Title 3 The President (Revised as of January 1, 2014): 03-CFR-Vol-1IntraWEB, LLC and Claitor's Law Publishing, 2014 - 516 páginas The Code of Federal Regulations Title 3 contains the codified Federal laws and regulations that are in effect as of the date of the publication pertaining to Presidential Documents and the Executive Office of the President. |
1988 | 65 |
1989 | 179 |
1990 | 230 |
1991 | 308 |
1992 | 353 |
1994 | 374 |
1998 | 381 |
1999 | 392 |
2005 | 416 |
Finding Aids | 435 |
2007 | 455 |
2008 | 462 |
CFR Finding Aids | 475 |
Derechos de autor | |