Imágenes de páginas

Octauo. Huius igitur auctoritate mandati partibus in nostra presencia constitutis, et auditis hincinde propositis, Nos diligenter causam examinantes, licet arbitrium a venerabili uiro Episcopo Sancti Andree prolatum inuenissemus equum rite et bona fide prolatum, Inuenimus tamen ecclesiam Dumblanensem per predictum episcopum Sancti Andree in taxacione redditus Decem marcharum lesam extitisse. Quapropter uolentes ea, que legitime acta sunt, in sua firmitate persistere, et ea que forte per errorem minus licite facta sunt, ad statum debitum reuocare, auctoritate qua fungebamur, in recompensacionem illius lesionis, abbatem et conuentum nomine monasterij de Lundors, Episcopo Dumblanensi et eius successoribus, nomine ecclesie Dumblanensis, in annua prestacione redditus Quinque marcarum sentencialiter condempnauimus; arbitrio viri venerabilis Episcopi Sancti Andree in suo robore perdurante. Quod quidem ratum habemus et illud sicut prouide factum est, et in instrumento super hoc confecto continetur, auctoritate apostolica qua fungebamur confirmauimus. Actum apud Lyston xvjo. Kal. Maij anno gracie m°. cco. xxxo. vto., et ut haec nostra sentencia robur perpetue firmitatis obtineat huic scripto sigilla nostra apposuimus.

SENTENCE of the JUDGES DELEGATE by authority of our LORD

To all who shall see or hear this writ, William, by the grace of God Bishop, Hugh, Dean, and Robert, Treasurer, of Glasgow, health everlasting in the Lord. We have received a mandate of our Lord the Pope in these words: 'Gregory, bishop, servant of the servants of God, to our venerable brother, the bishop, and to our beloved sons, the dean and the treasurer of Glasgow, health and apostolic benediction. We have learned on the information of our venerable brother, the Bishop of Dunblane, that when a question about the church of Mothel was debated between his predecessor, A[braham], of the one part, and the abbot and convent of Lundors in the diocese of St. Andrews, of the second part, before the Prior of St. Andrews and his colleagues appointed by apostolic authority, at length it was agreed by both parties on oath to submit to our venerable brother, the Bishop of St. Andrews, as arbiter, who, equity being set aside, promulged an unjust judgment to the very great injury of the church of Dunblane. Wherefore the same bishop of the aforesaid church [Dunblane] has petitioned for the benefit of restitution in full. And on this account we by apostolic writ commit to your discretion that if ye shall find that the church of Dunblane is very

greatly injured by that judgment arbitral, ye shall proceed, as shall be just, to effect restitution, and shall cause what ye shall determine upon. the matter to be strictly observed, under the pain of canonical censure. And if the witnesses who shall be named fail to appear through favour, hatred, or fear, ye shall compel them by like censure to give testimony to the truth, not permitting any appeal on their part. If ye all shall not be able to take part in executing this mandate, do thou, nevertheless, Brother Bishop, together with one other of those appointed, give execution to this mandate. Given at Perugia, iii. Non. November [Nov. 3] in the eighth year of our pontificate [1234].'

On the authority, therefore, of this mandate, after the parties had appeared in our presence, and what was put forward on each side had been heard, we diligently examined the cause. And although we have found that the decree-arbitral pronounced by the venerable man, the Bishop of St. Andrews, was just, and pronounced in due form and in good faith, yet we have found that the church of Dunblane was injured by the aforesaid Bishop of St. Andrews in the estimate of the payment of the ten marks. Wherefore wishing that those things which were lawfully done should remain firmly established, and that those things which perchance through error were not quite lawfully done should be recalled to their due state, we, by the authority which we possess, have pronounced sentence condemning the abbot and convent of Lundors, as representing the monastery of Lundors, to pay annually to the Bishop of Dunblane and his successors, as representing the church of Dunblane, the sum of five marks, the decree-arbitral of the venerable man, the Bishop of St. Andrews, still remaining in force. Which decree-arbitral we ratify, and as having been wisely made (as contained in the instrument dealing with matter) we have confirmed it. Done at Lyston, XVI. Kalends of May [April 16] in the year of grace мCCXXXV. And that this our sentence may be firmly established we have affixed our seals to this writ.


