Imágenes de páginas

MANGLES (12 S. ix. 354).-On Sept. 14, 1789, the Rev. George Mangles was appointed one of the Chaplains-in-Ordinary to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. He may have been the father of one of the boys referred to as having been admitted to Westminster School in 1787 and 1810 respectively.


39, Carlisle Road, Hove, Sussex.

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AUTHORS WANTED (12 S. x. 111).—3. My copy of the lines beginning What silences we keep year after year was cut out of a newspaper about 20 years ago. There is no author's name attached. The title is Too Late!' and in the tenth line the word is loneliness." There are also other six lines :"This is the cruel cross of life-to be Full visioned only when the ministry Of death has been fulfilled, and in the place Of some dear presence is but empty space. What recollected services can then


Give consolation for the might have been '?"


(12 S. x. 94.)


The late Sister Xavier (of the Convent, Liverpool ?) was the author of 'Just for to-day,' the correct version of which will be found in Westminster Hymnal' and other collections of Catholic hymns. Other versions have been adapted by other denominations, who have, in some cases, taken great liberties with the hymn-altering the teaching and missing out the verses dealing with purgatory, supreme unction and sacramental teaching.


Grove House, Norton-on-Tees.

Notes on Books.

The Grey Friars of Chester. By J. H. E. Bennett. From the Chester Archeological Society's Journal.

THE Grey Friars came to Chester in the reign of Henry III. The Black Friars had preceded them and seem to have seen their arrival with unfavourable eyes. Alexander de Stavensby, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to whose diocese Chester then belonged, received from Robert Grosseteste, always the friend of Franciscans, a letter of remonstrance and appeal on their behalf, which yet remains to us. In 1240 Henry sent an injunction to the "Custodes" of Chester to be serviceable to the Friars Minors in the building of a house in Chester, and from that date their permanent establishment in the city was assured. Three grants in the years 1245 and 1246 show us that the settlement was not yet complete: they wanted the removal of a lane which disturbed their peace; and stone from the fosse of Chester Castle for their building, and a door pierced for them in Chester wall to enable them the more


conveniently to bring in stone and wood. by the Water Gate, north of Watergate Street. site allotted to them was close under the city wall and west of Linen Hall Street. For three hundred years they lived there, and departed at the Dissolution, leaving little trace behind them. What we know of their history is very largely comprised in the record of gifts and bequests made to them. In 1331 the King gave them permission to grind their own corn and malt. In 1392 two of the friars were imprisoned for having too briskly taken possession of gold and silver goods, probably left them as a legacy, when the testator's estate was them. The Franciscans, it may be noted, were indebted to the Crown. Richard II. pardoned staunch friends to Richard. Later on, they took the Yorkist side. When the Dissolution came this Chester house was in no very flourishing state. But seven brethren were dwelling there and the plea of poverty, with which the surrender of a religious house was usually bound up, came here not very far from the truth, as may be seen by the inventory of their goods. William Wall, the Warden, who took his degree of Doctor of Divinity at Oxford in 1516 or 1518, had an after his expulsion from the convent. interesting but not wholly admirable career He became

a prebendary of Chester Cathedral, and conformed and reconformed as religion in England changed. Just before the Dissolution he had been active in building a conduit at Boughton for conveying water from the springs in that neighbourhood to the city. When the Grey Friars were gone the site and the buildings they had occupied were delivered to one Richard Hough, a connexion of Cromwell's, and from him they passed successively into the hands of Cocks, Dutton, Warburton and Stanley. The church was transformed eighteenth century a body of Irish linen merinto dwelling-houses. Towards the end of the chants acquired the property and erected their Linen Hall upon it.

A few relics, mostly in the shape of tiles and grotesque carvings, yet remain, together with an impression of the conventual seal attached to a deed granting part of the friary church to merchants and sailors of the city. Excavations have brought to light some part of the foundations of the church and other buildings while the inventory taken at the Dissolution and a deposition taken in a dispute as to the right to bear certain arms supply some details as to the interior.

He has

Mr. Bennett has collected and arranged his material with admirable care and skill. neglected no line of research, and puts his readers into complete possession of what he has found. The record is somewhat meagre, nor does it present unusual features: but it has its rightful place in the history of English Church life and, thanks to this monograph, fills that place in some sufficient clearness and relief. constitutes the most important part of history The undistinguished after all.

