Imágenes de páginas

belongs to Her Majesty in right of the abbey of Ballymote, 1 q'-also Clonyvyhane, I q', belonging to Her Ma" in the same right; which in the whole of that Barrony cometh to 158 q.—Alsoe the halfe Barony of Cawlovyn consisting of 20 q”, all which being drawn into one totall cometh to the aforesaid nomber of 909 q".

"The said lords, chiefftaynes, & acknowledging the manifold benefits & easements they finde, do graunt to the Queen's most excellent Majestie her heirs and successors for ever one yearly rent-charge of tenn shillings ster. out of everie quarter of land aforesaid; and covenaunt to answere and bear yearlie for ever 20 good hable horsmen & 60 footemen well armed, to all hostings roods and journies within the s province of Connaght and Thomond; & 10 good hable horsemen and 30 footemen well armed, to all generall hostings proclaymed in this realme.

"That the said Sir Donill O'Conor, in respecte of his loyaltie & faithfulnesse to the Queene, shall have by letters patents to him his heirs and assigns the castells or manors of Slego in the barony of Carbry, and Meynlaghe in the barony of Magherylenye, and all the lands, appertayninge as well to the name and callinge of O'Conor Sligoe, as also which belong or appertayneth to Sleight Owine O'Conor, from whom the said Sir Doniell is said to be descended, or by his owne purchase or otherwise, &c. which are accounted to be 32 q, freed; and shall also have a yearly rentcharge of 13-4a going out of every q' of the residue of the said q", being 80 q" of the land of Sleight Muryertaghe, Sleight Briene, and Sleight Tirlaghe O'Connor, and those of Cawrine Moygany, in full recompence, & and that he and the heirs of his father shall hold the aforesaid Castles, & by the service of 2 knight's fees, as of her Majestie's castle of Ballymote, and he is to give one fayre chief horse yearly, to the Lord Deputy, with

a Sir Henry Sydney describes his proceedings with O'Conor and O'Donnell as follows:-" 15th June, 1576. I founde Odonnell verie humble and tractable. And whereas he, and his Auncestors, have had a rent of iii. c Markes Yerelye out of Occhonnor Sligaghs Countrie, fabulouslye chalenged to have bene paied, ever since St. Patrick's Dayes, but probablye averred on both sides, if half bene taken for theise fower or fyve Discents by the Odonnells (but never without Vyolence alleaged Ochonnor) and so I thinke Odonnell agreed, in the Ende, to stay Exactinge of it, untill I had sente Commissioners to examyne his Clayme, and the others Deniall; and upon their Certificatt, I to take Order and this to be done in August


next; which Order will I hope fall out to be seche, as the Quenes Majestic shall be entituled to the Rent and Service from theim bothe. Occhonnor compounded in Englande to geve an hundered Markes Yerelye, to be dischardged of Odonnell, and so hath his Countrey graunted hym, under the Great Seale of England; but, if I can clerlye dischardge hym from Odonnell, he shall pay better. He desiered me to constitute a Sheriff in his Countrie wishinge rather a Forriner, then any of the Soyles Brede, which I graunted, and sent one with Commission. I have great Confidence that this Ochonnor, who is the same that I brought into England, will prove a good Subiecte." Letters, &c., vol. i. p. 114

these words graven in gold, quo vici vincor: and he shall also have 8* out of every q' of 154 quarters in the barony of Tirreraghe; 10' out of every q' of 20 q" in the barony of Cowlovine; 6' 10" out of every q' of 156 q" in the barony of Magheryleynye; 6' 6a out of every q' of 166 q" in the barony of Tirreryelle; and 9' 34 out of every q' of 110 qr in the barony of Corren.

"That the lord Bishop of Aghconry shall have 4 q" adjoining his house or town of Skrine in the barony of Tireraghe, free; and 6 q" as a demesne to his house or towne of Achonry, in the barony of Magheryleyny, free.


"In the barrony of Corran, that Cormocke O'Hary bwy shall have 3 q" free, adjoining his castle of Cowlany:-that Ferraghe Carraghe O'Hary reoghe shall have 3 qr free as a demesne to his castle of Ballinefenocke otherwise called Ballyhary-and that Hugh Mc Donoghe, in respecte of his adge and removing from Ballimote, shall have 4 qr free, in the barony of Corrane.


