Imágenes de páginas

French by C. O. d'Ochoa. Paris, 1840. 4550 GERARD, A., Narrative of a journey from Soobathoo to Chipke, J. As. Soc. of Bengal, XI.

4551 GUETZLAFF, K., Description of Tibet from native books, Ch. Rep., IX, p. 26.


Tibet and Sifan, Journ. Geo. Soc., XX,

p. 2, 1850.

4553 VIGNE, G. T., Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo, the countries adjoining the mountain course of the Indus and the Himalaya, north of the Punjab. London, 1842, 2 vols., 8vo., plates.

4554 NEUMANN, K., Tübet. Ausland, 1846.


PAVIE, T., Le Thibet et les études tibétaines, Revue de deux Mond., N. S., XIX, 1847.

4556 CAMPBELL, Itinerary from Phasi in Tibet to Lassa, Journ. Geogr. Soc., April 1848.

4557 CUNNINGHAM, Notes on Tibet, Journ. As. Soc. of Bengal, 1848.

4558 STRACHEY, H., Narrative of a journey to the lakes Cholagan and Cho-mapan in Tubet 1846. Calcutta, 1849.

4559 VEUILLOT, E., Le Thibet et les missions françaisés dans la Haute Asie, Rev. de deux Mond., VI, 1850.

German in "Ausland," 1850.

4560 PRINSEP, H. T., Tibet, Tartary and Mongolia. London, 1851, 8vo.

4561 SCHOBEL, T. R., Tibet and India beyond the Ganges. London, 8vo., plates.

4562 THOMSON, T. D., Western Himalaya and Tibet. London, 1852, 8vo., map.

4563 HILARION, Relations of China to Tibet, Russ. Eccl. Miss. Peking, I, 1853 (in Russian).

German in Abel und Meklenburg, Arbeiteu

der Russ. Gesandtsch. zu Peking, I, 1858 (No. 882.)

4564 KRICK, Relation d'un voyage au Thibet en 1852, et d'un voyage chez les Abors en 1853 suivie de

quelques documents de Renou et Latry. Paris, 1854, 12mo.

4565 FOUCAUX, P. E., Le Thibet oriental, Rev. de l'Or., August 1856, p. 113-135; German in

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4566 SCHLAGINWEIT-SAKUENLUENSKI, H. von, Klimatologische Bilder aus Indien und Hochasien. "Ausland," 1865, No. 43.


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Ueber die mittlere Temperatur des Jahres und den allgemeinen Character der Isothermen in Indien und Hochasien, Monatsb. K. preuss. Ak. d. Wiss. 1865, August.

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Die thermischen Verhältnisse der tiefsten Gletscherenden im Himalaya und in Tibet. Ber. K. Bayr. Ak. d. Wiss. München, 1866, p. 290. Vergleich hydrographischer Daten aus dem Oestlichen Tibet. "Ausland," 1871, No. 38. Zur Fauna im Salzseegebiete des westlichen Tibet; ibid, 1871, p. 1006, 1031, 1055. Die Salzseen des westlichen Tibet nebst allgemeiner topographischer Erläuterung Hochasiens. 2. Jahres b. d. geogr. Ges. München, 1872; p. 21-40.

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4572 SCHAGINWEIT, E., Neustes aus dem östlichen "Ausland," 1866, No. 42, 43.




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Die Könige von Tibet, Abh. Bayr. Akad., X. München, 1866.

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Die deutsche Herrnhuter Mission in Tibet, "Globus," XIX, 1871, p. 335.

4575 BENNET, A., Rough notes of a visit to Daba in Tibet, Aug. 1865, Proc. R. Geogr. Soc. London, 1866, X, p. 165.


See Zeitschr. Ges. f. Erdk. Berlin, 1866, p. 447.

CHEETHAM, J. F., The Tibetan route from Simla to Srinagar, Alp. Journ., III, 1867, p. 118.

4577 SMITH, H. U., A trip to Thibet, Kylas, etc., Proc. R. Geo. Soc., XI, 1867, p. 119.

4578 MONTGOMERIE, T. G., Report on the Trans Himalayan explorations during 1865-67, Dohra Doon, 1868, 4to.; also Journ R. Geo. Soc., XXXIX, 1869, p. 146-187.



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Route survey from Brit. India into Great Tibet made by a Pundit; ibid, 1868, map.

German in Peterm. Geo. Mitth., 1868, map.

Report on the Trans Himalayan explorations made in 1868, Proc. R. Geo. Soc., XIV, p. 207.

4581 STEWART, J. L., Notes of a botanical tour in western Tibet, Transact. Edinb. Bot. Soc., X, 1868-69.

4582 KINLOCH, A., Large game shooting in Tibet and the North West, containing description of country and of the various animals to be found, together with extracts from a journal of several years shooting. London, 1869, 4to.

4583 COOPER, T. J., On the course of the Tsan ро and Jrawaddy and on Tibet, Proc. R. G. S., XIII, 1869, p. 392 ss., map.

4583a MAYERS, W. F., Illustrations of the Lamaist system in Tibet, drawn from Chinese sources, J. R.

