Imágenes de páginas

riah Cox, Esq. Captain of 23d Lancers, to Louisa Frances, youngest daughter of the late Tho. Waleston, Esq. of Walton-hall, co. York.-22. Thomas Stamford Raffles, Esq. of Berner's-street, to Sophia, daughter of James Watson Hull, Esq. late of Great Baddow.-27. George Ulric Barlow, Esq. eldest son of Sir George Barlow, Bart. G.C.B. to Hilare, third daughter of Sir R. Barlow. March 5. At Albury-vale, Surrey, Jas. Simpson, Esq. advocate, to Eliza, second daughter of the late Jonas Maldin, Esq. of Putney.


Jan. 1. At Berlin, the celebrated chemist Klaproth, in the 71st year of his age. -2. At Foveran-house, Andrew Robertson, Esq. of Foveran, aged 86. In his 66th year, Sir Martin Stapylton, Bart. of Mytonhall, county of York.-4. In the 77th year of his age, Sir Arthur Owen, Bart. He is succeeded in his title by his nephew, William Owen, of the Temple, barrister-at-law. -8. At Hainfield, in Styria, Godfrey Winceslaus, Count of Purgstall, &c. only son of the late Winceslaus, Count of Purgstall, &c. and of Jane Anne, second daughter of the late Hon. George Cranston.-9. At Wells, Tho. Clark, Esq. of Westholme-house. He was descended from a branch of the ancient and well-known family of his name of Pen nicuick, near Edinburgh.-10. At West Ham, Essex, George Anderson, Esq. F.L.S. son of the late Dr James Anderson, author of Essays on Agriculture, The Bee, and other works. At St Andrews, Rev. Dr Robertson, professor of oriental languages. -11. At Edinburgh, Mr Moss, long the dramatic favourite of the Edinburgh public, and well known for the excellence with which he pourtrayed Lingo, and many other characters of the same stamp.-14. At Clif. ton, Lady Miller, widow of the late Sir Thomas Miller of Glenlee, Bart.-15. At Dundee, Charles Craig, weaver, at the advanced age of 108.-20. At Edinburgh, General Drummond of Strathallan. 21. At Johannisberg, aged 76, the Prince Hohenloe-Waldenberg-Bartenstein, Bishop of Breslau.-23. At Turin, the Count de Barruel-Bauvert. He was one of the hostages for Louis XVI.-24. At Warsaw, General Bronickowski, who commanded the Polish legion of the Vistula, in France. 26. In Grosvenor-place, Caroline, Dowager Countess of Buckinghamshire.-28. Lieut. Col. Norris, of the engineers in the East India Company's service. Lieut. Col. Finlayson. -Lately at Aron, Galway, in his 120th year, Mr Dirrane. He retained his faculties to the last, could read without spectacles, and till within the last three or four years, would walk some miles a-day.

Feb. 2.-At Seagrove, near Leith, Dame Jane Hunter Blair, widow of the late Sir James Hunter Blair of Dunskey and Robertland; Bart.-Aged 85, General Carleton,

