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County & we beleive Including the Scotch that throughoutt the province theare is six to one against owneing Col Hamilton Governor and almost all biterly against Morris, whome they looked uppon as the first man as Indead he was that opposed Goverment & Signed ANDREW BROWN [BOWNE] RICH HARTSHORNE' one of y Council

Letter without signature to Jeremiah Basse, giving an account of the disturbances in East Jersey.

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You may Remember how you left the afaires of Government in this province we are Sorry to Informe you that they doe not Continue in so good a Condition we were in hopes things would have Rested quiet ontill we had heard how his Majesty had been pleased to dispose of us & that all people would have Endeavored to keepe the peace ontill such time, but contrary to all Expectation Col Hamilton hath put in M' Morris pres

Andrew Bowm

as President of the Council had been left by Basse in the exercise of the 'chief authority, but his title thereto was questioned, and hence his hostility

to the administration of Hamilton who succeeded Basse.

Richard Martshome

was of Monmouth County and came to the Province from

London in September, 1699. He was a Quaker by profession, of good reputation and benevolent disposition, and soon rose to distinction among the people of the Province. He was one of the Commission appointed in 1676 to lay out West ersey. See Vol. 1, p 220. East Jersey under the Prop. Gov'ts, 2d Edit. pp 46, 56, 189, 198 &c. 207, 219, 232 &c. Smith's History of New Jersey. "Minutes of Council."-ED.

ident of the Councill & ordered him by what means he could to Subdue all that oppose his authority & Settle the country in his Obedience oppon which Commission & orders M Morris hath undertaken the worke & threatned that he would Obtain his end (which is to settle Col Hamilton in the Government Notwithstanding he is in no wayes qualified for Governor) or he would Embrue the Country in Blood Complaints ware made to Col Hamilton and Captain Leonard against the saide Morris but they were so farr from disowning such inhumane actions that they on the contrary rather justified & ridiculed itt. But it went further then words for just as harvest began Morris & others gave warrants to an Indigent Sherif to Apprehend severall men in Monmoth County who in their owne just defence beate the saide pretended Sherif to the Shedding of blood on boath sides Col Hamilton who resides cheifly att Burlington was sent to immediately who came & raised betwixt fourty & fifty men & armed them and marched from Shrewsbury to Middletowne, to meete the Country who opposed him with one hundred & Seaventy men butt without armes he when he came up to them askedfor two men but they not being theare he withdrew his men without further harme butt swore biterly he would have them if above ground left orders with his friend Morris not to disperse ontill he had got them and then returned to Burlington the Ambition & folly of Morris being known to the people of Monmoth they sent to advise with their neighberring Countys Middlesex & Essex what was best & most convenient to be done who generaly advised to secure themselves & oppose Morris & the rest that assert & would endeavour to set up Col. Hamiltons arbitrary & illegal power & withall have promised assistance if ocation requires Justice Bishop & Dennis utterly disowns their procedings & say they never was att Councill butt once since Hamilton came

and then gave no such advise to make disturbance in the Country but that all might remaine quite ontill we heard further from England we feare what may be event of these things you know how hot headed Morris & Leonard are & itt may be feared their pride & mallis may cause great trouble if not prevented. It is the generall resolution of the Country that if they make future disturbance to apprehend Hamilton Morris & Leonard & secure them ontill his Majesties pleasure shall be known concerning them in the mean time the Country desires some care may be taken of them & that some other person may be appointed to keepe the peace ontill his Majestie shall be pleased to send over a Governor or otherwise settle this province at preasant we are in great Confusion their worked instruments have been so buissie in harraseing of some & haleing others to prisson who have showen their dislike to their arbitrary prosedings And the Country on the other hand are Riseing by whole townes against them Resolveing to putt a Stop to their arbitrary precedings although itt be with the hazard of their lives & fortunes Theise Officers of theirs are so bold as to attempt the drinkeing of Kinge James health Others have given out very suspitious words which makes the Generality of our thinkeing men be of opinion that itt is not for the Kings interest that any of these men should be in Offices we expect you will improve this to the best advantage for the good of the Country. East Jersie 30th July 1700


Indictment of Sundry Persons by the Grand Jury of Monmouth County.

[From B. T. Proprieties, Vol. 6, G 28.]

AT A COURT of inquirie held at Shrowsberry for the countie of Monmouth this twentie seventh day August one thousand seven hundred.

[blocks in formation]

And haveing thir ingagment Had the charge given them by the president Withdrew with a constable to attend them.

The said jurie being called againe gave in this following presentment

August y 27th 1700 Wee jurors present Richard Salter John Bray James Stout David Stout Benjamine Stout Cornelius Compton William Boune Thomas Taylor Thomas Hankison Jacob Vandorne Arian Bennet Thomas Sharp Benjamine Cook Robert Innes Thomas Estal and Samuel a servant to said Salter ffor Riotously assembling on the 17th day of July and assaulting

John Stewart high Sheriff & Henry Leonard on the path neer to the house of Alex! Adam Beat and greivously wound the said persons tak ther swords from them brak them caryd them away and keept them to the value of ffive pounds money of this province In breach of the peace and terrour of the Kings leidge people Signe in behalfe of the rest by John Reid for


Vera Copia.



Minutes of the Court of Sessions of Essex County'

held at Newark.

[From P. R. O. B. T. Proprieties, Vol. 6, G 28.

AT A COURT OF SESSIONS Or County Court held at Newark for y County of Essex on Tuesday y Tenth day of September 1700

P'sent M W Sandford P'sid

Capt John Curtis

M: Elias McKeilson &

M: Theophilus Pearson


THE COURT according to adjourm being opened, Sam Carter appeared & demanded of the Court by virtue of what authority they Satt, The P'sident made answer by the Kings, The Court then proceeding in bissnese as lay before them, called one Sam" Burwell who was bound over to this Court by Recognizance to answer for his misdemeanor being for begetting a bastard child Whereupon the Court demanded security of the s Sam" for the maintanance of the Child, who Refused to give the same Upon which the Court Required the Constable to take the s Sam" into Cusstody The Constable in the Execution of his office was sett upon by Thomas Johnson, Sam" Carter & Jos: Burwell & Severall others, The P'sident W"Sandford pulled of

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