"In the barrony of Tirrerel, that Ferdorroghe Mc Donoghe of Cowlea shall have 3 qrs adjoining his towne of Cowlea, free.

"In the Barrony of Tirrereagh, that Edmond O'Dowd shall have 3 q" as a demaine to his castle of Kylglasse, free-and that his cousin and heir apparent, Davy of Dowda, shall have 2 q free, adjoining his house of Castle-Connor.

"That Urrell O'Gary of Moggary shall have 3 q" free, adjoining his castle of Moygarry in Cowlovine.

"That Magaghline Mc Donoghe shall have 2 q" free, adjoining his castle of Cowlwony in the barony of Tirrarell.

"That John O'Creane shall have 3 q" free, adjoining his house or towne of Ballynegare in the barony of Carbry.

"And for as much as the meaner sort of freeholders of the said county of Sligo, and the tenants dwellinge upon their lands, are and shall be greatlie burdened by this composition, if the petty lords and captains next above them be permitted to take such rents and customarye dutyes as they pretend to belong to the said petty captaineshipps, for remedy whereof, it is condescended and agreed that the above-named O'Harry bwy, O'Harry reoghe, Mc Donoghe of Tirerell, O'Gary, O'Dowd, and all others of that sort and calling, shall have by letters patent, not only such castells and lands as belongeth to the name and callinge of O'Harry buy, O Harry reoghe, Mc Donoghe, O'Gary, & O'Dowd, but also all such castles and lands as they or any of them be nowe justlie seized of as their inheritance, the same to descend from ech of them to their heirs, by course and order of the lawes of England: and in respect of confirming unto them the same, that after the decease of everie of them the aforesaid rents and duties shall from thenceforth be utterlie determyned and extinguished for 2 Y



In wittnesse whereof the aforesaid lords chieftains and others have hereunto put their seales, and subscribed their names this 23rd day of Sept. Anno Domini 1585.

-MANUS M'Teige bwy.—Alexander M ̊ SWINE.-MANUS REOGHE.—


"O'Royrk's Country.

"THIS INDENTURE made betwixte the Right Honorable Sir John Perrott knight, lord Deputy Generall of Ireland, for and on the behaulfe of the Queene's most

a The county of Leitrim LIMITTED and appointed." A. D. 1583.

"The country called O'Rowrke's country, conteyneth the Breny O'Rowrke, both Moynter Olys, Dartery, Lorigain, with other small territories, together with Mc Gwyre his lands by sowthe the Lough Erne, joyned together and made and appointed to be called the countie of Letrym, being limitted and bounded as followeth, viz.-EASTE, with the country called Breny O'Reighly (now the county Cavan) as the...... dereth on Mc Gawran's lands (which are included within this countye) and the . . . . now the county of Longforde, till it come to the Ryver of Shenan.-SOUTHE, with the ryver of Sheanan, which divideth the same from O'Hanlye's..

Roe and O'Bryn's countryes, and a part of Moylorge, and so passing to the northern edge of the territorie called Tyrehoyle parcell of Moylorge aforesaid, to the mountayne called Slewe Corke, extending to Loghkyll.-WEST, with the Logh called Logh Kyll, as it crosseth from the mountayne aforesaid, to a small water or spring on the north syde called Ffauran Mc ffenoll, and so directly a lytle by west the Newton up to the mountayne called Slewmore; and so as the same Slewmore runneth betwixt the barony of Carbry in the county of Slygo to the lands of Bundroyes,


and so to the water northwards which cometh out of the great Logh-Erne.-NORTHE, with the water which cometh from the said greath Logh, and the Logh Erne itself, into the land of Mc Gawran, and then Mc Gawran's lands as they joyne to the Breny O'Reighly. The county is devyded into vii several hundrds or baronys, wherein these territories following are conteyned, having within them the nomber of quarters of land under mentioned, everie q' conteyning 120 acres of land, viz.-1. LETRYM. The territorie called Moynter Olys, Owghderagh alias Moyenishe, conteyning Sleiught Eyre Mc Grannell, Slenight Connor, and Sleuight Cahill Mc Grannell, conteyning 151 qr of land. Also Anaghduf, Kyltahurk, Kyltobrid, Fynagh, and Kylifowre conteyning 27 qrs of land, making in the whole 178 q" 2. MOYLE. The territory called Moynter'olys Ewtragh, alias Clan Melaghlyn, which conteyneth 110 qr-3. DROMAHIRE. The territory called Carryn Dromahyre, conteyneth 22 qr, also Carryn Cleyn-Logh, 21 q', also M Kagan's lands in Clanarwy 21q, also Urlare 16 q, also Ballyneglogh 8 qr, the lands of Sleuight Owen O'Rourk, 4 q", the land of Sleuight Donogh Mc Gowran, 12 qrs, and the land of Sleuight Cormack Mc Gawran 12 q, amounting together to 135 q's of land.-4. ROSSECLOGHER


