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maintenance and operation of the facility and the cost of providing shuttle service to and from the facility (including compensation to any person for operating the facility and for providing such shuttle service). 149

(2) In addition to the projects under paragraph (1), the Secretary may, beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, approve as a project on the Federal-aid urban system, for payment from sums apportioned under section 104(b)(6) of this title, the purchase of buses, and, beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, approve as a project on the Federal-aid urban system, for payment from sums apportioned under section 104(b)(6) of this title, the construction, reconstruction, and improvement of fixed rail facilities, including the purchase of rolling stock for fixed rail, except that not more than $200,000,000 of all sums apportioned for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, under section 104(b)(6) shall be available for the payment of the Federal share of projects for the purchase of buses.

(b) Sums apportioned in accordance with paragraph (5) of subsection (b) of section 104 of this title shall be available to finance the Federal share of projects for exclusive or preferential high occupancy vehicle, truck, and emergency vehicle routes or lanes. Routes constructed under this subsection shall not be subject to the third sentence of section 109(b) of this title. 146

(c) Whenever responsible local officials of an urbanized area notify the State highway department that, in lieu of a highway project the Federal share of which is to be paid from funds apportioned under section 104(b)(6) of this title for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1974, and June 30, 1975, their needs require a nonhighway public mass transit project involving the construction of fixed rail facilities, or the purchase of passenger equipment, including rolling stock for any mode of mass transit, or both, and the State highway department determines that such public mass transit project is in accordance with the planning process under section 134 of this title and is entitled to priority under such planning process, such public mass transit project shall be submitted for approval to the Secretary. Approval of the plans, specifications, and estimates for such project by the Secretary shall be deemed a contractual obligation of the United States for payment out of the general funds of its proportional share of the cost of such project in an amount equal to the Federal share which would have been paid if such project were a highway project under section 120(a) of this title. Funds previously apportioned to such State under section 104(b)(6) of this title shall be reduced by an amount equal to such Federal share.

(d) The establishment of routes and schedules of such public mass transportation systems in urbanized areas shall be based upon a continu

149 Amended by sec. 120(a), (b)(1), Public Law 97-424, Jan. 6, 1983 (96 Stat. 2111). 14 Amended by sec. 120(b)(2), Public Law 97-424, Jan. 6, 1983 (96 Stat. 2111).

ing comprehensive transportation planning process carried on in accordance with section 134 of this title.

(e)(1) For all purposes of this title, a project authorized by subsection (a)(1) of this section shall be deemed to be a highway project.

(2) Notwithstanding section 209(f)(1) of the Highway Revenue Act of 1956, the Highway Trust Fund shall be available for making expenditures to meet obligations resulting from projects authorized by subsection (a)(2) of this section and such projects shall be subject to, and governed in accordance with, all provisions of this title applicable to projects on the Federal-aid urban system, except to the extent determined inconsistent by the Secretary.

(3) The Federal share payable on account of projects authorized by subsection (a) of this section shall be that provided in section 120 of this title.

(f) No project authorized by this section shall be approved unless the Secretary of Transportation has received assurances satisfactory to him from the State that high occupancy vehicles will fully utilize the proposed project. 149c

(g) In any case where sufficient land exists within the publicly acquired rights-of-way of any Federal-aid highway to accommodate needed rail or nonhighway public mass transit facilities and where this can be accomplished without impairing automotive safety or future highway improvements, the Administrator may authorize a State to make such lands and rights-of-way available without charge to a publicly owned mass transit authority for such purposes wherever he may deem that the public interest will be served thereby.

(h) The provision of assistance under subsection (a)(2) or subsection (c) of this section shall not be construed as bringing within the application of chapter 15 of title 5, United States Code, any nonsupervisory employee of an urban mass transportation system (or of any other agency or entity performing related functions) to whom such chapter is otherwise inapplicable.

(i) Funds available for expenditure to carry out the purposes of subsection (a)(2) and subsection (c) of this section shall be supplementary to and not in substitution for funds authorized and available for obligation pursuant to the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended.

(j) The provisions of section 3(e)(4) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, shall apply in carrying out subsection (a)(2) and subsection (c) of this section.

(k) The Secretary shall not approve any project under subsection (a)(2) of this section in any fiscal year when there has been enacted an Urban Transportation Trust Fund or similar assured funding for both highway and public transportation.

149 Amended by sec. 120(b)(3), Public Law 97-424, Jan. 6, 1983 (96 Stat. 2111).

Sec. 143. Economic growth center development highways.

(a) In order to promote the desirable development of the Nation's natural resources, to revitalize and diversify the economy of rural areas and smaller communities, to enhance and disperse industrial growth, to encourage more balanced population patterns, to check, and, where possible, to reverse current migratory trends from rural areas and smaller communities, and to improve living conditions and the quality of the environment, the Secretary is authorized to make grants to States for projects for the construction, reconstruction, and improvement of development highways on a Federal-aid system (other than the Interstate system) to serve and promote the development of economic growth centers and surrounding areas, encourage the location of business and industry in rural areas, facilitate the mobility of labor in sparsely populated areas, and provide rural citizens with improved highways to such public and private services as health care, recreation, employment, education, and cultural activities, or otherwise encourage the social and economic development of rural communities, and for planning, surveys, and investigations in connection therewith.

