Imágenes de páginas

church of Lundors and its pertinents, and the land pertaining to the church, and the other lands in the same vill which are contained in the earl's charter; the easements of the island which is called Redinche, for their use as for the use of the earl; a fishery in the Tay near the aforesaid island; the mill of the vill of Lundors with all its suit and multure; the church of Dundee; a toft in the burgh of Dundee, free of all service and exaction; beyond the Mounth, Fintrith, and the church of the same vill; and in Garviach, Ledhgavel, and Malind; and the church of Rothket with its chapels of Inveruryn and Munkegin, and with its other pertinents; the church of Durnach; the church of Prame; the church of Radmuriel; the church of Ingemabanin; the church of Culsamuel; and in the bishopric of Lincoln the church of Cunigton; the church of Kelalcmund; with the chapels of the same churches, their lands, tithes, and all their pertinents for your own use and maintenance'; and a toft in the burgh of Inveruryn, free and quit of all service and exaction; the tithe of all profits and issues of the earl's courts, both within and without his lands beyond the Mounth, which he had in the time when he made this gift; and a tithe of all the profits which come to the earl from the profits of the king throughout his whole kingdom; and a tithe of all the property of the earl and his heirs beyond the Mounth.

Further, of the gift of the king, a full toft in his burgh of Berwick; a full toft in his burgh of Stirling; a full toft in his burgh of Carel; a full toft in his burgh of Perth; a full toft in his burgh of Forfar; a full toft in his burgh of Munros, and a full toft in his burgh of Aberdeen.

Further, of the gift of Robert of London, son of the said king, a full toft in the burgh of Inverkeythyn.

All these things are to be possessed as in the charters of the donors is contained, and are confirmed to the monks of Lundors by apostolic authority.

'Let no one presume to exact or extort tithes from the fallow-lands (novaliis) which ye have brought under cultivation by your own hands or at your own cost, or tithes of the increase of your animals.'

It is lawful for the monks of Lundors to receive and retain without gainsaying clerks and laymen, if they be free and released, who fly from the world to the monastic life (ad conversionem). It shall not be lawful for any of the brethren, after having made his profession at Lundors, to leave that place without the permission of the abbot, unless it be with a view to enter a monastic order of stricter rule. Let no one dare to retain any one leaving the monastery without the precaution of common letters.

When the land is subjected to a general interdict, it shall be lawful for the monks to celebrate the divine offices in a low voice (suppressa voce), with closed doors, persons under sentence of excommunication and interdict having been excluded, and without the ringing of bells. For the parish churches which they have, it shall be lawful for the monks to elect priests, and to present them to the bishops of the

dioceses, to which priests, if they shall be fit, the bishops may commit the cure of souls, 'so that these parish clergy may answer to the bishops in spirituals, and to you in temporals.'

Chrism, holy oil, consecrations of altars and of churches, and the ordinations of clerks who should be advanced to holy orders are to be obtained by the monastery from the bishop of the diocese, if he be Catholic and possess the favour and fellowship of the Apostolic See, and is willing to grant these things without any pravity. Failing the diocesan bishop they might go to any bishop whom they preferred, who was Catholic and possessed the favour and fellowship of the Apostolic See, who, relying on the Pope's authority, would grant them what they sought. On the death of the abbot that now is, or of any of his successors, no one may be advanced to that office by deceit or violence. The brethren by common consent, or else the majority of the brethren, of saner counsel, shall provide that the abbot be elected in accordance with the fear of God and the rule of Blessed Benedict.

The Pope prohibits any one from presuming to promulgate a sentence of excommunication, suspension, or interdict, against the brethren or their monastery without manifest and reasonable cause.

It shall not be lawful for any to make a church, burying-ground, hospice (xenodochium), or oratory within the bounds of the parishes of the monastery, or to subject those already made to another, without the assent of the monks and that of the bishop of the diocese, saving the privileges of the Roman pontiffs. Sepulture in the place itself shall be free, so that none may oppose the devotion and last will of those who shall choose to be buried there, unless they happen to be excommunicated or under interdict, saving always the just claim (justicia) of those churches from which the bodies of the dead are taken.

It shall not be lawful for any one to rashly disturb the monks or the monastery, or to harass them with new and undue exactions, or to infringe or rashly contravene this writ of the Pope's confirmation, exemption, and constitution. But if any one shall presume to attempt this, let him know that he will incur the indignation of Almighty God and of Blessed Peter and Paul, His Apostles.' In token of this liberty received from the Apostolic See the monks are to pay yearly to the Pope and his successors two bezants.

Given at the Lateran, viij. Ides of March [March 8] in the fourth year of our pontificate [i.e. A.D. 1195].1


Magnum priuilegium Innocencii tercij. | INNOCENCIVS episcopus, seruus seruorum Dei, Dilectis filiis Guidoni Abbati monasterij sancte marie de Lundors, eiusque Celestine III. began his pontificate, 14th April 1191.

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fratribus tam presentibus quam futuris regularem uitam professis in perpetuum. Religiosam uitam eligentibus apostolicum conuenit adesse presidium, ne forte cuiuslibet temeritatis incursus aut eos a proposito reuocet, aut robur, quod absit, sacre religionis infringat. Ea propter, Dilecti in domino filij, uestris iustis postulacionibus clementer annuimus, et prefatum monasterium sancte marie de Lundors in quo diuino estis obsequio mancipati sub beati petri et nostra proteccione suscipimus, et presentis scripti priuilegio communimus. In primis siquidem statuentes ut ordo monasticus, qui secundum deum et beati benedicti regulam in eodem monasterio institutus esse dinoscitur, perpetuis ibidem temporibus inuiolabiliter obseruetur. Preterea quascunque possessiones, quecunque bona idem monasterium in presenciarum iuste et canonice possidet, aut in futurum concessione pontificum, largicione regum uel principum, oblacione fidelium, seu aliis iustis modis, prestante domino, poterit adipisci, firma uobis vestrisque successoribus, et illibata permaneant. In quibus hec propriis duximus exprimenda uocabulis: Locum ipsum in quo prefatum monasterium a dilecto filio nobili uiro Dauid Comite, fratre Karissimi in Christo filij nostri W. illustris Scocie Regis, constructum est cum omnibus pertinenciis suis per suas rectas diuisas, et liberam curiam in terra uestra et firmam pacem infra diuisas ipsius uille de Lundors, sicut carta predicti Comitis protestatur: Ecclesiam quoque eiusdem uille de Lundors cum omnibus pertinenciis suis, scilicet, capellas de Dundemor, et terram ad predictam ecclesiam pertinentem per suas rectas diuisas, et alias terras in eadem uilla, sicut in carta eiusdem Comitis continetur: Insulam que uocatur Redinche, et piscarias in they iuxta prenominatam insulam: Molendinum de Lundors cum omni secta sua et multura: Ecclesiam quoque de Dunde cum omnibus pertinenciis suis, et terram ad eandem ecclesiam pertinentem, et vnum toftum in burgo de Dunde liberum et quietum ab omni seruicio et exaccione, et vnam karucatam terre in uilla de Newtile, et in uilla de Perth terram que uocatur Insula: Ultra Moneth, fintreth per suas rectas diuisas, cum omnibus pertinenciis suis, ecclesiam eiusdem uille, cum omnibus pertinenciis suis: In Garuiach, Ledgauel et Malind cum omnibus pertinenciis suis per suas

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