Imágenes de páginas

Dislère (P.)-Notes sur l'organisation des Colonies. 8vo, sewed, pp. 198. Paris, 1888. 3s.

Falb (R.)-Urgeschichte der Sprache u. Schrift. I. Die Andes-Sprachen in ihrem Zusammenhange mit dem Semitischen Sprachstamme. 8vo. sewed, pp. vi. 88. Leipzig, 1888.

Filet (G. J.)-Plantkundig Woordenboek voor Nederlandsch-Indië; met korte aanwijzingen van het Geneeskundig-Huishondelijk Gebruik der Planten, en ver melding der verschillende inlandsche en wetenschappelijke Benamingen. Tweeti vermeerderde en verbeterde druk. 8vo. cloth, pp. x. and 348. Amsterdam, 1888. Fischer (Bernard).-Hebräische Unterrichtsbriefe. Nach praktische bewährter Methode für den Selbstunterricht in Alt- und Neuhebräisch. Part I. Leipzig, 1888. To be completed in 10 parts 7s. 6d. François (C. von)-Die Erforschung der Tschnapa

und Lulongo Reisen in Centralafrika. 8vo. sewed, pp. xvi. 220. With Illustrations and 1 Map. Leipzig, 1888. 6s. Friedrich (F.)-Kurze Anleitung, die russischen, bulgarischen und serbischen Druck- u. Schreib-Buchstaben auf mnemonischen Wege binnen einem Tage lesen und schreiben zu lernen. 8vo. sewed, pp. 32. Prag, 1888. 6d.

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Friedmann (A.) Epistola responsi de tabulis nuptialibus vel dotis tabellis earumque conceptione aramaica, ut (apud Judaeos) in usum est et de iis propinquis nonnullis rebus. (Hebrew.) 8vo. sewed, pp. 108. Vienna, 1888. 4s.

Godio (G.)-Vita Africana, ricordi d'un viaggio nel Sudan Orientale. 8vo. pp. 231. With Map and Illustrations. Milan, 1888. 3s. 6d.

Grasserie (R. de la)-Etudes de grammaire comparée. De la catégorie du temps. 8vo. sewed, pp. 195. Paris, 1888. 58.

Gubernatis (A. de)-Peregrinazioni indiane: Bengala, Pengiab e Cashmir. 8vo. Florenz, 1888. 4s. Harlez (Ch. de)-La religion nationale des Tartares orientaux, Mandchous et Mongols, comparée à la religion des anciens Chinois, d'après les textes indigènes. Avec le rituel tartare de l'empereur K'ien-Long. 8vo. sewed, pp. 216. With 7 Plates. Paris, 1888. 6s.

Henrici (E.) Das deutsche Togogebiet und meine Afrikareise 1887. 8vo. pp. 146, v. With 1 Map and 1 Plate. Leipzig, 1888. 3s.

Hillebrand (W.)-Flora of the Hawaiian Islands. 8vo. sewed, pp. xcvi. 673. With 4 Maps. Heidelberg, 1888. £1 5s.

Histoire d'Alâ Al-Din, ou la Lampe merveilleuse. Texte arabe, publié avec une notice sur quelques Manuscrits des Mille et une Nuits par H. Zotenberg. Royal 8vo. pp. 164. Paris, 1888.

Hofdijk (W. J.-Dajang-Soembi. Een Javaansche legende. Royal 8vo. pp. 104. Amsterdam, 1888. 4s. 6d.

Hoffmann (B.) - Ueber Säugethiere aus dem Ostindischen Archipel (Mäuse, Fledermäuse, Büffel). Royal 4to. sewed, pp. 29. With 1 Plate. Berlin, 1888. (Abhandlgn. d. k. zoolog. u. anthrop. Museums zu Dresden, 1886-87, No. 3.) 4s.

Houssay (F.)--Les Races humaines de la Perse. 8vo. pp. 48. With Illustrations, 4 Plates, and 1 Map. Lyon, 1888.

Ibnu Hijam.-La pluie de rosée, étanchement de la soif. Traité de flexion et syntaxe. Traduit par A. Goguyer. Royal 8vo. sewed, pp. 24 and 408. Leyde, 1888.


Im Innern Afrikas. Die Erforschung der Kaffai während der Jahre 1883, 1884, u. 1885. Von H. Wissmann, L. Wolf, C. v. François, H. Mueller. 8vo. sewed, pp. xix. 457. With Illustrations and 2 Maps. Leipzig, 1888. 18s. Imbert (H.)-Quatre mois au Sahel. Lettres et Notes Algeriennes. Paris, 1888. 3s. 6d.

