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A. D.
971 X 995.
Foundation of Brechin (Keledean) by Kenneth Mac Malcolm
Bishop Beornhelm (a "Scott ") at the Council of Calne
King of Athcliath (Dublin) at Hy (the first Christian Danish Chief
1003 × 1033. Grant of Malcolm II. to the Monastery of Deer
Church gifts of Malcolm II. (spurious laws and council of Perth)
Lord of the Cinel Conaill at Hy
1028 X 1055.
Grant of Malduin Bishop of Alban (or S. Andrew's) to the Keledei of
Ferlegin of Kells, and Culebadh of S. Columba
1039 X 1034.
Grant by King Macbeth and Queen Gruoch to the Keledei of Loch-
A (Northman) Bishop of the Orkneys sent by Adalbert Archbishop
of Bremen
Grant by Tuathal Bishop of S. Andrew's to the Keledei of Lochleven
Grant by Fothadh II. Bishop of S. Andrew's to the Keledei of Loch-
Morthlach erected by Malcolm Canmore into an Episcopal Monastery 153
Death of Dubhtach, chief Anmchara of Ireland and Alba .
Foundation of Dunfermlin, upon Queen Margaret's marriage
Lanfranc Archbishop of Canterbury to Margaret Queen of the Scots.
Councils under Malcolm III. and Queen Margaret, to reform the
Scottish Church .
Compact between Lanfranc and Archbishop Thomas I. of York, at
the Council of Windsor, assigning to York the primacy over Scot-
land (extract)
1072 X 1093. Fothadh II. Bishop of the Scots said to have professed subjection to
the See of York
Pope Gregory VII. to Lanfranc Archbishop of Canterbury (extract) . 160
Melrose and Jedburgh still subject to Durham ecclesiastically, al-
though politically subject to Malcolm III. of Scotland.
Ralph Bishop of the Orkneys consecrated by the Archbishop of York
(Archbishop Thomas to Lanfranc, Lanfranc to Bishops of Wor-
cester and Chester, etc.)
1073 X 1100.
1079 (?).
Bishops of Man and the Isles (Hrölfr, William, Wymund)
Malcolm III. of Scotland at the foundation of the new Cathedral of
Death of Fothadh II. (the last Celtic "Archbishop of Alban”).
Grant of Duncan King of Scotia to Durham
1102 (?).
Anselm Archbishop of Canterbury to Haco Earl of the Orkneys
1097 or 1098. Foundation of Coldingham by Edgar King of the Scots
Hy occupied by Magnus King of Norway.
Pope Paschal II. to the Bishops of Scotland, Suffragans of York
1101 X 1108. Roger Bishop of the Orkneys consecrated at York. (Line of North- man Bishops from the same date: vide note)
Opening of S. Cuthbert's Tomb in the presence of Alexander, after-
wards King of Scotland
Edgar King of Scotland dies at Dunedin
Alexander King of the Scots to Anselm Archbishop of Canterbury
(not preserved)
Anselm Archbishop of Canterbury to Alexander King of the Scots 169
Foundation and endowment of a parish church at Edenham (in Rox-
Death of a chief Anmchara of the community of Columcille
Appendix A.
Chief Bishops of Alban or of the Scots, A. D.
(before) 896-1109.
B. Keledei (vulgo "Culdees") in Scotland, c. A.D.
800-c. A. D. 1150
(Henry of Silgrave's list of Lothian and Scottish
1109-1188. Period the Fourth. York claim of Supremacy over the Scottish Church;
and Formation of the Scottish Dioceses
1109-1115. Failure, retirement, and death, of Turgot, the first English Bishop of
S. Andrew's .
1109 X 1114. Wymund Bishop of Man and the Isles consecrated by the Archbishop
1109 X 1114. Ralph II. Bishop of the Orkneys consecrated by the Archbishop of
Before 1115. Foundation of the Sees of Moray and Dunkeld.
II 20.
Foundation of Augustinian Canons at Scone by Alexander I. and
Queen Sibilla
Alexander I. King of the Scots to Ralph Archbishop of Canterbury
Pope Calixtus II. to the Scottish Bishops, Suffragans of York
Pope Calixtus II. to the Bishops of Durham, the Orkneys, Glasgow,
and Scotland, Suffragans of York.
Ralph Archbishop of Canterbury to Alexander King of the Scots
Eadmer elected to S. Andrew's l
Ralph Archbishop of Canterbury to Pope Calixtus II. (extracts)
Pope Calixtus II. to Eistein and Sigurd, Kings of Norway
Alexander King of the Scots to Ralph Archbishop of Canterbury
Ralph Archbishop of Canterbury and the Convent of Canterbury to
King Henry I.
Henry I. to Ralph of Canterbury, and to Alexander King of the Scots
II 22.
Nicolas Prior of Worcester to Eadmer, against the primacy of York
over Scotland
Pope Calixtus II. to Alexander King of the Scots
Pope Calixtus II. to the Bishops of Scotland, Suffragans of York
Eadmer to Alexander King of the Scots
Foundation of Augustinians at Inchcolm by Alexander King of the
1124, January (after 13th). Election of Robert Prior of Scone to the See of S. An-
Legatine Council of Roxburgh: Pope Honorius II. to David King of
the Scots
Foundation of Urquhart by David King of the Scots.
1124 1129. Judgment, under arbitration of the Earl of Fife, in favour of Keledei
of Lochleven
See of Aberdeen founded by David King of the Scots
1125, Dec. 9. Pope Honorius II. to Sigurd King of Norway
1125, Christmas. Thurstin's claim over the Scottish Bishops, prosecuted at the
Court of Rome
1126, Christmas. Thurstin's claim again renewed, and deferred, at Rome
1127, July 17. Charter of Robert Bishop (elect) of S. Andrew's to the Priory of
Consecration of Robert Bishop of S. Andrew's at York, rights on both
sides reserved
David King of the Scots on the subject of the same consecration
Charter of Thurstin Archbishop of York on the same subject
Other authorities on the same subject
Grant to the Abbey of Deer (dioc. Aberdeen), with gift of dues to
the Bishop of Dunkeld .
