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A. 1328.

literas suas confirmatorias vsque Berwicum super Tvedam mitti et Maiori eiusdem ville liberari fecit citra festum ascensionis domini proximo futurum per ipsum Maiorem dicto domino regi Scotie vlterius liberandas In cujus rei testimonium parti huius scripti indentati penes dictos procuratores et nuncios remanenti dictus dominus rex Scotie sigillum suum apponi fecit et predicti nuncii et procuratores parte eiusdem scripti penes eundem regem Scotie remanenti sigilla sua apposuerunt Datum et actum apud Edynburgh in Scocia decimo septimo die Martii anno domini ab incarnatione eiusdem millessimo trecentesimo vicesimo septimo supradicto nos autem conventionem predictam et omnia et singula in eisdem literis contenta pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris ratificamus et confirmamus in forma supra dicta In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes teste me ipso apud Northamptoun quarto die Maii anno regni nostri secundo.

No. V.

Singular Proclamation by Edward III. A. D. 1327*.

REX, &c. dilectis & fidelibus suis Willo de Kyme, Rico de Ros, Petro Briton, & Normanno Darcy, salutem. Quia Robertus de Brus & sui complices & fautores nri regni nri inimici & proditores, regnum nostrum hostiliter sunt ingressi & castrum de Norham ac alia castra & fortalicia diversa in partibus Northumbr' obsederunt & tenent obsessa, & pela in diversis locis in pa tibus illis de novo fieri fecerunt & in eis homines ad arma posuerunt ad insidiand' fidelibus nostris in partibus illis & ad eos per posse destruend' & qd idem Robertus omnes terras in dicto com' Northumbr' per cartas suas diversis personibus de complicibus suis dedit & assignavit, & ut p' cto didicim' idem obertus totum posse de Scotia ad se congregari mandavit & pponit not & populum regni nri destruere & sue tiranidi subjugare & ca.

*Rot. Scot. 222. From this extract of a writ in the Rotuli Scotiae, now printing at London, it appears that the King of Sots, during his invasion of England in September 1327, hee Vor. in. p. 436, had assumed the tone of a conqueror, making grants of lands in Northumberland to his followers, building and garrisoning peels or fortalices in various parts, and threatening to subjugate the realm of England.

1 mo

Edwardi IIШи
A. D. 1327.

30mo Septem.



Abercrombie, greatly misrepresented one of the articles in the

Treaty of Northampton, ii. 458.

Aberdeen, citizens of, take the castle at that place from the
English, i. 339-rewarded by king Robert for their pa-
triotism, i. 340.

Adam, eldest son of the second Robert Bruce, progenitor of
the Bruces of Skelton in England, i. xxix-descent of his
famıly, i. xxxii.


Adherents of king Robert, at the commencement of his
glorious career, a list of, i. 196-list of such as surrender-
ed to the mercy of Edward after the battle of Methven,
i. 260-another list of, i. 163.

Affray at York between the English archers and foreign
mercenaries, ii. 375-a writ of enquiry into its origin,
ii. 377.

Agatha, daughter of the second Robert Bruce, her mar-
riage and portion, i. xxix.

Agnes, wife of the second Robert Bruce, i. xxix.

Alexander III. killed by a fall from horseback, 16th March,
1286, i. 3-an elegaic sonnet on his death, i. 3.
Alexander Bruce, Earl of Carrick, killed in the battle of
Halidon Hill, ii. 180.

Alphonso XI. of Castile and Leon, joined by Douglas in a

war against the Moors of Granada, ii. 504.

Almeria in Spain, corruptly called Balmeryne by Barbour,

ii. 505.

Alnwick Castle, ineffectually besieged by the Scots in 1327,

i. 438.

Ambassadors sent by Robert to the Pope, ii. 250.

Anglo-Irish barons, a short list of in 1316, ii. 40.

Annandale, Lordship of, granted by David I. in 1124, to

Robert Bruce, second of that name, i. xxix.
Annandale, granted by Edward to the earl of Hereford, i.
264-appears to have been granted by Robert I. to his
nephew Randolph, Earl of Moray, ii. Appendix, Nó. i.

Angus reduced to obedience by king Robert, i. 341.
Angus of Isla, lord of Cantire, receives and relieves king
Robert, i. 234.

Archers, English, affray between them and the foreign mer-
cenaries at York, ii. 375.

Ardrossan, Fergus of, erroneously said to have been slain at
Arscol, ii. 35.

Argentine, Sir Giles de, his chivalric conduct, i. 481.
Argyle, Alexander Lord of, an inveterate enemy of king
Robert, i. 227-defeats the king at Dalry, i, 228.
Army collected by Robert in 1314 to repel the English in-
vasion, i. 437-1ts order of battle at Bannockburn, i.
443-its number, 1. 445-much enriched by the victory
of Bannockburn, i. 494.

'Army of England collected for the relief of Stirling castle
in 1314, enumeration of, 1. 429-its march from Berwick

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