Imágenes de páginas




chinois et en français; accompagné de quatre cents légendes, anecdotes et histoires. Paris, 1835, 8vo.

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Translation of the Kan-ying-pien (see Wy

lie's notes, p. 179), reprinted without the legends, etc., with an English translation in Doolittle's vocabulary, II.

Lao-tseu-tao-te-king, Le livre de la voie et de la vertu, composé dans le VI siècle avant l'ère chrétienne. Paris, 1842, 8vo.

See Wylie's notes, p. 173.

Thsien-tseu-wen, le livre des mille mots. Paris, 1864, 8vo.

San-tseu-king ou livre de phrases de trois mots, en chinois, latin et en anglais. Paris, 1864, 8vo.

Reprinted in Turretini's Ban Zai Sau, vol.
II, 1872.

161 HYACINTHE BITSHURIN, San-tsi-king translat-
ed. St. Petersburg, 1829, 4to. (in Russian.)
162 KIDD, S., The 1,000 character classic, report of the
Anglo-Chinese college, 1831.


SIEBOLD, P. F. von, Tsian-dsu-wen sive 1,000 literae ideogr. opus sinicum. Leyden, 1833, fol.

Translated into German by J. Hoffmann, 1840. 164 NEUMANN, K. F., Lehrsaal des Mittelreiches, ent haltend die Encyclopaedie der chinesischen Jugend und das Buch des ewigen Geistes und der ewigen Materie. München, 1836, 4to.

165 PAUTHIER, G., Le Ta-hio, ou la grande étude, traduit en français, avec une version latine et le text chinois. Paris, 1837, 8vo.



Le Tao-te-king ou le livre révéré de la Raison suprême et de la Vertu, par Lao-tseu. Paris, 1838, 8vo., 1st fasc.

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L'inscription Syro-chinoise de Si-ngan-fou, monument nestorien, élevé en Chine l'an 781 et découvert en 1625. Paris, 1858, 8vo.

168 THOM, R., Esop's fables, written in Chinese by the learned Mun Mooy Seen-shang. Canton, 1840,


See Chin. Repos., IX, p. 201; Bazin (sen.),

jour. as, 4 sér., I, No. 3, 1843, p. 268.

169 SHUCK, J. L., Portfolio chinensis, or a collection of authentic Chinese State Papers, illustrative of the history of the present position of affairs in China. Macao, 1840, 8vo.

170 DYER, S. and STRONACH, J., Esop's fables rendered into Hok-kien and Tie-chiu colloquial. Singapore, 1843, 3 parts, 8vo.

See Chin. Repos., XIII, p. 98.

171 MEDHURST, W. H. (sen.), Ancient China, The Shooking or the historical classic. Shanghai, 1846,


172 Monument et inscription de Si-gan-fou. Paris, 1849,


173 CALLERY, J. M., Si-ki ou mémorial des rites, traduit pour la première fois du chinois. Turin, 1853, 4to.

See jour. as., 4 sér., VIII, p. 76.

174 JENKINS, B., The three character classic. Shanghai, 1860, 8vo.


The 1000 character classic. Shanghai, 1860, 8vo.

176 LEGGE, J., The Chinese classics, with a translation, critical and exegetical notes, prolegomena

and copious indexes.

Vol. I, Confucian analects, Great learning
and the doctrine of the Mean. Hong-
kong, 1861, 8vo.

See Pfizmayer, Lit. Centralbl., 1865,
No. 51, p. 1399; Max Müller,
Chips I, p. 300; J. Mohl in
jour. as, 5 sér., XVII, p. 533.

Vol. II, The works of Mencius.

1861-62, 8vo.

See Lit. Centralbl., 1866, No. 16.
Mag. f. d. Lit. d. Ausl., vol.
XLIV, No. 35, 1875.

Vol. III, part 1 and 2, The Shooking. Hong-
kong, 1865, 2 vols., 8vo.

P. 105-183, translation of the annals of the Bamboobook, see

Wylie's notes, p. 19.

Vol. IV, part 1 and 2, The She king or the book of poetry. Hongkong, 1871, 2 vols., 8vo.

See E. J. Eitel, China Review, I,

p. 2.

Vol. V, part 1 and 2, The Chun Tsew, with

the Tso Chuen. Hongkong, 1872, 8vo. 177 ROSNY, L. DE, L'Épouse d'outre tombe, conte chinois. Paris, 1864, 16mo. Translation, 44 pp.; Chinese text, 31 pp.

