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but as the purpose for which it was passed has been carried into Execution and the act has had its full force and Effect, such a measure might perhaps be attended with some Inconveniency, and therefore it only remains for Us to express to you our entire disapprobation of the Act, and to desire that you will not upon any Consideration whatever give your assent to a Law of the like nature for the future.




Annapolis, their opposition to gov-
errment at, 33, 56, 58.
Assembly, address of, respecting their
removal, 315.

Arms, they take up, and commit dep-
redations, 321.

Bailly, M. (Priest), good conduct of,

Beaubassin, ordered to return from,
212; refused passes to go to, 221.
Beausejour, taken in arms at, 243,
244, 408.

Board of Trade have doubts of the
propriety of their removal at this
time, 337.

Bonaventure, Pere, (Priest), 356.
Boston, to be detained in, 329; arri-

val of five transports at, 329; trans-
ports to return to Nova Scotia, 332.
Bresley, M., Priest at Annapolis, med-
dles with civil affairs, 82.

Canso, join Indians in robbing fisher-

men at Canso, 48; those at, leave
for Island of St. Peter, 349.
Cape Breton, to be protected in their
settlements in, 353.
Cape Sable, inhabitants of brought to
Halifax, 305, 307, 308.
Character of, by Governor Mascarene,

Chebucto, settlement at, 560.
Chevereuil, M. (Priest), 192, 230; his
conduct before the Council, 103;
ordered to Halifax, 170; to be sent
to England, 282.

Chignecto, they desert their lands at,
205, 206; petition to be allowed to
return to their lands at, remain
neuter and be exempt from bearing
arms, 211.

Circular to Governors on the Conti-

nent to prevent return of, 303.
Colonies, to be distributed among the,

Condition of, in the year 1734, 102.
Continuation of, in the province
recommended, 314.

Corn, proclamation against their ex-
porting, 219.

Corn Act, explanation of, 220.
Council's opinion respecting their re-
moval, 318.

ACADIAN FRENCH (continued).

Courier of Governor Cornwallis in-
tercepted by, 184.

Daudin, Abbe, 202, 210, 221, 229,
239; ordered to Halifax with five
of the principal inhabitants of Pisi-
quid, 223 insolence of, ibid; con-
fined in fort, 226; brought before
Council at Halifax, 227; submission
of, 235; to be sent to England, 282.
Declaration of Governor Doucette to,
14; answer, 14; of Governor Corn-
wallis to, 165, 171; their answers,
168, 170, 172.

Deputies, attend before Council at
Annapolis, 24, 66, 155; refusal of
inhabitants of Annapolis to choose,
25 submission of inhabitants of
Annapolis, 35; of Minas promise
to assemble inhabitants to take the
oath, 68; letter of Governor Arm-
strong to Minas and Pisiquid, 73, 89,
90; refuse oath, 77, 256, 260, 267,
281; sent to prison, 78; letter of
Govr. Mascarene to, 105; brought
before Council at Halifax, 156, 167,
168, 170, 172, 176, 250, 256, 259,
261, 266; of Cobequid sent to pri-
son; 180; address to, by Governor
Cornwallis, 172, 185; answer of
Governor Cornwallis to those from
Annapolis, Canard River, Pisiquid,
Minas, and Grand Pre, 174, 189;
memorial of, from Minas and Pisi-
quid, 247 from Peticodiac and
Memrim ook, arrive at Fort Cum-
berland, 311; ordered to attend at
Halifax, 564; attend before Govr.
at Halifax, 576, 577, 584, 587.
Desenclaves, Jean, Bte., 112, 113,
211, 305; Biographical notice of,
111; ord rel to Halifax, 170.
Deserted French inhabitants, expla
nation of that term, 283.
Desirous of returning under French
dominion, 157.

De-titute state of, at Peticodiac and
Memramcook, 311.

Despatch on the subject of their re-
moval, 278.

Disposi in of, 157.

Durand, Justinian, (Priest), 21, 27;
letter from Governor Philipps to, 23.

ACADIAN FRENCH (continued.)

Dikes, they assist in repairing, 319.
Felix, Father, 16, 60.

