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Boastful and rough, your first son is a squire:
The next a tradesman meek and inuch a liar:-
Tom struts a soldier, open, bold and brave,
Will sneeks a scrivener, and exceeding knave,
Is he a churchman? Then he's fond of power;
A quaker? sly; A Presbyterian? sour;
A smart free thinker? All things in an hour.
Manners with fortunes, humors turn with climes,
Tenets with books, and principles with times..
Search them to ruling passion. There alone,
The wild are constant and the cunning known.


The WORLD COmpared to a STAGE.

LL the world's

a stage;


And all the men and women merely players.

They have their exits and their entrances:
And one man, in his time, plays many parts;
His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant;
Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.-
And then, the whining school boy, with his satchel,
And shining morning face, creeping like a snail,
Unwillingly to school-And then, the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad

Made to his mistress' eye brow-Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the bard; Jealous in honour; sudden and quick in quarrel;


Seeking the bubble reputation,
Even in the cannon's mouth-And then the justice-

In fair round body with good capon lin'd;
With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut!
Full of wise laws, and modern instances:
And so he plays his part. - The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon!
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side::
His youthful hose well sav'd, a world too wide
For his shrunk; and his big manly voice,
Turning again towards childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. - Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness, and mere oblivion

Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans every thing.



Nor shall the world's remotest regions be
Gibraltar's rock, or Thules savage shore."
Fir'd at the theme, I languish to depart,
* Supply the barque, and bid Columbus sail;
He fears no storms upon the untravel'd deep;
Reason shall steer, and skill disarm the gale:
Nor does he dread to lose the intended course,
Tho' far from land the reeling galley stray,
And skies above, and gulfy seas below
Be the sole object seen for many a day.
Think not that nature has unveil'd in vain
The mystic magnet to the mortal eye,
So late have we the guiding needle plann'd
Only to sail beneath our native sky ?
Ere this was found the ruling power of all,
Found for our use an ocean in the land,
It's breadth so small we could not wander long,
Nor long be absent from the neighboring strand;
Short was the course and guided by the stars,
But stars no more shall point our daring way;
The Bear shall sink, and every guard be drown'd,
And great Arcturus scarce escape the sea.



When southward we shall steer-O grant my wish, Supply, the barque, and bid Columbus sail; He dreads no teinpest on the untravel'd deep, Reason shall steer, and skill disarm the gale.



ONG rush'd the victors o'er the sanguine field,
And scarce were Gibeon's loftiest spires beheld-

When up the west, dark clouds began to rise,
Sail'd o'er the hills and lengthen'd round the skies;
A ridge of folding fire, their summits shone,
But fearful blackness all beneath was thrown;
Swift round the sun the spreading gloom was hurl'd,
And night and solitude amaz'd the world.

At once the voice of deep resounding gales
Rung slow and solemn in the distant vales;
Then through the groves and o'er the extended plain,
With stormy rage the rapid whirlwinds ran.
Red o'er the glimmering hills with pomp divine
The lightning's flaming path began to shine;




Far round the immense, unusual thunders driven,
Proclaim'd the onset of approaching heaven;
Astonish'd nature own'd the strange alarm,
And the world trembled at the impending storm.
O'er the dark fields aghast Canaan stream'd;
Thick in their course the scatter'd bucklers gleam'd
Behind them, Joshua urg'd the furious car,
And tenfold horrors hovered round the war.

But when the chief the spreading storm survey'd,
And trac'd Almighty arms in heaven display'd;
With piercing voice he gave the great command,..
Stand still, ye chosen sons, admiring stand!
Behold what awful scenes in heaven arise
Adore the power, that brightens in the skies!
Now God's tremendous arm asserts his laws;
Now bids his thunder in the righteous cause;
Shows man how virtue saves her chosen bands,
And points the vengeance doom'd for guilty lands;
Behold what flames shoot forth! what gloom ascends !
How nature trembles! how the concave rends!
How the clouds darken! see, in yonder sky,
Their opening skirts proclaim the Almighty nigh!
He spoke, and from the north a rushing sound
Roll'd thro' the heavens, and shook the embattled
Thron'd on a dark red cloud, an angel's form [ground.
Sail'd awfully sublime, above the storm;
Half veil'd in mist, his countenance like a sun,
Inflam'd the clouds, and thro' all ether shone;
Long robes of crimson light behind him flow'd,
His wings were flames; his looks were dy'd 'd in blood
Ten thousand fiery shapes were round him driven,
And all the dazzling pomp of opening heaven.
Now, save Canaan's cries that feebly rung..
Round the dark plain, a fearful silence hung
Stretch'd in dire terror o'er the quiv'ring band,
The etherial vision wav'd his sunbright hand;
At once, from opening skies red flames were huri'd,
And thunders, roll'd on thunders, rock'd the world;
In one broad deluge sunk the avenging hail,
And, fill'd with tempest, roar'd the hoary vale :
Fierce raging whirlwinds boundless nature blend;
The streams rush back. the tottering mountains bend.
Down the tall steep their bursting summits roll,


And cliffs on cliffs, hoarse crashing, rend the poled: A
Rar round the earth, a wild drear horror reigns;
The high heavens heave, and roar the gloomy plains.
One sea of lightning all the region fills;
And waves of fire ride surging o'er the hills:
The nodding forests plunge in flame around,
And with huge caverns gapes the shuddering ground;
Swifter shan rapid winds Canaan driven,
Refuse the conflict of embattled heaven.
But the dire hail in vain the victims fly,
And death unbounded shook from all the sky.
The thunder's dark career the seraph's arm,
Fierce vengeance blazing down the immense of storm,
From falling groves to burning flames they flew
Hail roars around and angry hosts pursue;
From shaking skies, Almighty arms are hurl'd
And all the gloomy concave bursts upon the world.


FATHER of light! exhaustless source of good!

Supreme, eternal, self-existent God!

Before the beamy sun dispens'd aray,
Flam'd in the azure vault, and gave the day,
Before the glimmering moon, with borrow'd light,
Shone queen, amid the silver host of night,
High in the heavens, thou reign'st superior lord,
By suppliant angels worship'd and ador'd
With the celestial choir then let me join
In cheerful praises to the Power Divine.
To sing thy praise, do thou, O God! inspire
A mortal breast with more than mortal fire.
In dreadful majesty thou sitst enthron'd,
With light encircled and with glory crown'd :
Through all infinitude extends thy reign,
For thee nor heaven, nor heaven of heavens contain,
But tho' thy throne is fix'd above the sky,
Thy omnipresence fills immensity..

Saints rob'd in white, to thee their anthems bring,
And radiant martyrs hallelujahs sing:..
Heaven's universal host their voices raise
In one eternal concert to thy praise...
And round thy awful throne, with one accord,
Sing holy, holy, holy, is the Lord.

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