Imágenes de páginas

Revista bimestre cubana, XII, 3, May-June-S. I. Barberena, Dos palabras acerca de uno de los hechos que se han alegado para establecer que Colón era Español.

5, Sept.-Oct.-Fernando Ortiz, La entrada de Cuba en la guerra mundial. (Extracto del Diario de Sesiones del Congreso. Evidently Cuba entered the war with much enthusiasm.)

Bulletin of the Pan-American Union, July-W. A. Reid, South American Port Improvements-East Coast. Habana: The Greatest Club City in the World. L. E. Elliott, Brazil: Today and Tomorrow.

Aug.-W. A. Reid, South American Port Improvements-West Coast. J. B. Moore, The Work of the Pan-American Financial Conference. Famous Seaside Resorts: Mar del Plato and Pocitos.

Sept.-J. E. Pogue, The Turquoise in Spanish America. The First Automobile Trip over the Andes. T. de Booy, Eastern Part of the Dominican Republic.

Oct. The Growing Spirit of Pan-Americanism. E. Albes, Montevideo: The City of Roses. H. M. Wright, Through the Marvelous Highlands of Guatemala. W. A. Reid, Bolivia's Railways—Progress and Prospects. H. E. Bard, Scientific Teaching of Spanish and Other Languages. (The author's interest in language is solely utilitarian.)

Nov.-W. A. Reid, The Call for Foods: South America's Answer. H. M. Wright, Through Costa Rica, the Magnificent, on a Motor Car. The Schoolmaster of Trade. G. F. Kunz, Platinum-with Especial Reference to Latin America. T. de Booy, The Town of Baracoa and the Eastern Part of Cuba.

Dec.-H. M. Wright, Nicaragua, Land of Enchanted Vistas. Travels in Ecuador. H. A. Reid, Peruvian Prosperity. Mr. Root on the Monroe Doctrine.

Cuba Contemporánea, XV, 1, Sept.-Julio Villaldo, Nuevas orientaciones de la juventud cubana. L. López de Mesa, El alma de América. E. J. Varona, La crítica en crisis. P. Henriquez Ureña, La república dominicana. A. Hernández Catá, El pasado (Drama en un acto). M. F. Cestero, Los Esclavos entre las naciones. B. G. Barros, La caricatura en Sudamérica.

2, Oct.-M. Henríquez Ureña, Problemas de nuestra América. Lecturas de Burge y Rodó. A. Castillo Plaza, Acerca del Mundo Nuevo. R. Martinez Ortiz, Juicio acerca de los sucesos políticos de Cuba en 1906. M. Romero Navarro, Guillermo Hickling Prescott (1796-1859) historiador de España. Nicolás de Cárdenas, Verdades sabidas y olvidadas. Alfonso Reyes, Libros y libreros en Madrid. M. F. Cestero, Los Esclavos entre las naciones. J. L. Lupus, El Progreso de la verdad en juicio de las obras literarias.

XVI, 1, Jan.-C. de Velasco, Educadores. A. Iraizoz, El sentimiento religioso en la literatura española. R. de Cárdenas, La política de los Estados Unidos en el continente américano. Primera parte. (Sympathy shown by the United States toward the infant republics of South America. How the Monroe Doctrine was promulgated.) A. Reyes, José Ortega y Gasset. ("Si Baroja es un tartamudeo de disgusto y Azorín es un balbuceo sentimental, si

Valle Inclán es una resonancia preciosa y Ramiro de Maetzu una libre charla europea, Pérez de Ayala es la literatura misma y Ortega y Gasset es un pensamiento vigoroso, junto al cual apenas se oyen la divagación un tanto flemática de aquél o la crónica desabridilla del de más allá.")

2, Feb.-M. G. Moreno, El régimen parlamentario y la reforma constitucional. L. Rodríguez-Embid, Breves exégesis actuales, II. A. Hernández Catá, La Dolorosa. Novela. E. Rodríguez Lendián, Un corazón y un carácter: Sola. M. F. Cestero, Ensayos críticos: "Pensando en Cuba." En el segundo aniversario de la muerte de Sola. Juicios acerca de su obra. (Appreciations written by various prominent Cubans on the life and writings of this brilliant young publicist and patriot.)




The Casa Editorial Calleja is showing an activity, various aspects of which will be of considerable interest to teachers of Spanish. In the first place, it is publishing three series of Cuentos en colores. The volume entitled Calleja: Cuentos en colores: El Visir y la Mosca; Lillekort; Los dos Ladrones is a beautifully illustrated quarto of sixty-three pages. The second and third series are small volumes, approximately duodecimo in size, but also attractively illustrated. Of the second series we have seen only No. 3, a children's story, Pelusilla, by May Byron. Of the third series five volumes have already appeared. In addition to the well-known works, Uncle Tom's Cabin and Gulliver's Travels, which are given in abbreviated form, there are selections from the Fables of Lafontaine, and from the Fairy Tales of Perrault and of Madame D'Aulnoy, in the last two cases presenting to us in Spanish dress such old favorites as Princess Golden Locks, Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Cinderella, and Hop o' My Thunb. The language of these translations is more difficult than we should ordinarily approve of for young children. Nevertheless, because of their familiarity with the content of the stories, we believe that the children would enjoy them heartily. Whether one care to use them in class or not, they should form admirable material for outside reading. All these books will be found in the bibliographical list published in this number.

