ACCIDENT, dreadful one in a coal-pit, 546. Adam, the late Dr, letter of Dr Vincent respecting, 260.
Africa, failure of the expedition to the Con- go, 101. Unfavourable account of that to the Niger, 434. Its failure, 651. Agricultural Reports, 116, 224, 336, 447, 554, 665. Algiers, the plague raging there, 651. Alloa, Shakspeare club of, 152. Amber imbedded in limestone, 483.
Amelia Island seized by M'Gregor, an in-
America, United States of, speech of the President, and proceedings of the Con- gress, 99.-Speech of the new President, Mr Munro, 204.-Emigrations from Eu- rope to, 649.
South, vacillating state of the contest there, 100, 204. - Insurrection at Pernambuco, and revolution in Chili, 431. -Success of the insurgents in Caraccas, 533.
American Commissioners, their report on a steam vessel of war, 30.
Analytical Notices Of the Edinburgh Re- view, 81, 300.- The Quarterly Review, 83, 296.-Supplement to Encyclopædia Britannica, 180.-Edinburgh Encyclo- pædia, 186.
Angouleme, Duchess of, review of her jour- nal, 172.
Animal Magnetism, observations on, 563. Antiquarian Repertory, 65, 167, 398, 496, 621.
Antiquaries, anecdotes of, 136. Appointments, promotions, &c. 219, 330, 442, 549, 662. Aristus and Deinus, story of, 367. Armata, a review of, 78.
Army, British, strength of, in the colonies, 435.
Auchtermuchtie, wife of, a favourite old ballad, 87.
Australasia, maritime discoveries in, 493. Austria, account of a new religious sect there, 202.
Chalmers's Discourses, review of, 73. Chartulary of Kelso, extracts from, 496. Chepman, Walter, printer, documents re- lating to, 621.
Chili, successful revolution there, 431, 650. Chimney-sweepers, trial of one for murder- ing his apprentice, 547. China, failure of the British embassy to the court of, 205.- Statistical account of the empire, 433.
Clark, Lady Mary, anecdote by, of the Highlanders in 1745, 129.
Cleland, Colonel, extracts from his mock poem on the Highland Host, 69.-Some account of his life and poems, 608. Cobbett, Mr, leaves England for America, 217. His address to the public, 323. Coleman's Eccentricities for Edinburgh, re- view of, 417.
Colonial policy, observations on the British system of, 25. Combustion, chemical process of, 138. Commercial Reports, 113, 221, 333, 444, 551, 667.
Congo river, failure of the expedition sent to explore it, 101. Correspondence between Montrose, Queens- berry, and Graham of Claverhouse, 499. Cotton yarn, on the exportation of, 472. Craniad, The, or Spurzheim illustrated, a poem, review of, 280. Craniology, observations on the controversy on, 35.-Defence of Dr Spurzheim, 365.
Edgeworth's Harrington and Ormond, re- view of, 519, 631.
Edinburgh, on the proposed establishment of a Foundling Hospital there, 38.- Wernerian Society of, 231. Introduction to a medical report of, 266. On the diseases lately prevalent in, 394.-Inter- esting incident there, 661.- Juvenile depredations in, 662.
Egyptians, act of Privy Council anent some, 66.-Letter from James IV. to the King of Denmark, in favour of, 167. See Gypsies.
England, disturbances in, 545. Engraving on stone, the method of, 128.
Faustus, Dr, Marlow's tragical history of,
Faw, John, Lord of Litill Egipt, writ of the Privy Seal of Scotland in favour of, 65.-Act of the Lords of Council respect- ing 167.
Finances of Britain, 545.
Foreign Scenery and Manners, Sketches of, 251, 359, 487, 582. Foundling Hospital, on the proposed estab- lishment of one in Edinburgh, 38.
France, proceedings of the legislature of, 96.-Riot at a theatre in Paris, 199.- State of the military force, 200.-Income and expenditure of, 315.-Emigrations
from, to America, 428. The govern-
ment endeavours to conciliate the old
army, 647. Concordat between the Pope and the king of, ib. Execution of two English soldiers in, ib.
Isle of, dreadful fire there, 101.
Greeks, on the Sculpture of the, 9. Greek Tragedy, remarks on-Æschyli Pro- metheus, 39.- Æschyli Chœphori-So- phoclis Electra, 147.-Septem adversus Thebas Æschyli- Euripidis Phœnissæ, 352. Philoctetes Sophoclis, 593. Grenfell, Pascoe, review of his Speech re- specting the Bank of England, 408. Gypsies, Scottish, interesting notices con- cerning them, 43, 154, 615.-Anecdotes of Jean Gordon, 54, 161, 618.-Report concerning those of Roxburghshire, 156. -Notices respecting them in the Justi ciary Records, &c. 615.