A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles. Vol. x. (TI.-Z) X-ZYXT. By C. T. Onions. (Clarendon Press. 10s. net.) ALTHOUGH the Great Dictionary still lacks a few sections belonging to the later letters of the alphabet, the final section is now before us.

It is

difficult, looking at these pages, to refrain from a repetition of what has so often been said beforeand it will fall to be said again when, in fact, the work is complete-about the magnitude of this undertaking and the varied merit of the achievement. Perhaps it would hardly be rash to say that there has never been any one enterprise to which so vast a number of human beings has contributed-that is, if we except the Great War. More than a thousand years speak to us from its columns, and so many decades have passed since the first volumes were published-decades fairly rich in newly developed vocabulary-that the question of supplements already arouses interest. The last word of the Dictionary is zyrt, an

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obsolete Kentish form for " seeest. The letter Z comprises a most interesting and varied vocabulary drawn from many sources-Greek (both directly and through the Latin), the Romance languages, Semitic languages, modern German, Slavonic, African and some others. The first use of zero to denote the point or line on a graduated scale whence the reckoning begins is referred to 1795; the military zero-hour denoting the hour at which an operation is timed to begin-seems to be a mid-war invention: the expressions zero-mark and zero-post are illustrated by quotations, from The Times and The Daily Chronicle respectively, which appeared within eight days of one another and relate to the same subject-Tyburn-gate. Are the words to be considered as established terms for the mark from which distances along a road are measured? Zest has furnished a delightful article. The original meaning, according to Cotgrave, is "the thicke skin, or filme whereby the kernell of a wall-nut is divided," and, with this, orange or lemon peel. All the instances of this first sense refer to lemons or oranges, and belong chiefly to the eighteenth century. It is interesting to find a modern writer, after a gap of over a hundred years, reviving the word and speaking of the zest" of oranges. Under Zeuxis, the well-known story should surely have furnished one of the quotations. Zoological appears first in 1815; and the gardens of the society of that name in Regent's Park were first known colloquially as "the Zoological"; the first example of " the Zoo" is taken from Macaulay (1847). The words derived from Swn and Cov, and the history and literature gathered, let us say, about Zamzummim, zecchin, zenith, Zeppelin, Zend-avesta, zephyr, zone, are more than enough to rebut Kent's hasty reproach to zed as being an unnecessary letter."

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Y is not a letter which would stand high in a table of frequency, yet it comprises a goodly number of delightful old words still in ordinary use largely monosyllabic-picturesque words belonging to primary things and actions and onomatopic words. The great mass of these is English, and with them must be taken the numerous compounds formed with the prefix y-, a great number of which have here been included among the main entries without perhaps quite sufficient reason. The articles on y- prefix and y suffix are of the highest interest and excellently worked out. In fact the whole of this letter, which both in etymology and history presents material of a specially engaging character, has been dealt with as it deserves and may take rank with the best work in the Dictionary. As examples and these

are taken at random from a larger number, other members of which would have served equally wellwe may mention ye, you, and your; yield (was the classic example purposely omitted ?); yesterday; yoke; and yellow.


The letter X calls for little comment. should, though, have supposed that Xantippe was quite as generally familiar as xylonite. A Manual of French. By H. J. Chaytor. (CamWE have often thought that the hesitating bebridge University Press. 48. net.) ginner undergoes much unnecessary trepidation and sense of difficulty in acquiring a language; and that this arises largely from his being occupied with learning grammar before he can read with Generalizations in an absence of particulars elude the struggling memory as a any comfort. wraith, visible to the eye, eludes the hand. Mr. Chaytor recognizes this. He has reduced grammar to a minimum; but to a sufficient minimum ; and he makes the main body of his work out of extracts for translation, to which the English is suppliedinterlineally or at the bottom of the page except for a few passages at the end. The extracts are striking passages from great writers— some thirty of them each for its own sake well worth thoroughly knowing. A few notes, admirably brief, clear and well chosen, elucidate occasional peculiarities or difficulties. It is possible here and there to pick a hole in the translation-but only here and there. In general it gives the force of the French even surprisingly well considering that it is intended to be in some degree literal even in the more advanced pieces. Any one who has thoroughly mastered this book (and it is addressed to the beginner who knows nothing at all of French) will have won for himself a solid grasp of real French, and that by means of exceedingly pleasurable study.

