Imágenes de páginas

facere dignaremur et vellemus. Nos igitur RICARDUS permissione divina Sar. Episcopus antedictus visis per nos et inspectis ac diligenter examinatis litteris suprascriptis quia ipsas vera bulla plumbea dicti Sanctissimi Patris domini nostri Pape cum filis sericis rubei croceique coloris more Romane Curie bullatas sanas integras et illesas non cancellatas non viciatas nec in aliqua sui parte suspectas sed omni prorsus vicio et suspicione sinistra carentes invenimus, supplicationi hujusmodi tanquam juste et juri consone favorabiliter annuentes ipsas litteras suprascriptas de verbo ad verbum transscribi transsumi exemplari collacionari et per Notarium publicum subscriptum nostrum Registrarium ac scribam per nos in hac parte specialiter assumptum in publicam formam redigi mandavimus: Ipsisque litteris collacionatis exemplatis transscriptis et publicatis nos exemplari et transcripto seu transsumpto hujusmodi nostram ordinariam et judiciariam auctoritatem interposuimus et interponimus pariter et decretum. Volentes de cetero tenore presencium transcripto seu transsumpto literarum hujusmodi in omnibus et per omnia tantam fidem vim et auctoritatem adhiberi debere et fore adhibendam sicuti eisdem litteris originalibus suprascriptis ubilibet in agendis. In quorum omnium et singulorum fidem et testimonium premissorum presentes litteras sive presens publicum instrumentum hujusmodi nostrum transsumptum sive transscriptum in se continentes sive continens exinde fieri et per magistrum RICARDUM NEWPORTE clericum Notarium publicum subscriptum nostrum Registrarium ac Scribam per nos in hac parte specialiter assumptum subscribi signari et publicari mandavimus nostrique sigilli appensione jussimus et fecimus communiri. Data et acta sunt hec omnia et singula prout suprascribuntur et recitantur sub anno Domini Indictione Pontificatu mense die et loco predictis. Presentibus tunc ibidem venerabilibus et discretis viris magistris JOHANNE VAGHAN Canonico in Ecclesia Cathedrali MENEVENSI, JOHANNE

BOSTOK et JOHANNE SUNDAY in decretis Bacallariis COVENTR. et LICH. ac WINTON. diocesium testibus ad premissa vocatis specialiter et rogatis.

Et Ego RICARDUS NEWPORTE in legibus Bacallarius clericus EBOR. diocesis publicus auctoritate Apostolica Notarius prefati Reverendi in Christo Patris et domini domini RICARDI permissione divina SAR. Episcopi actorum Scriba et Registrarius ac per eundem Reverendum patrem Scriba in hac parte specialiter assumptus suprascriptarum literarum Apostolicarum presentacioni exhibicioni inspectioni examinacioni et publicacioni atque decreto et mandato predictis ceterisque premissis omnibus et singulis dum sic ut premittitur per eundem Reverendum patrem et coram eo sub anno Domini Indictione Pontificatu mense die et loco predictis agebantur et fiebant una cum prenominatis testibus presens personaliter interfui eaque omnia et singula sic fieri vidi et audivi. Ipsas quoque litteras Apostolicas de ejusdem Reverendi patris mandato transsumpsi et exemplavi presensque publicum transsumptum seu transcriptum instrumentum exinde confeci scripsi publicavi et in hanc publicam formam redegi. Et quia facta fideli collacione et diligenti examinacione presentis transumpti cum literis apostolicis originalibus antedictis ea in omnibus concordare repperi et inveni nil addito subtracto vel mutato quod facti substanciam commutaret seu variaret intellectum illud signo et nomine meis solitis et consuetis una cum appensione sigilli predicti Reverendi patris signavi rogatus et requisitus in fidem et testimonium omnium et singulorum premissorum.

The signature, motto, and mark of the notary remain, and also the tab to which the Bishop's seal was attached. The seal is lost, but in every other respect the instrument is in perfect preservation. There is a contemporary indorsement, "Collegii de Wyndesore."

How so important a document as this escaped from its proper depository among the records of the illustrious Order to which it relates, or of the Dean and Canons of Windsor, can no more be conjectured with any show of probability than how other instruments which belong to the support of existing rights passed into the hands of private persons who had no interest in the rights supported by them. But the removal must have taken place at a period now remote, for it is evident that this instrument was unknown to Ashmole, who has printed two other bulls, one empowering the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Winchester to institute the college of Windsor, the other exempting the college from the jurisdiction of the Archbishop, and who would have published this instrument also had it been in its proper depository when he prepared his work on the Order of the Garter. I have not discovered that it has been known to any other writer who has published anything on the history of the Order, or on the history of the College of Windsor. Nor have I succeeded in finding that the fact which is set forth in this instrument, that the privilege was granted by Pope Sixtus the Fourth to the Sovereign and Knights of the Order of the Garter, and to the Dean and Canons of Windsor, to choose a Confessor, each for himself, has been discovered in any other evidence by those who have written on the subject.

