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undergo a licensure examination to be given by the Board, subject to compliance the requirements prescribed by the Commission.

SEC. 13. Qualification of Applicants. - An applicant for the licensure examination for respiratory therapists shall establish to the satisfaction of the Boards that:

a. He/ She is a citizen of the Philippines, or if he/she is a foreigner, must prove that the country of which he/she is a subject or citizen permits Filipino respiratory therapists to practice within its territorial jurisdiction on the same basis as the subjects or citizens of such country;

b. He/ She has completed at least ten (10) months of internship equivalent to a minimum of one thousand five hundred (1500) hours of respiratory therapy clinic internship under the supervision of a competent, duly qualified and registered respiratory therapist;

c. He/ She is a graduate of a Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy degree from a school, college or university in the Philippines or abroad recognized and accredited by the CHED;

d. He/ She is of good moral character;


e. He/ She must not have been convicted by a competent court of an offense involving moral turpitude.

SEC. 13-A. Documentary Requirements for Licensure Examination.-All applications shall be filed at the Application Division. The qualified examinees hall be issued with Notices of Admission to take such examination upon submission if the following documents:

SEC. 13-A. Documentary Requirements for Licensure Examination.-All applications shall be filed at the Application Division. The qualified examinees shall be issued with Notices of Admission to take such examination upon submission of the following documents:

1. Original and photocopy of Certificate of Live Birth in NSO security paper in case of Filipino citizen; or in case of a foreign citizen, a copy of the law of the country or state which permits Filipino Respiratory Therapists to practice on the same basis as its subjects or citizens, duly authenticated by the Philippine embassy or consulate therein;

2. Marriage Contract in NSO security paper of married female applicants;

3. Original and photocopy of transcript of records (with) scanned picture), indicating the Special Order (S.O.) number; and where the school is exempted from the issuance of an S.O., a Certificated of Authentication and Validation (CAV) from the CHED;

4. Certificate of Completion of Internship issued by the school registrar indicating that the applicant has completed at least ten (10) months of internship equivalent to a minimum of 1,500 hours of respiratory therapy clinical internship under the registered respiratory therapist;

5. Original and photocopy of NBI Clearance;

6. Three (3) certificates of good moral character preferably from school, employer, church, or barangay captain, duly signed by the issuing authority and notarized under oath;

7. Two (2) colored passport sized pictures with white background and complete name tag;

8. Community Tax Certificate.

SEC. 14. Scope of Examination. -The licensure examination for respiratory therapists shall cover the following subjects:

(a) Patient Assessment and Electrocar-

(b) Cardio-pulmonary Pathophysiology;
(c) Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory

(d) Mechanical Ventilation;

(e) Acid-Base Physiology and Blood Gas Interpretation;

(f) Airway Care and Management;

(g) Pulmonary Function Testing;
(h) Pulmonary Rehabilitation; and

(i) Oxygen Therapy.

The Board, subject to the approval of the Commission, may revise or exclude any of the subjects or add new ones as the need arises.

SEC. 15. Ratings in the Examination. To be qualified as having passed the licensure examination for respiratory therapists, a candidate must have obtained a general average of seventy-five percent (75%) with no grade lower than sixty percent (60%) in any given subject.

b. A Bachelor of Science degree in allied
health professions with at least (10)
years of cumulative work experience
in the practice of respiratory therapy.
For purposes of R.A No. 10024, allied
health courses shall mean Bachelor
of Science in Medical Technology,
Physical Therapy,
Psychology, Biology, Zoology and

c. Non-degree courses such as the
Certificate in Respiratory Therapy,
Certificate in Pulmonary Therapy,
Associate in Respiratory Therapy,
Associate in Pulmonary Therapy, with
at least fifteen (15) years of
cumulative work experience in the

practice of respiratory therapy;

SEC. 18. Documentary Requirements for Application for Registration Without Examination.-An applicant for registration without examination shall submit the

SEC. 16. Report of Ratings. - The Board following documents on or before May 21,

shall submit to the Commission the ratings obtained by each candidate within ten (10) calendar days after examination, unless extended for a just cause.

