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Aberden Alexander Chalmer Androw anno Domini Arbuthnot assyse awin bailye beand burgh callit Chalmer church clayth Constable counsale Court Dauid day of October departtit Domini Earl of Erroll Edinburgh elder Erle Erll Eroll Erskine Forbes forsaid Fraser freind furth George Gilbert Gordon haif haill haldin haue honorabill honour hous Huntlie indytit and accusit Innes Inverness John Johnne King James Kirk Kyng kyrk Laird landis letter Lord Ilay Lord Lovat lordis lordship maid maist Maister Majesties manrent Menzis merkis minister Murray nocht deny Number officiaris Parliament Patrick pece person Pittodrie prowest quha quhair quhilk quhilk thow Robert saidis salbe sall samin samyn Scotland Scots College sone Spyne suld thai thair thairfor thairof thame thifteous steling thir Thomas Thomas Menzis thow can nocht trew tyme vnder vpon vpone vther Walter Cullen William Wilyem woud yeir yeir of God yeiris yeris
Pasajes populares
Página xl - Glory beyond all glory ever seen By waking sense or by the dreaming soul! The appearance, instantaneously disclosed, Was of a mighty city, boldly say A wilderness of building, sinking far And self-withdrawn into a boundless depth, Far sinking into splendour — without end! Fabric it seemed of diamond and of gold, With alabaster domes, and silver spires, And blazing terrace upon terrace, high Uplifted...
Página xli - twas an unimaginable sight ! Clouds, mists, streams, watery rocks, and emerald turf, Clouds of all tincture, rocks and sapphire sky, Confused, commingled, mutually inflamed, Molten together, and composing thus, Each lost in each, that marvellous array Of temple, palace, citadel, and huge Fantastic pomp of structure without name, In fleecy folds voluminous enwrapped.
Página 306 - Dei gracia Rex Scottorum, omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre sue, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciant presentes et futuri me...
Página 405 - ... de perpetrata iniquitate cognoscat et a sacratissimo corpore ac sanguine Dei et Domini Redemptoris nostri Jesu Christi aliena fiat atque in extremo examine districte ultioni subjaceat.
Página 403 - Petri et nostra protectione suscipimus et presentis scripti privilegio communimus: in primis siquidem statuentes ut ordo monasticus qui secundum Deum et beati Benedicti regulam atque institutionem Cisterciensium fratrum in eodem monasterio institutus esse dinoscitur perpetuis ibidem temporibus inviolabiliter observetur.
Página 405 - Decernimus ergo, ut nulli omnino hominum liceat prefatum monasterium temere perturbare aut eius possessiones auferre vel ablatas retinere minuere seu...
Página 9 - ... same, or who shall not pay his Subscription for the current year within three Months after his Election, or after such Subscription shall have become due, shall thereupon cease to be a Member of the Society. XX. That the Council may appoint Local Secretaries in such places, and with such authorities as to them shall seem expedient ; every Local Secretary being a Member of the Society.
Página cxlix - ... with that equipage to Ruthven late at night, and my chariot was pulled there by force of men, where I got an English wheelwright and a smith, who wrought two days mending my chariot; and after paying very dear for their work, and for my quarters two nights, 1 was not gone four miles from Ruthven when it broke again, so that I was in a miserable condition till I came to Dalnakeardach...
Página 8 - CLDB, for the printing of the Historical, Ecclesiastical, Genealogical, Topographical, and Literary Remains of the North-Eastern Counties of Scotland.
Página xli - Stood fixed ; and fixed resemblances were seen To implements of ordinary use, But vast in size, in substance glorified ; Such as by Hebrew Prophets were beheld In vision—forms uncouth of mightiest power For admiration and mysterious awe.