Jametel (M.)-Pékin. Souvenirs de l'Empire du
Milieu. 12mo. Paris, 1888.

John (J.)-Unsere culturellen Aufgaben im Osten.
Vortrag. 8vo. pp. 23. Wien, 1888. 6s.
Josephy (C.)

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Der Oratorische Numerus bei Isokrates u. Demosthenes, m. Berücksicht der Lehren der alten Rhetoren. 8vo. sewed, pp. 122. With 8 Tab. Zurich, 1888. 1s. 6d.

Jurien de la Gravière.-La guerre de Chypre et la bataille de Lepante. Two Vols. With 14 Maps. 18mo. sewed. Paris, 1888. 8s.

Karte der Tabaksbandistrikte auf Sumatra. Deli, Langkat, Serdang, Bedagei, Padang, Batoe-Bahra, Asahan en Siak. Zusammengestellt von P. de Vries und Zoon. Amsterdam, 1888. £1 2s.

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Lezius (J.) De Alexandri Magni expeditione Indica questiones. Royal 8vo. pp. 100. Dorpat, 1888. 2s. Lockroy (E)-Ahmed le Boucher. La Syrie et l'Egypte au 18 Siècle. 18mo. sewed. Paris, 1888. 3s. 6d. Martin (K.)-Geologische Studien über Niederländisch West-Indien, auf Grund eigener Untersuchungsreisen. Liefrg. I. (Curaçao, Aruba u. Bonaire). Royal 8vo. sewed, pp. 140. With 3 Coloured Maps, 2 Plates and 36 Illustrations. Leiden, 1888. pr. Compl. 1 & 2. £1 ls. Mauriceau (S.)-Langue internationale, almanach philologique pour 1888. 16mo. pp. 16. Pont-Audemer, 1888. Menant (J.)-Ninive et Babylone. 12mo. Paris,


Mercier (E.)-Histoire de l'Afrique septentrionale (Berbérie) depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à la conquête française (1830). Tome 1. 8vo. sewed, pp. xxv. 448. Paris, 1888.

Meynié (G.)-Les juifs en Algérie.

Paris, 1888. 3s. 6d. Montet (E.)-Le théâtre en Perse. pp. 59. Genf, 1888. 1s.

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18mo. sewed.

8vo. sewed,

Müller (J.)-Responsen der Lehrer des Ostens und Westens, nach Handschriften herausgegeben und erklärt. (Hebrew.) Royal 8vo. pp. 140. Vienna, 1888. 2s. 6d. Naumann (E.) - Fossile Elephantenreste von Mindanás, Sumátra u. Malakka. Royal 4to. sewed, pp. 11. With 1 Plate. Berlin, 1888. (Abhandlgn. d. k. zoolog. u. anthropolog. Museums zu Dresden, 1886/87. No. 6.) 3s. Paleologue.-L'art Chinois. 8vo. pp. 320. Illustrations. Paris, 1888.


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Schick (C.)-Beit el Makdas oder, der alte Tem

pelplatz zu Jerusalem, wie er jetzt ist. 8vo. pp. vi. 174. With 4 Supplements. Stuttgart, 1888. 5s. Schroven (B. H.)-Schetsen van NederlandschIndië. Royal 8vo. sewed, pp. 320. Tiel, 1888. 2s. 6d. Sergent Blandan et le Combat d'El Mechdoufa (près Beni-Mered). 8vo. sewed, pp. 63, and Plate. Alger, 1887.

Spitzer (S.)-Ueber Sitte und Sitten der alten Völker, namentlich der Hebraeer, Griechen u. Römer. 8vo. pp. 90. Wien, 1888. 1s. 6d.

Textes faciles en langue chinoise publiès par la société sinico-japonaise. 8vo. Paris, 1888. 6s. Susrutas Ayurvedas i. e. medicinae systema nunc primum ex Sanscrita in Latinum Sermonem vertit, ed. Hessler. Five Vols. Erl. 1845-54.

Treitel (L.) Die Alexandrinische Uebersetzung des Buches Hosea. Ein Beitrag zu den Septuaginta-Studien u. der Auslegung des Propheten Hosea. Part 1. Karlsruhe, 1888. 1s.

Trois Comédies traduites du dialecte Turc Azeri en Persan par Mirza Dja'far, et publiées d'après l'édition de Téhéran avec un glossaire et des Notes, par C. Barbier de Meynard et S. Guyard. 8vo. sewed, pp. 169, 91 and xix. Paris, 1886. 10s.