SEC. 17. Registration Without Examination as Respiratory Therapists. -A person who possesses the pertinent qualifications required for admission in the examination for registration as respiratory therapist pursuant to the provisions of L.A. No. 10024 may be registered without examination provided the applicant files with the Board within two (2) years after its creation or until May 21, 2014, an application for registration and issuance of a certificate of registration and professional identification card by submitting credentials showing that the applicant, before the effectivity of R.A. No. 10024 on May 26, 2010, had obtained any of the following.

a. A Bachelor of Science degree in Respiratory Therapy with at least ten (10) years of cumulative work experience in the practice of respiratory therapy;


a. Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate in NSO security paper;

b. Original and photocopy of Marriage Contract in NSO security paper for married females;

c. Original and photocopy of Transcript of Records (with scanned picture), indicating the Special Order (S.O.) number; and where the school is exempted from the issuance of an S.O., a Certificate Authentication and Validation (CAV) from the CHED;

d. Original and photocopy of NBI Clearance;

e. Original Ombudsman Clearance (for government employee)

f. Three (3) certificates of good moral character preferably from school, employer, church or barangay captain, duly signed by the issuing authority and duly notarized under oath;

g. Two (2) colored passport sized pictures with white background and complete name tag; and

h. Community Tax Certificate.

i. Certificate of Employment, Service Record, and Job Description:

i.1 For Academic practitioners:

i.1.1 Certificate of Employment and
Service Record duly signed
under oath and sealed by the
Human Resources Department;

i.1.2 Certification of subjects taught
in the last 10 years duly signed
under oath and sealed by the
Dean of the college, or his/her
equivalent, and the School's

1.2 Clinical Practitioners:

required to take an oath of profession before any member of the Board or any government official authorized by the Commission to administer oaths, prior to entering into the practice of Respiratory Therapy in the Philippines.

SEC. 20. Issuance of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card. The Commission, upon recommendation of the Board, shall issue a certificate of registration and professional identification card to examinees who passed the licensure examination for respiratory therapists and to qualified applicants for registration without examination subject to payment of fees prescribed by the Commission. The certificate of registration shall bear the signature of the Chairperson of the Commission and the members of the Board, stamped with the official seal of the Commission and of the Board, indicating that the person named therein is entitled to practice the profession with all the privileges appurtenant thereto. This certificate of

i.2.1 Certificate of Employment and
Service Record duly signed registration shall remain in full force and
under oath and sealed by the
Human Resources Department
and Medical Director; and

1.2.2 Copy Job Description duly
signed under oath and sealed
by the Human Resources

i.3 For Home Care Clinical Practitioners:
1.3.1 Certificate of Employment and
Service Record duly signed
under oath and sealed by the
Human Resources Department
and the General Manager (or
his/her equivalent).

i.3.2 Copy Job Description duly
signed under oath and sealed
by the Human Resources
Department and the General
Manager (or his/her equivalent).

SEC. 19. Oath of Respiratory Therapists. All successful examinees qualified for registration and all qualified applicants for registration without examination shall be

effect until revoked or suspended in accordance with R.A. No. 10024.

A professional identification card bearing the registration number date of issuance, and expiry date, duly signed by the Chairperson of the Commission shall likewise be issued to every registrant who has paid the prescribed fee. The card shall be renewable every three (3) years.

SEC. 21. Refusal to Register.-The Board shall not register any successful examinee who has been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude or has been found guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct after investigation by the Board, or has been declared to be of unsound mind. The reason for refusal shall be set forth in writing.

SEC. 22. Indication of Certificate of Registration and Professional Tax Receipt. - The respiratory therapist shall be required to indicate his/her registration and professional identification card number, the date of its issuance and duration of validity,

and the professional tax receipt (PTR) on each official document signed or issued in connection with the practice of the profession.