A. S., new series, Vol. IV; also London, 1869, 8vo., 24 pp.

4584 Extraits de lettres de M. A. Desgodius missionaire apost. au Tibet, Bull. Soc. Géogr. Paris, 1869, p. 317 ss.; 1870, p. 227 ss; 1872, Oct., Nov. 4585 GREGORY, J., Account of an attempt by a native envoy to reach the catholic missionaries of Tibet, Proc. R. Geogr. Soc., XIV, 1870, p. 214.

4586 CAMPBELL, A., Notes on Eastern Tibet, "Phoenix," I, p. 83, 107, 142.

4587 The Moravian Mission in Tibet; ibid, II, p. 170. 4587a HORNE, C., On the methods of disposing of the dead at Llassa, Thibet. J. R. A. S., Vol. VI.

4588 DESGODINS, A., La mission du Thibet de 1855 à 1870. Paris, 1872, 8vo., map.

4589 Zur Naturgeschichte des östlichen Tibets, "Globus," XXI, 1872, p. 332.

4590 Versuche zur Eröffnung Tibets; ibid, XXIV, 1873, p. 206.

4591 The discovery of the lake Tengrinor, Geogr. Mag., 1875, p. 41-44; also "Ausland," 1875, No. 22; "Globus," XXVII, 1875, No. 16.

4592 MARKHAM, C. R., Travels in Great Tibet and trade between Tibet and Bengal, Proc. R. Geo. Soc., XIX, 1875, p. 327-347; also Geo. Mag., 1875, p. 129-135.


, The narratives of the mission of George Bogle, B. C. S. to the Teshu Lama and of the Journey of Thomas Manning to Lhasa. London, 1876, 8vo., maps, illustr.

4594 Aus Nepal und Tibet. Ausland, 1876, No. 5, p. 91-93.

e. Corea and Liukiu.

4595 HAMEL van GORCUM, H., Journael van de ongelukige Voyagie von t'Jacht de Sperwer gedestineert na Tayovan in t'jaar 1653, hoc t'selve Jacht op t'Quilpaarts Eyland is gestrant: als made een pertinente beschryvinger der Landen, Provintien, Staten ende Forten leggende in t'Coningryk Coree. (Journal of the unhappy voyage of the Yacht" The Hawk" destined to Formosa, how the same Yacht was stranded to Quilpaart's Island, with a pertinent description of the countries, provinces, towns and forts situated in the Kingdom of Corea). Rotterdam, 1668, 4to.

French Paris, 1670, 12mo.; also in Rec. des voy. au nord, IV, 1718 (No. 1457.) 4596 Wahrhaftige Beschreibung dreier mächtigen Königreiche Japan, Siam und Korea. Nürnberg, 1672,8vo. 4597 GAUBIL, Sur les isles que les Chinois appellent isles de Lieou Kieou, Lettr. éd., XXVIII, p. 355; Nouv. Ed., XXIII, p. 182-246.

4598 Nachrichten von der Halbinsel Corea in Asien. Wiss. von Literat. und Volk, 1796, No. X.

4599 Corée, Nouv. Lettr. Edif., V, p. 259-345.

4600 LEOD, J. M., Narrative of a voyage in H. M. S. "Alceste" to Corea, Lewchew, etc.

1817, 8vo.


4601 HALL, B., Account of a voyage of discovery to the west coast of Corea and the Great Loochoo island. London, 1818, 4to.

German in Weimar. Bibl. d. neuest. Reisebeschr., II, p. 19.

4602 KLAPROTH, J., Aperçu général des Trois Royaumes Corée, Loutchou, Yéso. Paris, 1832, 8vo. (with a Corean Vocabulary.)

4603 SIEBOLD, Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan. Leiden, 1832, fol.

Pt. VII contains notes on Corea by J. J.

4604 Missions en Corée, Ann. de la Prop. de la Foi, 1839. See Chin. Rep., VIII, 1839, p. 567.

4605 ANDRÉ KIMAI KIM, Voyage à la Mandchourie et en Corée, Ann. de la Prop. de la Foi, 1847.

4606 Carte de Corée, d'après l'original dressé en 1840 par André Kim et apporté par M. Montigny, reduit par V. A. Malte Brun. Paris, 1844.

4607 BELCHER, Sir E., Narrative of the voyage of H. M.S. "Samarang" to Corea. London, 1848, 2 vols., 8vo.

4608 ROCHE-PONCIE, J. de la, Carte de la presqu'ile de Corée. Paris, 1848.

4609 SMITH, G., Lewchew and the Lewchewans. London, 1853, 8vo.

4610 The reports of the Loochoo Mission society. London, 1853, 8vo.

4611 Bericht eines Chinesen über die Liukininseln. Neumann's Zeitschr. f. allg. Erdk., I, 1856, p. 262. 4612 RICHARDS, J., Notes on some places visited during a surveying expedition round the cost of Japan

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