Olave King of the Isles to Thurstin Archbishop of York
Olave King of the Isles to the Dean and Chapter of York.
Dedication of Church of S. James at Roxburgh.
Foundation of Rushin Abbey in the Isle of Man
Charter of King David to Nectan Bishop of Aberdeen (questionable)
Legatine Council of Carlisle
Charter of Robert Bishop of S. Andrew's, establishing Augustinian
Canons there
Bull of Pope Lucius II., confirming Bishop Robert's establishment of
Charter of David King of the Scots, suppressing the Keledei of
1147, Aug. 30. Bull of Eugenius III., transferring the right of electing to the See of S. Andrew's from Keledei to Canons
1144 X 1150. Suppression of the Keledei of Lochleven by King David
1160, Nov. 13.
1144-1150. Gift of the Keledean Monastery of Lochleven by Bishop Robert to
1151, 1154.
Before 1153.
1153 × 1165.
the Canons of S. Andrew's
Foundation of the Abbey of Kinloss.
Consecration of Bishops of Man and the Isles at York
David King of the Scots to Ronald Earl of the Orkneys
Grant of Innerlethan Church to Kelso by Malcolm King of the Scots,
with right of Sanctuary
1154, Nov. 28. Bull of Anastasius IV., establishing Trondhjem as a Metropolitan
See, with Nordreys and Sudreys among others as Suffragans.
Other documents on the same subject
Before 1155.
1154 or 1155.
1157, Aug. 10.
1159, Nov. 27.
Bishopric of Dunblane founded.
Foundation of Nunneries of Eccles and Manuel.
Bull of Adrian IV. to the Bishops of Scotland
Bull of Adrian IV. to Edward Bishop of Aberdeen
Pope Alexander III. to the Chapter of S. Andrew's
Ernaldus consecrated to the See of S. Andrew's, at S. Andrew's, by
the Bishop of Moray as Papal Legate
Foundation of the Abbey of Cupar
Attempted Legatine Scottish Council at Norham Castle under Roger
of York
1165, March 28. Richard consecrated to the See of S. Andrew's, at S. Andrew's, by
1165 x 1172.
1174, Dec. 8.
the Scottish Bishops
Pope Alexander III. to the Abbat of Kelso, granting him a mitre
Precept of King William I. for recovering fugitive serfs of Abbats of
Scone .
Treaty of Falaise (as confirmed at York, A.D. 1175, Aug. 17) .
Council of Northampton, so far as relates to Scotland
1176, May 13.
Pope Alexander III. to the Archbishop and Dean and Chapter of
1176, July 30. Pope Alexander III. to the Bishops of Scotland
1176, July-1177, January. Cardinal Vivian legate to Scotland, Man, and Ireland. 246
1177, Aug. 1. Legatine Council of Edinburgh under Cardinal Vivian
1178 x 1181. Pope Alexander III. to the Bishops of Scotland respecting Cardinal
Foundation of the Abbey of Arbroath
Before 1179.
Legate sent to summon Scottish Bishops to the third Lateran Council 249
Clergy not to be ordained on other than the Ember Days.
Before 1181. Grant by Harald Earl of Orkney of Peter-pence from the county of
1179 or 1178-1188. Disputed election to the See of S. Andrew's .
1179 or 1178. I. John elected to S. Andrew's by the Chapter, Hugh by King William 251
1181 (?).
II. Pope Alexander III. to the Bishops, etc. of Scotland, and to the
Prior and Canons of S. Andrew's .
IV. Roger of York, Papal legate, to excommunicate the King, and
interdict the realm, of Scotland
VII. Attempted compromise between King William and Bishop
John of S. Andrew's .
VIII. William absolved by order of Pope Lucius III.
(March 7. Velletri. Pope Lucius III. to the Bishops of Scotland)
IX. Second attempt and failure to effect a compromise
X. Rolland elect of Dol and Selvanus Abbat of Rievaulx to Pope
Lucius III. .
1183, before June. XI. Settlement (not accepted) of the dispute by Pope Lucius III. 261
1186, July. XII. Renewal of the Controversy before Pope Urban III..
(July 31.
1186, July 31.
XIV. Bishop Hugh suspended and excommunicated.
XV. Pope Clement III. decides in favour of Bishop John.
(Jan. 16. Pisa. Pope Clement III. to Jocelin of Glasgow, Matthew of Aber-
deen, and others).
Verona. Pope Urban III. to William King of the Scots)
XIII. Verona. Pope Urban III. to Jocelin Bishop of Glasgow and
to the Abbats of Melrose, Newbottle, and Dumfermlin.
1188, Jan. 16.
XVI. Pisa. Pope Clement III. to William King of the Scots
XVII. Pisa.
XVIII. Pisa.
Pope Clement III. to Henry II. King of the English. Pope Clement III. to the Clergy of S. Andrew's
XIX. Pisa. Pope Clement III. to Jocelin of Glasgow, Matthew of
Aberdeen, Richard of Moray, and others
XX. Final settlement of the dispute by Hugh's death. John trans-
lated to Dunkeld; Roger made Bishop of S. Andrew's .
Godred King of Man buried in Hy.
271 J
1188, March 13. Lateran. Clement III. to William King of the Scots, declaring
the Scottish Church dependent immediately upon the Pope
Appendix A. Visitation of the Sick (fragment) from Book of