Verhandlungen des VII. Internationalen Oriental

isten Congresses gehalten in Wien im Jahre 1886. Arische Section. 8vo. sewed, pp. 238, with 10 Plates. Wien, 1888. Contents.-1. Ueber gewisse Kürzungen des Wortendes im Veda, von R. v. Roth. 2. Der Ursprung des Rumänischen, von P. Hunfalvy. 3. I Návagbah e i Dásagväl del Rigveda, di G. Liguana. 4. Die Geschichte der classisch-armenischen Schriftsprache, von Johann Thumajau. 5. Ueber die Entwickelung der philosophischen Ideen bei den Indern und Chinesen, von M. Straszewski. 6. Ueber Jasna xxix, 1 and 2, von F. Müller. 7. The Râmânjiya and the Bhagavata or Pancharâtra, by R. G. Bhandarkar. 8. On a newly discovered form of Indian Character, by C. Bendall. 9. On the Bakhsal MS., by R. Hoernle. 10. The Original Gypsies and their Language, by C. G. Leland. 11. The Medieval Vernacular Literature of Hindustan, with special reference to Tul's! Das, by G. A. Grierson. 12. Two new Grants of the Chalukya Dynasty, by Bhagvânlal Indraji. Wahrmuud (A.) - Der Kulturkampf zwischen Asien und Europa. Ein Beitrag zur Klarlegung des heutigen Standes der Orientalischen Frage. 8vo. pp. 63. Berlin, 1887. 1s.

This is a valuable contribution to the already very extensive literature on the Oriental question. It does not pretend to offer a solution, but in explaining the real reason of the differences which create such a wide gulf between the different peoples inhabiting the Balkan Peninsula and the Austrian Empire, it undoubtedly throws a welcome light on a very dark question. The author complains of the preponderating influence of the Jews, but he forgets how large a share of the industries and wealth of those countries is due to their intelligence and labour.

Wolf's Linguistiches Vademecum. I. Orientalia. II. Europaeische Sprachen. III. Deutsche Philologie. 8vo. cloth, pp. 224, 124, and 214. Leipzig, 1888. 3s. 6d.



Ghose (Nagendra Nath)-Kristo Das Pal. A Study. 8vo. cloth, pp. 202. Calcutta, 1887. 6s. Kavyasangraha. In 3 Volumes. Vol. I. Edited and Published with a full Commentary by Pandit Jibananda Vidyasagara, B.A. Third Edition. 8vo. pp. 617. Calcutta, 1888. 12s. 6d.

Kumarasambhava Uttarakhandam; or, from Canto VIII. to XVII. by Kalidasa. Edited and Published with a full Commentary by Pandit Jibananda Vidayasagara. Fourth Edition. 8vo. pp. 218. Calcutta, 1887. 5s.

Shikand-Gûmânîk Vijâr. The Pâzand-Sanskrit Text together with a Fragment of the Pahlavi. Edited with a Comparative Vocabulary of the Three Versions and an Introduction by Hoshang Dastur Jâmâspji JâmâspAsânâ and E. W. West. 8vo. sewed, pp. xxxviii. and 275. Bombay, 1887. £1.


Burmese Pocket Dictionary. Compiled from Dr. Judson's Dictionaries. English and Burmese by F. D. Phinney. Burmese and English by F. H. Eveleth. With an Abridgment of Dr. Judson's Burmese Grammar. Tall 12mo. pp. iv. and 382. Rangoon, 1887. 8s. 6d.

Meghadûta of Kâlidâsa. With the Commentary Chauksaungdwè. - Six Pali Texts on Religion,

(Sanjivini) of Mallinâtha. Edited with Explanatory Notes and Various Readings by Nârâyana Bâlakrishna Godabole, B.A., and Kâs'înâtha Panduranga Paraba, Second Edition. pp. 87, 43. Bombay, 1886. 2s. 6d.

Mozoomdar (P. C.)-Life and Teachings of Keshub Chunder Sen. 8vo. cloth, pp. xv. and 332. Calcutta, 1887. 10s. 6d.

Mozoomdar (P. C.)-Sketches of a Tour Round the World. 8vo. cloth, pp. 216. Calcutta, 1884. 4s. Pratya Sataka, Translation of. By Nicholas Mendis. 8vo. pp. 38. Colombo, 1886. 2s. 6d. Peterson (P.)-A Third Report of Operations in Search of Sanskrit MSS. in the Bombay Circle, April 1884-March 1886. Extra Number of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 8vo. pp. xxx. and 407. Bombay, 1887. 8s.

