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and Amex should undertake studies, in conjun mmission, as to methods or plans by which th alists to acquire larger blocks of stock within th e auction market could be otherwise strengt her possibilities, consideration should be give lishment of an exchange-administered capita h specialists could borrow under appropriat uards; (b) the establishment of a capital fun tions from the brokerage income of all specia be administered by specialists' representative ange itself and would be available for takin the financial capacity of an individual special ishment of a system of limited self-insurance b group. Reference is made to recommendation ect to increasing the specialist capital require commendation in part F of this chapter concern ty of creating a category of "auxiliary special

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(d) In addition to preser tests for evaluating speciali in relation to price movem object of determining the n activities. PART E. OD

About 10 percent of the shar Exchange, and a much higher pe resented by odd lots-trades in round-lot unit (in most stocks, 1 of Carlisle & Jacquelin and De have jointly dominated the handli about 99 percent of the business these firms only indirectly, throu lot order is executed with the od the price of the next round-lot lot differential" of a quarter or seller of the odd lot, minus su odd-lot orders, which is purely m by a clerk, is carried out by abo clusively for one or the other of held by these brokers, together w partners, account for about 10 in contrast, the two largest comm of the membership.

The Exchange has allowed the by the odd-lot firms themselves

parently on the theory that a price differential as distinguished from a fee or commission is a matter for negotiation between the odd-lot firms and other member firms. Price competition has not existed between the two major firms for decades, and limited price competition from other member firms was effectively discouraged by a uniform price policy adopted by the Exchange in 1938. Certain of the regional stock exchanges, which theoretically might be a competitive factor with respect to dually traded stocks, have acceded to pressure for uniformity exercised by the New York odd-lot firms and the dual members.

There has indeed been some competition between the two New York firms in the rendering of services such as providing current market information, liberally adjusting transactions to correct errors, and making interest-free loans by means of borrowing large amounts of stock. All of these services, however, are provided by the oddlot firms to other member firms, particularly the commission houses who provide their odd-lot business, and are only indirectly and partially for the benefit of public odd-lot customers who bear the cost.

The commission firms could hardly have been expected to champion the interests of public customers with respect to the amount of the differential. Indeed, where there has been occasion for them to be heard, their principal concern has been to avoid the embarrassment of having to choose between better prices for their customers and better services for themselves. Hence it does not seem realistic for the Exchange to go on the theory that the differential for odd lots is purely a matter for negotiation between trading firms, since this ignores the reality that the differential is established unilaterally and is borne solely by the odd-lot investor. Likewise, it does not seem realistic to rely on competition in rendering services to the commission firms, since this ignores both the deterrent effects upon actual and potential competition and the passing of the whole cost burden to the public odd-lot customers, who are only the partial beneficiaries of the services.

A duopoly dominating a large and important public business would seem a classic case for rate regulation, and the Exchange has clear statutory authority to regulate, yet it has failed to exercise its jurisdiction and thereby disavowed responsibility. Nor has the Commission ever formally exercised its authority under sections 11(b) and 19 (b) of the Exchange Act with respect to the differential or other aspects of odd-lot dealer activities.

As to the other aspects of odd-lot operations, though the Exchange formerly had a standing committee with jurisdiction over odd lots and though it acknowledges that it has full power to regulate oddlot trading, it has chosen not to exercise that power in the last 25 years. The Commission's suggestion in 1950 that the Exchange consider adopting special rules and regulations did not produce any results. If the handling of odd-lot transactions is essentially mechanical, the handling of offsetting round-lot transactions involves possibilities of special advantage that would seem to call for surveillance if not affirmative regulation. This has received congressional recognition in section 11(b), where it is provided that exchanges may permit (subject to the Commission's residual power of veto or amendment) an odd-lot dealer to buy and sell for his own account,

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with this explicit limitation: "so far as may be reasonably necessary to carry on such odd-lot transactions At a minimum, the transactions should be systematically reported, as floor traders' transactions are now reported, and the Exchange should itself supervise the handling of odd-lot brokers' "triggering" round-lot transactions.

