The Charters of Endowment, Inventories, and Account Rolls, of the Priory of Finchale: In the County of DurhamJ. B. Nichols, 1837 - 192 páginas |
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aliis ARRERAGIA arreragiis domini avena avenæ carta Coken Cokyn Computantis Curiæ decima diversis Dunelm Durham ecclesiæ eisdem terminis emendacione empcione emptis emptis per tempus empto Episcopo expensis coquinæ feodo Finchale Fynkall garbarum heredibus Hessewell hujus compoti hunc compotum ibidem iiij iiij¹ iiija iiijd iijd infra aquas ix¹ libera firma liij Lomley Midilham minera carbonum molendino aquatico molendino fullatico monachis nichil omnibus ordei patet in pede pede ejusdem Pentecostes pisarum piscaria præter precium Prioris quæ receptis de decimis receptis de manerio receptis de molendino receptis de redditu redditu assisæ reparacione Ricardo Roberto Sancti Softley solucione facta solvit Summa omnium expensarum Summa totalis superplusagiis tempus compoti tenementis terræ terris Thomæ Thorp ultimi compoti precedentis venditis viij viij¹ viija viijd vij¹ vijd villa villæ vj¹ Willielmo Wyndegate xiiij xiij xij¹ xlvj xviij xvij xx³ xxvj xxxiij
Pasajes populares
Página cdlxxxvii - The Officers of the Society shall be elected at each Third Annual Meeting. Any vacancy which may occur in the Offices of Treasurer or Secretary shall be provisionally filled up by the Council. III. Those gentlemen who have assented, or do now assent, to the general principle of its proposed Rules and Regulations, and have signified their wish to become Members, shall be deemed original Members of the Society. In the case of persons applied to previously to the 27th of May, by Mr. Raine, at the request...
Página cdxlv - Mr. William Shakespear was borne at Stratford upon Avon in the county of Warwick. His father was a butcher, and I have been told heretofore by some of the neighbours, that when he was a boy he exercised his father's trade, but when he kill'da calfe he would doe it in a high style, and make a speech.
Página 187 - Quoniam, ut ait Apostolus, / omnes stabimus ante tribunal Christi, recepturi prout in corpore gessimus, sive bonum fuerit, sive malum: oportet nos diem messionis extreme misericordie operibus / prevenire; ac eternorum intuitu seminare in terris quod...
Página 175 - Domino cum multiplicato fructu recolligere debeamus in celis: firmam spem, fiduciamque te/nentes, quoniam qui parce seminat, parce et metet, et qui seminat in benedictionibus, de benedictionibus et metet vitam eternam.
Página 166 - Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostre protectionis et confirmacionis infringere vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attemptare presumpserit indignacionem omnipotentis Dei et beatorum Pétri et Pauli apostolorum ejus se noverit incursurum.
Página cdlxxxvii - Vice-Présidents, two Treasurers, and a Secretary, who shall constitute the Council. Of this number five, including the Secretary and one of the Treasurers, shall be capable of acting as a meeting. The President shall be ineligible a second time until three years shall have elapsed from his departure from the office. The other Members of the Council shall be capable of being re-elected. II. The Officers of the Society shall be elected at each Third Annual Meeting. Any vacancy which may occur in the...