Imágenes de páginas

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cum omnibus suis pertinenciis; Habendam et tenendam dicto abbati et conventui, et eorum successoribus, in liberam, puram et perpetuam elemosinam, libere, quiete, bene, et in pace in perpetuum; Sicut aliqua ecclesia melius, liberius, et quiecius in Regno Scocie dari poterit et concedi, videlicet, quod cedente vel decedente magistro Adam de Malcarreston Rectore dicte ecclesie, liceat predictis abbati et conuentui et eorum successoribus, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, in dictam ecclesiam pacifice intrare et possidere et in vsus proprios conuertere, si eandem in vsus proprios aliquatenus possint impetrare. Et si eandem ecclesiam in vsus proprios conuertendam possint impetrare et optinere, nos vel heredes nostri nichil juris seu clamium in dicta ecclesia de cetero exigemus seu vendicabimus, nec contra suam impetracionem in aliquo veniemus. Et nos et heredes nostri dictam donacionem, concessionem, et confirmacionem dicte ecclesie de Culessyn cum omnibus suis pertinenciis, vt prenominatum est, dictis abbati et conuentui et eorum successoribus contra omnes gentes in perpetuum warantizabimus. Set si dictam ecclesiam in vsus proprios conuertendam non possint inpetrare, jus aduocacionis in dicta ecclesia ad nos et heredes nostros expresse et sine alicuius contradiccione reuertetur. In cuius rei testimonium et securitatem presentem cartam sigilli nostri impressione duximus | Roborandam. Hiis testibus, Dominis Willelmo de Oyly, Johanne becard, militibus, Magistro Adam de Malcarreston, Magistro Eustacio de Scelford, domino Ricardo de Radeswelle, Magistro Roberto tunc phisico nostro, domino Willelmo de Sancto Edwardo capellano, Saero de Setun, Rogero Raboc, Alexandro de Seton, Rogero Bourc clerico, et aliis.



ROGER DE QUENCY, Earl of Wyntone, Constable of Scotland, for the weal of his soul, and for the souls of his ancestors and successors gives, grants, and confirms to Lundors the church of Culessin with all its pertinents, to be held in free, pure, and perpetual alms, as freely as any church in the kingdom of Scotland can be given and granted, to wit, that on the death or resignation of Master Adam de Malcarreston, rector of the said church, it shall be lawful for the abbot and convent to enter the said church, to possess it, and convert it to their own uses, if they

are able to obtain it to any extent for their own uses.' If they are able to convert the church to their own uses, he and his heirs will raise no obstacle grounded on any right or claim. This gift, grant, and confirmation of the church of Culessyn to the monks of Lundors he and his heirs will warrant for ever against all people' (contra omnes gentes). But if the monks are not able to secure the church for conversion to their own uses, the right of advowson (jus advocationis) is to revert to him and his heirs. De Quency's seal. Witnesses.


De confirmacione regis Alexandri.

ALEXANDER dei gracia Rex Scottorum, Omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre sue, Salutem. Sciatis nos concessisse et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse Donacionem illam quam Rogerus de Quency Comes Wintoun, Constabularius Scocie, fecit caritatis intuitu, pro salute anime sue et pro animabus antecessorum et successorum suorum, deo et beate Marie et ecclesie sancti Andree de Lundors et abbati et conuentui ibidem deo seruientibus et in perpetuum seruituris, de ecclesia de Cullessin, cum omnibus suis pertinenciis ; Tenenda et habenda eisdem abbati et conuentui et eorum successoribus in perpetuum in liberam, puram, et perpetuam elemosinam, adeo libere, quiete, plenarie et honorifice, sicut carta dicti Comitis eis inde confecta plenius iuste testatur. Testibus, Gamelino episcopo sancti Andree, Ricardo episcopo Dunkeldensi, Roberto episcopo Dunblanensi, Willelmo Comite de Marre Camerario, Johanne Cumyn, Hugone de Abirnethin, Hugone de Berklay Justiciario Laodonie, Johanne de Lamberton, apud Linlithgov, vicesimo quinto die decembris, anno regni nostri Quintodecimo.



ALEXANDER, King of Scots, confirms that gift which Roger de Quency, Earl of Wintoun, Constable of Scotland, made to Lundors at the prompting of charity, for the weal of his soul and for the souls of his ancestors and successors, of the church of Cullessin with all its pertinents, to be held and had . . . as the charter of the said earl more fully testifies.

1 The bishop of the diocese had the right to refuse his assent, and without such assent the transfer was invalid.

a MS. de de.

Witnesses. . . At Linlithgow, the 25th of December, in the fifteenth year of our reign.1


De amicabili composicione inter Abraham Episcopum Dunblanensem et Guidonem abbatem [de Lundors].

OMNIBVS christi fidelibus hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris. Johannes de Mubray, miles, dominus de Methfen, salutem eternam in Domino. Nouerit vniuersitas vestra quod cum predecessores mei, pro salute animarum suarum et suorum successorum, dederunt, concesserunt et per cartas suas specialiter confirmaverunt deo et ecclesie Dunblanensi terram de Eglismagril cum pertinenciis suis; Ac ipsa terra de Eglismagril per amicabilem composicionem inter dominum quondam Abraham episcopum Dunblanensem nomine ecclesie sue, et dominum Guidonem quondam abbatem dea Lundors et conuentum suum nomine monasterij sui super ecclesia de Mothel, ex arbitrio domini Willelmi sancti andree episcopi, ad ipsos abbatem et conuentum de Lundors et suos successores fuerit deuoluta, et in processu temporis dictam terram de Eglismagril ecclesie predicte Dunblanensi a predictis collatam, pro salute anime mee et predictorum omnium, liberam et quietam ab omni auxilio, exercitu, et forinseco seruicio, per cartam meam specialiter de gracia mea eidem ecclesie concessero et confirmauero: Volo et concedo pro me et heredi | bus meis et meis successoribus, quod dicti abbas et conuentus teneant et possideant predictam terram de Eglismagril, cum pertinenciis suis, in liberam, puram, et perpetuam elemosinam, liberam et quietam ab omni secta cuiuscunque curie, exactione, citacione, recognicione, namacione, et omnimodo exercitu, omnique genere auxilii vel seculari demanda facienda uel prestanda, necnon et ab omni forinseco seruicio, onere et seruitute, quocunque casu uel causa contingente, quorum omnium onus in me et heredes meos ac meos b MS. suscepio. successores de cetero suscipio, promittentes fideliter pro me et