Harold the Dauntless, a poem, review of,
Highland Society of London, meeting of, 217.
Highland Chief, sham epistle from a, 236. Highland Host, account of the, 68. Highlanders in 1745, anecdote of the, 129. Horizon, White's new invented one, 142. Horner, Francis, Esq. M.P. memoir of the late, 3.
Hospitals for the sick, on the origin of, 130. Hoyland, John, some remarks on his His- torical Survey, &c. 58. Answers to his queries regarding the Scottish Gypsies, 156.
Hutton, Life of, by his daughter, review of, 413.
Gaelic Dictionary, letter respecting the Kemble, J. P. observations on his Essay on
compilation of one, 256.
General Assembly, meeting of the, 438. Genius, original, observations on, 347. Germany, amount of the Austrian army, 98. Emigrations from, 317.-Prohibi- tion of Bible societies in Hungary, 429. Ghent, horrible catastrophe there, 200. Glasgow, alleged conspiracy in, developed in Parliament by the Lord Advocate, 108.-Arrests there for treasonable prac- tices, 213, 215.
Grahame, James, author of "The Sab. bath," memoir of, 596.
Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia visits Bri- tain, 216.
Macbeth and King Richard III. 455. King, The, interesting particulars concern- ing, 660.
Lalla Rookh, review of, 279, 503. Languages, ancient and foreign, on the
utility of studying, 567. Legislation, British, 218, 439. Leith, violent gale at, 214. Libel, trial for, 543. Life preserver, interesting experiments with a new one, 661. Lisbon, alarming conspiracy there, 428. Literary and Scientific Intelligence, 85, 189, 303, 418, 523, 636.
Macbeth, charter granted by him to the Cul- dees of Lochleven, 85. Mackenzie, Sir George, of Rosehaugh, ac- count of his MS. History of Scotland, 273.
Mareschal, on the nature and office of, 123. Marlow's Tragical History of Dr Faustus, remarks on, 388.
Marriages, 119, 227, 339, 450, 557, 670. Marshal, Billy, a gypsey chief, account of, 462.-Humorous story concerning, 618. Memorandums of a View-Hunter, 27. His observations at Dover, 28. - On Shak- speare's Cliff, 373.-Passage to Calais, 374.-Calais, 589.
Meteorological Tables, 118, 226, 338, 448, 556, 665.
Observations, 572. Milton's Satan, the original of, 140. Mineral Spring, account of one at Dun- blane, 485.
Mitchell, James, the blind and deaf boy, narrow escape of, from drowning 240. Modern Greece, a poem, review of, 515. Montrose, disfranchisement of the burgh of, 544.
Moore's Lalla Rookh, review of, 279, 503. Sacred Songs, review of, 630. Moorish Privateers in the North Sea, 437. Mount Blanc, account of a journey to the summit of, 59.
Mudge, Colonel, communication from him respecting the trigonometrical survey of Great Britain, 234.
Music, cursory remarks on, 343, 459. Musical Museum, Scots, account of, 377.
Patents lately enrolled, 440. Plants, on the vegetable power in the seeds of, 239.
Pernambuco, insurrection there, 431. - The rebels defeated and put down, 532. Pirates, a number of them executed at Con- stantinople, 649. Account of their ex- cesses in the Persian Gulf, 651. Poetical Epistles, review of, 626. Poetry, Original.- The Desolate Village, 70.-Italy, 71. - Verses on the final Vic- tory over the French, 72.-A last Adieu. -The Past-The Mossy Seat, 169.- A Night Scene-Lines written in Spring, 170. The Mermaid; from the German -Greece; from the French, 171.-Son- net to the Yew Tree - The Wreath- Song-The Burial of Sir John Moore, 277. The Moss Rose The two Graves, 278. The Captive Lark-Sonnets, &c. 404. The Lesson; from the German, 405.-Lines written in a Highland Glen -The Widowed Mother-On Domestic Happiness, 501.-Sonnets-On Friend- ship-On the Grave of a Child, 502.- On the Death of a Young Lady, 623.- Passage through the Desert-A Fairy Ballad, 624. To the Memory of a very Promising Child, 625.
Poland, military conscription in, 99.-Emi- grations from Scotland to, 543. Pompeii, on the researches at, 372. Poor, communication on the subject of their relief, 241.-Method of supplying them with soup at Geneva, 387. On the edu- cation of their children, 474.