Rájataranginí, Kings of Káshmíra; being a Translation of the Sanskrita Work Rájataranginí of Kahlana Pandita by Jogesh Chunder Dutt. Vol. II. 8vo. sewed, pp. xlv. and 320. Calcutta, 1887. 68.

Report on the Search for Sanskrit MSS. in the Bombay Presidency during the years 1882-83. By R. G. Bhandarkar. 8vo. pp. 229. Bombay, 1884. 3s.

Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency By R. G. Bhandarkar. Royal 8vo. pp. 479. Bombay, 1887. 7s. 6d.

Sakuntala. A Drama by Kalidasa.

Edited with

a Commentary by Pandit Jibananda Vidyasagara, B.A. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. 293. Calcutta, 1887. 5s.

with Burmese Translation. 8vo. Rangoon, 1887. 2s.

Cushing (Rev. J. N.)- Grammar of the Shan Language. 8vo. pp. 118. Rangoon, 1887. 12s. 6d. Hitopadesa (The Burmese).-Translated by R. F. St. Andrew St. John. 8vo. pp. 42. London, 1887. 2s. 6d. (Reprinted from the "Indian Magazine.")

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Sadaing Hmut U Ku, Tabin Shweti Pyazat.
Burmese Drama. 8vo. Rangoon, 1887. 1s.
Saya Pe, Maung Pu Nyo Teiktin.
Poetry. 8vo. Rangoon, 1887. 1s.
Saya Thin, Alaungdan Shwe You Mia Pyazat.
Burmese Drama. 8vo. pp. 94. Rangoon, 1887. 2s.
Saya Thin, Bandula and Malika Pyazat. Burmese
Drama. 8vo. Rangoon, 1887. 1s.

Saya Thin, Law kadat Maung So and Kyankkathu
Mè Mo Pyazat. Burmese Drama. Svo. Rangoon, 1887. 1s.
Saya Thin, Maung Pu Nyo Gusothi Thigyin.
Burmese Poetry. 8vo. Rangoon, 1887. 18.

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Armstrong (C. Spearman) - Tea Cultivation in Ceylon. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. 18. Colombo, 1884. 2s. Armstrong (C. S.) Tea Cultivation. 12mo. With Two Figure-Plates. Colombo, 1887. ls. Burrows (S. M.)- The Buried Cities of Ceylon. A Guide Book to Anuradhapura and Pollonarua; with Chapters on Dambulla, Kalawewa, Mihintale, and Sigiri. 8vo. boards, pp. 77. Colombo, 1885. 5s. (sewed 4s.) Cameron (W.). Gardening in Ceylon. (New and Enlarged Edition.) Hints on Gardening by W. Cameron, and Hints on the Kitchen Garden and Orchard, by H. Sims. With List of Vegetables and Special Paper on "Roses 99 in Ceylon. 8vo. pp. viii. and 50. Colombo, 1887. 1s. 6d.


Ceylon and Her Planting Enterprise: in Tea, Cacao, Cardamons, Cinchona, Coconut, and Areca Palms. Svo. pp. xiii. and 77. Colombo, 1885. 2s. Ceylon. General Directory of Addresses. pp. 141. Colombo, 1887. 2s. 6d. Ceylon Handbook and Directory; and Compendium of Useful Information. (Edition of 1885-86.) Compiled and Edited by A. M. and J. Fergusson. 8vo. cloth, pp. xliii. and 900. Colombo, 1886. £1.

Ceylon in the Fifties and the Eighties. A Retrospect and Contrast of the Vicissitudes of the Planting Enterprise during a Period of Thirty Years, and of Life and Work in Ceylon, by a Planter. 8vo. boards, pp. xii. and 78. Colombo, 1886. 4s.

Ceylon Literary Register: Published weekly as a Supplement to the Ceylon Observer." Vol. I. August, 1886, to July, 1887. Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. 416. Colombo, 1887. 7s. 6d.

Christie (Th. North)-Prize Essay on Cinchona Cultivation, written for the Dikoya Planters' Association. 8vo. pp. 24. Colombo, 1883. 2s. 6d.

"Cocoanut Palm (All about the), including Practical Instructions for Planting and Cultivation. 8vo. cloth, pp. 235. Colombo, 1885. 5s.

Cottam (H.)-Tea Cultivation in Assam. Small 8vo. pp. 75. Colombo, 1877. 3s.

Crüwell (G. A.)-Liberian Coffee in Ceylon; the History of the Introduction and Progress of the Cultivation up to April. 1878. 8vo. boards, pp. xxxiv. and 177, with Plates and Tables. Colombo, 1878. 10s.

