Imágenes de páginas


'OF VICARS who have troubled our PLACE.'

THE Chancellor of Moray and the Treasurer of Dunkeld holding in continuation the office of Papal Delegates in respect to the matters dealt with below (as having been specially deputed, together with a third colleague now deceased, in a writ containing the clause that ‘if all of you cannot proceed to the execution of these things, nevertheless let two of you execute them'), to all and singular the deans, archdeacons, chantors, chancellors, treasurers, and canons of the cathedral churches throughout the whole realm of Scotland, also to the rectors, perpetual vicars, chaplains, and notaries public within the said kingdom and others, wheresoever they may happen to be, [wish] health in the Lord ' and obedience to our commands, or, more truly, the commands of the Apostolic See.' They recount that they had received with becoming reverence Letters Apostolic, presented on the part of the abbot and convent of Lundors. These Letters were whole and perfect, and of the tenor and contents of the public instrument annexed to these presents.1 After the presentation of the Letters Apostolic it was explained to the Delegates on inquiry that some vicars named in the Letters Apostolic, namely, the perpetual vicars of the churches of C., of R., and of K., were causing trouble and injury to the abbot and convent in regard to an augmentation of their vicarages. They had caused the abbot and monks to be cited before a judge, who in this matter had no jurisdiction over them, and by this they caused heavy expense and inconvenience to the abbot and convent. Moreover, the vicar of K. had withdrawn from the convent the payment of thirty marketable (pacabiles) lambs which he was bound to render every year. It was now three years since the payment of the lambs had been made, to the harm and loss of the abbot and convent. Wherefore supplication was made to the Delegates on the part of the monks for suitable redress. 'We, therefore, assenting to such supplications, order and command, by the apostolic authority which we exercise in this respect, you and each of you severally, in virtue of holy obedience and under pain of excommunication, that, within six days after any of you shall have been requested on the part of the abbot and convent, ye admonish the said vicars and each of them to wholly cease and desist from the molestations aforesaid, and that the vicar of K. satisfy the abbot and convent for the thirty lambs, as well for the present year as for the time past; and that he [the vicar of K.], as also the vicars of C. and R., in future pay their portion for the fabric of the chancels of their churches, and their portion of all extraordinary burdens, and contribute with the abbot and convent to the same; and that they [the vicars] should do and accomplish all these things within fifteen days, computed from the

1 The public instrument referred to does not appear in the Chartulary.

date of your admonition. Of these fifteen days we assign, to them and each of them, five days for the first, five days for the second, and the remaining five days for the third and peremptory monition, under pain of excommunication, which we pronounce, now as well as then, against rebels, absolution being reserved to us and our superior, save at the hour of death (in mortis articulo). Given under our seals at Perth on the twenty-fourth day of the month of June in the year of our Lord


'Whoever gives the monition is to inform us as to the date, so that if necessary we may be able to provide further remedy. Given as above.'


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Magnum priuilegium Celestini de exempcione.1 CELESTINVS Episcopus, seruus seruorum dei, Dilectis filiis abbati et fratribus monasterij de Lundors, salutem et apostolicam benediccionem. Officij nostri debitum et caritas ordinata requirunt vt eorum deuocionem ad incrementum plenius attenta sollicitudine prouocemus, qui ampliando creatoris obsequio diligenter insistunt, et firmum iam propositum assumpserunt ad idem forcius ac feruencius ipsius fauente gracia intendendi. Ea propter, Dilecti in domino filij, propensius attendentes quod Dilectus filius noster Nobilis uir Dauid Comes frater Karissimi in Christo filij nostri W. illustris Regis Scocie, monasterium uestrum ea intencione fundauerit, ac dilatauerit plurimis bonis ut dignus in eo debeat domino sub monastico habitu famulatus impendi, et affectu habeat possessiones et redditus eius vberius ampliandi, eius instanti supplicacione deuicti, monasterium ipsum in quo diuino mancipati estis obsequio a iurisdiccione quorumlibet eximentes, in ius et proprietatem beati Petri suscipimus, et presentis scripti patrocinio communimus. In primis siquidem statuentes, ut ordo monasticus, qui secundum Deum et beati benedicti regulam in eodem monasterio institutus esse dinoscitur, perpetuis ibidem temporibus inuiolabiliter obseruetur. Preterea quascunque possessiones quecunque bona idem monasterium in presenciarum iuste ac pacifice possidet, aut in futurum concessione pontificum, largicione regum uel principum, obla