In its Biblioteca Calleja, Segunda Serie, the same house publishes, or intends to publish, each month, three volumes representing three distinct types. In one group there will be anthologies. Each volume will contain selections from a single author. If the author be still living, he himself will make the selections, and will supply the volume with an autobiographical and autocritical prologue, and with comments concerning the work to which each selection belongs. If the author in a given case be dead, this biographical and critical material will be supplied by a leading living critic, who will also make the selections. These volumes will sell, bound in cloth, for 2.50 pesetas. In another group the volumes will contain an entire work of some living

author, published in cloth at 1.50 pesetas. The third group will consist of volumes devoted to the classics. These editions will be serious but not erudite. The text will be given entire, in accord with the latest studies, the orthography will be modern, and there will be explanatory notes and a prologue by some well-known scholar. Here again the price of the volumes. bound in cloth, will be 1.50 pesetas.

The same house publishes two dictionaries that will be of interest to our teachers. The Diccionario Castellano de Bolsillo, copyrighted in 1918. is a compact little volume, printed with clear type on paper that is opaque and yet so thin that its 1806 pages do not make the volume unmanageable. The Nuevo Diccionario manual, ilustrado, de la Lengua Castellana is a kind of dictionary and encyclopedia that will be found useful even by those who possess the Pequeño Larousse ilustrado, (by Miguel de Toro y Gilsbert. which latter should, of course, be in the hands of all of our teachers.

Naturally all progressive teachers hope some day to possess the Academy's Dictionary. The expense will in many cases be a drawback, or an insurmountable obstacle. Meanwhile such teachers may possess their souls with patience if they are able to obtain the Diccionario de la Lengua Española, published by the house of Sopena in Barcelona. The scholar in charge of this fine book is the well-known classicist José Alemany y Bolufer. a member of the Royal Spanish Academy and professor of Greek at the University of Madrid. The volume contains all the words included in the fourteenth (the latest) edition of the Academy's Dictionary, and some 40.000 more that are sanctioned by good usage, although not yet accepted by the Academy. Among these 40,000 are 25,000 Americanisms and many technical terms. In view of our growing appreciation of things Hispano-American, these latter items are a very welcome and helpful addition. Many a teacher will be grateful to find in the appendix a complete set of paradigms of the Spanish verbs, regular and irregular, with an alphabetical list of verbs in current use, accompanied by a reference to the type of verb they follow in their conjugation. The volume contains 1760 pages (7 x 934) and costs. bound in full cloth, only ten pesetas.


All of our teachers will be glad to avail themselves of the opportunity secure copies of masterpieces of Spanish literature well-edited, wellprinted, and neatly bound at a moderate price. These advantages are all to be found in the attractive volumes of the Clásicos de la literatura española, published by Ruiz Hermanos of Madrid. The volumes are sold at 1.50 pesetas. They are cloth-bound duodecimos, the kind of volume best loved by the real book-lover, because, to paraphrase one of our great writers, they can be carried in the pocket or conveniently held in the hand and read while one stands with his back to the open fire-place. The volumes that have come to our attention are: La Historia de los dos enamorados Flores y Blancaflor (to which is added, by way of appendix, the chapter from the Gran Conquista de Ultramar that contains the list of the descendants of the two lovers); Lazarillo de Tormes; Juan Ruiz de Alarcón y Mendoza, No hay mal que por bien no venga; Antonio García Gutiérrez, El Trovador

(with an appendix giving five hitherto inedited letters of the author to the celebrated composer Emilio Arrieta, uncle of the editor of this volume); Fray Luis de León, La Perfecta Casada; Tirso de Molina, La Villana de Vallecas; Lope de Vega, Peribáñez y el Comendador de Ocaña; and José Zorrilla, Sancho García. Each volume is equipped with an introduction, notes, and a bibliographical note by the well-known scholar, the Excelentísimo Sr. D., Adolfo Bonilla y San Martin of the University of Madrid. JOHN D. FITZ-GERALD



Alas, Leopoldo (Clarín). Páginas escogidas. Madrid, Calleja, 1917. 2.50


Alvarez Quintero-Serafin y Joaquín. Los Galeotes. Comedia en Cuatro Actos. Premiada por La Real Academia Española. Biblioteca Calleja -Segunda Serie. Casa Editorial Calleja. Madrid, 1917. Pp. 294. 1.50 ptas.

1.00 pta. Traducida Casa Edi

Lo que tú quieras. (Paso de comedia.) 1917. Aulnoy, Madame d'. Cuentos. Adaptación de K. Fitz-Gerald. por E. Diez Canedo. Ilustraciones de Thomas Derrick. torial Calleja. Madrid (s. a.). Copyright 1918. 100 págs. Cuentos de Calleja en colores. Tercera Serie, No. 2.

