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Carta Ade filie Comitis de Balemagh.

VNIVERSIS Sancte matris ecclesie filiis et fidelibus, Ada filia Comitis Dauid, vxor Malisii filij Comitis fertheth, Salutem: Sciant tam presentes quam futuri me dedisse et concessisse, et hac carta mea confirmasse deo et ecclesie Sancte Marie et Sancti Andree de Lundors et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus in liberam et perpetuam elemosinam unam carucatam terre cum corpore meo in uilla de Balemagh, cum communi pastura eiusdem uille, liberam et quietam ab omni seruicio et exaccione seculari. Quare uolo ut predicti monachi predictam terram habeant et possideant ita libere, et quiete, plenarie, et honorifice, sicut aliqua abbacia in regno Scocie aliquam elemosinam liberius et quiecius, plenius et honorificencius, tenet et possidet: Hiis testibus, Henrico capellano, Petro capellano, Malcolmo filio Bertulfi, Willelmo Wascelino, Hugone Malerbe, Kyneth, Anegus fratre eius, Winemero, Radulfo filio eudonis, Kilegirge filio Malisii, Iuone, Rainaldo.


'CHARTER OF ADA, Daughter of the Earl, concerning BALMAGH.' 'ADA, daughter of Earl David, wife of Malise, son of Earl Fertheth,' gives, grants, and confirms to the monks of Lundors in frankalmoign one ploughgate of land, with my body, in the vill of Balemagh, with common pasture of the same vill,' free from all secular service. Wit



Carta Willelmi Wascelyn de terra de Newetyl.

OMNIBVS Sancte matris ecclesie filiis et fidelibus Willelmus Wascelyn et mabilia uxor eius, salutem: Sciatis nos dedisse et concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse pro salute animarum nostrarum, et antecessorum et successorum, et heredum nostrorum, deo et ecclesie Sancte Marie et Sancti Andree de Lundors et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus, in perpetuam et puram elemosinam, vnam bouatam terre in uilla de Neutile,

que iacet proxima terre ecclesie eiusdem uille, scilicet, inter superiorem uiam et collem, et communem pasturam, cum hominibus nostris, in eadem uilla ad decem auerias et xxxta oues, et unum equum, libere, quiete, plenarie et honorifice, sine omni seruicio et auxilio et consuetudine et exaccione seculari. Volumus eciam ut predicti monachi et eorum homines, qui predictam terram de eis tenuerint, quieti sint de opere molendini nostri, non de multura, et quia concessimus predictis monachis, ut ubicunque in regno Scocie moriamur apud predictum monasterium de Lundors corpora nostra sepeliantur, Volumus ut sepenominati monachi habeant et possideant predictam terram cum prenominata pastura, ita libere, quiete, plenarie, et honorifice, sicut aliqua abbacia in toto regno Scottorum aliquam elemosinam liberius, quiecius, plenius, et honorificencius tenet et possidet. Et nos et heredes nostri predictam terram adquietabimus cum pastura iam dicta antedictis monachis uersus Dominum nostrum Comitem Dauid et eius heredes, et uersus omnes homines de omnibus secularibus seruiciis et auxiliis, et consuetudinibus et exaccionibus, excepta multura molendini nostri. Hiis testibus, Henrico filio Comitis Dauid, Dauid de Haya, et eius fratre Thoma, Adam de Nesh, Roberto de Haya persona de Erole, Philippo senescallo et clerico Comitis Dauid, Willelmo persona de Dunde, Henrico clerico filio ylyf de Neutyl, Dauid de Audre, et Willelmo nepote eius, et Hugone fratre Willelmi, et Dauid oiselario, et multis aliis.



WILLIAM WASCELYN and Mabel, his wife, give . . . 'for the weal of our souls and of the souls of our ancestors and successors and of our heirs' to the monks of Lundors, in frankalmoign, an oxgate of land in the vill of Newtyle, namely between the high way (superiorem viam)1 and the hill, and common pasture with our men in the same vill for ten beasts of burden (averias), thirty sheep, and one horse, free of all service, aid, etc. 'And we will that the aforesaid monks, and their men, who hold the said land of them, shall be quit of the work of our mill, [but] not of multure. And, because we have granted to the aforesaid monks that, wheresoever we shall die in the realm of Scotland, our bodies shall be buried at the aforesaid monastery of Lundors, we will that the aforesaid monks shall 1 Perhaps the sense is the upper road.'

have and possess the aforesaid land with the forenamed pasture' as freely, etc. Wascelyn and his wife will be responsible for all secular service due to our Lord, Earl David, and his heirs,' or to any other, except the multure of the mill. Witnesses

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Dauid de Sancto Michaele de tofto in munros.