Pope, The, issues a bull against bible socie- ties, 201. Concordat between him and the King of France, 647.--Authorises the King of Spain to levy a subsidy on the property of the church, 647.
Port-au-Prince, explosion of a magazine by lightning there, 651, Portugal, conspiracy in Lisbon discovered and defeated, 428. - Trial of the conspi- rators, 647.
Prince Regent, his speech on opening Par- liament, 102.-Attack upon his coach by a London mob, 111.-His Speech on proroguing Parliament, 655.
Printing Presses established in Constanti- nople, 649.
Printing Press, account of Mr Ruthven's new one, 125.
Printing, Scottish, documents relating to,
Prussia, the King of, visits Paris under the title of Count Ruppin, 647.
Public accounts, 441. Publications, list of new ones, 90, 196, 310, 424, 529, 643.
Quebec, numerous emigrants from Britain to, 650.
Review of Chalmers's Discourses, 73. Of Harold the Dauntless, a poem, 76.-Of Armata, a fragment, 78. - Of Stories for Children, 79.-Of the Duchess of Angou- leme's Journal, 172.-Of Ricardo on Po- litical Economy, 175.-Of Bingley's Use- ful Knowledge, 178.-Of Moore's Lalla Rookh, 279, 503.-Of Irving's Life of Buchanan, 286. Of the Craniad, a poem, 288. Of Lord Byron's Manfred, 289.- Of Grenfell's Speech, on the transactions with the Bank of England, 406. Of the Life of William Hutton, by his Daugh- ter, 413. Of a comparative view of the British and American Constitutions, 414. -Of the Bower of Spring, 415.-Of Coleman's Eccentricities for Edinburgh, 417. Of Stewart's Natural History, 510. -Of Modern Greece, a poem, 515.-Of Miss Edgeworth's Harrington and Or- mond, 519, 631. Of Poetical Epistles, 626. Of Moore's Sacred Songs, 630. Ricardo on Political Economy, review of, 175.
Robbery of the mail from Edinburgh to Stirling, 214.
Romance, fragment of a Literary, 382, 465, 573.
Russia, pacific policy of, 648. Ruthven, Mr, account of his new Printing Press, 125.
Scottish Songs, on the humour of our an- cient ones, 237.
Peer, election of one, 326. Sculpture, observations on that of the Greeks, 9.
Sedition, trials for, in Scotland, 324, 437. Shakspeare Club of Alloa, account of, 152. Shakspeare's Macbeth and Richard III. ob- servations on Kemble's Essay on, 455. Sketches of foreign scenery and manners, 251, 359, 487, 582.
Somervilles, Memorie of the Family of, 162 -Feuds between them and the Stewarts of Allanton, 350.
Somnolency, remarkable instance of, 61. Southcotte, Johanna, instances of fanaticism among her followers, 111, 213. Spain, riots in Valencia, 97.--Tyrannical measures of the king, 98. Conspiracy of General Lacy at Barcelona, 201.- Execution of Lacy, 531. Good under- standing betwixt and Russia, 647. Spring Guns, trials respecting, 328. Spurzheim, Dr, attack on his system, 35. -Defence of, 365.
Steam Frigate, account of the American one, 30.
Steam Boat, explosion of one at Norwich,
325. and at Richmond, 545. Stewart's Natural History, review of, 510.. Stewarts of Allanton, communication re- specting them, 349. Feuds between them and the Somervilles, 350.-Reply to the foregoing article, 476.-Curious inventory of the effects of Allan Stewart, 480.-Singular dedication of a fountain to his memory, ib.
Stories for Children, review of, 79. Strathearn, geological observations on, 587. Sugar Cane, observations on its culture in the United States, 25.
Sweden, plot to overturn the government of, 98.-Anti-commercial policy of, 317. -Its absurdity and inutility, 648. Switzerland, dreadful avalanche there, 202. -Tradition related by a monk in, 270. Damage by inundations, 532.-A tile manufactory set on fire by water, 648.
Tales and anecdotes of the pastoral life, 22, 143, 247.
Thermometer, on its use as a hygrometer, 381.
Thunder Storm, account of one in Lanark-
shire, 471.-In Edinburgh, 544.
Tradition related by a monk in Switzer- land, 270.
Treasons, trials for, 544.
Trigonometrical Survey of Britain, com- munication from Colonel Mudge on the subject of, 234.
Unlawful Oaths, trial of Mackinlay for ad- ministering, 547.
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