Crüwell (G. A.) and Blacklaw (A. Scott)-Brazil as a Coffee-growing Country. 8vo. pp. vi. and 150. Colombo, 1878. 4s.

Fergusson (A. M. and J.)-Summary of Informamation regarding Ceylon in 1887, the Queen's "Jubilee Year." 8vo. pp. 26. Colombo, 1887. 1s. 6d.

[blocks in formation]

Ferguson (J.) Ceylon in 1884: the Leading Crown Colony of the British Empire. 8vo. cloth. pp. x. and 256, with Illustrations. London, 1884. 7s. 6d. Ferguson (W.) - List of the Birds of Ceylon.

With the Sinhalese and Tamil Names in Roman Characters. 8vo. pp. 13. Colombo, 1887. 1s. 6d.

Gold, Gems, and Pearls in Ceylon and Southern India. Second Edition. 8vo. boards, pp. ix. and 428. Colombo, 1887. 6s.

Gordon (Sir A.) — Uva. An Account of the Inauguration of the New Province of Uva. 12mo. With 2 Maps. Colombo, 1886. 2s. 6d.

India Rubber and Gutta Percha; being a Compilation of all the Available Information respecting the Trees yielding these Articles of Commerce and their Cultivation; with Notes on the Preparation and Manufacture of Rubber and Gutta Percha. Second Edition Revised and Enlarged. 8vo. pp. ix. and 192. Colombo. 3s. Iinge Va; or, the Sinna Durai's Pocket Tamil Guide. By A. M. Ferguson. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. 160. Colombo, 1883. 4s.

Map of Ceylon 27 in. x 36 in., scale 8 in. to the mile. Coloured. Colombo. 5s.

Nietner (J.)-The Coffee Tree and its Enemies. 8vo. pp. 32. Colombo, 1880. 3s.

Owen (T. C.)-Notes on Cardamom Cultivation. With an Estimate of Expenditure and Return for 25 Acres, and Notes on the Estimate. 8vo. pp. 17. Colombo, 1883. 2s. 6d.

Owen (T. C.)-The Cinchona-Planter's Manual. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 203. Colombo, 1881. 8s. Owen (T. C.)-The Tea Planter's Manual. 8vo. leatheret, pp. xxiii. and 162. with Coloured Lithographic Plans of an Iron, and a Wood-and-Stone Tea Factory drawn to scale. Colombo, 1886. 8s.

Planter's Note-Book: with Every-day Information for the Tea Planter, etc. Square 32mo. Colombo, 1887. 5s.

The Taprobanian.-A Dravidian Journal of Oriental Studies in and around Ceylon, in Natural History, Archæology. Philology, History, etc. Edited by H. Nevill. Begun in 1886. Subscription per annum net, including postage, £1 6s. Fol. Bombay.

Vols. I. and II. published.

The Tropical Agriculturist. A Monthly Record of Tea, Cacao, Coffee, Cinchona, Sugar, Rubber, Palms, Rice, Tobacco, Dyes, and other Products suitable for Cultivation in the Tropics. Begun in 1881. Subscription £1 6s. per annum net, including postage. 4to. Colombo.

Vols. I., II., III., IV., V., and VI. are now ready, price 20s. each, in cloth lettered.




To be obtained at Greatly Reduced Prices of Trübner & Co.

MAR, for the use of Beginners. Royal 8vo. sewed, pp. 67.
Shanghai, 1861. £1 1s. [Scarce.]

WRITTEN LANGUAGE. Second Edition, Enlarged and Im-
proved. Royal 8vo. pp. 306. London, 1877. £1 8s.
WRITTEN LANGUAGE. With a Short Chrestomathy.
Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. iv. 115. London, 1872. 15s.
cloth, pp. 96. London, 1873. 12s.
LANGUE PARLÉE JAPONAISE. Traduite par E. Kraetzer,
suivie d'un Vocabulaire. 8vo. sewed, pp. 83. Yoko-
hama, 1873. 5s.

SANCE DE L'EXTREME ORIENT. Recueil publié par F.
Turrettini. Vol. i.-viii. 4to. sewed, with several Maps
and Plates. Genève, 1873-81. £5 5s.
The same, vol. v. 10s. 6d.

AND ENGLAND. 8vo. pp. 28. London, 1876. 6d.
JAPANESE LANGUAGE with Easy Progressive Exercises.
Second and Enlarged Edition. 8vo. boards, pp. 120.
London, 1888. 5s.