colonel of the 2d battalion 60th foot, and great uncle to the present Lord Dorchester. -3. Sir Isaac Pennington, Knt. M.D. Regius professor of physic, Cambridge.-4. Mrs Christiana Howell, in her 107th year. She was sister to the late Colonel Monro of the royal marines.-6. The Right Hon. Lady Glenbervie.-7. At the Jews' Hospital, Mile-end, aged 104, Henry Cohen. He was taken ill in the morning, and expired in the evening, retaining his faculties to the last.8. At Pisa, Francis Horner, Esq. M.P. (See our first article.)-In her 89th year, the Dowager Lady Carew.-11. Aged 82, Sir John Palmer, Bart.-14. At Marseilles, Lieut.-Gen. the Hon. Sir John Abercromby, G.C.B. and Member of Parliament for the county of Clackmannan. At her hotel, in Paris, aged 85, the Countess of Coislin, formerly one of the attendants on the Queen of Louis XV. and grand-aunt of the duchess of Pia of Bavaria.-15. At Edinburgh, Lady Miller, wife of Sir William Miller of Glenlee, Bart.-17. Aged 80, Rear-Admiral Alexander Edgar. He was the last male descendant of the Edgars of Wedderlie, in Berwickshire, one of the oldest families in Scotland, as appears by deeds as far back as 1170. -19. At Edinburgh, the Lady of Sir Alexander Don of Newton-Don, Bart. M.P.21. At Stirling, the Rev. John Russel, one of the ministers of that town, in the 44th year of his ministry. - At Little Dunkeld, Perthshire, aged 102, Mr J. Borrie.-23. The Right Hon. Lady Amelia Leslie, second daughter of the late Earl of Rothes.-24. Lady Henrietta Cecilia Johnstone. Lately, at Rudding Park, in her 83d year, the Dowager Countess of Aberdeen. At Cammaes, in the parish of Llanhadrick, Anglesea, aged 105, Mary Zebulon. At Trawnstynydd, county of Merioneth, aged 110, Edmund Morgan, being, as it is believed, the oldest inhabitant of Wales. He retained his faculties to the hour of his death. At Eglinton Castle, aged 74, Eleonora, Countess of Eglinton. The ci-devant Prince Primate of the Rhine, and Grand-duke of Frankfort.

March 2.-At Brighton, in her 74th year, Theodosia, Countess of Clanwilliam. Her ladyship was lineally descended from the illustrious Earl of Clarendon.-3. At Edinburgh, Major-Gen. William Lockhart, late of the 30th regiment.-5. At Gilcomston, Aberdeenshire, aged 101, John MacBain. He was present at the battle of Culloden, and was attached to the corps brought into the field by Lady M'Intosh.-9. In Bolton-row, in her 75th year, Jane, Countess of Uxbridge, mother of the present Marquis of Anglesea.-12. In his 84th year, G. P. Towry, Esq. commissioner of the Victualling-office, father of Lady Ellenborough.13. Sir William Innes, Bart. of Balvenie, at the age of about 100 years. The title is now extinct.-15. At the encampment at Honniton, Mrs Boswill, sister to the Queen of the Gypsies. She was interred with great pomp.

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Remarks on Greek Tragedy, No II.
(Æschyli Chæphori-Sophocles Elec-
tra ~~~~~~~~~~~147
Shakspeare Club of Alloa
Notices concerning the Scottish Gypsies


Memorie of the Somervilles .....................162

ANTIQUARIAN REPERTORY. Letter from James IV. to the King of Denmark, in Favour of Anthony Gawino, Earl of Little Egypt, &c.

Island of Barbadoes.
Anecdotes of Antiquaries~~~~~~~~~~~136
Chemical Process of Combustion 138
On the Original of Milton's Satan
White's New Invented Horizon142

Tales and Anecdotes of the Pastoral Life,
No II.

Duchess of Angouleme's Journal172
Ricardo on the Principles of Political
Economy and Taxation
Bingley's Useful Knowledge


Encyclopædia Britannica-Supplement,
Vol. II. Part I...

Edinburgh Encyclopædia, Vol. XI.







(continued).................................154 MONTHLY LIST OF NEW PUBLICA






Part I.


[blocks in formation]



Commercial Report


Act of the Lords of Council, respecting
John Faw, &c. 1541

Agricultural Report 224


Meteorological Report


Confessions of Witchcraft, 1623 ib.

Births, Marriages, and Deaths227



To whom Communications (post paid) may be addressed.


[OLIVER & BOYD, Printers, Edinburgh.1


THE curious "Antiquarian Notices," by the learned author of the article "On the Nature of the Office of Mareschal," and the letter relating to the compilation of a Gaelic Dictionary, will appear in our next.

The articles-" On the Utility of studying the Ancient and Foreign Languages"-" On the Origin of Whig and Tory"-" On the Detrition of Mountains, &c."-and the Review of a recent elegant Poem, transmitted by A. D. -are under consideration.

