Imágenes de páginas


'RESIGNATION of the CHURCH of COWLESSY by the RECTOR.' ADAM DE MALCARIVSTON, provost of the church of St. Mary in the city of St. Andrews, and chaplain of the Pope, makes known to all that, with the licence of Gamelin, late Bishop of St. Andrews, as is more fully contained in the instrument of the bishop on the subject, he had resigned his church of Cullessyn into the hands of Thomas, Abbot of Lundors, and had wholly surrendered all right which he had, or could have, in that church; contrary to which resignation and surrender he now promises that he will never take any action. His seal attached. 'Given at Lundors, on Saturday next after the feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle' [June 11], MCCLXII.


Confirmacio Capituli S. A. super ecclesia de C. OMNIBVS Christi fidelibus presentes literas visuris vel audituris Gilbertus Dei gracia Prior cathedralis ecclesie sancti Andree et ejusdem loci Conventus humilis, salutem eternam in Domino. Noverit universitas vestra nos de communi consensu capituli nostri, auctoritate dei et beati andree apostoli, caritatis intuitu, concessisse et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse ecclesie sancte marie et sancti andree de Lundors et Monachis ibidem deo servientibus et in perpetuum servituris ecclesiam de Cullessyn, Sancti Andree diocesis, cum omnibus juribus et pertinenciis suis, quam nobilis vir, dominus Rogerus de Quency, Comes Wynton, et constabularius Scocie, patronus ejusdem ecclesie de Cullessyn, pro salute anime sue et antecessorum et successorum suorum, eisdem Monachis, quantum in ipso fuit, per cartam suam donavit, Et venerabilis pater Gamelinus divina providencia episcopus noster Sancti Andree eisdem pie contulit et concessit ac per cartam suam confirmavit in usus suos proprios perpetuo possidendam prout in eisdem cartis quas inde habent plenius continetur: Ita, videlicet, quod, cedente vel decedente Magistro Ada de Malcarston rectore predicte ecclesie, liceat eisdem monachis eandem ecclesiam de Cullessyn tanquam suam propriam autore Deo ingredi ac inperpetuum tenere et in usus proprios pacifice possidere, ita libere, quiete, plenarie, et honorifice in omnibus sicut alii viri religiosi in diocesi Sancti Andree ecclesias suas in usus proprios liberius, quiecius, plenius, et honorificencius tenent et possident; Salva vicario in eadem ecclesia perpetuo servituro sufficienti et honesta sustentacione sua de proventibus et bonis

ejusdem ecclesie; Et salvis dicto domino nostro Episcopo Sancti Andree et suis successoribus juribus suis episcopalibus in omnibus. In cujus rei testimonium presens scriptum apposicione communis sigilli capituli nostri duximus roborandum. Teste capitulo ipso. Apud sanctum Andream, die sancti barnabe apostoli, Anno gracie millesimo cc° sexagesimo secundo.

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GILBERT, by the grace of God, Prior of the cathedral church of St. Andrews and the humble convent of the same place,' with the common consent of the chapter, by the authority of God and of Blessed Andrew, the Apostle,' at the prompting of charity, grant and by this charter confirm to Lundors the church of Cullessyn in the diocese of St. Andrews, with all its rights and pertinents, which Roger de Quency, Earl of Wynton and Constable of Scotland, patron of the same church, gave, as far as in him lay, to the monks of Lundors, for the weal of his soul and of his ancestors and successors, and which 'the venerable father, Gamelin, by divine providence our Bishop of St. Andrews, piously conferred and granted, and by his charter confirmed, to be possessed by them for ever for their own uses, as in the same charters, which they have, is more fully contained.' In such wise that on the resignation or death of Master Adam de Malcarston, rector of the said church, it shall be lawful for the same monks to enter, hold for ever, and peaceably possess for their own uses the same church of Cullessyn, as if it were their own by the gift of God, as freely, quietly, fully, and honourably in all things as other religious in the diocese of St. Andrews hold and possess churches for their own uses-saving to the perpetual vicar, who will serve in the church, his sufficient and decent maintenance out of the revenues and goods of the same church, and saving to the said lord, our Bishop of St. Andrews, and his successors their episcopal rights in all things. The common seal of the chapter. Witness, the chapter itself.' At St. Andrews, the day of St. Barnabas the Apostle [June 11], MCCLXII. 1


Recepcio litere resignacionis ecclesie de Cowlessy per episcopum Sancti Andree.