Story from the Lung-tu-kung-an. See jour. as., Fév. 1864.

178 HERVEY DE SAINT-DENYS, Marquis d', Le Lisao, poëme du IIIe. siècle avant notre ère, traduit et publié avec le texte original. Paris, 1870, 8vo. See Wylie's notes, p. 181; Lit. Centralbl., 1871, p. 109; China Review, I, p. 60; Comp. Pfizmayer, No. 308.

179 STENT, G. C., Chinese lyrics, J. N. C. B. of the R. A. S.; 1873; separately, Shanghai, 1873, 8vo. Translated into German verses by Adolf Seubert, Chinesische Gedichte. Leipzig,

1875, 16mo.; in Reclam's Universal bibliothek, No. 738.

179a McCLATCHIE, T., Confucian cosmogony, a translation of sect. XLIX of the complete works of the philosopher Choo-foo-tze, with explanatory notes. Shanghai, 1874, 8vo., XVIII, 161 pp.

180 SCARBOROUGH, W., A collection of Chinese proverbs, translated and arranged with an introduc

tion, notes and copious index. Shanghai, 1875, XXXVI, 478 pp., 8vo.

See Chin. Recorder, VI, p. 301.



b. Without Chinese Text.

181 NAVARETTE, F. DE, Spanish translation of the ming-hsin-pau-tshien in his Tradados,


See Plath, No. 328.

182 INTORCETTA, P., HERDTRICH, C., ROUGEMONT, F., COUPLET, P., Confucius Sinarum philosophus, sive scientia sinensis latine exposita. Adjecta est tabula chronologica sinensis monarchiae. Parisiis, 1687, fol.

Translation of Ta-hsio, Tshung-yung and Lun-yü. The appended chronology is by Couplet, see No. 909.

183 NOEL, F., Sinensis imperii libri classici sex, nimirum adultorum schola, immutabile medium, liber sententiarum, Mencius, filialis observantia, parvulorum schola, e sinico idiomate in latinum traducti. Pragae, 1711, fol.

This contains a latin translation, besides the four books of the Hsiau-tshing and the Hsiau-hsio. See Wylie's notes, p. 7,

p. 68.

French by Pluquet, Les livres classiques de l'empire de la Chine. Paris, 1783-86, 7 vols., 16mo.

184 PREMARE, J. H., Tchao-chi-cou-eulh ou l'Orphelin de la maison de Tchao, tragédie chinoise. Paris, 1755, 12mo.

Also in Du Halde's Descr., III, p. 339; Eng

lish in Miscell. pieces rel. to China, I, p. 101. Compare Voltaire's versification of Prémare's translation and Julien's, No. 244.

185 PERCY, T., Hau kiou history of Hau kiou.


chuan or the pleasing London, 1761, 4 vols.,

Translation of the novel

hau-t'shiutshuan, see Wylie's notes, p. 163. German by C. G. von Murr. Leipzig, 1766, 8vo.; new edition: Tieh und Pinsing, ein chinesischer Familienroman von Haoh-kjöh. Bremen, 1869, 8vo.; French by Eidous. Lyon, 1766, 4 vols., 12mo., and Paris, 1828, 12mo.; Dutch. Amsterdam, 1767, 12mo.

186 GAUBIL, A., Le Chouking, un des livres sacrés des Chinois, qui renferme les fondements de leur ancienne histoire. Révu et corrigé par M. de Guignes. Paris, 1770, 4to.

1st part, Yü-chong, translated into German, as. Magaz., I, p. 455-477.

187 AMIOT, P., Eloge de la ville de Moukden et de ses environs, poëme composé par Kien-long, empereur de la Chine. Paris, 1770, 8vo.


See Mém. conc., IX, p. 2; Klaproth, Mém. rel. à l'Asie, III, p. 48.

Art militaire des Chinois, ou recueil d'anciens traités sur la guerre, révu et publié par M. de Guignes. Paris, 1772, 4to.; 2nd edition, 1782; also in Mém. conc., VII and VIII, p. 327.

See Wylie's notes, p. 72, 73.

189 CIBOT, Ta-hsio and Tshung-yung, translated into French, Mém. conc., I, p. 436, 459, 1776.

190 MAILLA, J. A. M. DE, Histoire générale de la Chine ou annales de cet empire, traduites du Tongkien-kang-mou, publiées par M. l'abbé Grosier. Paris, 1777, 12 vols., 4to.

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