The Review of Dr Irving's Life of Buchanan has been unavoidably postponed.

The continuation of the "Memorandums of a View-Hunter," and the Letter relating to the proposed New Translation of the Psalms, were too late for insertion.

The obliging 'Hints' from N's, and the Additional Communications from ' Strila,' and from "An unknown Friend," have been duly received:-Also, several Gypsey Notices, which will be carefully attended to in our next.

The paper on 'Craniology,' by 'Peter Candid,' would have appeared in our present Number if it had not contained some improper personal allusions. The "Memoirs of the House of Graham," in the shape in which they have been sent us, have nothing more to recommend them than the good intentions of the author.

The paper under the title of "Irish Literature," which announces the intended early publication of an "Irish-English Dictionary," in one volume quarto, by Edward O'Reilly," was omitted to be noticed in another place. From the same quarter we have received some extracts from a new work, of which the object seems to be to prove an affinity between the Hebrew and Irish languages; but we know not well what to make of them, and our correspondent has not condescended to assist us.



No II.]

MAY 1817.

[VOL. I.



THE learned Selden has traced the etymology of MARSHAL under all its variations of Mariscaldus, Marscaldus, and Marscalcus, from the Teutonic " schalk," a servant, and "maere,'


horse, or rather a mare-the mare, it seems, being always the better horse*, and therefore very properly used generically to designate the speciesadding, that the term strictly describes a person who busied himself about horses and the manege.

This popular derivation is, in some degree, countenanced by the epithet having been applied to innkeepers, grooms, farriers, and horse-doctors, as is proved by sundry passages from Becanust, the capitularies of Charlemagne, and other authorities. It is, however, at the same time, evinced to have very early received other significations, having no reference either to the above quadrupeds or to their attendants.

Marshal notoriously denoted a civil officer whose jurisdiction lay alone within the state rooms of a palace"marechal de palais"-an adept in the ceremonies and forms of court. etiquette; and, at the same time, any superior domestic servant or steward, in which last sense it is used in this passage from Barbour:

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" He callit his marschall till him tyt,
And bad him luke on all maner ;
That he ma till his gem gud cher;
For he wald in his chambre be,
A weill gret quhile in private."


Edward the Second's valet is called "marescallus aule regis." It was indiscriminately given to stewards of bishops and abbots, governors of jails and prisons, § and officers attending upon courts of law, || &c. &c.

These were not unfrequently deputies of the hereditary marshal of the kingdom, but most commonly they were "servientes," or functionaries of rather a higher order.

There was also an old English office, of a singular import to modern ears, held heritably by grand sergeantry, and attached to a manor, marescallus de meretricibus in hospitio regis."

An ancient roll of Edward the Third indicates, that " Johannes de Warblynton, filius et hæres Thomæ de Warblyntone, fecit finem cum rege, &c. quod dictus Thomas tenuit ma

* Quoted by Dr Jamieson under this word. Vid. also Du Cange, voce Marescallus.

+ "Rex concessit valetto Galfrido de Mildenhall, marescallo aule regis, unum messuagium-in Bredon." (17 Ed. II. Abbreviat. Rot. Orig. Scaccar.)

‡ "Marescallus Episcopi," " Marescallus Abbatis," with their explanations. Du Cange.

§ Marescallus Banci Regis," in statuto Edwardi III. ar. 5, c. 8. Cui pottissimum incarceratorum incumbebat. Inde " Mareschalcia," dictus ipse carcer Londoniensis.

॥ "Marescallus Curiæ," in Bulla Aurea Caroli IV. Imper. cap. 27. Ib.


nerium de Shirefield, tanquam marescallus de meretricibus in hospitio regis."*

Such an establishment was then an ordinary appendage of court etiquette; it was as indispensable as a foreign orchestra, or a regiment of grenadiers, to any German prince and their imitators in our own times.