excellent Majesty of the one partye, and John, bishop of Kilmore-Lysaghe, bishop of Ardaghe-Sir Briane O'Royrke of Dromahire knt.-Cahall M Connor Carragh Magrannyll of Inishmurryne, otherwise called Magrannell of Moynishe, chiefe of his name-Tirlaghe Mc Molaghline oge Magrannylle of Dromarde, otherwise called Magrannyle of Clonmologhlyne, chief of his name-Teige oge Maglanchie of Rossclogher, chief of his name-Tyrelaghe Magawryne of the Largine, chief of his name-Owyne Mc Phellime O'Royrke of the Garre, gen.-Rory Mc Enawe of Inyshimylerye, chiefe of his name-Melaghlyn Me Owyne Mc Murrye of Loghmoyltagher, gen.-Farrell Mc Ternan of Cloyloghe, gen.-Bryan Ma Loghlyne of the Fayhee, gen.-Phelyme Glasse of Cloncorycke, gen.-Wonye Mac Sheane O'Royrke of Loghnecouhye, gen.— and Tyernane O'Royrke of Dromahyre, gen. of the other parte.

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'WYTNESSETH, that wheare the whole territory called O'Royrk's country, comprehending Breny O'Royrke, both the Moynterolyes, the Largane, Cowleovlyne, Kinaloghane and the Dartry, which contain in themselves, as well by auncient devysyon as by late Inquisicion, the number of 801 q", every qr 120 acres. FIRSTE in Breny

The territory called Carryn Ewill-Wylegh conteyneth 18 qr, also Ballagh I mean 8 qrs, Rosse Iaver 8 qr, Clonlogher 2 q", Kyllargy 4 q", Kyllen Umery 2 qrs, Drom Leyse 4 qr, Moynter Kenny alias Mc Kenny's lands 14 qr, and Me Kernon's lands 4 q", making together 60 qr.-5. CARRE. The territory called Moyelys 18 qrs, the territory called the Carre 30 qrs, and the territory called the Dartery 20 qrs, amounting in all to 68 qr.-6. COWLOVLYN. The territory called Kynnacloghan conteyneth Sleuight Teg ne Geyrr, Sleuight Hugh Mc Arte, and Sleuight Keogh, Ballynecurry, Dromervella, and Oughter Aghwe, conteyneth 37 q, also Cowlovelyn contayning 28 q”, and Tullageaghe 44 qr, which doth amount together to 109 qr.-7. LYSSEGOWLE. The territory called Toe Rahe 30 qr, Moynter Ffeodegan's land 30 qr, Clonowly 30 qr, Clanredmond 15 q", Knock-nyn 15 q, and Maghery-boy 15 qr, which make in all 135 qrs.

"We whose names are hereunto subscribed, having viewed and surveyed the territories and lands above mentioned, by virtue of the Queen's Majesties


letters patents to us or any three of us addressed, bearing date the 8th July in the 37th year of her reign, have limitted and appointed the said territories to be one shyre or county, and to be nominated the county of Letrym; and have divided the same into 7 severall barronyes or hundreds as above is sett foorth, which our doying we doe certify unto your Lordship, according to the purport of the said commission to be returned of record. In Witness whereof we have hereunto put our seals, and subscribed our names, the 25th of September, 1583."—Orig. Return in Rolls Off.

b The "Boundaries of Leitrim" have been found as follows:

"An Inquisition taken at Dromahare, the 22nd of July, 1607, before Sir Anthony St. Leger Master of the Rolls, &c.—The jury find 'That the county of Leytrim extended in breadth from Douffcoulofflyn, mearynge upon Tayllagh-Donoghoy in the county of Cavan, unto Bundoyse butting upon the barrony of Carbry in the county of Sligo, are 37 miles, whereof the sixte parte is scarse arrable lande, but all mountayne, bogg, and wood, and in breadth from