Confirmacio Clementis episcopi Dumblanensis
de Eglesmagril.

VNIVERSIS Christi fidelibus ad quos presens scriptum peruenerit, Clemens dei gracia Dumblanensis Episcopus, eternam in domino Salutem: Ea que iudicio uel concordia terminata sunt, ne aliquorum improbitate uel astucia in recidiue contencionis iurgia relabantur, dignum est auctentici scripti perpetuare munimine. Ea propter ad vniuersitatem vestram uolumus peruenire, nos de assensu cleri nostri diocesis ratam

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habere sentenciam uirorum uenerabilium Domini Willelmi Episcopi, Hugonis Decani, et Roberti thesaurarij ecclesie Glasguensis, quam auctoritate Domini pape Gregorii Noni tulerunt super arbitrio Domini Willelmi Episcopi Sancti Andree, quondam prolato super controuersia mota inter A. bone memorie, predecessorem nostrum, et abbatem et conuentum de lundors super ecclesia de Mothel; per quod arbitrium causati sumus ecclesiam Dumblanensem fuisse lesam: Qui equitatea a MS. equitata. pensata arbitrium equum et rite prolatum pronunciaverunt; et excessum factum in taxacione redditus | Decem marcarum vnde dictam ecclesiam lesam perpenderunt corrigentes, condempnauerunt dictos abbatem et monachos, nomine monasterij sui, nobis et successoribus nostris, nomine predicte ecclesie Dumblanensis, in Quinque marcis argenti annuatim soluendis. Quam sentenciam quia in commodum predicte ecclesie nostre lata est, acceptamus et Ratam habemus, bona fide, in periculo anime nostre et animarum successorum nostrorum, promittentes quod super predicto arbitrio nullam de cetero mouebimus questionem: set sicut a predecessore nostro susceptum est, et in instrumento super hoc confecto plenius expressum, et auctoritate Domini pape a iudicibus prenominatis confirmatum, illud sine cauilacione et dolo obseruabimus in perpetuum. Et ut hoc futuris temporibus robur firmitatis obtineat, huic scripto sigillum nostrum apposuimus; actum in sinodo nostra in ecclesia de Outerardouer coram prelatis et clero nostre diocesis, Non. Maij, anno gracie mo. cco. xxxo. Quinto. Ego Clemens Episcopus consencio et subscribo. Ego R. abbas subscribo. Ego J. abbas subscribo. Ego P. abbas subscribo. Ego Hugo, abbas de sancto Seruano subscribo. Ego Gilbertus archidiaconus Dumblanensis, subscribo. Ego lucas vicarius ecclesie de Methel subscribo. Ego Martinus Decanus de Menethet subscribo. Ego Henricus subscribo. Ego Mauricius prior Keledeorum de Mothel subscribo. Ego Andreas prior Keledeorum de Abernethyn subscribo.


To all the faithful of Christ to whom the present writ shall come, Clement, by the grace of God, Bishop of Dunblane, health everlasting in the Lord.