Armendariz, Julián de. Comedia famosa de Las Burlas l'eras. Edited from the MS. in the R. Bibl. Palatina at Parma, with an introduction and notes, and some account of the Life and Works of Armendariz by S. L. Millard Rosenberg. Ph. D. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania, Department of Romanic Languages and Literatures, Extra Series No. 5. Philadelphia, 1917. Pp. 206. $1.50.

Azorín, Páginas escogidas. Madrid, Calleja, 1917. 8vo, 401 págs. 2.50 ptas. El paisaje de España visto por los españoles. Madrid, Renacimiento, 1917. 180 págs., 8vo.

Parlamentarismo español. (1904-1916) 3a edición. Madrid, Calleja, 1916. 3.50 ptas.

Benavente, Jacinto. Campo de armiño. Madrid, 1916. 3.50 ptas.
La propia estimación. Madrid, 1916. 3.50 ptas.

Boscán, Juan.

La Ciudad alegre y confiada. Madrid, 1916. 3.50 ptas.
Crónicas y diálogos. Valencia, Edit. Prometeo, 1916. 1.50 ptas.
El año germanófilo. Madrid, 1916.

Mis mejores escenas. Madrid, 1916.

Obras Poéticas. See Garcilaso y Boscán. Casa Editorial
Madrid, 1917. 1.50 ptas.

Byron, May. Pelusilla. Cuento para Niños. Con ilustraciones de Ernesto
Aris. Casa Editorial Calleja. Madrid (s. a.). 72 págs. Cuentos de
Calleja en colores. Serie segunda. No. 3.

Calleja. Cuentos en Colores. El Visir y la Mosca; Lillekort; Los dos Ladrones. Illustraciones de Penagos y de Millar. Casa Editorial Calleja. Madrid (s. a.) Copyright 1916. Pp. 63. 5 ptas.

Calleja. Diccionario Castellano de Bolsillo. Casa Editorial Calleja. Madrid (s. a.) Copyright 1916. Pp. viii + 1806.

Camba, Julio. Un año en el otro mundo. Madrid. Biblioteca nueva.

[1917] 3 ptas.

Celestina, La. Introduccion de E. Diez-Canedo. Casa Editorial Calleja. Madrid, 1917.

Cirici Ventalló, Domingo. La tragedia del diputado Anfruns. Madrid. Calle

ja, 1917. 1.50 ptas.

Corominas, Pedro. El sentimiento de la riqueza en Castilla. Madrid. Residencia de estudiantes. 1917. 3.50 ptas.

Dicenta, Joaquín. Mujeres. Estudios de mujer. Obra pístuma.


de Hernando. Madrid, 1917. 3.50 ptas. Echegaray, José. Recuerdos. Tomos I, II, III. Ruiz Hermanos. Madrid Imp. Clásica Española, 1917. 8vo. 12 ptas.

Encina, Juan de la. El arte de Ignacio Zuloaga. Madrid, 1916.

Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Reseña documentada de su vida. Traducción española [por B. Sanin Cano] con adiciones y enmiendas revisadas por d autor. Oxford Press. London. 1917. Pp. 254.

Góngora. Reprinted from Transactions R. S. L., vol. XXXV [s. a. n. 1.] Address delivered May 23, 1917. 21 pp.

Flores y Blancaflor. La Historia de los Dos Enamorados. Publicala Adolfo Bonilla y San Martin. Clásicos de la Literatura Española. Ruiz Hermanos. Madrid, 1916. 1.50 ptas.

García Gutiérrez, Antonio. El Trovador. Drama cal alleresco. Publicalo Adolfo Bonilla y San Martín. Clásicos de la Literatura Española Ruiz Hermanos. Madrid, 1916. 1.50 ptas.

Garcilaso y Boscán. Obras Poéticas. Edición. Prólogo y Notas de E. DiezCanedo. Biblioteca Calleja. Madrid, 1917. 1.50 ptas.

Grau, Jacinto. El conde Alarcos. Tragedia romanesca en tres actos. Madrid. Minerva, 1917. 8vo. 257 pags. 3.50 ptas.

Gulliver en Liliput y Gulliver en Brobdiñac. Adaptación Española para Niños. Grabados de K. Clausen. Casa Editorial Calleja. Madrid Cuentos de Calleja in colores.

(s. a.). Copyright 1918. 77 pp.
Tercera Serie No. 5.

Hoyos y Vinent, Antonio. La dolorosa pasión. Novela. Madrid. Bibl.

Hispania, 1917. 0.95 pta.

Icaza, Francisco A. De cómo y por qué la Tía Fingida no es de Cervantes,
y Otros Nuevos Estudios Cervánticos. Madrid, 1916. 4 pes.
Insúa, Alberto. Páginas de la guerra. Por Francia y por la libertad.
Madrid, Renacimiento. (1917.)

Jiménez, Juan Ramón. Poesías escojidas (1899-1917). New York, 1917.
Hispanic Society of America. 4vo.

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