The Bull of Pope Sixtus is not in the Fœdera, and a privilege of that illustrious Order, every circumstance attending which is an object of peculiar interest, is now, it is believed, for the first time brought to light. Of course it was a privilege which would have no long continuance, the Reformation coming on in about fifty years from the time when it was granted.


Letter of EDMUND Bishop of LONDON, to the Dean and Chapter of ST. PAUL's, communicating a Letter of King HENRY the Eighth to the Archbishop of CANTERBURY, respecting certain Prayers to be said in English throughout the Realm: 36 Henry VIII.

EDMUNDUS permissione divina LONDON. Episcopus auctoritate Illustrissimi in Christo Principis et domini nostri domini HENRICI octavi Dei gratia ANGLIE FRANCIE et HIBERNIE Regis Fidei defensoris et in terra Ecclesie ANGLICANE et HIBERNICE SUpremi capitis ad infrascripta legitime fulcitus dilectis nobis in Christo Decano et Capitulo Ecclesie nostre Cathedralis SANCTI

PAULI LONDON. eorumve vicesgerentibus salutem gratiam et benedictionem. Literas Reverendissimi in Christo Patris ac domini domini THOME permissione divina CANT. archiepiscopi tocius ANGLIE Primatis et Metropolitani tenorem ut idem Reverendissimus Pater asseruit literarum dicti potentissimi domini nostri Regis in se continentes nuper cum ea qua decuit reverencia humiliter recepimus exequendas in hæc verba :

THOMAS permissione divina CANT. archiepiscopus tocius Anglie primas et metropolitanus ad infrascripta illustrissimi in Christo principis et domini nostri domini HENRICI Octavi, &c. auctoritate legitime fulcitus Venerabili confratri nostro domino EDMUNDO eadem permissione LONDON. Episcopo salutem et fraternam in domino charitatem. Literas supradicti invictissimi domini nostri Regis manu sua sacra signatas et signeto suo obsignatas nobis inscriptas et ad nos datas nuper debitis cum honore et reverencia accepimus tenorem subsequentem complectentes.

MOOSTE Reverende Father in God righte trustie and righte welbeloved we greete you well, and latte you witte that calling to our remembraunce the myserable state of all Christendome, being at this presente, besydes all other troubles, so plagued with moost cruell warres, hatreddes, and dyscentions, as no pece allmooste of the same, being thole reduced to a verye narrowe corner, remayneth in good paxe, agrement, and concord, the healpe and remedye wherof farre exceding the power of any man, must be callid for of hym whoo onelye ys hable to graunte oure peticions, and never forsaketh nor repelleth any that fyrmlye beleive and faythefullye calle on hym, unto whom also thexamples of Scripture encorageth us in all thees and all other oure troubles and necessities to flye and to crye for ayede and succour. Being re

solved to have contynuallye from hensforthe generall processions in all cities, townes, churches and paryshes of this oure realme, saide and songe withe such reverence and devocione as appertaynethe, forasmoche as heretofore the people, partelye for lacke of good instruction and calling on, partelye for that they understoode noo peece of suche prayours or suffragies as were used to be songe and saide, have used to comme verye slackelye to the processions, when the same have benne commaunded heretofore, we have sett forthe certayne godly prayours and suffragies in oure native Englysshe tonge, whiche wee sende you herewith, signyfieng unto you that for the speciall truste and confidence we have of youre godlye mynde and ernest desyre to the setting forwarde of the glorye of God and the true worshipping of his moost holye name within that province commytted by us unto you, we have sent unto you theese suffragies, not to be for a moneth or two observed, and after slenderlye considered, as other oure injunctions have, to oure no little marvaille, beene used, but to thentent that aswell the same as other oure injunctions may ernestlye be set forthe by preachinges good exhortations and otherwayes to the people, in suche sorte as they, felinge the godlye taste thereof, may gladlye and joyuslye withe thankes receave, embrace, and frequent the same as appertayneth. Wherefore we will and commaunde you, as ye will answer unto us for the contrarye, not onelye to cause theese prayours and suffragies aforesaide to be publysshed, frequented, and openlye used in all townes, villagies, churches and paryshes of youre owne diocese, but also to signyfie this oure pleasure unto all other Bysshoppes of youre province, willinge and commaundinge them in oure name, and by vertue hereof, to doo and execute the same accordinglye, unto whoose proceadinges in thexecution of this oure commaundent wee will that you have a specyalle respecte, and make reporte unto us yf any shalle not with

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