Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Andamanese, 30

Angara, 104, 105

Armenoids, 18
Arnold, Anton, 209
Aurignac Man, 5

Autonomy, 40, 121, 129, 164-, 281, 282,
288, 292, 295-, 298, 321, 339, 352-,

Avars, 185, 198

BABISM in Persia, 151

Backward Races, 38, 41, 43, 46, 48, 222-,

267, 323

Baha, 'Abdu'l, Letter from, 154

Bahai Movement in Persia, 154

Banneker, Benjamin, 352, 362
Bantu, 19, 336, 349

Batak Institute, 259
Batwa, 340

Beauty-Equality of Races as regards, 14,

34, 332, 344, 380

"Beena," 9 note

Beni-Israel, 276

Berbers, 20

Besutho, 336

Black Magic, 8, 346

Blakeslee, Professor G. H., 448

Boas, Dr. Franz, Paper by, 99
Bolk, 100

Bourgeois, Léon, Letter by, 462

Brazilian Half-breeds, 377

Bruce, Sir Charles, Paper by, 279
Burtt, Joseph, Paper by, 323

Anthropological View of Race, Special Paper, Bushido, 140

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

EASTMAN, Charles Alexander, Paper by,

Economics, 25, 38, 49, 50, 53-, 97, 173, 176–,

182, 204, 208–, 211–, 222−, 244-, 252,
254, 259, 265, 270, 272, 278, 288,
294, 307, 312-, 323-, 327, 338, 342-,
357-, 365-, 369-, 384-, 426, 434
Education, 25, 38–, 80–, 85, 120, 127, 134,
140, 145, 151, 166, 172, 176, 181,
236, 243, 251-, 296, 326–, 334, 335,
340, 357, 386, 428-, 433-, 442


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

American Prejudice against Japanese, Luschan, Professor Felix von, Paper by, 13

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Monogenetic Origin of Mankind, 16, 21, 377
Moors, III

Moral Education in Schools, effect on Race
Knowledge, 433

Moral Factor, 25, 28-, 34, 67-, 75, 124-,

127, 134, 171–, 196–, 240–, 251, 259,
260-, 277, 279-, 293-, 306, 319, 325,
333, 337-, 342-, 348, 364-, 367-, 371,
384-, 429-, 441

Morley, Lord, 164, 166

Morphological Characters, 4, 35
Moscheles, Felix, 449

Mulattoes, Percentage in Negro Population,

Table, 110

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Nieuwenhuis, Dr. A. W., Paper by, 259
Nihilist Movement, 199
Nivedita, Sister, Paper by, 86
Nobel Institute, 251
Noble, Margaret, 86

North American Indians, see Indians
Nose, Semitic, Origin of, 18

OBSERVATION, Powers of Primitive People,


Olivier, Sir Sydney, III

Paper by, 293 et seq.
Opium Traffic, 324

Oriental Civilisation and Culture, Proposed
Endowment of Professorships in
Western Universities, 13
Oriental Studies, Encouragement of, 243
Otaheitans, 406

P., W. T., 155

Palæolithic Man, 16-

Pantheism, 141

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