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Memorial of the Proprietors of East and West Jersey, asking for the approval of the appointment of Jeremiah Basse, as Governor of those Provinces.

[From P. R. O. B. T., Vol. 1, A 44.]

Mem! of ye Props of E & West New Jerseys, signifying their having nominated Mr Jeremiah Bass to be Govt of those Provinces, & desiring his Maty's approbation


WHEREAS by a late Act of Parliament all Govern's to be Chosen by Propriet's of Lands within His Majes Dominions and Territoryes in America are to be approved of by His Majesty

And the Proprietors of the Provinces of East and West Jersey in America being Satisfyed in the Loyalty of M' Jeremiah Basse to the Crowne; his affec'on to the present Government, Experience in the Affaires of the Said Provinces, and abillity for public Employment. Have Chosen and appointed the Said Jeremiah Basse to be Govern! of the Said Provinces.

The said Proprietors doe therefore humbly recommend the Said Basse to yo' Lordships in order to have his Majes approbac'on and pray that the Said Basse may be approved of for Governour of the Said Provinces.



Letter from Lords Commissioners of Trade to Jeremiah Basse, relating to the necessity for his giving security before being appointed Deputy Governor.

From P. R. O. B. T. Proprieties, Vol. 25, p. 82.]


S The Lords Com'issioners of the Council of Trade have commanded me to acquaint you that they Judge it expedient, that the Security which is required for the Governors of Proprieties, be taken here before they present to his Majesty or the Lords Justices, the names of any persons for those Governments. That you may thereupon take your own measures for the Expediting of what is to be done with relation to your nomination to the Government of New Jersey & I am W: P:

8 June 1697.

From Jeremiah Basse to Secretary Popple.

[From P. R. O. B. T., Vol. 1, A 48.]

Letter from Mr Jerem: Basse about Pirates and Piracies [and the Security demanded of him as Governor of New Jersey.]

London 15 July 1697

SR As I always believe itt to be my duty so itt shall be my constant endeavor to Com'unicate to you any thinge that I beleive may conduce to the honor or interest of his Most Excellent Majesty or of this nation. & I cannot but hope that by a favorable construction of my first attempt in this kind you will

embolden me to Continue my writeinge to you when It may be I may have somethinge of greater Consequence to Offer to your Consideration.

You cannot be unsensible of the dishonnor as well as damage that this nation sustaines by the increasinge of Piracies under the banner of England in any part of the World. And as the perticuler depredations of Avery on the coast of India & Arabia togeather with the ill efects thereof hath come under your Coynisance so I beleive you have not been uninformed of the increasinge of Pyrates in those coastes ocationed by the great expectations of Riches to be obtained theare & itt may be by the too much Connivance of those in whose power itt may have been to have suppressed them; the sundry Plantations boath oppon the Maine & in the Islands of America haveinge not a little contributed to the increasinge of this trade sundry vessels suspected to be bound out on this designe haveing in my time sayled from one or another province on the Continent leavinge some of them Wives and families as pledges of their returne behind them & I am advised that four or five vessels are expected to returne with in these few months who have one board men appertaineinge to the Provinces of New England New Yorke the Jersies &c. & they will be emboldened thearto by the good entertainement that they have formerly met withal in some of these provinces & their ignorance at preasant of any thinge that may make them Jealeous of being worse entertained now unless any new orders concerninge them to the respective Governors should have reached their eares Which If they have Obtained they will endeavor to prevent the force of by runninge their vessels into some unfrequented Port & thence dispersing themselves wheare their inclinations lead them to believe they may be most secure in which places itt may be they will Abide till by extravagance haveinge ex

hausted their stock they are forced to prepare for a New Expedition Which to prevent for the future itt beinge in my opinion very much our honnor & interest so to doe I would desire Your advice:

What to doe with those that have formerly followed this trade and at preasant may be setled in any part of the Jarsies & also

What course will be best to take with those that heareafter may come in amongst us in order to the supressinge of them for the time to come. the generality of our people receivinge no small advantage by the currencie of their monys I know are not very forward in their suppression & nead to be engaged to itt by an expresse & positive command from that power that they dare not be disobedient unto. and I must acknowledge the damages I have personally sustained by these sort of men haveinge been taken & ill used by some of them fills me with a just aversion to them.

I must also begg your advise on some things relateinge to the Government Of the Jersies that I may not through Ignorance offend, but shall leave them to another oppertunity at Preasant Shall onely desire to be informed wheather every person that Is in any Place, either of State or trust wheather as Commiss of the Peace Sherifs. &c or wheather Sittinge in the Assembly as the peoples representatives are not to qualifie themselves by takeinge the Ooaths & Signinge the Assotiation as presented by Act of Parliment the knowledge of this & the Instructions of the Lords Com'issioners of the Counsell of trade relateinge theareonto would be of no meane concerne to our provinces.

I am sorry the Absence of some of our prinsepall proprietors hath hindered me from layinge before them the bonds & proposals of Security demanded by the Lords Com'issioners of the Counsel of trade which by yours of the 8th June: I expected to be previous to my

nomination to the Government of the Jarsies. I cannot but acknowledge that ware the things true that are alleged against the proprietarie Colonies & their Governors theare would sceme to be some reason for this demand & Yet even then (I would humbly Offer itt as my opinion that) the security that Is the bond of the Governor resideinge & actinge in the saide provinces may be adjudged suffitient, espeatialy for those provinces that the proprietors are pleased to intrust me withall. No person beinge Capable of actinge without his Majestyes aprobation which Indeed seeme to render them almost as much the choise of the crowne as of the proprietors It beinge rationall to suppose that the crown will not approve of any that theare is not good grounds to beleive will to their utmost promote the interest & honnor thearof and indead espetially as to myselfe If I ware so foolish as to act in contradiction to that in which it is beleived the interest of the Crowne doth Consist I see not much probality of my haveinge opertunity so to doe Tobbacos the transportation of which to Holland or Scotland beinge the thinge prinsipaly complained of not groweinge within the boundaries of the Jarsies in a sufficient quantity to supply their owne expence neither can I thinke the Crowne will run any risque in the acceptinge of a personall security from the Governor provided he hath an interest either in the Government or in England that may answer his bonds If forfeited & itt most rationall that If he offends he alone should be punished for his Offences which he will be by incurringe the penaltys of the Acts of Parliment forfeitinge his bond & looseinge of his Government. And In a word I cannot but looke uppon itt as a little to great a Suspition of my probity & zeale to his Majestyes interest to require so great a Caution when those Gentlemen who have adventured to entrust me with the government have also entrusted me

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