OMNIBVS Christi fidelibus hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris Willelmus, miseracione divina ecclesie Sancti Andree minister

1 According to Bower (Scotichronicon, lib. vi. c. li.—in Goodall's edit., vol. i. p. 368), Prior Gilbert died 'xvj. Kal. Aprilis, MCCLXIII.,' i.e. 17th March 1263-4.

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humilis, Salutem eternam in domino. Noverit universitas vestra nos literas resignacionis et cessionis Magistri Ade de Malcarston super ecclesia de Cullessyn, non cancellatas non abolitas, nec in aliqua sui parte viciatas, sigillo suo signatas diligenter inspexisse, in forma subscripta. Omnibus Christi fidelibus has literas visuris vel audituris Adam de Malcarston, prepositus ecclesie Sancte Marie civitatis Sancti Andree, et domini pape capellanus, Salutem in domino. Noveritis me de voluntate et licencia bone memorie Domini Gamelini, dei gracia episcopi Sancti Andree, prout, in instrumento suo super hoc confecto, plenius continetur, resignasse ecclesiam meam de Cullessyn in manus domini Thome Abbatis de Lundors, et omni juri quod in eadem ecclesia habui vel habere potui penitus cessisse, contra quas meas resignacionem et cessionem, promitto fideliter me nunquam attemptaturum. In cujus rei testimonium, presentibus literis sigillum meum apposui. Data apud Lundors, Sabbato proximo post festum Sancti Barnabe apostoli, Anno | gracie millesimo ducentesimo sexagesimo secundo. Nos vero predictas cessionem et resignacionem, ratas firmasque habentes, ac volentes eas stabiles et inconcussas perpetuo permanere, illas auctoritate nostra episcopali confirmamus et suplemus defectum si quis habitus est in predictis. Et si quid de cetero secus actum fuerit, illud totum irritum decernimus et inane. In cujus rei testimonium, presens scriptum sigilli nostri impressione roboravimus. Data apud Monimel, die veneris proxima post Epiphaniam domini, Anno gracie millesimo ducentesimo septuagesimo septimo.



'WILLIAM, by the divine pity, humble servant (minister) of the church of St. Andrews,' makes known to all that he has diligently inspected letters of resignation and cession of the church of Cullessyn written by Master Adam de Malcarston. He found these letters not cancelled, erased, or in any part vitiated, and sealed with the seal of Master Adam. These letters ran in the following form: To all the faithful in Christ who shall see or hear these letters, Adam de Malcarston, Provost of the church of St. Mary in the city of St. Andrews, and chaplain of our Lord the Pope, greeting in the Lord. Know ye that with the goodwill and


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a MS. concellatam.


permission of Gamelin, of good memory, by the grace of God, Lord Bishop of St. Andrews, as in the instrument executed by him on this matter is more fully contained, I have resigned my church of Cullessyn into the hands of Thomas, lord abbot of Lundors, and have wholly ceded all right which I had, or could have, in the same church, in opposition to which resignation and cession I faithfully promise that I will never raise any question. In testimony of which thing I have put my seal to the present letters. Given at Lundors, on the Saturday next after the feast of St Barnabas the Apostle [June 11], in the year of grace one thousand, two hundred and sixty-two.' The Bishop of St. Andrews holds this resignation and cession to be good and valid, and confirms it by his episcopal authority. If there be any defect in the resignation, he (the bishop) supplies anything lacking; and anything done to the contrary in the future he decrees to be null and void. The bishop's seal. 'Given at Monimel on the Friday next after the Epiphany of our Lord [Jan. 6], in the year of grace MCCLXXVII.'


Confirmacio alia super ecclesia de Cowlessy.