SANCE DE L'EXTREME ORIENT. Recueil publié par F.
Turrettini. 4 Vols. Royal 8vo. sewed. Genève, 1873-80.
£3 3s.

Commerce des Soies et des Graines et l'Industrie de la
Soie au Japon. Royal 8vo. With a Map of Japan and 7
Plates. pp. viii. 157. Lyon, 1874.

is known in China and Japan. A Catalogue and Com-
pendious Report. Folio, sewed, pp. 117. London, 1876. 5s.

for the use of Students of the Chinese, Japanese, and other Languages; with Notes on the writing of Chinese with Roman letters, by Prof. Summers. Cr. 8vo. pp. vi. and 368. London, 1867. 6s.

BLACK (J. R.)-YOUNG JAPAN, YOKOHAMA, AND Yedo. A Narrative of the Settlement and the City, from the Signing of the Treaties in 1858 to the close of the year 1879. With a Glance at the Progress of Japan during a period of 21 years. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, pp. xviii. 418 and

xiv. 522. London, 1881. £2 2s.

Tables. Showing the Date, according to the Julian or
Gregorian Calendar, of the First Day of each Japanese
Month. From Tai-kwa 1st year to Mei-ji 6th year (645
A.D. to 1873 A.D.) With an Introductory Essay on Japanese
Chronology and Calendars. Square 4to. cloth, pp. 49,
84 (168). Tokio, 1880. 9s.

Tokio. Royal 8vo. sewed, pp. vii. 82. With a Map and
six Plates. Tokio, 1881. 15s.

(Memoirs of the Science Department, Tokio Diagaku, No. 4.)

BURNEY (H.)-ON THE LACQUERED OR JApanned Ware of Ava. 4to. pp. 16. London, 1833. 1s. (From the Transact. R.A.S. of Gt. Br. and I. Vol. III.) CHAMBERLAIN (BASIL HALL).-THE CLASSICAL Poetry of the Japanese. 8vo. cloth, pp. xii. 228. London, 1880. 7s. 6d. (Trübner's Oriental Series.)

Grammar of the Japanese Language (Modern written
style.) Cr. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. 106. London, 1886. 5s.
(Trübner & Cos'. Simplified Series, No. 15.)
Japanese Reader. Consisting of Japanese Anecdotes,
Maxims, etc. In easy written Style, with an English
Translation and Notes. 3 parts in one vol. 16mo. cloth,
pp. vi. 106, 135, 103 and xiii. London, 1886.
Mythology, and Geographical Nomenclature of Japan
viewed in the Light of Aino Studies. Including an Ainu
Grammar by J. Batchelor, and a Catalogue of Books re-
lating to Yezo and the Ainos. Royal 8vo. pp. 174. Tökyō,
1887. 10s.

CHRYSANTHEMUM.-Monthly Magazine for Japan and
the Far East. Vol. ii. January to December, 1882. 8vo.
cloth, pp. 576, with Plates. Yokohama, 1882. 12s. 6d.
and Japan. A complete Guide to the Open Ports of those
countries, together with Pekin, Yeddo, Hong Kong, and
Macao: forming a Guide Book and Vade Mecum for
Travellers, Merchants, and Residents in general, with 56
Maps and Plans. By Wm. Fr. Mayers, N. B. Dennys,
and C. King. Edited by N. B. Dennys. 8vo. pp. 600, half-
bound. Hong Kong, 1867. £2 2s.
HEWER'S STORY. (Taketori no Okina no Monogatari.)
The Earliest of the Japanese Romances, written in the
10th century. Translated, with Observations and Notes,
by F. V. Dickins. With 3 Chromo-lithographic Illustra-
tions taken from Japanese Makimono. To which is added
the Original_Text in Roman, with Grammar, Analytical
Notes and Vocabulary. 8vo. cloth, pp. 118. London,
1888. 7s. 6d.

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DICKINS (F. V., M.B.)-HYAK NIN FS'SHIU, OR Stanzas by a Century of Poets, being Japanese Lyrical Odes. Translated into English, with Explanatory Notes, the Text in Japanese and Roman characters, and a full Index. 8vo. cloth, pp. ix. 52, xviii. xv. 20. London, 1866. 5s.

DOBBINS (FRANK S.)-FALSE GODS; OR THE Idol Worship of the World. By F. S. Dobbins, assisted by Hon. S. Wells Williams and Prof. F. Hall. The whole profusely Illustrated. Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. 785. Philadelphia. £1 1s.

