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next ye Bay or upon ye Sea Coast for that wee will not sell. But any of the rest you may sell wee suppose wee need not reminde you of giving us Ample advise of all things as well Concerning ye whale fishing ffurr trade mines & mineralls our Land in Pennsilvania which if a good Chapman offers wee would willingly part with As also the two Proprieties above the ffalls surveyed & purchased by the Doctor of the Indians a further purchase wee have also made of the Doctor which hee bought of Thomas Budd Containing 15 Thousand Acres of Land that was allotted said Budd by the Country for satisfaction of a Debt of 1250 which they owed said Budd and for which Doctor Coxe paid the said Budd. is said to be the best Land in the Province. pray give us your thoughts of it And if you can have Chapmen that will buy it for twelve pounds p hundred Acres which price ye Doctor assures us it will yield you may sell what you can of it only reserving to us some part of it near the River where the best oaks grow for the Doctor tell us there are upon it the best oaks in ye whole Country. Dr Coxe hath Informed us that Land is sold for 10 p hundred Acres but rather than fayle you may sell that above the ffalls & in Pennsilvania for 5 p hundred Acres Jersey money or any other except that of Tho: Budds & Cape May. You must also take care you doe not sell any so as to prejudise the rest which will be if you lett them take up all of the best & none of the worst Land with it But your prudence will in that Case we suppose direct you better than we Can. Not also till we heare from you but that wee are

Yo' Lo: ffriends

ROB: HACKSHAW by order of ye Committee. The originall is signed by S! Tho: Lane: Edw. Harrison, Rob Hackshaw, Rob Michell W Whitman, Charles Michell, Mordecay Abbott, James Boddington.

Solicitor General's Report on the Charter of Connecticut, and on the Grant of New Jersey.

[From New York Col. Docts, Vol. IV., p. 1.]

May it please your Lordships

In obedience to your Lordships orders of the 8th Instant here unto annexed I have considered of the Charter granted to the Gov! and Company of Connecticutt, and I have also considered of the Grants made to the Proprietors of East and West New Jersey in America and I am humbly of Opinion that notwithstanding any thing in the said Charter or Grants, that there Majesties by virtue of their Prerogative and Soverainty over those Colonies, which is not granted from the Crown to the Gov! and Company, nor to the proprietors by any of the Chart" may appoint Governors for these places with such Powers, and authorities for the Government thereof, and for raising men and furnishing Provisions for the necessary defence of his Subjects and the neighboring Colonies against their Enemies as their Majesties shall in their great wisdom judge reasonable.

And I conceive that the Proprietor of New York may assign his Propriety in New Jersey which is part of New York to others but cannot by any such Grant or Assignment absolutely sever New Jersey from New York but that still it remains a part thereof and dependent on the Gov'm' of N: York and lyable to contribute men and provisions for the supp and protect" of N: York against any Enemys.

13, Feb: 169


From William Dockwra, Secretary and Register of the Proprietors of East Jersey, to Governor Hamilton.

[From the Original among the Manuscripts of the N. J. Hist. Society.] GOVERNOR HAMILTON

S Wee kindely salute you, haueing this day read yo' letter p' Capt Phillips wch came via Barbados date at Perth Amboy the 30 Septemb: last with another therein enclosed of the same date signed by Mr Ric Hartshorn by order of the house of Deputies as their Speaker, and by M' Gordon by order of the Councill as Deputy Secretary. Wee are well satisfied with the care and conduct you have showed in the asserting our right to ye Governm & yo! own authority by our Commission an order to ye good & quiet settlem of the Province.

And we doubt not but a little time will make it manifest, that all those who haue perform'd their dutyes in a ready complyance with you, haue therein consulted and adheerd to their true interest & the publique good of the whole Province, and those few who haue opposed you will quickly repent & correct their Errors. Our future Actions shall declare that we doe not more designe our own Interest than the reall prosperity of that province ouer wch you preside.

Wee shall gladly receive the best information, how we may be enabled to increase ye number of people to etle in the Province & to advance the trade thereof, particularly we desire to know whether a Whale fishery may not be established to good advantage at Egge harbour or Barnagatt and the best measures to be taken for it, wee being well assured that there is a very great resort of that ffish especially (as well as others) vpon of coasts the Oyle & bone being very staple com'odities here,

Pray give our kinde respects to Mr Hartshorne

Speaker of the Assembly and to all the rest of the members as you haue opportunity, their answer to our letter being very well resented, and wee desire you to acquaint y that wee shall take due care to represent to their Majties (or cheife Ministers of State their peaceable & dutifull behaviour to them & us vnder yo! Government, and particularly of their readynes to comply with their Majesties pleasure to give such assistance to their neighbours agt the com'on Enemy (as they are able to doe) in case of any exigency.

The Government & inhabitants of New-Yorke, according to their wonted custom haue very lately by their Agents been solliciting again at Court, for an Annexation of both the Jerseyes to that Province, but have been frustrated in their designe and we little doubt all future attempts of that kinde will meet with no better successe.

Wee are the more easie in this, by our observing ye vnity and good correspondence between you & ye Representatives of the people, which, together with yo' experience and prudent managem! will free us from all apprehensions of being expos'd to danger from any just cause of complaint by those of New-York ag! yo! Administration, Wee hope by the next shipp to receive an acco' of the good effects of your so promiseing an Entrance into the Governm & what progresse you have made in the particulars recom'ended to yo' care in our Instructions, And so we bid you heartyly Farewell,

Signed by order of the Committee of Proprietors

London the first of April 1693 [Addressed] To

Seer & Reg!

The Honoured Coll. Andrew Hamilton Governour of the Province of East-New-Jersey In America at

[blocks in formation]

Journal of Captain Arent Schuyler's visit to the Minisink Country.

[From New York Col. Docts, Vol. IV., p. 98.j

May it pleas your Excell.

In persuance to y' Excell: commands I have been in the Minnissinck Country of which I have kept the following Journall: viz

169 ye 3 of Feb: I departed from New Yorke for East New Jersey and came that night att Bergentown where I heired two men and a guide.

ye 4th Sunday, Morning, I went from Bergen & travilled about ten English miles beyond Haghkingsack to an Indian place called Peckwes.

ye 5th Monday. From Peckwes North and be West I went about thirty-two miles snowing and rainy wether.

ye 6th Thusday. I continued my Journey to Maggaghkamieck' and from thence to within half a days Journy to the Mennissinck

ye 7th Wendsday. Abount Eleaven a Clock I arrived att the Mennissinck, and there I mett with two of ther Sachems and severall other Indians of whome I inquired after some news, if the French or their Indians had sent for them or been in yR Mennissinck Country. Upon wch they answered that noe French nor any of the French Indians were nor had been in the Mennissinck Country nor there abouts and did promise yt if ye French should hapen to come or y they heard of it that they will forthwith send a mesinger and give y' Excellency notice thereof

The Indian name of the river "Neversink" which falls into the Delaware, a little south of Port Jervis, Orange County, New York. -O'Callaghan, from Eager's Orange County.-ED.

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