OMNIBVS Christi fidelibus hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris Willelmus, permissione divina ecclesie Sancti Andree minister humilis, salutem eternam in domino. Noverit universitas vestra nos confirmacionem bone memorie domini Gamelini dei gracie predecessoris nostri factam religiosis viris, abbati et conuentui de Lundors, super ecclesia de Cullessyn sigillo suo autentico signatam, non cancellatam,anon abolitam,nec in aliqua sui parte viciatam, inspexisse in forma subscripta. Omnibus Christi fidelibus audituris has literas vel visuris, Gemelinus, miseracione diuina ecclesie Sancti Andree minister humilis, Salutem in domino sempiternam. Nouerit vniuersitas vestra nos intuitu dei et beate marie virginis, et beati andree apostoli, patroni ecclesie de Lundors, dedisse, concessisse, et nostra episcopali auctoritate confirmasse prefate ecclesie de Lundors et religiosis viris, abbati et conuentui eiusdem loci, deo seruientibus ibidem et in perpetuum seruituris, in vsus suos proprios, ecclesiam de Cullessyn, cum omnibus iuribus et pertinenciis suis ad instanciam nobilis viri domini Rogeri de Quency comitis Wyntonie,

1 The words of good memory' must have been inserted into the letters of Master Adam, possibly by Bishop William Wiseheart's scribe, for Gamelin was alive when Master Adam's letters were written. Gamelin died, according to Bower (Scotichronicon, lib. vi. c. xliii-Goodall's edit., vol. i. p. 360), 'in crastino Sancti Vitalis April 29], anno Domini MCCLXXI.'

constabularij Scocie, patroni eiusdem ecclesie, quam ipse pro salute anime sue, et antecessorum et successorum suorum, eisdem monachis, quantum in ipso fuit, per cartam suam perpetuo possidendam, donauit; sicut in eadem carta, quam inde habent, plenius continetur; Ita, videlicet, quod cedente vel decedente magistro adam de malcarstoun, Rectore predicte ecclesie, liceat eisdem abbati et conuentui eandem ecclesiam de Cullessyn, tanquam suam propriam auctore deo ingredi ac in perpetuum tenere, et in vsus proprios pacifice possidere, Ita libere, quiete, plenarie et honorifice in omnibus sicut alij viri religiosi in diocesi sancti andree ecclesias suas in vsus proprios liberius, quiecius, plenius et honorificencius tenent ac possident; Salua vicario, in eadem ecclesia perpetuo seruituro, sufficienti et honesta sustentacione sua, de prouentibus et bonis eiusdem ecclesie, et saluis nobis et successoribus nostris episcopalibus iuribus nostris in omnibus. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus duximus apponendum: Hiis testibus, domino Gilberto priore Sancti Andree, Magistro Adam de Malkarstoun, preposito ecclesie Sancte Marie eiusdem ciuitatis, domino Johanne priore de Aberbrothoch, domino Dauide de Lochor, domino Thoma de Brad, domino Rogero de Walychop, magistro Gilberto de Herys, tunc officiali, Johanne de Kyndeloch, dominis Willelmo de Dalgernoch, Bartholomeo tunc decano de Fyfe, Adam de Anand, Henrico de Neutune, Johanne de Eglisfeld, et alijs, Datum apud Deruasyn, nonas Junij, Anno gracie M° cc. Sexagesimo secundo. Nos igitur, ipsius domini Gamelini, bone memorie, predecessoris nostri, vestigijs inherentes, damus, concedimus et confirmamus, nostra episcopali auctoritate, prefate ecclesie de Lundors, et monachis predictis, predictam ecclesiam de Cullessyn, cum omnibus iuribus et pertinenciis suis; Tenendam et perpetuo possidendam in vsus suos proprios, adeo libere et quiete sicut dominus quondam Rogerus de Quency, comes Wyntonie, verus patronus eiusdem ecclesie, illam, quantum in ipso fuit, donauit, et prefatus predecessor noster eandem eis dedit, concessit, et confirmauit. Concessionem eciam et resignacionem, quas magister Adam de Malcarstoun, dudum rector eiusdem ecclesie, fecit eisdem de prefata ecclesia, et omni iure quod ipse habuit in eadem, approbamus, concedimus, et confir

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