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LONDON, MARCH 4, 1922.

CONTENTS.-No. 203. NOTES:-Josuah Sylvester and Southampton, 161-Casanova in England, 163-Principal London Coffee-houses, Taverns and Inns in the Eighteenth Century. 164-The Crown Inn. Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxon-Early Domestic Use of Electric Light-John Kendall, 166-Emerson and Dr. Johnson St. Dunstan's, Regents Park, 167.

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Most of these facts are stated in the 'D.N.B.,' and also in Dr. Grosart's introductory memoir prefixed to his collected edition of Sylvester's works. They QUERIES:-Temporary Fords: "Sand ""Sowmoys." 167 suggest a question to which they supply The "Hand and Pen "-Nicholas Hilliard "The ball no answer-why was the boy sent from and mouth "—"The Parler within the Manor Place"-" Self- Eltham to the Southampton school? In Help"-Addison's 'Spectator'-Henry Siddons-Francis Redfern-Refusal to kotow-Cadby, 168-Nigger Minstrelsy my efforts to recall attention to the famous --The Marrying Man-Col. Gordon, RE., in the Crimea-old boys of King Edward's School, South"Eucephus" as a Christian Name-W, G. A. FitzbardingDescendants of Richard Penderell-Historical Copper-plates ampton, of which I am headmaster, certain The Expression "Up to." 169-Colonel Montresor of facts have come to light which furnish Belmont, Co. Kent-Use of at" or "in" with Place an explanation, and moreover are innames- The Compleat Collier '-Devonshire MSS.-Bretel Epitaph in Tetbury Church, Glos.-£1,000 in 1653: teresting as being concerned with persons Present-day Equivalent-Author wanted, 170. referred to in the poems. I think that they are of sufficient importance to be preserved.

REPLIES:-De Kempelen's Automaton Chess-player, 170

The English "h": Celtic, Latin, and German Influences-
Erghum, 172-Inference as to Date of Birth-General
Nicholson's Birthplace Pseudo-titles for "Dummy "
Books, 173-" Anglica [or Rustica] gens "Satan reproving
Sin"-House Bells, 174-The Pillow (Pilau) Club-Com-
monwealth Marriages and Burials-Edward Capern-The
Royal Society and Freemasonry-Pictures in the Hermitage
at Petrograd, 175-Eighteenth-century Poets, 176 The
Ingoldsby Legends,' 177-Naming of Public Rooms in Inns
-Nevin Family-British Settlers in America-Poem of the
Sixties wanted, 178.

William Plumbe died in 1593, and his will makes mention of his "good brother and freind Mr James Parkynson." This cannot mean that Parkynson was a brother of William Plumbe's wife, for it is known that Plumbe married first Margaret Southwell, widow of Sir Robert Southwell and daughter of Sir Thomas Nevil, and secondly

NOTES ON BOOKS:- Alumni Cantabrigienses '-' Measure Elizabeth Gresham, widow of John Gresham for Measure.'

Notices to Correspondents.

and daughter of Edward Dormer. Parkynson must therefore have married a sister of William Plumbe.

In the latter part of the sixteenth century a Captain James Parkinson was Constable of the Castle of Southampton, and Captain of Calshot Castle. In the circumstances it would not be very rash to surmise that he was the James Parkinson who had married

Miss Plumbe; as we shall see, there are other pieces of evidence which place the matter beyond reasonable doubt.


THE poet Josuah Sylvester (1563-1618), translator of Du Bartas's 'Deuine Weekes and Workes,' and towards the end of his life one of the most popular poets of the Though Josuah Sylvester dedicated most day, was the son of Robert Sylvester, a of his later poems to royal or noble patrons clothier, who had married a daughter of (or such as he hoped would become so), this John Plumbe of Eltham, in Kent. After was not the case with the earlier ones. His the death of both his parents in his early first poem was published in 1590-1, and in childhood, Josuah was brought up by his 1592 he dedicated The Triumph of Faith' mother's brother, William Plumbe, who to his uncle, William Plumbe. Mr. Plumbe also lived at Eltham. He was sent to the died a few months later, and a subsequent Free Grammar School of King Edward VI. edition of the poem bore an inscription at Southampton, of which the headmaster stating that it was "formerlie dedicated was at that time the distinguished scholar and now for euer consecrated to the grateAdrian à Saravia, afterwards Prebendary full Memorie of the first kinde Fosterer of of Canterbury and Westminster, and one of the translators of the authorized version of the Bible. Two references to his schooldays under Saravia occur in Sylvester's works, one in the Funerall Elegie