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1 The names of the bishops which appear among the witnesses, as well as other evidence, show that the charter is by Alexander III., the fifteenth year of whose reign was completed 7th July 1264. The date of the charter is accordingly 25th December 1263.



heredibus ac successoribus meis quod nunquam grauamen, molestiam, uel inquietudinem super dicta terra, occasione premissorum uel alicuius de premissis, prefatis abbati et conuentui futuris temporibus inferemus, nec districcionem aliquam per a MS. infereacapcionem bonorum in ipsa terra de Eglismagril existencium uel alio aliquo modo super eisdem faciemus, neque fieri per- b мs. alico. mittemus nec ab aliis fieri procurabimus. In cuius rei testimonium presenti scripto sigillum meum apposui. Data apud Methfen, in festo Sancti Vincencii martiris, Anno gracie Mo Co Co Co.



JOHN DE MUBRAY, knight, Lord of Methfen, makes known to all that his predecessors, for the weal of their own souls and the souls of their successors, had given and by their charters specially confirmed to the [cathedral] church of Dunblane the land of Eglismagril with its pertinents. He further narrates that the said land had been made over to Lundors by a friendly agreement between Abraham, former Bishop of Dunblane, and Guido, former Abbot of Lundors, as to the church of Mothel, in consequence of the decree arbitral of William, Bishop of St. Andrews. He purposes, of his favour, to grant and confirm by charter to Lundors this land which had been conferred on the church of Dunblane by his predecessors for the weal of souls, and to grant that it should be free and quit of all aid, hosting (exercitu), and forinsec service. Wherefore he wills and concedes, for himself, his heirs, and his successors, that the monks of Lundors should hold and possess the land of Eglismagril with its pertinents in free, pure, and perpetual alms, quit of all suit of any court whatsoever, of exaction, citation, recognition, poinding (namacione), all hosting, all kinds of aids and secular demands, all forinsec service, burden, and subjection, which might arise by any chance or from any cause. The burden of all such he takes on himself, his heirs, and successors, and faithfully promises that neither he nor his heirs nor successors will in future give any trouble or annoyance to the monks of Lundors, nor make any distraint by the seizure of goods upon the land of Eglismagril, nor permit nor procure such to be made by others. His seal. 'Given at Methfen, on the feast of St. Vincent the Martyr [Jan. 22], in the year of grace мccc.'


[De sustentacione monachorum de Lundors. DAVID dei gracia Rex Scottorum Thome de Carnoto militi, Cancellario nostro Scocie, salutem. Cum monasterium de


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Lundors a predecessoribus nostris fundetur, et per quam plura guerrarum discrimina, pensiones intollerabiles, necnon assedaciones terrarum per quosdam abbates ipsius monasterij, non immerito dispositas quandoque concessas, in dampnum non modicum monasterij eiusdem et lesionem elemosine nostre, ac in iacturam bonorum dicti monasterij vehemencius debilitetur; Ita quod redditus eiusdem monasterij ad sustentacionem monachorum ibidem seruiencium vix poterunt sufficere; Et quia vt intelleximus per bone memorie dominum, patrem nostrum, dudum Regem Scottorum et quondam Thomam Ranulphi Comitem Morauie, dilectum nepotem nostrum, tunc locum nostrum tenentem, de consensu diocesani, videlicet, quondam Jacobi dei gracia tunc Episcopi Sancti Andree, in cuius Episcopatu dictum monasterium situm est, et per plenum consilium in pleno parliamento, tento apud Sconam, omnia huiusmodi facta dictorum Abbatum reprobata, reuocata, et omnino de iure fuerunt adnihillata; Nos omnes huiusmodi pensiones, donaciones, et assedaciones per quemcunque dictorum Abbatum vsque in diem confeccionis presencium, qualitercunque factas et concessas, reuocantes: vobis firmiter precipiendo mandamus quatinus probos viros religiosos super hac reuocacione nostra vnam litteram magno sigillo nostro sigillatam, in debita forma capelle nostre confectam, Justiciarijs, vicecomitibus, prepositis, et ceteris ministris nostris quibuscunque qui pro tempore fuerint, et quorum interest, visis presentibus, habere faciatis, vt ipsi predictos viros religiosos secundum propositum nostrum in premissis sustineant, manuteneant, et defendant. Datum apud monasterium de Kynlosse, vicesimo nono die marcij, anno regni nostri Tercio decimo.

[Or the maintenance of the MONKS of LUNDORS.]1

DAVID, by the grace of God, King of Scots, to Thomas de Carnot, knight, our Chancellor of Scotland, greeting. Inasmuch as the monastery of Lundors was founded by our predecessors, and is exceedingly enfeebled both by the very many perils of the wars, unbearable pensions, and leases of the lands granted, not unjustly at the time, by certain abbots of that monastery to the no small damage of the monastery itself, and the hurt of our alms, and to the hazard of the property of the said monastery, so that the revenues of the same monastery can scarcely 1 No title in MS.

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