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good dexterytie accomplyssh the same, not fayling, as our speciall

trust ys yn you.

Gevenne under oure signet, at oure mannour of Saincte James the xjth of June, the xxxvjth yere of oure reigne.

In capite vero earumdem sic scriptum est,

Inscriptio autem hæc est,

By the Kynge.

To the mooste Reverende Father in God, oure righte trustie and righte welbeloved Counsaillour Tharchebysshoppe of CANTURBURYE.

Nos vero pro nostra erga suam celsitudinem observantia toto pectore affectantes literis et mandatis suis regiis uti decet obtemperare, volentesque pro debitis nostri officii omnem curam et solertem nostram in commissis et de mandatis a sua Regia majestate adhibere diligentiam, vobis pro parte sue Regie Majestatis tenore presentium mandamus et precipiendo injungimus quatenus receptis presentibus non solum injunctiones omnes Regias ad sacrosanctam religionem firmandam et stabiliendam antehac per auctoritatem Regiam promulgatas cum omni reverencia observandas edicatis et mandetis verum etiam cum omni sedulitate et celeritate accommodis sancta hec suffragia et salubres orationes quarum unum exemplar presentibus anneximus vobis per latorem presentium mittimus tum quidem in omnibus et singulis ecclesiis cathedralibus collegiatis et parochianis per diocesim et jurisdictionem vestras LONDON. ubilibet sitis et existentibus tum etiam ab omnibus et singulis aliis coepiscopis et confratribus nostris nostre CANTUAR. provincie suffraganeis ubilibet locorum per dioceses et jurisdictiones suas juxta et secundum literarum Regiarum suprascriptarum tenorem et continentiam in omnibus et per omnia exponi declarari denunciari cantari dici publicari et observari faciatis et faciant et fieri sedulo procuretis et procurent. In cujus rei testimonium



sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Datum in manerio nostro de Lambehithe decimo octavo die mensis Junii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo xliiijto et nostre consecrationis anno duodecimo.

Vobis igitur ex parte prefati serenissimi domini nostri Regis et prenominati reverendissimi patris domini CANT. Archiepiscopi auctoritate qua supra committimus et districte precipiendo mandamus quatenus literas superius insertas in omnibus et per omnia respective juxta tenorem vim formam et effectum earumdem debite et effectualiter cum omni etiam sedulitate ac celeritate accommodis tam in dicta ecclesia nostra Cathedrali SANCTI PAULI LONDON. quam in singulis aliis ecclesiis et locis ecclesiasticis vestre jurisdictionis peculiaris exequi faciatis et procuretis. Ut autem illa sancta suffragia ac salubres orationes de quibus superius fit mentio a vobis ac omnibus et singulis ecclesie vestre Cathedralis ministris necnon ab aliis quibuscumque infra dictam jurisdictionem vestram peculiarem degentibus et commorantibus quatenus eos respective concernunt juxta et secundum preinsertarum literarum hujusmodi tenorem et continentiam in omnibus et per omnia uti decet diligentius et efficatius exponi et declarari denunciarique cantari dici publicari et observari possint et valeant, nos unum exemplar eorumdem suffragiorum et orationum unacum presentibus vobis per earum latorem duximus mittendum.

In cujus rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus apponi fecimus. Datum in edibus nostris London. decimo nono die mensis Junii annis domini et regni predicti invictissimi domini nostri Regis supramencionatis et nostre vero Translationis anno quinto.

The King's letter, the most important part of this document, has been printed, but very imperfectly, by Burnet, Collection of Documents, iii 28. The other parts, which show the proceedings taken by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London in consequence, have never before been printed.

The prayers which accompanied the King's Letter were the first body of public prayers for general use in English published with authority. They may perhaps be regarded as the original of the Book of Common Prayer. Writers on the history of the Reformation, and on the history of the Book of Common Prayer, have expressed their regret that no copy of them has been preserved. There was, however, a copy in the library of the Earl of Clarendon, of which the title is thus given in the Catalogue :-" An Exhortation unto Prayer, thought meet by the King's Majesty and his Clergy to be read to the people in every church afore processions; also a Litany with suffrages to be said or sung in the said Processions," 1544: at least it seems from the date and title that this was the book. See the Sale Catalogue of the Library of Edward Earl of Clarendon, 1756, p. 54.

The two prelates are Cranmer and Bonner, two eminent names in the ecclesiastical history of the time; and as we are now arrived at the threshold of the Reformation, we have a convenient period at which to close the present selection.


Adelburgh, the wife of Ina the King,


Alba, 16.

Alexander the Third, Pope, confirms a
Composition relating to the posses-
sions of the See, 28.

Alsie detains Winesham from the See,

Alwynus, the Bishop, 14.

Arsere, sells Combe to the Bishop, 18.

Banwell, given to the See, 15.
Bath, Seat of the Somersetshire Bishop-
rick transferred thither, 21; Church
of Saint Peter built by Bishop Robert,
24 ; an Infirmary and other buildings
erected there by the same Bishop, 24.
Bath and Wells, when thus united as
the designation of the Bishoprick, 26.
Books, a collection of, given by Bishop
Duduco to the Church of Wells, 15.
Brithcri Merechyyt, name of one of the
Bishops as written by Gyso, 15.
Brithelm, the Bishop, 14.

Brithtum, the Bishop, 15.

Brithwin, the Bishop, 15.

Buildings at Wells erected by Bishop

Gyso, 19; at Bath by Bishop Ro-
bert, 24.

Burthwold, the Bishop, 14.

Canons of Wells, their first institution
in regular order, according to the
manner of Gyso's own country, 19.
Canterbury, Stigand Archbishop of,
degraded, 16; Theobald Archbishop
of, confirms a grant of King Stephen,

Capitulum, ad, 26.

Cideston, an ancient name of Wells, 14.
Combe, bought by Bishop Gyso, 18;
settled on the Precentor, 24.
Compton, Church of, 25.
Congresbury, the Original seat of the
Bishoprick of Somerset, 10; Con-
jecture on the subject, 30; given to
the See, 15.
Convenientia, 21.

Daniel, the last of an ancient series of

Bishops whose names are lost, 10;
presided at the marriage of Ina and
Adelburgh, 14; his death, 14.
Deanery of Wells, first established, 25.

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