Fort Edward, refuse to bring in fire-
wood for garrison at, 222, 223.
France, secretly persuaded to return
to, 339.

French influence predominates with,
36, 37, 56.

French government request that they
shall be allowed three years time,
to remove from the province, 279.
French West Indies, hire vessels and
depart for, 349.

French, in interest of, 386.

Gaulin, Pere, (Priest), his submission,
68, 69.

Germain, Charles, (Priest), 309; Bio-
graphical notice of, 319.

Girard, M. (Priest), 180, 183, 188; or-
dered to Halifax, 170.

Godalie, M., (Priest), 96, 113; letter

from Governor Armstrong to, 95;
letter from Governor Mascarene
to, 118.

Government not able to enforce obe-
dience of, 58, 59.

Grants from Col. Mascarene, 561.
Guides, or pilots, unwilling to furnish,

Habits, manners, and places of abode,
of, 44, 46, 157.

Halifax, to be brought to, 702, 704.
Hostility of, 328, 384.

Indians, pretended dread of, 13, 564 ;
joined by them to attack Canso,
64; aid, in robbing Mr. Alden's
sloop, 51, 52, 60; unite with, 404.
Indecision of, 35, 36.

Lands, allowed to sell them, 7; Seig-
neurial rights, 91; claim more than
they are entitled to, 92; six fami-
lies from Cape Breton allowed to
return to their lands, 228; dispute
possession of, on St. John's river,
with English settlers, 338; war-
rants issued to forty-four families
for, at St. Mary's, 357; to be set-
tled, 421; cultivating their, 644.
Leave the province, not allowed to,

Le Maire, M. (Priest), 282.
Letter of remonstrance from, 172;

letter to St. Ovide, requesting his
advice with regard to oath, 25.
Liberty and protection promised them,


Litigious disposition of, 94.

Loutre, Joseph de la, 152, 178, 179,
183, 208, 210, 214, 221, 228, 229,
230, 232, 237, 239, 369, 580, 583,
586, 591, 618; Biographical notice

ACADIAN FRENCH (continued.)

of, 178; letter of, to M. Bigot, 193
charged with murder of Captain
How, 194, 195, 210; assembles In
dians at Bay Verte, 199; letter of,
to Governor Lawrence, 215; letter
of, to King of France, 233; letter
from Bishop of Quebec to, 240;
persuades Indians to begin hostili-
ties, 593.

Maillard, Abbe, part of a letter to
Girard from, 184; Biographical no
tice of, ibid.

Malagash bay, 561; settlement at,

Menach, Abbe, 328, 340; letter of in-
troduction to Governor Mascarene,
121; ill behaviour of, 319; Bio-
graphical notice of, ibid.

Militia duty, exempted from, 354.
Miramichi, invited by Jacques Robins
to collect at, 340.

Missionaries, orders respecting, 118,

Names of those returned from Louis-
burg, 214, 215.

Numbers of, in Acadia, in the year
1714, 5; in Isle Royale in the year
1716, 12; in 1755, 278; in different
parts of the province and Island of
St. John, 346; able to bear arms,

Numerous and ungovernable, 92.
No dependence in, in case of war
with France, 129.

Oath of allegiance and fidelity taken,
by, 21, 80, 91, 167, 188, 263, 309,
353, 354; taken by inhabitants of
Annapolis river, 69, 84, 121; taken
on reduction of Port Royal, 263,
264, 265, 266, 267; required by
Board of Trade to be made more
explicit, 84; refused by, 15, 51, 55,
58, 65, 67, 72, 74, 75, 78, 159, 173,
197, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 233,
260, 281, 350, 355, 577, 592; depu-
ties not permitted to take oath after
their refusal, 256; consent to de-
liver up arms and adhere to oath
taken, 261, 262.

Obstruct building of fort at Minas, 98.
Petition of inhabitants of Cobequid,

103; to M. de Ganne to withdraw
his savages, 135; to leave the pro-
vince with their effects, 185; re-
specting their missionaries, 201; to
Governor Hopson respecting oath
of allegiance, 203; for leave to re-
turn to their lands, 211; sent to
Canada, 230; of inhabitants of Co-
bequid to inhabitants of Beaubassin,
231; to King of France respecting

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