I Royrke, there is a quantity of land called the Dartry, 20 q"-Karrhy, 30 q", whereof 1 q' belongs to the bishoprick of Killmore-Cowryne Moylyshe, 18 q",

the ryver of Shankryne in Me Gawran's country, to Carradroymroyske at the Sheanan, being the broadest parte of the county are ten myles. They finde that the said county is bounded in manner and forme followinge, viz. beginninge at the ryver of Dowffe Cowlloffluyn, yt extendeth forward to the ford or passage of the Nybber, from thence to Ahanfadda, and so forwarde to Beallamowdyne mearinge upon the county of Longforde, from thence through the bogge of Moyne-Cappoll butting forward to Skraghbunyunshine, including 8 cartrons of the county of Longforde, and so into the river of Sheanon, and contynuinge the same to Beallakillesrenan, and forward to Carradromroyske, from thence to Leyetrim, and as the course of the ryver runneth from Loghayle against the stream into that Lough, then to Srowhane nynled, and Lurgane Caylly, mearinge to the Dworyny, from thence to Cleynemockery and Lognegyhe, and so to Kilsallogh, and then holdinge the meare to Skehyenaguna adjoyninge Cayshe-loghdargane, and so crosse the mounteyne unto Loghgill, and going oute of the said Logh at . . . . harkilleroddane yt extendeth forward to Aylteclaydy, including 3 qrs and 3 cartrons of the county of Slygo, called the q' of Clogherbegg, the q' of Cloghermore, Carrowmaghery, Coyaroish, and 3 cartrons of Killefodder; from thence to the meare of the Mullin, and so to Laighnehilline, and then dyrectlie to Srownehowllagha, then buttinge forwarde to the streame of Srowhanesowne, and so as the meare extendeth betweene Clownekyne and the Clowaty, and from thence to Boynedoyne, and unto the ocean sea, and so aboute to Bowndroite, from thence agaynste the streame of that river of Droysse, and going oute of the ryver on the north side yt includeth a q' of lande called Carrowneboyhane, and into the river of Owyn nefaerand, and then as the streame runneth into Lough Melvin, and so along the logh to Abbernelehe, and then includinge all the islands, yt extendeth


eastwarde to Bunowyn Leiglehidd, and so mearing forward to Srahareogh near the river of Rowgy, from thence to Killtarsnye, and so followinge the streame of Killtarsnie, which boundeth Killtycownga and Moynterfloddaghane, from thence to Beallamullanegeyre, then to Beallenemialagh, then unto Logh vackneane, and so alonge the said logh between the islands of Rosscorky on the north, and Inish Me Dorragh on the sowthe, and so to Beallacowngamore, and then to Beallucowngabegg, from thence it extendeth to Buncley Aghaarly, and so to Laigebunshanny, then forward to Carrycknecranmoy, buttinge directly to Corrylyskey and Corlacky and so to Tonowsse, then to the Srowhanee, and mearinge to Beallanelowree, yt reacheth to Loghamuoynterhollyh, on the east side of Sliewnyerin; from thence to Clowiccomyrke, then to Hayskeenagappull, boundinge to Beallanelaghmore on the easte, mearinge forwarde to Beallah Radreynan, and forward to ... haysker Srahabowghane, including qof Mc Gawran's country called Leth Carrowelysseroughty; then yt runnith to Carroghbowlii, from thence to Beallne shancryne and so along the river of Swawnenagh and to Beallaneneane. Then Moyddadowffe Layghyn, and then to Dowffe Cowllofloyn, including the quarter of Sassagh, where they began.


"Item they finde that the said county is divided into 5 principall barronies, that is to saie-Lyetrim 91 qr, whereof inhabitted 41, free 12, waste 38.2. Moyhill 69 qr, whereof inhabitted 24 qt, free nihil, waste 45 q.-3. Carryckallen 40 qrs 1 cartron, whereof inhabitted 12 qrs, free nihil, waste 28 and 1 cartron.-4. Dromaheare 120 qrs 3 cartrons, whereof inhabited 18 qrs, free 48 qrs, waste 54 qr.-5. Rossclogher 39 qr, whereof inhabited 63 qrs free nihil, waste 32; the whole 360 qr. That Sir Donnogh O'Connor Slygo doth clayme 20 qrs of Twobollintogher to be parcell of the county of Slygo, and 5

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