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JANUARY, 1828.

(Extracted from a German Tract published
at Berlin in the year 1817, chiefly as a
Present for the Young, on occasion of
the Celebration of the 300th Anniver-
sary of that Event.*)

MARTIN LUTHER was the son of
a poor labourer, Hans Luther, and
of Margaret, his wife, who lived,
at the period just preceding his
birth, at a village named Moere,
not far distant from the town of
Eisleben. To the latter place
the mother had proceeded, for the
purpose of making some pur-
chases, when the subject of this
memoir was born, on the 10th of
November, 1483. The infant was
baptized the following day, in the
church called St. Peter's, and he
received the name of Martin, from
the circumstance of this being what
is termed St. Martin's day.

and thus it was in the case of Luther.

Little Martin was sent to school

at a very early age. His pious father carried him in his arms to Mansfeld, for he had determined to lose no time in training him up to that which is good. Martin was so delighted with his studies, that his father soon thought it advisable to have him placed in the high school at Magdeburg, and subsequently at Eisnach, where he was to prepare for more serious studies. Here he suffered many privations;


poor father being unable to make any very suitable provision for his son. Martin, therefore, joined a few other poor scholars in singing hymns in the streets, and his share of the few pence with which they were rewarded, proved some relief to him. It was at this period that the finger of God became strikingly visible in the life of Luther. At Eisnach, the attention of an excellent woman, Mrs. Conrad Cotta, was peculiarly excited in favour of young Luther, from the spirit of piety which seemed to animate him during the performance of the devotional exercise above alluded to.


Who could have thought at that time, that the offspring of so poor a man was to become instrumental in enlightening half the world! The decrees of the Almighty are inscrutable. His works, in the beginning, often appear insignificant, but they end in glory. He generally performs great things by humble instruments. The man pious lady felt induced to take the through whom the Lord intends to young Christian into her own faaccomplish some grand design, mily, and being thus comfortably must be exercised in humility; provided for, he had an ample opportunity of pursuing his studies; and this he did with so much diligence, that he was admitted, at the age of eighteen, into the university of Erfurth. Here, again, his progress was such, as to procure for him, after the expiration

* The Tract has passed through ten editions (up to 1826), comprising 108,000 copies.

A town of Saxony, the capital of the Mansfeld, and 12 W. of Halle; about

County of Mansfeld, two miles S. E. of

5,400 inhabitants.

VOL. III. 3d Series.


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of two years, the title of "Magis- this, and Luther was subsequently ter;" which confers the authority filled with regret at having provokof teaching in public. His invari-ed the displeasure of his father. able rule was to prepare and Yet he was forced to remain in the strengthen himself for his pious cloister, and this was for good labours by prayer to the Lord, a purposes-no doubt from an espractice he would often and ur-pecial providence of God. gently recommend to others.

About this period, Frederick, As the instrument, in the hands Prince of Saxony, conceived the of the Lord, through whom those plan of establishing a new univereternal truths, then almost entirely sity at Wittenberg. Dr. Stanpitz, out of practical remembrance, the Prince's chaplain, was commiswere to be re-published to the sioned to appoint the requisite world, he was in the first instance teachers to that establishment. led to a knowledge of them for Knowing Luther, as a young man himself. There was at Erfurth a both of learning and piety, Dr. large library, which Luther fre- Stanpitz called for him to Wittenquented with a view to the en-berg. In the year 1508 he became largement of his own knowledge. a master at the new university. Here he one day found a Latin Here his labours, from the very Bible, and how great was his joy! commencement, were matter of He never had seen one before. astonishment to his colleagues. Opening it at the history of Samuel, Dr. Mellerstadt having heard him he read that portion through at on one occasion, said, "In this once; and as often as he could, man dwells a fine spirit; he rests returned to read his Bible, and firmly on the Bible and the word thus he acquired wisdom and di- of Jesus Christ, which no man can vine instruction. overthrow,"

