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nalties in

this act.

And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, Appropri- That each and every penalty and forfeiture to be ation of pe- inflicted in pursuance of, or by virtue of this act, flicted by shall be appropriated, distributed, and applied in manner following, that is to say: one fourth part thereof to the person or persons who shall inform, and prosecute to conviction: Provided, That the informant shall swear or affirm, as the case may be, that the money so to be received by him, is not, nor shall not be paid over or held in trust for or to the use of the person so informed against; and in case the said informant shall not take such oath, then the said fourth part to go as is herein after provided: one fourth part to the corps who shall scize, take and lodge in gaol as aforesaid, any slave or person or persons whomsoever as aforesaid, on their respectively swearing or confirming to the restrictions herein before prescribed as to the informer; and the remaining part to the promoting a school or other seminary of learning in the district where such conviction shall be had."

may be brought into this

Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Slaves, &c. it shall and may be lawful to and for any person travelling into or through this state, to bring into the same, one or more slaves or free persons of colour, state un- not exceeding two, as necessary attendants on such, restricti. person, or his or her family, and for no other purpose whatsoever: Provided nevertheless, to ex

der certain


empt such person from the operation of this act, every such person, except members of congress, judges of the federal court, and public functionarics of the United States, shall make oath before some justice of the peace or of the quorum of this. state, near to the place where they shall enter the same, that such slave or slaves, or persons of colour, is or are, his or her necessary attendants; and that he or she will not sell or dispose of such slave . or person of colour, but will take the same back with her or them, to his or her usual place of residence. And provided also, That this shall not

be construed to permit any person going out of this state, to bring into the same, any slave or person of colour which he or she did not take with him or her from this state.

And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every person who shall refuse or neglect to Penalty for discharge any of the duties on him enjoined by this neglect of act, shail therefor forfeit and pay the sum of twenty imposed dollars, to be recovered and distributed as herein by this act. before directed.

In the Senate House, the nineteenth Day of December, in
the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and one, and in the twenty-sixth far of the Indepen-
dence of the United States of America.

JOHN WARD, President of the Senate.
House of Representatives.

An ACT to prevent the forging, and uttering knowing the same to be forged, certain instruments in writing therein mentioned.


the duties


ry, to be


E it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That if any person, mom and after the passing of this act, shall, within this state, false; found guil make, forge or countericit, or cause or procure to ty of forge. be falsely made, forged or counterfeited, or wili- deemed ingly act or assist in the false making, forging or counterfeiting of any deed, will, testament, bond, writing obligatory, bill of exchange, promissory note for payment of money or delivery of goods, bank note lor payment of money of any incorporated or unincorporated bank or company within this state or any of the United States, or any indorsement or assignment of any bill of exchange or promissory note, for payment of money, or of any Lank note for payment of money of any incorporated or unincorporated bank or company within this state or any of the United States; or any acquittance or receipt, either of money or goods, or any


acccptance of any bill of exchange, or the number of principal sum of any promissory note or bank note, for the payment of money of any corporated or incorporated bank or company in this state or any of the United States, or the number or principal sum of any accountable receipt for any note, bill or other security for payment of money, or any warrant or order for payment of money or delivery of goods, with intention to defraud any person or persons residing or being within this state or any of the United States, or any bank or company, corporated or unincorporated, within this state or any of the United States, or the president or any other officer of any such bank or company; then every such person, being lawfully thereof convicted, according to the due course of law, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall suffer death as a felon, without benefit of clergy.

.and be it further enacted by the authority aforeAny per- said, That if any person, from and after the passson found ing of this act, shall, within this state, utter or pubof uttering lish as true, any false, forged or counterfeited deed, forged will, testament, bond, writing obligatory, bill of also deem- exchange, promissory note for payment of money ed felons. or delivery of goods, bank note for payment of

deeds, &c.

money of any incorporated or unincorporated bank or company, within this state or any of the United States, or any indorsement or assignment of any bill of exchange or promissory note for payment of money, or of any bank note for payment of money, of any incorporated or unincorporated bank or company, within this state or any of the United States, or any acquittance or receipt, either for money or goods, or any acceptance, of any bill of exchage, or the number or principal sum of any accountable receipt for any promissory note or bank note for payment of money, of any incorporated or unincorporated bank or company within this state, or any of the United States, or the number or principal sum of any accountable receipt,

note, bill, or other security, for payment of money, or any warrant or order, for payment of money or delivery of goods, with intention to defraud any person or persons, residing or being within this state or any of the United States, or any bank or company corporated or unincorporated, within this state or any of the United States, or the president or any other officer of any such bank or company; the said person so uttering the same as aforesaid, knowing the same to be faise, forged or counterfeited; then every such person, being thereof lawfully convicted according to the due course of law, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall suffer death as a £ lon, without benefit of clergy.

In the Senate House, the nineteenth, Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one, and in the twenty-sixth Year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America.

JOHN WARD, President of the Senate. THEODORE GAILLARD, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

An ACT to establish the office of Commissioner of Locations.


E it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That a commissioner of locations in each circuit district, shall be recommended by a majority of the members of the legislature of such district, and shall be commissioned by the governor for the time being; and in case the members of any district, or a majority of them, shall fail to recommend any fit and proper person as commissioner of locations, the governor for the time being shall commission any person whom he may think fit.

In the Senate House, the nineteenth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one, and in the twenty-sixth Year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America.

JOHN WARD, President of the Senate. THEODORE GAILLARD, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

An ACT to incorporate, the South-Carolina and
State Banks.

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HEREAS Thomas Jones, as president of the Bank of South-Carolina, with the directors of the said bank, hath petitioned the legislature, that they, and the stockholders of the said bank, may be incorporated under the name of the Brank of South-Carolina. And whereas, John Blake, president of the State Bank, hath presented another petition, praying that the said John Blake, with the directors and stockholders in the said bank, may also be incorporated. And whereas, it is deemed expedient that the said companies be incorporated, under proper restric.ions: Therefore,

Be it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, nou met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, Bank of That Thomas Jones, president, Alexander EdSouth-Ca- wards, John Williamson, Keating Simons, Chriscorpora- topher Fitzsimons, John Brownlee, William

rolina in





Greenwood, James Lynah, Robert Dewar, Willi-
am Somarsal, Alexander Shirras, and F. J. Foltz,
directors, with all such persons as are now, or may
hereafter become stockholders in the said compa-
ny, be, and they are hereby incorporated and made
a corporation and body police, by the name and
style of the Bank of South-Carolina.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That John Blake, president, Wade Hampton, Bank in Daniel Doyley, David Alexander, Thomas Shubrick, John Dawson, jun. William Allen, John Champneys, Jo cph Byrnes, Theodore Gaillard, jun. John Kirk, Ebenezer Coffin, and Micah Jenkins, directors, with all such persons who now are or hereafter may become stockholders in the said company, be, and they are hereby incorporated and made a corporation and body politic, by the name and style of the State Bank.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said companies respectively, shall


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