our tender Muses, my never-sufficientlyHonoured dear Uncle, W. Plumbe, Esq.' Another well-known instance of his dedications to relatives or connexions is the much later case of Auto-Machia,' which


was dedicated first to one and afterwards to particulars which the study of the Southanother member of the Nevil family (to ampton records has elicited. In 1643 a which the first Mrs. Plumbe belonged). Captain John Parkinson died by his own But I do not think it has been observed hand, and in consequence his estates became that the earliest poem of all is another forfeit to the mayor and burgesses. Papers case of the same kind. The translation of relating to the matter are preserved among Du Bartas's Yvry' (1590-1) was dedicated the town muniments. One of them, 'Henry to "Maister James Parkinson and Maister Capelin's Release to Mr. Parkinson of free John Caplin, Esquires, his well-beloved Land and Garden,' is interesting as bringing friends," and the former of these was, as we together again the two names of Sylvester's have seen, the poet's uncle. dedication. It is dated Dec. 30, 1613, and in it John Parkinson is described as brother and heir of James Parkinson gent deceased." Taking account of all the dates, it would seem that the two brothers John and James were sons of that James Parkinson who married Miss Plumbe, and so were first cousins of Josuah Sylvester. A reference in another document to a sum of money "lent by Mr Jon Parkinson for ye payment of ye garrisson repayed. . . oute of ye Excise Office," suggests that the connexion with the Castle of Southampton had been maintained. Among the many bonds forfeited to the corporation there are almost as many drawn in favour of Bridgett Parkinson as of John, so that Bridgett must have been his wife, though I

Now in this dedication Parkinson is associated with John Caplin, and the Capelins were one of the most prominent families in Southampton at this time. A John Capelin had been Mayor of Southampton at the time King Edward VI. School was founded in 1553, and ten years later he was burgess of Parliament for the borough. He died in 1570, and his son, also called John Capelin, was admitted a burgess of the town in the same year. It must have been this younger John Capelin with whom James Parkinson was associated in the dedication of Sylvester's first published


We can hardly stop at this point. If Sylvester dedicated any early poems to relatives, the first of all was scarcely likely to have been an exception. And if the first was dedicated to two men, of about the same age, of whom one, as we now know, was an uncle of the poet, it is very probable

that the other was an uncle also. Otherwise, one imagines that his uncle Parkinson would have had the dedication to himself. Thus the association of the two names not only makes it impossible to doubt the identity of the James Parkynson of William Plumbe's will with the James Parkinson of Southampton, but it further suggests the likelihood of John Capelin's wife having been another of the daughters of John Plumbe. If that were so, we should have the following tree

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found no document in which she was so described.

She was evidently possessed of considerable property, and this agrees with the fact that in 1635 a certain Bridget Parkinson gave twenty pounds to the town of Southampton for the annual benefit of the poor, a gift which was afterwards transferred to King Edward VI. School.

I add a note on the two Nevils to whom Sylvester dedicated his Auto-Machia,' for it appears to me that the 'D.N.B.' is mistaken on one point. The dictionary states that the poem was first dedicated to Lady Mary Nevil, and afterwards to her sister Lady Cecily. I think that Cecily was the daughter, not the sister, of Mary. The dedications are as follows:

In 1607, "To the right noble, vertuous and learned lady, the Lady Marie Nevil.”

In 1615, "To the truely-honorable Mistris Cecilie Nevil."

The writer in the 'D.N.B.' appears to have misquoted the title in the second case; and it is obvious that the description Mistris Cecilie is not in favour of the sister-relationship, for Lady Mary Nevil was a daughter of the Earl of Dorset. On the other hand, a piece of positive evidence for the daughter-relationship arises out of Sylvester's inveterate habit of con

structing anagrams on the names of those paring his handwriting with that of Casato whom his poems were dedicated. The nova's correspondent of Dec. 1, 1763, it cannot later dedication includes a eulogistic sonnet be determined that they are identical, and on the virtues of Cecilie Nevil, describing even then there is no direct evidence to her as the richly endowed daughter of connect Edgard with Agar, but it is not imMinerva and the significance of the de- probable that they were one and the same scription consists in the fact that in the person. earlier dedication Alia Minerva had been the anagram on the name Maria Nevila. C. F. RUSSELL.


