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hundred persons did traytorously seize y° Governour & ye Justices the Kings Attorney Generall & ye undersheriff & y Clerke of ye Court & keept them close prisoners under a guard from twesday ye 25th March till y Saturday following being ye 29th of ye same same month & then Releast them.

Vera Copia


Proceedings of the Court of Sessions of Monmouth County, at Middletown, against severall persons.

[From P. R O. B. T. Proprieties, Vol. 6, G 28.]

AT A COURT OF SESSIONS or COUNTY COURT held at Midletown for the County of MONMOUTH this twentie Sixt day of March Anno Dom one thousand seven hundred [1701]

Capt SAMUEL LEONARD president






The Court being opened the Justices Comission was read and the pannell returned by the Sheriff for the grand Enquest was called over. And Eleazer Cotterall being called for a Jury man Appeared and made some objectione Against the authoritie of the court The court comanded the Sheriff to take him into custodie And Richard Salter refuseing and denying the authoritie of this court The court commanded the Sheriff to take him into custodie for his contempt James Bollen the former clark of this county being called before this Court To deliver up the books papers and records of this court To the present clark Did positively refuse to doe the same Unless the Court would give him bond to

save him harmless ffor the soume of ten thousand pounds.

Adjourned for two hours

post meriden p'nt as above

The court being opened The court did dismise all such persons who were returned on the grand jury and appeared and were willing to serve their King and Country And ther being se'all who had refused to serve on the grand jury and had denyed the authoritie of the court Amongst whom was Olim Cheesman who came before the court and beged pardon for his misbehaviour And said he was very willing to serve The court upon his humble submission did forgive and discharge him. Ordered by the court that the Sheriff doe discharge Eleazor Cotterall and Richard Salter out of his custoddie.

Ordered by the Court that the said Eleazor Cotterall for his said contempt and misbehaviour before this court be fyned And the court doth heirby fyne the said Eleazor in the soume of five pounds current money of this province To be levied by the Sheriff upon the goods and Chattell of the said Eleazer And that the Sheriff have the said money by sale of the said goods and Chattells At the nixt court to be held for this countie the fourth twesday in September Att Shirowsberry in the said County.

Ordered by the Court that the said Richard Salter for his said high contempt and misbehaviour before this court be fyned And the court doth heirby fyne the said Richard Salter in the soume of fifteen pounds currant money of this province to be levied by the Sheriff upon the goods and Chattells of the said Richard Salter And that the Sheriff have the said money by sale of the said goods and Chattells at the nixt County court to be held at Shirowsberry for the sd county on the fourth tewsday of September nixt

Ordered by the court that John Ruckman senior

John Bray John Wilson junior Daniel Hendrickson John Cox's Richard Davis Mordicay Gibbons Nicholas Stivans and Mosses Lippet be each and every of them fyned And the court doth hereby fyne each and every of the said persons severallie in the soume of ffourty shillings currant money of this province Each of them for ther contempt and misbehavour before this Court to be leived by the Sheriff upon the goods and chattells of each and every of the said persons And that the Sheriff have the said money by sale of the said goods and Chattells at the nixt court to be held at Shirowsberry the fourth twesday in September nixt for the said Countie Pr me GAV: DRUMMOND Clark

A trew copie

John Johnstone to the Council of New Jersey.

From N. Y. MSS. in office of Secretary of State, Albany, Vol. XLIV, p 66.] Honoble Gentel:

Yesterday Gov' Hamilton with four of these Justices of this County mett at Middleton for holding the Court of Sessions as apointed by the Acts of Assembly of this province when they had opened the Court and begun the tryall of one who confessed himself one of Kidds men Severall of the people of Middleton who for that purpose had appoynted a training of the Militia and being in arms came into the house when the Court was Sitting and forceably rescued the prisoner the Governor and Justices Comanded the Sherriff and Constable to keep the peace and in the scuffle two of the foremost of the felows were slightilly wounded, but being 70: or 80 men and the Governo and Justices without force were by this Multitude made prisoners

and are by them kept under strict guards this is not a thing that hapned by Accident but of a Design for some Considerable time past theirs some of the Ring Leaders that keept as I am informed a pyratt in their houses and threatened any that will offer to seize him. Gentlemen

I thought It my Duty to Inform you of this and to beg your assistance to help the setling our peace or to take the Govrnmt. upon you untill his Magestie's pleasure be known I am

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The settling of the Boundaries between New York and the Jerseys is a matter which your Lordship must necessarily first inquire into and give us an account of the pretensions on both sides; and what you conceive to be the state of the case, before we can lay it before the King. We desire you therefore to do so; and we shall afterwards represent what may be necessary.

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And as for Mr. Bass, it was our power to hinder those proceedings of his about the Ship Hester;

but we did all that in us lay to defend his Majesty's right in that cause tho' the success did not answer

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Three of the Council of New York to the Lords of Trade, relating to the condition of the Jerseys.

[From New York Col. Docts., Vol. IV, p 863.]

To the R Honble the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations.

My Lords

* *




* We think it our duty further humbly to represent to your Lordships the ill state of the Jerseys, who by the Proprietors directions are under the administration of Coll: Andrew Hamilton, who when he was, formerly in that post did always influence the people of the Jerseys to be convinced of their dutys to be assistant to the frontiers at Albany during the coarse of the late warr, and was careful of remitting deserters from his Majesty's Companys here; yet by the licentiousness of that people he cannot contain them within the decent and necessary boundaries of government, by which those Provinces are like to fall into disorder and confusion. We do therefore humbly offer whether it be not for his Majesty's

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