It is meet that those things which have been terminated by judicial sentence or by agreement should be made lasting by the muniment of an authentic writ, lest, by the dishonesty or craft of any, they might relapse into disputes of renewed contention. Wherefore we will that it should be known to all of you that we, with the assent of the clergy of our diocese, hold as established the sentence of the venerable men, the Lord William, Bishop, Hugh, Dean, and Robert, Treasurer, of the church of Glasgow, which, by the authority of our Lord, Pope Gregory Ix., they pronounced upon the decree-arbitral of Lord William, Bishop of St. Andrews, formerly pronounced upon the controversy between A[braham], of good memory, our predecessor, and the abbot and convent of Lundors, in respect to the church of Mothel, by which decree-arbitral we pleaded that the church of Dunblane had been injured. Who [the Bishop, Dean, and Treasurer of Glasgow], taking equity into consideration, pronounced and duly promulgated a just decree-arbitral, and corrected the excess in the estimate of the payment of ten marks by reason of which they judged the said church was injured, condemning the said abbot and monks, on the part of the monastery, to pay annually to us and our successors, as representing the aforesaid church of Dunblane, five silver marks. Which sentence, because it was pronounced to the advantage of our church aforesaid, we accept and hold good; and we promise in good faith, on the peril of our soul and of the souls of our successors, that in the future we will raise no question as to the aforesaid decree-arbitral; but, as was undertaken by our predecessor, and as is more fully expressed in the instrument executed upon this matter, and on the authority of our Lord the Pope confirmed by the judges aforenamed, we will observe it for all time without cavil. And that this in times to come may hold good, we have placed our seal to this writ. Done in our synod in the church of Outerardouer, in the presence of the prelates and clergy of our diocese, on the Nones [7th] of May, in the year of grace, MCCXXXV.

I, Clement, Bishop, consent and subscribe. I, R., Abbot, subscribe. I, J., Abbot, subscribe. I, P., Abbot, subscribe. I, Hugh, Abbot of St. Serf, subscribe. I, Gilbert, Archdeacon of Dunblane, subscribe. I, Luke, Vicar of the church of Methel, subscribe. I, Martin, Dean of Menethet, subscribe. I, Henry, subscribe. I, Maurice, Prior of the Keledei of Mothel, subscribe. I, Andrew, Prior of the Keledei of Abernethyn, subscribe.


Confirmacio Cleri Dumblanensis de Eglesmagril. VNIVERSIS Christi fidelibus ad quos presens peruenerit, R. de Aberbrothoc, Hugo de sancto seruano, J. de Insula missarum, 1 Or 'five marks in money' (quinque marcas argenti).

P. de Ka[m]buskinel, dei gracia abbates, G. archidiaconus, et uniuersus clerus Dumblanensis diocesis, Salutem in Domino. Noueritis nos ratam habere concordiam quondam prouisam et factam inter ecclesiam Dumblanensem et monasterium de lundors per arbitrium Domini Willelmi Episcopi Sancti Andree super controuersia mota inter partes de ecclesia de Mothel. Ipsumque arbitrium prout in autentico continetur uerbo ad uerbum, et a domino W. Glasguensi Episcopo et suis collegis, auctoritate Domini pape, est declaratum et confirmatum, et a nostro diocesano Domino C. Episcopo Dumblanensi sponte susceptum et obseruatum, communi assensu et consilio acceptamus et in perpetuum bona fide obseruandum decernimus. Et in huius nostre approbacionis testimonium unacum sigillis predictorum abbatum, nomine cleri tocius, quia sigillum commune non habemus, sigillum patroni nostri Domini R. comitis de Strathern huic scripto apponi procurauimus.


To all the faithful of Christ to whom these presents shall come, R. of Aberbrothoc, Hugh of St. Serf, J. of Inchaffray, P. of Cambuskinel, by the grace of God Abbots,-G. Archdeacon, and all the clergy of the diocese of Dunblane, health in the Lord. Know ye that we hold as ratified the agreement formerly provided and made, between the church of Dunblane and the monastery of Lundors, by the decree-arbitral of the Lord William, Bishop of St. Andrews, upon the controversy between the parties concerning the church of Mothel. And that decree-arbitral we accept, and decree that it be in good faith observed for ever, as it is contained in the authentic instrument, word for word, and declared and confirmed, on the authority of our Lord the Pope, by W. Bishop of Glasgow and his colleagues, and as it was of his own accord accepted and observed by our diocesan, the Lord C., Bishop of Dunblane. And in testimony of our approval we have procured that the seal of our patron (patroni nostri), the Sir R., Earl of Strathern, should be attached to this writ, in the name of the whole clergy, together with the seals of the abbots aforesaid, because we have no common seal.


Confirmacio capituli Dumblanensis de Eglesmagril.

VNIVERSIS christi fidelibus hoc scriptum visuris uel audituris capitulum Dunblanense eternam in domino salutem: Nouerit

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