii. Mythus und Religion. Leipzig, Engelmann, 1905-9.



ABRAHAMS, ISRAEL. Article Jews in Ency. Brit., 1911 edition.

ABRAHAMS, ISRAEL. Jewish Life in the Middle Ages. xxvii + 452 pp. London, Macmillan, 1896.

ANDREE, RICHARD. Zur Volkskunde der Juden. viii + 296 pp. Leipzig, Verhagen, 1881.

BASTIAN, ADOLF. Zur Lehre von den geographischen Provinzen.
Berlin, Mittler, 1886.

XXV + 118 pp.

GRAETZ, HIRSCH. History of the Tews. (Eng. trans.) 5 vols. London, Nutt, 1891-92.

JELLINCK, A. Der jüdische Stamm: Ethnographische Studien.
Wien, Herzfeld u. Bauer, 1869.

viii+224 pp.

MIKLOSICH, FRANZ. Ueber die Mundarten und die Wanderungen der Zigeuner Europas. 12 vols. Wien, Gerold, 1872-81.

MORRIS, CHARLES. Home Life in all Lands. 2 vols. Lippincott, Philadelphia and London, 1908-9.

Müller, FrieDRICH. Allgemeine Ethnographie. viii + 550 pp. Wien, Hölder, 1873. RATZEL, FRIEDRICH. Anthropo-Geographie, oder Grundzüge der Anwendung der Erdkunde auf die Geschichte. 2 vols. Stuttgart, Engelhorn, 1882-91.

RECLUS, ELIE. Ethnography. (In Ency. Brit., 9th edition, pp. 613-26.) Edinburgh, Black.

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