(8 S. x. 171, 311; xi. 42, 242--10 S. viii. 443, 491; ix. 116; xi. 437-11 S. ii. 386; iii. 242; iv. 382, 461; v. 123, 484-12 S. i. 121, 185, 285, 467; ii. 505.)

AMONG his English acquaintances Casanova speaks of "le chevalier Edgard, jeune Anglais, riche, et qui jouissait de la vie en caressant ses passions. J'avais fait sa connaissance chez lord Pembroke" (Garnier ed., vi. 539). Other editions of the Mémoires' (e.g., Laforgue's) describe him as Sir Edgar Each variation presents difficulties. title of Sir Edgar


at this period, is an unfamiliar one, and the name Edgard is unknown.

The "Canon," where Casanova dined (Garnier, vi. 540-41; vii. 60) appears to have been the famous Cannon Coffee-house in Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, the site of which is now occupied by the Union Club at the southwest corner of Trafalgar Square. In 1763 it was owned by Patrick Cannon, and after his death in 1765 was carried on by his widow, Susannah Cannon. It was rated at £48. In 1815 it was owned by one Hodges (vide Story of Charing Cross,' by J. Holden Carmichael, and the Westminster Rate Books).

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The Star Tavern (Garnier, vi. 377, 383) to which I have already referred at in the Strand, near Charing Cross, which is 12 S. i. 122, may possibly have been the Star

mentioned in MR. J. PAUL DE CASTRO's' List of London Coffee-houses and Taverns,' at 12 S. ix. 525. Casanova, who patronized the Orange and the Cannon, which were close at

troduced him to her four daughters (Garnier, vi. 364). She had five daughters, but we cannot complain of Casanova's inaccuracy in this instance, as the youngest, Lady Anna Stanhope, afterwards Duchess of Newcastle, was only three years old in 1763, and therefore it is quite probable that he did not

Herr Gustav Gugitz of Vienna, the editor-hand, was familiar with this part of the town. in-chief of the forthcoming edition of Casanova says that Lady Harrington inCasanova's Mémoires '-basing his assumption on a letter formerly preserved in Count Walstein's library at Dux in Bohemia, written to Casanova while in England, dated Dec. 1, 1763, and signed "W. E. Agar suggests that the previously unidentified Edgard or Sir Edgar is the writer of this letter. Unfortunately the letter itself contains no clue and I have not been able to obtain a facsimile.

The most prominent W. E. Agar of the period was Welbore Ellis Agar, who was twenty-eight years old at the time of Casanova's visit to London. He was the son of Henry Agar, M.P., and Anne, only daughter of the Right Rev. Welbore Ellis, Bishop of Meath; born in 1735; married October, 1762, Gertrude, daughter of Sir Charles Hotham, Bart. (who died at Margate, aged 50, on Aug. 14, 1780); appointed one of the Commissioners of the Customs in December, 1776; and died at his house in New Norfolk Street, aged 69, on Oct. 30, 1805. He was brother to the first Viscount Clifden. In The Hothams,' by Mrs. A. M. W. Sterling, ii. 333-4, it is stated that his marriage was an unhappy one.

see her.

It is obvious that the story of the riot at Drury Lane Theatre (Garnier, vi. 369; cf. N. & Q.,' 12 S. i. 185) and the story of the wager at White's Club (Garnier, vi. 461; cf. N. & Q.,' 11 S. iv. 383) were both related to Casanova by one of his friends, and that he repeated them in his Mémoires' as if he had actually been an eyewitness of the



The file of The St. James's Chronicle for the year 1763 at the British Museum is complete, but although I have searched it twice I cannot discover any of the paragraphs which Casanova says appeared in this newspaper.

"La pension à Harwich" (obviously a misprint for Hammersmith) where Sophie Cornelys was educated (Garnier, vi. 474) consisted of three houses in the BroadUntil there is an opportunity of com-way, Hammersmith, yclept at the period

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