Cont.: pp. 305 to 321, Shintoism, the Nature-Worship of Japan; pp. 656 to 719, Japanese-Buddhism. DONKER CURTIUS (J. H.) AND J. HOFFMANN. Proeve eener Japansche Spraakkunst. Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. xxii. 230. Leyden, 1857. 7s. 6d. EASTLAKE (F. WARRINGTON).—EASY CONVERSATIONS in English, German, and Japanese (First Series), 2nd carefully revised edition. Square 4to. boards. pp. 77. Tokyo, 1886. 4s.

Book I.

ASIA. From the Journal N. C. B. R. A. S. 8vo. sewed,
pp. 127-335. With 18 Maps in folio. 1878. 10s. 6d.
History of Japan, from 660 B.C. to 1872 A.D. Book II.
Personal Experiences, Observations, and Studies in Japan,
1870-1874. 5th Edition. With Supplementary Chapters.
Japan in 1883, and Japan in 1886. 8vo. cloth, pp. 651.
With many Illustrations. New York, 1887. £1.
Stories from the Wonder-Lore of Japan. Illustrated
by Ozowa, of Tokyo. Royal 16mo. cloth, pp. vii. 304.
London, 1888. 3s. 6d.

HEPBURN (J. C.) JAPANESE-ENGLISH AND ENGLISH-JAPANESE DICTIONARY. 3rd Edition. Svo. half-bound, pp. xxxiii. 962. Tokyo, 1886. £1 10s.


HEPBURN (J. C.) — JAPANESE-ENGLISH AND ENGLISH-JAPANESE POCKET DICTIONARY. Abridged by the Author. 2nd Edition Revised and Enlarged. 16mo. cloth, pp. viii. 1033. Tokyo, 1887. 14s. HEPBURN (J. C., M.D., LL.D.) ENGLISH AND ENGLISH-JAPANESE DICTIONARY. 2nd Edition. Two Parts in one vol. Royal 8vo. half-bound, pp. xxxi. 632 and 201. Shanghai, 1872. 18s. HOFFMANN (J.) THE GRAND STUDY (TA HIO or Dai Gaku). 2 parts. Part I. The Chinese Text with an interlineary Japanese version. Part II. Reading of the Japanese Text in Roman Character. 8vo. pp. v. 30, ix. and 11. Leiden, 1864. 5s.

HOFFMANN (J. J.)—JAPANESE GRAMMAR. 2nd Edition. Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. 368, With two Plates. Leiden, 1876. £1 1s.

HOFFMANN (J. J.) —— JAPANESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. By order of the Dutch Government; elaborated and edited by L. Serrurier. Two Vols. Royal 8vo. pp. x. 189 and 77. Leyden, 1881. 10s. 6d.


44. London, 1861. 3s.

CHINE. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 90. Leyden, 1864. 5s.
-Pocket Dictionary of the English and Japanese Language.
2nd and revised edition. Square 8vo. cloth, pp. 998.
Yedo, 1866. 12s. 6d.

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HOUSE (EDWARD H.) THE JAPANESE EXPEDITION TO FORMOSA. 8vo. sewed, pp. 231. Tokio, 1875. 5s.


POLYGLOTTE. Militaire et Naval. Français, Allemand, Anglais, Néerlandais et Japonais. Par le Bureau de Traduction de l'Etat Major Général du Japon. Avec Atlas de figures. 2 vols. Nouvelle Edition. 4to. half-bound, pp. 977 and 35. Tokio, 1880. £2 10s. IMBRIE (WILLIAM). - HANDBOOK OF ENGLISHJAPANESE ETYMOLOGY. 8vo. cloth, pp. vii. 207 and xvi. Tokiyō, 1880. Published at £1 1s. 12s. 6d. KAEMPFER (EUG.)-BESCHRYVING VAN JAPAN. Oude en tegenwoordige staaten zegeering, derzelfstempls, paleysen, boomen, planten dieren, etc. Vertaald naar de Engelsche vertaling van J. G. Scheuchzer. Folio, bound, pp. 50 and 594. With several Maps and Illustrations.

Amsterdam, 1733. 7s. 6d.

ou Aperçu général des trois Royaumes. Traduit de l'Original
Japonais-Chinois. 8vo. Paris, 1832. 10s. 6d.
KLAPROTH (J.)- Plates and Maps to accompany the
San Kokf Tsou Ran To Sets, ou Aperçu Général des trois
Royaumes. Traduit de l'Original Japonais-Chinois. Five
Coloured Maps in folio. Paris, 1832. 6s.
TIQUE, d'Ethnographie et d'Histoire, dirigé par Fr.
Turrettini et Léon Metchnikoff. Ire livraison. Svo. sewed,
Genève, Juin, 1877. 6s.

datae ad admodum R. P. Murium Vitelleschi Societatis
Jesu Praepositum Generalem. Ex Italico in Latinum
Translatae, nunc primum in lucem editae. 12mo. pp. 149.
Dilingae, 1628. 3s.