Yet, in order to his proclaiming the truth to the world, it appeared best that he should have an official calling; and this was brought about by the Lord in a wonderful manner. Luther had consented, agreeably to his father's wishes, to embrace the profession of the law. Taking a walk one evening, with a friend named Alexius, they were overtaken by a severe thunder-storm. A flash of lightning struck so near to Luther, that he fell to the ground and remained senseless for some time, whilst his friend was actually struck dead at his side by the same flash. In his great fright, Luther vowed that he would be come an ecclesiastic, and enter a cloister. He imagined thereby to please the Lord, and accordingly he went forthwith into the cloister of Augustine at Erfurth, in 1507. His father was much displeased at

Whenever it pleases God to accomplish some divine appointment, all things must combine to work in its favour. Thus it was necessary that Luther should be made acquainted with the great corruption of the church at that time. In the year 1510, the cloister at Wittenberg had some favour to seek at the hands of the Pope. Luther was called upon to proceed to Rome, and this again was a manifestation of God's especial design, for thus Luther became an eyewitness to the wickedness of the clergy there, and to the general wretchedness which prevailed; and at which he felt deeply distressed. He afterwards frequently said, “he would not take one thousand florins not to have seen Rome."

On his return, in 1512, he was commanded by his cloister to become" Doctor of the Holy Scrip

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tures." At first he objected, not | various countries, offered to the knowing the mind of God in this people, in the name of the Pope, providence; but he presently yield- and for money, absolution from ed, and the Prince himself defrayed acts of penitence, and forgiveness the requisite expences. The result of sins. One of these priests, was favourable. Luther now pos-named John Tetzel, belonging to sessed authority and courage, and the cloister of the Dominicans at was able to dispute with effect. Pirna, was eminently skilful in On being reproached with the strict- these wicked extortions, which he ness of his teaching, he would accomplished by various sorts of reply, "They have made me Doc- lies and deceptions, pretending he tor of the Holy Scriptures: I have possessed the power of pardoning, sworn by the Bible; and to the by order of the Pope, the grossest Bible I will hold." sins, even such as they (the peoBefore he could apply a remedy ple) might intend to commit in against the corruption then pre-future, if they would but pay large vailing, it was necessary that he sums of money; a truly horrible should first become more fully ac- state of things. Such as. gave quainted with its nature and extent; what he chose to demand, were and accordingly it pleased God so furnished by him with letters, testo order the course of events, that tifying that their sins were pardonLuther was commissioned by Dr. ed. These letters were called Stanpitz, in 1516, to visit all clois- letters of absolution. ters in Meissin and Thuringen. And what did he discover there! How did he speak and teach! The Bible was what he universally recommended to the clergy, and he insisted on order and regularity.

Thus the principal instrument was become prepared and fitted, by various means, for the accomplishment of the great work; and by him the other estimable individuals mentioned before, who saw more and more clearly the justness of Dr. Luther's doctrines, and felt constrained to become his faithful coadjutors, were both instructed and encouraged to proceed.

.. But how was the work of reformation carried on? Just like all divine operations; gradually, and by means of particular circumstances favourably combining, although accompanied by many hindrances and sacrifices. Among the nearest and most important of these circumstances, was the great abuse existing with respect to the system of absolutions. Priests at that time, travelling throughout

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In the year 1517, Tetzel came into the neighbourhood of Juterbock and Wittenberg, from which places several of the inhabitants went to him to purchase letters of absolution. Luther, upon being informed of this, taught the people in his sermons, that no forgiveness of sin could be purchased for money, but that God was willing to give it gratuitously and freely, for Jesus Christ's sake, to all those who were penitent and willing to amend. Yet several came to him to confess great sins. Dr. Luther explained to them the nature of true repentance, but they replied that they stood in need of none, having procured letters of absolution. Luther, distressed and moved to pity by the deception practised on the people, earnestly told them that their letters could avail them nothing, there being no remission of sins without repentance; whereupon they returned to Tetzel, complaining that they had purchased his letters of absolution in vain. Tetzel became so enraged at this,

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