(b) Each Governor may transmit to the Secretary his recommendations for (1) the selection of economic growth centers within the State, (2) priorities for the construction of development highways on a Federal-aid system (other than the Interstate system) to serve such centers, and (3) such other information as may be required by the Secretary, for his consideration in approving the selection of economic growth centers for projects.

(c) Upon the application of the State highway department of any State in which an economic growth center approved by the Secretary as eligible for a project is located, the Secretary is authorized to pay up to 100 per centum of the cost of engineering and economic surveys or other investigations necessary for the planning and design of development highways on a Federal-aid system (other than the Interstate system) needed to provide appropriate access to such growth center, including publicly owned airport facilities and public ports for water transportation which may be established to serve it, in order to carry out the purposes of this section.

(d) Except as otherwise provided in this section, all of the provisions of this title applicable to highways on the Federal aid-system on which such development highway is located except those which the Secretary determines are inconsistent with this section shall apply to Development highways and to funds authorized to carry out this section. For the purposes of sections 105, 106, and 118 of this title, funds authorized to carry out this section shall be deemed to be apportioned on January 1 next preceding the commencement of the fiscal year for which authorized. No State shall receive in any fiscal year more than 15 per centum of the funds authorized to carry out this section for such fiscal year.

(e) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) of this section, the Federal share of the cost of any project for construction, reconstruction, or improvement of a development highway under this section shall be the same as that provided under this title for any other project on the Federal-aid system on which such development highway is located. 150

(f)(1) Except in the case of a project subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, no project shall be approved by the Secretary under this section until he has determined that such project will promote the aims and purposes set forth in subsection (a) of this section and that the economic growth center to be benefited will meet such criteria as he, after consultation with the Secretary of Commerce, deems necessary, including, but not limited to, the following: (1) growth centers shall be geographically and economically capable of contributing significantly to the development of the area, and (2) growth centers shall have a population not in excess of one hundred thousand according to the latest available Federal census. In approving projects the Secretary shall give preference to those areas offering the most potential for future economic growth.

(2) In the case of a project proposed to be conducted within the Appalachian region as defined in section 403 of the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965, no project shall be approved by the Secretary under this section until he shall have consulted with the Federal Cochairman of the Appalachian Regional Commission. In the case of a project proposed to be conducted within an economic development region as defined in title V of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, no project shall be approved by the Secretary under this section until he shall have consulted with the Federal Cochairman for such region and the Secretary of Commerce. In consultation with the appropriate official, the Secretary shall establish criteria for the selection of growth centers eligible for assistance under this section such that the aims and purposes set forth in subsection (a) of this section will be promoted. Such criteria shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1) growth centers shall be geographically and economically capable of contributing significantly to the development of the area, (2) growth centers shall have a population not in excess of one hundred thousand persons according to the latest available Federal census, and (3) the selection of such growth centers within the AppalaIchian region and the economic development regions shall take into account the purposes of the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 and the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965. In approving projects the Secretary shall give preference to those areas offering the most potential for future economic growth and he shall make arrangements for close coordination throughout the development

150 Amended by sec. 122(b) of Public Law 93-87, Aug. 13, 1973 (87 Stat. 261).

and implementation of the project with the Federal Cochairman of the Appalachian Regional Commission, or with the appropriate Federal Cochairman of an economic development region, and the Secretary of Commerce, as the case may be.

(g) There is authorized to be appropriated out of the Highway Trust Fund not to exceed $50,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, and not to exceed $50,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973. 151

Sec. 144. Highway bridge replacement and rehabilitation program.


(a) Congress hereby finds and declares it to be in the vital interest of the Nation that a highway bridge replacement and rehabilitation program be established to enable the several States to replace or rehabilitate highway bridges over waterways, other topographical barriers, other highways, or railroads when the States and the Secretary finds that a bridge is significantly important and is unsafe because of structural deficiencies, physical deterioration, or functional obsolescence.

(b) The Secretary, in consultation with the States, shall (1) inventory all those highway bridges on any Federal-aid system which are bridges over waterways, other topographical barriers, other highways, and railroads; (2) classify them according to serviceability, safety, and essentiality for public use; (3) based on that classification, assign each a priority for replacement or rehabilitation; and (4) determine the cost of replacing each such bridge with a comparable facility or of rehabilitating such bridge.

(c)(1) The Secretary, in consultation, with the States, shall (1) inventory all those highway bridges on public roads, other than those on any Federal-aid system, which are bridges over waterways, other topographical barriers, other highways, and railroads, (2) classify them according to serviceability, safety, and essentiality for public use, (3) based on the classification, assign each a priority for replacement or rehabilitation and (4) determine the cost of replacing each such bridge with a comparable facility or of rehabilitating such bridge.

(2) The Secretary may, at the request of a State, inventory bridges, on and off the Federal-aid system, for historic significance.

(d) Whenever any State or States make application to the Secretary for assistance in replacing or rehabilitating a highway bridge which the priority system established under subsections (b) and (c) of this section shows to be eligible, the Secretary may approve Federal participation in replacing such bridge with a comparable facility or in rehabilitating such bridge. The Secretary shall determine the eligibility of highway bridges for replacement or rehabilitation for each State based upon the

151 New section added by sec. 127(a) of Public Law 91-605, Dec. 31, 1970 (84 Stat. 1713).

152 New section added by sec. 204 of Public Law 91-605, Dec. 31, 1970 (84 Stat. 1713); and amended by sec. 124 of Public Law 95-599, Nov. 6, 1978 (92 Stat. 2702-2705).

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