LOWDER (J. FRED.)-THE LEGACY OF FYEYAS. (Deified as Gongensama). A Posthumous Manuscript in one hundred chapters. Translated from three collated copies of the Original by J. Fr. Lowder. 8vo. pp. viii. 37. Yokohama, 1874. 3s. 6d.

MAP OF JAPAN.-BRUNTON (R. HENRY).-Nippon (Japon), 1876. Compiled from Native Maps and the Notes of Recent Travellers. In 4 sheets, 21s.; roller, varnished, £1 11s. 6d. ; folded in case, £1 5s. 6d. London, 1880. MATSUMURA (J.)— NIPPON SHOKUBUTSUMEII; or, Nomenclature of Japanese Plants, in Latin, Japanese, and Chinese. Supervised by R. Yatabe. 8vo. half cloth, pp. 209, xciii. iii. Tokio, 2544 (1884). 10s.


MEDHURST (W. H.). ENGLISH AND JAPANESE AND JAPANESE AND ENGLISH VOCABULARY. Compiled from Native Works. (Roman and Japanese Characters.) Half-bd., pp. viii. 344. Batavia (Printed by Lithography), 1830. Scarce. £1 1s.

MEIKLEJOHN'S JAPAN DIRECTORY, 1888. Containing Lists of Firms, etc., in Japan, Corea, etc., an alphabetical list of foreign residents in Japan, Corea, and Wladirostock, and an Appendix of useful Information. With Lithographed Plan of Yokohama. Svo. cloth, pp.

208, xvi. Yokohama, 1888.

METCHNIKOFF (L.)-L'EMPIRE JAPONAIS. Texte et Dessins par L. Metchnikoff. 4to. cloth, pp. viii. 694. With Maps, Coloured Plates and Woodcuts. 1881. £1 10s. MILNE (J.)-JOURNEY ACROSS EUROPE AND ASIA TO JAPAN. 8vo. sewed, pp. 84. (Transactions of the As. Soc. of Japan, Vol. vii. Part I.) London, 1879. 5s. MILNE (J.) THE EARTHQUAKE IN JAPAN, FEBRUARY 22ND, 1880. 8vo. sewed, pp. 116. With many Illustrations. Yokohama, 1880. 7s. 6d. (Transactions of the Seismol. Soc. of Japan, Vol. I. part 2.) MILNE (J.)-SEISMIC SCIENCE IN JAPAN. 8vo. pp. 35. Yokohama, 1880. 3s. 6d. (Transactions of the Seismol. Soc. of Japan, Vol. I. part 1.)

MURAMATSU (M. Y.)-TREASURY OF CONVERSATIONAL PHRASES IN ENGLISH AND JAPANESE, or Dialogues on Ordinary and Familiar Topics for the use of Japanese Students of the English Language, 3 parts, 3rd and 2nd Edition. 8vo. sewed, pp. 228. Tokyo, 1886. 4s. NETTO (C.) - UEBER JAPANISCHES BERG- UND HUETTEN-WESEN. 4to. pp. 39. With 5 Plates. Yokohama, 1879. 4s. (Mittheilgn. d. dtschn. Ges. f. Natur- u. Völkerk. Ostasiens, Oct. 1879.)

NIPON O DAI ITSI RAN, OU ANNALES DES EMPEREURS DU JAPON, traduites par M. Isaac Titsingh. Ouvrage revu, complété et corrigé sur l'original JaponaisChinois. Accompagné de notes, et précédé d'un aperçu de l'histoire mythologique du Japon, par M. J. Klaproth. 4to. cloth, pp. xxxvi. 460. Paris, 1834. 18s.

MASCADO E DI SUMITOMO. Testo Giapponese. Riprodotto
Per cura di L.
in Caratteri Cinesi quadrati e in Catacana.
Nocentini. Royal 8vo. pp. 28. Firenze, 1878. 3s.

MASACADO E DI SUMITOMO. Brano di Storia Giapponese.
Tradotto da L. Nocentini. Royal 8vo. pp. 471.
With a
Map. Firenze, 1878. 3s.
Edited by N. B. Dennys.
1867. to December, 1868.
£1 10s.

Volumes I. and II., January,
Roy. 8vo. Hong Kong, 1867-8.

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