His most Christian Majesty, however, was not so very Turkish as to permit the superintendence to one of his own sex, as we find from the royal expenditure of his household at the commencement of the sixteenth century.t

"A Olive Sainte, dame des filles de joye suivant la cour du roy, 90 livres par lettres données a Watteville le 12. May 1535, pour lui aider, et auxdites filles a vivre et supporter les depenses qu'il leur convient faire a suivre ordinairement la cour. Alius, an. 1539.A Cecile Viefville, dame des filles de joye suivant la cour, 90 livres, par lettres du 6. Janv. 1538, tant pour elle, que pour les autres femmes, et filles de sa vacation, a departir entr'elles pour leur droit, du 1. jour de May dernier passé, qui etoit dû a cause du bouquet qu'elles presenterent au roy ledit jour, que pour leurs estrains, du 1. Janvier; ainsi qu'il est accoustume de faire de tout temps. Eadem occurrunt annis 1540, 41, 42, 44, 46."

The old adage in papal times, "Judæi vel meretrices," was not always equally vilifying. Carpentier remarks, "Quæ (se. meretrices) hic uti infames habentur, de comitatu regio fuerunt, pensionibus etiam donisque dotatæ."§

* It is noticed in Borthwick's Remarks on British Antiquities, but more fully in Madoxe's Baronia Anglica, p. 242, note, where the office is proved to have existed as far back as the time of Henry II.

+ Comput. ærarii Reg. ap. Carpentier, voce. Meretricialis, Vestis.

Hence the origin of courtezan, now only used in a restricted and bad sense.

§ Selden, quoth Lord Lyttelton, (Life of Henry II. vol. iv. p. 50), would not have admitted among the grand sergeantries Warblington's office, "of the meanest and most dishonourable nature; and he is angry with Madox for having so classed it! This is a good illustration of Chalmer's remark, (Cal. vol. i. 626), that this lord's "notions and language are altogether modern." Independently of other consideratio be stated, that Blount, in his Tenures, has quoted an old deed, where it is expressly said to be held by " grand serjeantry."

The said John Warblington must have been as versatile and expansive as Mercury; for he not only performed the more familiar duties of this delicate charge, but also the high legal office of coroner within the liberties of the palace-was clerk of the market to the household, or purveyor-general thereof-broke condemned felons upon the wheel-exercised the duties of a gauger, and enforced the observance of hisself-regulated standard of weights and measures.*

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The etymology, then, of the excellent Selden would appear not to be altogether conclusive; and Wachtert would seem to be more fortunate, in seducing the term from "mer, mar, major vel princeps, and schalk, as before, a servant, i. e. officer of any kind-thus making it to signify any considerable officer or superintendent, or, according to Jameson (who seems rather to incline to this deduction), upper servant, or steward-not necessarily of the crown alone; a much more extended signification, and one which accounts for the term having characterised so many various and heterogeneous employments.

I have forgot to allude to the more ordinary sense, indicative of high military command, either as exercised by the marshal of Scotland over the royal guards, previous to the union, or by field marshals, or marshals of armies, personages familiar to all. An office of a similar nature, -to compare small things with great, would appear formerly to have been common in the Highlands of Scotland, as we learn from the following amusing description in an ancient MS. History of the Name of Mackenzie, composed before the year 1667, by John Mackenzie of Applecross, extant in the Advocates' Library.

"Alexander M'Kenzie of Coull was a natural son of Collin, the 12 laird of Kintail, gotten wyt Marie M'Ken

* " Johannes de Warblington, coronator mariscalciæ ac clericus mercati hospitii regis ad placitum.

" Idem tenet in feodo serjantiam essendi marescalli meretricum in hospitio, et dismembrandi malefactores adjudicatos, et mensurandi galones et bussellos." Rot. Pat. 22, Ed. III.

Mer, Glossar. voc. Marescallus. "Marescalli-postea dicti, qui exercitibus, et copiis militaribus præerant." Du Cange.

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