Parliamentary Papers, Volumen38H.M. Stationery Office, 1837 |
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Página iv
... Practice of Physic , 70. No regular instruction previous to the Anatomical course in 1803 , 70. Difficulty in getting subjects , 70. Collection of prepa- rations , 70. Hour of class meeting , 70. Alteration of hour , 70. Country ...
... Practice of Physic , 70. No regular instruction previous to the Anatomical course in 1803 , 70. Difficulty in getting subjects , 70. Collection of prepa- rations , 70. Hour of class meeting , 70. Alteration of hour , 70. Country ...
Página vii
... practice of Students remaining to the end of session , 126. Attendance at Divinity Hall , Edinburgh , 126. Length of Divinity Session at the two Colleges . 126. Church at- tendance , and comparative state of discipline and ...
... practice of Students remaining to the end of session , 126. Attendance at Divinity Hall , Edinburgh , 126. Length of Divinity Session at the two Colleges . 126. Church at- tendance , and comparative state of discipline and ...
Página x
... practice observed ? Return by the Senatus Academicus ORDER XXII . - Have any Classes been transferred from one Faculty to another , and the objects and subject of the Course of Study of any of the Classes changed ; and if so , by what ...
... practice observed ? Return by the Senatus Academicus ORDER XXII . - Have any Classes been transferred from one Faculty to another , and the objects and subject of the Course of Study of any of the Classes changed ; and if so , by what ...
Página xiii
... practice in the maintenance , repair , and improvement of the Fabric and Buildings of the ersity ? Return by the Senatus Academicus Are such Funds so employed at the present time , and by what authority and by he Expenditure of the same ...
... practice in the maintenance , repair , and improvement of the Fabric and Buildings of the ersity ? Return by the Senatus Academicus Are such Funds so employed at the present time , and by what authority and by he Expenditure of the same ...
Página xiv
... practice in the said University to appoint , during the lifetime of a Pro- fessor , an Assistant and Successor to such Professor ? How many such appointments have occurred during the last 100 years ? and in these cases , specify the ...
... practice in the said University to appoint , during the lifetime of a Pro- fessor , an Assistant and Successor to such Professor ? How many such appointments have occurred during the last 100 years ? and in these cases , specify the ...
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Términos y frases comunes
17 September Aberdonensis Academiæ advantage Alexander aliis annual Appendix appointed attend belonging Bursaries candidates certificates charter Chemistry Church considerable course Croft curriculum David Hutcheon degree dicti dicti Collegii ditto Divinity Hall duty Edilis Edinburgh ejusdem election exercises Faculty fees feu-duty funds give Greek class hujusmodi Humanity class JOHN CRUICKSHANK King's College Latin lectures Library Marischal College Master of Arts Masters Mathematical class Medicine meeting merks merks Scots Moral Philosophy Mortification Natural Philosophy Newtonhill number of students Old Aberdeen opinion Order Oriental Languages paid Philosophy class practice present Principal and Professors Principalis prizes Procuration Professor of Divinity Professorship proposed public examinations quæ quod Rector Regents regulations rent respect Return salary schools Scotland Scots second Greek Senatus Academicus September 1827 session singulis students of Divinity taught teaching Teinds Theology Universitatis University of Aberdeen Visitation volumus young
Pasajes populares
Página 130 - ... sit sede indultum, quod interdici, suspendi vel excommunicari non possint per litteras apostolicas non facientes plenam et expressam ac de verbo ad verbum de indulto huiusmodi mentionem...
Página 133 - ... quatenus vos vel duo aut unus vestrum per vos vel alium seu alios...
Página 134 - Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostre concessionis infringere vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attemptare presumpserit, indignationem omnipotentis dei ac beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum eius se noverit incursurum.
Página 140 - Domino possumus, favorabiliter annuere volentes eumque a quibusvis excommunicationis, suspensionis et interdicti aliisque ecclesiasticis sententiis, censuris et poenis a jure vel ab homine quavis occasione vel causa latis si quibus quomodolibet innodatus existit ad effectum presentium dumtaxat consequendum harum serie absolventes et absolutum fore censentes...
Página 158 - ... viis, semitis, aquis, stagnis, rivolis, pratis, pascuis et pasturis, molendinis, multuris, et eorum sequelis, aucupationibus, venationibus, piscationibus, petariis, turbariis, carbonibus, carbonariis, cuniculis, cuniculariis...
Página 133 - ... decernimus quod quilibet vestrum prosequi valeat articulum etiam per alium inchoatum, quamvis idem incho|ans...
Página 176 - That the students may have the benefit of those parts of Education which are not commonly reckoned Academical, such as dancing, writing, book-keeping, French, &c...
Página 133 - Sede indultum quod excommunicari, suspendi vel interdici seu extra vel ultra certa loca ad judicium evocari non possint per litteras apostolicas non facientes plenam et expressam ac de verbo ad verbum de indulto hujusmodi...
Página 175 - College ; therefore the Masters have decreed, that for the future all the Students shall lodge in rooms within the College, and eat at the College table during the whole session...
Página 139 - ... formam redegi, signoque et nomine meis solitis et consuetis signavi, in fidem et testimonium omnium et singulorum premissorum, rogatus et requisitus.