Imágenes de páginas

La Novela Española Contemporánea, by Don Felipe Morales de Setién, Instructor in Spanish in Leland Stanford Junior University. The Literature of Spanish America, by Dr. Alfred Coester, and Professor G. W. Umphrey.

Spanish in the Secondary Schools, by Mr. Lawrence A. Wilkins. Other special contributors will be Professors Fitz-Gerald, Ford, de Onís, Dr. Hills, Librarian of the Hispanic Society, and others. AURELIO M. ESPINOSA

Leland Stanford Junior University.


The First Annual Meeting of The American Association of Teachers of Spanish will be held on Saturday, December 29, 1917, at the College of the City of New York, 139th St. and St. Nicholas Terrace, New York City. This will be on the day following the close of the meetings of the Modern Language Association of America which will be in session December 26, 27 and 29 in New Haven, Conn. A program of addresses will be given in the morning and a business meeting will take place in the afterThere will be a "get-together" luncheon between the two sessions. This will probably be served in the same building as that in which the meetings are held. The Spanish Ambassador, Sr. Juan Riaño, and the Argentine Ambassador, Sr. Rómulo S. Naón, have been asked to address the meeting. Professor Moreno-Lacalle of the United States Naval Academy will read a paper on "The Teaching of Spanish Pronunciation" and Professor Federico de Onís will also speak.


It is earnestly hoped that all who can possibly get to New York for this meeting will do so. Let us make this First National Meeting of our Association memorable.

L. A. W.


Proposed Constitution of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish, as submitted by the Committee on Constitution, of which Professor Ventura Fuentes is chairman, to be voted on at the first annual meeting of the Association to be held in New York, December 29, 1917.

[blocks in formation]

The name of this Association shall be The American Association of Teachers of Spanish.

Article II. Purpose.

The purpose of this Association shall be the advancement of the study of the Spanish Language and Literature through the promotion of friendly relations among its members; through the publication of articles and the results of investigation by members, or others; through the presentation and discussion of papers at annual meetings; and through such other means as may tend to promote the efficiency of its members as teachers of Spanish.

Article III. Membership.

I. The membership of this Association shall be composed of two classes: active and honorary.


Active membership shall be open to all teachers of Spanish and to all those interested in the teaching of Spanish.

3. Any teacher of Spanish or any one interested in the teaching of Spanish may be eligible to honorary membership in the Association; and if elected shall enjoy all the privileges of membership except the right to vote.

[blocks in formation]

I. The officers of this Association shall be a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Secretary-Treasurer, and an Executive Council consisting of these five officers and four other members. 2. The term of these officers shall be one year, except the Secretary-Treasurer, who shall hold office for two years.

Elections shall be held at each annual meeting, and all officers shall be elected by a majority vote.

4. Vacancies occurring between two annual meetings shall be filled by action of the Executive Council.

Article V. Dutics of Officers.

The President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer shall perform the usual duties of such officers.

The Executive Council shall perform the duties hereinafter provided.

Article II. Election of Members. Nominations for membership shall be made to the SecretaryTreasurer of the Association by any member.

All persons receiving the affirmative vote of a majority of the Executive Council shall become members of the Association upon payment of the annual dues.

Article VII. The Executive Council.

I. The President shall act as Chairman of the Executive Council.

2. The Council shall make all arrangements for the annual meeting, and shall send a copy of the program at least one month in advance to every member of the Association.

3. The Council may appoint committees to investigate and report upon subjects germane to the purposes of the Association.

Article VIII. Dues.

I. Each Active Member shall pay two dollars to the SecretaryTreasurer as annual dues, and no member who is in default shall be qualified to exercise any privilege of membership.

2. Any person who is in arrears more than one year may be dropped from the rolls.

3. Honorary Members shall be exempt from the payment of dues. 4. Any member, or any person eligible to membership, may become a life member by a single payment of 25 dollars.

5. All dues shall include an annual subscription to Hispania, the quarterly journal published by the Association.

Article IX. Official Organ of the Association.

I. The official publication of this Association shall be known as Hispania, and it shall appear quarterly.

2. The Editorial Staff of this publication shall be appointed by the President, and shall consist of the following: An Editor, two

Consulting Editors, nine Associate Editors, and an Advertising Manager.

3. These shall hold office for five years, except the Associate Editors, who shall be appointed as follows: The first year the President shall appoint three Associate Editors for a term of one year, three for two years, and three for three years. Thereafter, the President shall appoint annually three Associate Editors for a term of three years.

Article X. Annual Meeting.

The Association shall meet annually at such time and place as the Executive Council may select, and those present shall constitute a quorum.

Article XI. By-Laws.

By-Laws may be adopted at any annual meeting of the Association.

Article XII. Amendments.

I. The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting at any annual meeting; provided that written notice of any proposed amendment shall be sent to the SecretaryTreasurer by at least five members of the Association in time to be published in the last issue of Hispania prior to the meeting at which it is to be voted upon.

2. It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to cause to be published in Hispania all amendments thus proposed.


I. Nominations for Office. At each annual meeting the President shall appoint a committee of five, not officers of the Association, to present nominations for the offices to be filled at the next annual meeting. The nominations shall be printed in the form of a ballot in the last issue of Hispania previous to the annual meeting; and a blank space shall be provided for each office, under the name of the candidate nominated by the committee, upon which additional nominations may be made. Members who do not intend to be present at the annual meeting may then use these ballots to send their votes by mail to the Secretary-Treasurer, who shall, at the meeting, count these mail votes with those cast at the meeting.

Nominations of the first officers of the Association shall be made for a term of two years, and the first officers elected will, accordingly, hold office for two years.

2. Meetings of the Executive Council. A special meeting of the Executive Council shall be called by the President on the written request of at least four members of the Council, and notice of such meeting shall be sent to every member two weeks in advance.

3. Local Branches. Local branches may be organized by fifteen or more members of the Association in regional groups of institutions, for such purposes not inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the National Association as such branches may determine. The Constitutions of such branches must be approved by the Executive Council of the National Association, and the members must all be in good standing in the parent organization. No dues shall be required in the local branches unless the members so desire, and the expenses of a local branch shall be met by the National Association up to an amount not to exceed fifty cents per member per year; provided the expense account of said branch has been approved by the Executive Council of the National Association.


Dear Colleagues:

The circular of May 21, 1917, sent to 2800 teachers of Spanish in the United States was received with an enthusiasm such as can only be expected from those who are interested in the Spanish language. Within a month nearly five hundred persons had enrolled in the American Association of Teachers of Spanish, many. of whom paid dues either annual or life at the time of enrollment. This afán gave confidence and the resources to prepare the number of Hispania now in your hands. The periodical should be the means of turning many hesitant teachers into active members of the Association so that the present roll of six hundred will become a thousand.

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