OMNIBVS ad quos presens scriptum peruenerit Dauid de Sancto Michaele, Salutem in domino. Nouerit vniuersitas vestra me dedisse, concessisse, et hac presenti carta mea confirmasse deo et ecclesie Sancte Marie et Sancti Andree de Lundors, et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus pro salute anime mee et anime patris mei, et animarum omnium antecessorum et successorum meorum, in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam, redditum quem solebam annuatim percipere de tofto illo in munros quem bone memorie Rex Willelmus dedit | Willelmo de Sancto Michaele patri meo et heredibus suis, quem videlicet toftum Henricus Griser quondam tenuit de predicto Willelmo patre meo et postea de me. Quare uolo ut predicti monachi habeant et possideant omne ius et dominium quod habui uel habere debui in predicto tofto die quo feci eis hanc donacionem, liberum et quietum de me et heredibus meis in perpetuum sine omni consuetudine, seruicio, et exaccione seculari, ita libere, quiete, plenarie, et honorifice sicut aliquam elemosinam liberius et quiecius in toto regno Scocie tenent et possident. Hiis testibus, Philippo clerico senescallo Comitis Dauid, Domino Johanne Giffard, Waltero de Cungertune, Thoma de Maleuile, Michaele de Inchethor, Waltero de maleuile, Willelmo de munfort, et aliis.



DAVID of St. Michael gives to the monks of Lundors for the weal of my soul, and of the souls of my father, and of all my ancestors and successors,' in frankalmoign, 'the rent (redditum) which I used to receive annually from that toft in Munros which King William, of good memory, gave to my father, William of St. Michael, and his heirs, namely the toft which Henry Griser formerly held of the aforesaid William, my father, and afterwards of me. Wherefore I will that the aforesaid monks should

possess all the right and lordship which I had, or ought to have, in the aforesaid toft on the day when I made this donation.' Without any service, custom, etc. Witnesses


Confirmacio Roberti Griffyn de terra de Newtil.

OMNIBVS ad quos presens scriptum peruenerit Robertus Griffin et Mabilia uxor sua, Salutem. Nouerit vniuersitas vestra nos concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse deo et ecclesie sancte Marie et sancti Andree de Lundors, et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus illam bouatam terre in Neutyl, quam Willelmus Wascelyn eis dedit, et carta sua confirmauit: vt autem predictam terram libere, quiete, et pacifice in puram et perpetuam elemosinam teneant et possideant, dedimus eisdem unum toftum in uilla nostra de Neutyl et unam acram terre in augmentum subtus predictam bouatam. Et concedimus ut ipsi et homines eorum, qui terram prenominatam de eis tenuerint, quieti sint a multura et opere molendini et omnibus aliis consuetudinibus, et seruiciis et exaccionibus secularibus. Testibus, Domino G. abbate et conuentu de Aberbrothoc, Willelmo de la Karnayll, Roberto filio eius, Domino Wyot capellano, Elya seruiente nostro, et aliis.


ROBERT GRIFFYN'S CONFIRMATION of the LAND of NEWTYLE.' ROBERT GRIFFIN and Mabel, his wife, grant and confirm to the monks of Lundors the oxgate of land in Newtyle which William Wascelyn gave to them. Griffin and his wife give the monks in addition a toft in the vill of Newtyle, and an acre of land, below the aforesaid oxgate. And we grant that they and their men, who hold of them the aforesaid land, shall be quit of multure, and of the work of the mill, and of all other secular services, customs, and exactions.' Witnesses . . .


Carta Domine Ysabelle de Cragyn.

OMNIBVS hoc scriptum uisuris uel audituris, Ysabella de Brus, salutem in domino. Sciatis me dedisse, concessisse, et hoc presenti carta mea confirmasse deo et ecclesie sancte Marie et

sancti Andree de lundors, et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus et seruituris, totum mesuagium meum de Cragyn iuxta Dunde, cum tota terra mea ad me uel heredes meos pertinente in eadem Cragyn, et in uilla que dicitur Mylnetoun, et in uilla Abrahe, sine aliquo retinemento. Tenendum sibi de me [et] heredibus meis in puram et perpetuam elemosinam ad sustentacionem unius monachi qui in predicto monasterio celebrabit missam pro anima mea et pro animabus antecessorum et successorum meorum in perpetuum, quod ipsi michi ad peticionem meam caritatiue concesserunt. Et ego et heredes mei omnia predicta predictis monachis Warentizabimus et adquietabimus de omni seruicio seculari et exaccione. Testibus, Dominis Willelmo de Brechyn, Willelmo de Lacu, Hugone de Beaumys, Michaele de muncur, militibus, Alberto de Dunde, Nicholao filio Roberti, heruino Koks, Normanno de castello, Burgensibus, et multis aliis.



YSABELLA DE BRUS gives to the monks of Lundors' my whole messuage of Cragyn near Dundee, with all my land, pertaining to me and my heirs, in the same Cragyn and in the vill which is called Mylnetoun, and in the vill of Abraham, without any reservation. To be held by them of me and my heirs in pure and perpetual alms for the support of one monk, who in the aforesaid monastery will celebrate for ever a mass for my soul, and for the souls of my ancestors and successors; which they [the monks] at my petition have charitably granted.' She and her heirs will answer for all secular service and exaction. Witnesses..


Confirmacio Domini Roberti de Brus de Cragyn.

OMNIBVS hoc scriptum uisuris uel audituris, Robertus de Brus, eternam in domino salutem: Noueritis me diuine pietatis intuitu concessisse, et presenti carta mea confirmasse donacionem illam quam domina Ysabella de Brus mater mea fecit deo et beate Marie et sancto Andree de lundors et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus et seruituris, de toto mesuagio suo de Cragyn iuxta Dunde, cum tota terra ad ipsam uel heredes suos pertinente in eadem Cragyn, eciam in uilla que dicitur

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