The matter of automation is of a different character but is not less a matter of public concern. In 1956 the Exchange employed the firm of Ebasco Services, Inc., to make a study of possibilities for automation on the Exchange. The Special Study has reviewed the history of their proposals concerning the handling of odd lots and of the odd-lot firms' attitudes and actions in regard to them. It is clear that the two firms regarded the possibility of automation as a grave threat to their duopoly, and it is difficult to escape the conclusion that they succeeded in warding off a consideration of the merits by emphasizing the potential impact on seat values for all members and otherwise beclouding the real issues of economy and efficiency. More particularly, they almost immediately succeeded in establishing the principle that the full complement of associate brokers, with their approximately 100 stock exchange seats, was sacrosanct; and once this principle was accepted, the potential for substantial savings vanished and automation was doomed. Automation, whether of factories, railroads or securities markets, always presents difficult problems and conflicting interests-often including the public interest-but it is unusual to have the problems and conflicts resolved with the factor of cost-savings eliminated at the outset. That the odd-lot firms themselves would resist any plan for modernization which would reduce their profits, eliminate many associate brokers, and make it easier for competition to develop is not surprising. It is regrettable, however, that the Exchange was so ready to accept their contentions and that the commission firms did not feel called upon to voice the interests of public odd-lot customers, whose business both the Exchange and the firms actively solicit. Finally, it is to be noted that the Commission apparently was not advised of the Ebasco proposals at any point, and there was no governmental representation of the public interest in any stage of the deliberations.

This history has significance reaching beyond the specific subject of odd-lot automation. In an age in which electronic means of communication and data processing are being constantly improved and expanded, there are certain to be many valuable new techniques for the securities markets, if not in the next year or two then in the next decade or two "certain," that is, if the possibilities are not stifled in private discussions among those with vested interests to protect. Securities markets are not inherently more immune from featherbedding than any other business.

If the securities markets are to be truly public institutions, as they have been under the law for 30 years, the public interest in questions of automation must have a voice. The Commission should equip itself to keep abreast of electronic and computer developments in the securities industry. Otherwise, these may be neglected or suppressed for want of any consideration of the public interest.

The Special Study concludes and recommends:

1. Although existing problems in the handling of odd-lot business on the New York Stock Exchange and its regulation by the Exchange and the Commission can be pointed out with considerable specificity, it has not been feasible nor would it have been appropriate for the Special Study to undertake the detailed studies required to arrive at specific answers, as distinguished from pointing out the kinds of studies still needed in order to make appropriate and effective improvements. Especially because the problems revealed affect the small investor, it is important not only that they be recognized, but that the Exchange and the Commission move with dispatch toward their resolution. In the absence of prompt and effective action by the Exchange, the Commission itself should directly undertake the needed measures.

2. The New York Stock Exchange should recognize and meet its responsibility to regulate odd-lot differentials. As a first step to that end, it should immediately undertake, with such participation of the Commission as may be found appropriate, a cost study of the odd-lot business. In such study, costs should be appropriately allocated so that odd-lot customers will not be charged for services rendered to others, including the odd-lot firms' cost of stock borrowing and of information services that benefit commission firms or their round-lot customers. As in the case of commission rates on round-lot transactions (see ch. VI.I (pt. 2)) the Commission should undertake a more affirmative role of oversight in connection with the determination of relevant costs and the fixing of differentials.

3. The Exchange should promptly adopt (i) appropriate rules governing the handling of odd-lot transactions and offsetting round-lot transactions (including but not necessarily limited to the problem of "triggering" round-lot transactions by odd-lot dealers, and the relationships between odd-lot dealers and specialists), and (ii) systematic reporting requirements and surveillance procedures concerning such offsetting transactions.

4. The Exchange should be directed to advise the Commission in writing at an early date (and from time to time thereafter so long as the Commission considers the question open) as to the feasibility of automating the execution of odd-lot orders and as to the possible effects of automation on floor operations, costs, and odd-lot differentials. In connection with its current plans for automation of certain functions and facilities, the Exchange should promptly advise the Commission in writing whether all or any part of the information services now rendered by the odd-lot firms to the Exchange and its members can and should be eliminated, modified, or replaced in any manner. The Commission should make such further studies of its own or in conjunction with the Exchange, and take such further measures, as may be indicated in light of the Exchange's advices on each of the above matters.

5. Inasmuch as the Special Study's consideration of the odd-lot business was essentially limited to the NYSE, the Commission should, in conjunction with the American Stock Exchange and the regional exchanges, undertake studies of the methods and costs of handling odd lots on those exchanges.

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