1 The distinct and beautiful handwriting of the earlier scribe is here, at the beginning of a new gathering, resumed.

cione fidelium seu aliis iustis modis, prestante domino, poterit adipisci, firma vobis uestrisque successoribus et illibata permaneant. In quibus hec propriis duximus exprimenda uocabulis: Locum ipsum, in quo prefatum monasterium situm est, cum omnibus pertinenciis suis per suas rectas diuisas ex dono et concessione eiusdem Comitis, et liberam curiam in terra uestra et firmam pacem infra diuisas ipsius uille de Lundors sicut carta ipsius Comitis protestatur: Ecclesiam quoque eiusdem uille de Lundors, cum omnibus iustis pertinenciis suis, et terram ad predictam ecclesiam pertinentem per rectas diuisas suas, et alias terras in eadem uilla, que terre in carta eiusdem Comitis continentur: Et asiamenta insule que vocatur redinche communia uobis sicut et comiti ad proprios usus vestros, et vnam piscariam in They iuxta prenominatam insulam, et molendinum predicte uille de Lundors, cum omni secta sua et multura: Ecclesiam quoque de Dunde cum omnibus pertinenciis suis, et vnum toftum in burgo de Dunde, liberum et quietum ab omni seruicio et exaccione: Et ultra muneth, fintrith per rectas diuisas suas cum omnibus pertinenciis, et ecclesiam eiusdem uille, cum pertinenciis suis: Et in Garuiach, Ledhgauel et Malind cum omnibus pertinenciis suis et per rectas diuisas suas : Et ecclesiam de Rothket cum capellis suis, scilicet, Inueruryn et Munkegin, et cum aliis pertinenciis suis: Et ecclesiam de Durnach, ecclesiam de Prame, ecclesiam de Radmuriel, ecclesiam de Ingemabanin, ecclesiam de Culsamuel, et in episcopatu Lincolniensi ecclesiam de Cunigton; ecclesiam de Kelalemund cum capellis earundem ecclesiarum, terris, et decimis, et omnibus earum pertinenciis, ad proprios usus et sustentaciones vestras : Et vnum toftum in burgo de Inueruryn liberum et quietum ab omni seruicio et exaccione: Decimam eciam omnium lucrorum et placitorum eiusdem Comitis infra terram suam et extra ultra muneth, quam habuit tempore quo fecit donacionem istam: Et Decimam omnium lucrorum ipsius que ei proueniunt de lucris predicti Regis in toto regno suo, et decimam omnium Rerum dicti Comitis et heredum suorum ultra moneth: Ex donacione quoque memorati regis, vnum plenarium toftum in burgo suo de Berewic, et vnum plenarium toftum in burgo suo de Striuelin: | Et unum plenarium toftum in burgo suo de Karel, et vnum plenarium toftum in burgo suo de

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a MS. et.

De eligendo abbate.