SEC. 23. Professional Suffix. -the letters “RTRP”, which stands for Respiratory Therapists Registered in the Philippines, shall be added to the name of the respiratory therapist who has registered in the roll of professionals, especially when signing documents pertinent to the practice of his/her profession.

SEC. 24. Revocation of Suspension of the Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card and Cancellation of Special Permit. -The Board may, after proper notice and hearing, revoke the practitioner's certificate of registration and professional identification card or suspend him/her from the practice of his/her profession or cancel his/her special permit for any of the causes or grounds under Section 20, Article III of R.A. No. 10024 or Section 21, Rule III of this IRR, or for any unprofessional or unethical conduct, malpractice, violation of any other provisions of R.A. No. 10024, this IRR, and the Code of Ethics and Standards for Respiratory Therapists

SEC. 25. Reinstatement, Reissuance or Replacement of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card and Temporary/Special Permit. -Two (2) years after the date of revocation, the Board may, upon application and for reasons deemed proper and sufficient reinstate any revoked certificate of registration and reissue a professional identification card, and may, in its discretion, exempt the applicant from taking another examination. The Board shall issue a resolution subject to approval by the Commission for the reinstatement of the concerned professional to the practice of Respiratory Therapy.

A new certificate of registration or temporary/special permit, to replace lost, destroyed or mutilated ones may be issued subject to the rules as implemented by the Board.

SEC. 26 Roster of Respiratory Therapists. - The Board shall prepare, update and maintain a roaster of respiratory therapists which shall contain the name of each registered respiratory therapist, his/ her residence and office addresses, the date of registration and issuance of certificates, and other data which the Board may deem pertinent. The roster shall open to the public, copies of which shall be mailed to each person listed therein.

SEC. 27. Issuance of Special/Temporary Permit.-A special/temporary permit may be issued by the Board to the following persons, subject to the approval of the Commission and payment of the fees it prescribed for the purpose:

a. A foreign respiratory therapist called for consultation or for a specific purpose which, in the judgment of the Board, is essential for the development of the profession; Provided, That his/her practice shall be limited only for the particular work that he/she is being engaged; Provided, Further, That there is no Filipino respiratory therapist qualified for such consultation or specific purpose;

b. A foreign respiratory therapist engaged as professor, lecturer or critic in fields essential to respiratory therapy education in the Philippines and his/her engagement is confined to teaching only; and

c. A foreign respiratory therapist who is an internationally recognized expert or with specialization in any branch of respiratory therapy and his/her service is essential for the advancement of respiratory therapy in the Philippines.

The permit shall, among other things, include these limitations and conditions: a validity period of not more than one (1) year subject to renewal; the branch or specialty of respiratory therapy; and the specific place of practice such as clinic, hospital, center, school/ college/ university offering the

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i. Assists in the technical and initial evaluation of polysomnography studies;

j. Assists in the performance of bronchoscopy procedures;

k. Participates in research programs and studies for the advancement of the field of respiratory therapy;

I. Teaches, lectures, and reviews subject given in the licensure examination;

SEC. 29. Prohibition on the Practice of Respiratory Therapy. -Unless an individual has satisfactorily passed the licensure examination given by the Board, except as otherwise provided in R.A. No. 10024, and is a holder of a valid certificate of registration and a valid temporary/special permit duly issued to him/her by the Board and Commission, he/she shall not:

a) Practice or offer to practice respiratory therapy in the Philippines or offer himself/herself as a respiratory therapist; or

b) Use the title, word, letter, figure, or any sign tending to convey the impression that he/she is a respiratory therapist; or

c) Advertise or indicate in any manner whatsoever that he/she is qualified to perform the work of a respiratory therapist.

SEC. 30.Prohibited Acts. - No person shall:

a. Engage in the practice of respiratory therapy by representing himself/ herself as a respiratory therapist without a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional identification card or a valid temporary/special permit granted by the Board pursuant to R.A. No. 10024 and this IRR; or

b. Represent himself/herself as a respiratory therapist during the time that his/her certificate of registration and/or professional identification card is not valid or has been suspended or revoked, or that his/her temporary/ special permit is cancelled;

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