Perth: Et vnum plenarium toftum in burgo suo de forfar, et vnum plenarium toftum in burgo suo de Munros, et vnum plenarium toftum in burgo suo de Aberden: Ex donacione uero Roberto de Lundres filij prefati regis, vnum plenarium toftum in burgo de Inuerkeythyn, sicut hec que prediximus iuste ac pacifice possidetis ut in donatorum earum scriptis auctenticis continetur, Vobis et per uos monasterio uestro auctoritate apostolica confirmamus. Sane Noualium uestrorum que propriis manibus aut sumptibus colitis, siue de nutrimentis animalium uestrorum nullus a uobis decimas exigere uel extorquere presumat. Liceat quoque uobis clericos et laicos liberos et absolutos e seculo fugientes ad conuersionem recipere, et eos absque contradiccione retinere. Prohibemus insuper ut nulli fratrum uestrorum post factam in eodem loco professionem fas sit absque abbatis sui licencia de eodem loco nisi arcioris religionis obtentu discedere. Discedentem uero absque communium litterarum caucione nullus audeat retinere. Cum autem generale interdictum terre fuerit, liceat uobis, clausis ianuis, exclusis excommunicatis et interdictis, non pulsatis campanis, suppressa uoce diuina officia celebrare. In parochialibus uero ecclesiis quas habetis, liceat uobis sacerdotes eligere, et diocesanis episcopis presentare, quibus si idonei fuerint episcopi curam animarum committant, ut eis de spiritualibus, vobis uero de temporalibus, debeant respondere. Crisma, uero, oleum sanctum, Consecraciones altarium seu basilicarum, ordinaciones clericorum qui ad sacros ordines fuerint promouendi a diocesano suscipietis episcopo si quidem catholicus fuerit, et graciam et communionem apostolice sedis habuerit, et ea uobis uoluerit sine pravitate qualibet exhibere. Alioquin liceat uobis quemcunque malueritis catholicum adire antistitem, graciam et communionem apostolice sedis habentem, qui nostra fretus auctoritate vobis quod postulatur impendat. Obeunte uero te nunc eiusdem loci abbate, uel tuorum quolibet successorum, nullus ibi qualibet surrepcionis astucia seu uiolencia preponatur, nisi quem fratres communi consensu uel fratrum maior pars consilij sanioris secundum dei timorem et Beati benedicti regulam prouiderint eligendum. Prohibemus eciam ne quis in uos uel monasterium vestrum excommunicacionis, suspensionis uel interdicti sentenciam, sine manifesta et racionabili causa, pro


mulgare presumat. Interdicimus, autem, ut nulli licitum sit infra terminos parochiarum vestrarum ecclesiam, cimiterium, oratorium uel xenodochium de nouo construere, seu constructa alij subdere, absque vestro et diocesani episcopi assensu, saluis priuilegiis romanorum pontificum. Sepulturam, preterea, ipsius loci liberam esse decernimus, ut eorum deuocioni et extreme uoluntati qui se illic sepelliri deliberauerint, nisi forte excommunicati uel interdicti sint, nullus obsistat, salua tamen iusticia illarum ecclesiarum a quibus mortuorum corpora assumuntur. Decernimus ergo ut nullis & omnino hominum fas" Ms.nullus. sit personas vestras seu monasterium ipsum temere perturbare, uel nouis et indebitis exaccionibus fatigare; aut hanc nostre paginam confirmacionis, exempcionis et constitutionis infringere, uel ei ausu temerario contraire: Si quis autem hoc attemptare presumpserit, indignacionem omnipotentis dei et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum eius se nouerit incursurum. Ad indicium, autem, huius a sede apostolica libertatis percepte duos bisancios nobis et successoribus nostris annis singulis persoluetis. Datum Lateran., viij Id. Marcij, Pontificatus nostri anno quarto.




CELESTINE, bishop, servant of the servants of God, to the abbot and brethren of the monastery of Lundors, etc. Having learned of the foundation and endowment of the monastery by Earl David, brother of our dearest son in Christ, William, the illustrious King of Scotland,' the Pope desires to promote his pious intentions; and therefore he exempts the monastery from the jurisdiction of all whomsoever, and takes it 'into the jurisdiction and possession of Blessed Peter.' He first decrees that the monastic order there instituted according to God and the rule of Blessed Benedict' should there for ever be inviolably observed. Further, all the possessions and goods which the monastery then justly and peaceably possessed, as well as those which might be afterwards acquired by the grants of pontiffs, the munificence of kings and princes, the offerings of the faithful, or by other just means, should remain secure and inviolate to the monks and their successors. Of these possessions the Pope judges that these following should be named : the place in which the monastery is situated, with all its pertinents; 'a free court on your lands and firm peace within the marches of the vill of Lundors itself, as the charter of the earl himself testifies'; the

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